The Michgan Daily - Monday, October 4,1993- 7
If turnout at last weekend's 1993
Michigan Conservative Conference
is any indicator, more campus radios
are tuning in to Rush Limbaugh.
Conference organizer John
Damoose, president of the College
Republicans and an LSA senior, said
about 65 people attended each event
connected with the forum. The Col-
lege Republicans and Students for
America hosted the event last week-
Damoose said, "It was fantastic.
The quality of speakers was outstand-
He said he was impressed by at-
*tendance at the events, especially Fri-
daynight'sdebatebetweenRep. Wil-
liam Dannemeyer (R-Calif.) and
former State Rep. Stephen Dresh.
"We even had 65 people Friday
night," he said. "It's kind of symbolic
of a rebirth of conservatism on cam-
Christian Cali, an LSA junior and
Students for America member who
also planned the forum, said he found
Friday night's debate stimulating.
"I was really motivated by what
went on," he said.
Damoose agreed.
"It was a highly intellectual ex-
change of ideas," he said. "I think
people took a lot away from it."
Thursday evening featured a lec-
ture by Ron Robinson, president of
Young America's Foundation. He
Odiscussed "Student Rights in the
His speech cautioned against
speech codes and political correct-
ness, which he said inhibit the free
exchange of ideas in the University
Wednesday, syndicatedcolumnist
and former Washington Times Deputy
Editorial Page Editor Samuel Francis
spoke on "Multiculturalism and Po-
litical Correctness at the University."
His lecture addressed the difficul-
ties and dangers of being a college
conservative on this campus in 1993.
Francis said multiculturalism and
political correctness threaten safety
and freedom in the classroom.
College Republicans Publicity
Chair Mike Christie, an LSA junior,
said he believes it is not that difficult
to be a college conservative. He said
the key is to maintain commitment to
But Damoose agreed with Francis'
assertions that the strong leftist pres-
ence on campus creates a hostile en-
vironment for conservative students.
This is why it is important for
conservatives to band together, he
aid, adding that both the College
Republicans and Students for America
plan to build on the excitement they
think the conference stirred on cam-
"We plan to continue the speakers
program," Damoose said. "In light of
the new enthusiasm we intend to do a
lot with spreading our ideology
throughout campus using posters and
newl rsai that, while recruitment
was not originally intended as a pur-
pose of the conference, he plans to
work with the base of students who
attended forum events.
He added that he hopes the two
groups can continue to work together
to plan events for conservative stu-
dents at the University.
- Daily News Editor Melissa
Peerless contributed to this report
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GOP questions funding in
Clinton health care plan
Rodham Clinton's soothing testimony
about health reform didn't lay to rest
all of lawmakers' concerns about
whether the Clinton plan will really
cure America's health problems.
Doubts persist about whether
President Clinton will be able to de-
liver on his promise of big savings
and expensive new health benefits for
the young and old.
"We learned she's one helluva
witness," said Rep. Fortney Pete Stark,
(D-Calif.), the chair of the Ways and
Means health subcommittee. "The
president's goals are marvelous. But
there's along way between where this
country is today and universal access
and coverage."
Many Republicans fear that the
White House blueprint would only
make matters worse in a country with
i5percent of its population uninsured
despite spending $900billionayearon
health care.
They question whetherClinton will
really be able tofindenough savings to
pay for such promises as prescription
drugs for the elderly andan 80 percent
government subsidy to provide fully
health coverage for early retirees at
age 55.
Mrs. Clinton assured him it would
corporations now saddled with steep
healthbillsforsuperannuated workers
in a betterposition to compete against
the Japanese and other rivals overseas.
There have been other estimates
that it might cost $10 billion. And a
skeptical Senate Minority Leader Bob
Dole of Kansas told the American
Medical Association, "We get esti-
mates as high as $80 billion" for the
cost of covering early retirees. How
can the nation afford it, he asked.
Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-
N.Y.), the chairof the Senate Finance
Committee, questioned whether the
Clinton numbers could pass "areality
The White House health team may
havedoneitsbeston the numbers, "but
I would still bet a dime to a dollar
they're wrong" based on the history of
errant government forecasts, said
Clinton's yet-to-be-introduced
plan is not the only game in town.
Eighty-nine House Democrats and
five senatorsare backing abill toabol-
ish private insurance and let the gov-
ernment raise taxes to pay all medical
Several dozen moderates from both
parties will make a push this week for
pure "managed competition" and a
less regulatory approach to health re-
form. They include Sens. David
Durenberger (R-Minn.), and John
Breaux (D-La.), and Reps. Fred
Grandy (R-Iowa) and Jim Cooper,
Conservative Republicans have no
faith at all in the Clinton health plan
and its promise of coverage for all by
1997 and medical inflation cut in half
within five years.
"All of this is contingent on the
federal governmentrunning the health
care system... more efficiently, cutting
red tape," said Sen. Phil Gramm (R-
Texas) on CNN's "Crossfire" Thurs-
day. "I mean, who are we kidding?"
Another conservative, Rep. Newt
Gingrich (R-Ga.) agreed. "It is not a
question of whether Bill Clinton is a
good speechmaker or whether Hillary
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IRA pledgessupport
fora peace agreemenuit z
in Northern Ireland
Clinton is a good witness," he said
Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"The question is... read what they are
saying in theirplan. Itis an atrocity and
it is unbelievable how bad itis, and for
10 days now, the city of Washington
has been gagaover personality when it
should be investigating the plan."
DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) - The
Irish Republican Army welcomed a
new peace initiative by two parties in
Northern Ireland, yesterday, saying it
has a "vested interest" in ending a
quarter-century of bloodshed.
The IRA, which is fighting Brit-
ish rule in the province, said that
although the British government has
reacted negatively to the plan, "if the
political will exists or can be created,
it could provide the basis for peace."
Its statement was issued in Dublin.
The leader of Sinn Fein, the IRA's
political wing and one of the two
parties behind the peace plan, said the
current talks could mean peace for
the province after 25 years of blood-
shed, a report said.
"This is one of the best opportuni-
ties for peace since what are now
called the troubles began in 1968,"
Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams was
quoted as saying in the Independent
Adams has been meeting since
April with John Hume, leader of the
mainstream Roman Catholic Social
Twenty-five years of
bloodshed may be
coming to an end as
both the Irish
Republican Army and
the British government
pledge support for new
Democratic and Labor Party. They
submitted a report on their progress to
the Irish government a week ago, but
details have not been released.
Adams and Hume said, however,
that their plan proposes the participa-
tion in talks of all political parties in
Northern Ireland, as well as the Brit-
ish and Irish governments.
More than 3,000 people have died
in 25 years of political and sectarian
violence in Northern Ireland.
The IRA statement came just two
days after thegroupsetoff three bombs
in north Londoninjuring five people.
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