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October 04, 1993 - Image 1

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x DeNiro marks
directorial debut
in 'A Bronx Tale'

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIV, No 4 Ann Arbor. Michigan - Monday, October

Violence escalates in Russian capital

Yeltsin declares
state of emergency
after hard-liners
attack government
MOSCOW (AP)-Thousands of
screaming hard-line protesters hurl-
ing rocks and bottles at fleeing police
broke the government's siege of par-
liament and seized other key installa-
tions yesterday in the worst political
violence in Moscow since the Bol-
shevik Revolution.
President Boris Yeltsin declared a
state of emergency in,Moscow, giv-
ing police wide power to crack down
on unrest if they could, and appealed
to people not to aid the protest. "We
call upon your common sense and
responsibility for the fate of your chil-
0 dren," a government statement said.
Protesters overwhelmed riot po-
lice in vicious street fighting and
smashed their way into the headquar-

ters of the Moscow city government
and the headquarters of ITAR-Tass,
the Russian news agency. They at-
tacked the country's main television
complex with rocket-propelled gre-
nades as government commandos and
paratroopers fought back. Three TV
channels went off the air.
At least six people were killed,
including four soldiers, city officials
said. Dozens were injured, some when
they were run over by trucks driven
by protesters to break through lines of
riot police. The Interfax news agency
reported eight people were killed in
fighting at the TV complex, but there
was no immediate confirmation.
Hard-line lawmakers urged their
triumphant followers to seize other
installations and take control of the
government. They called for Yeltsin's
overthrow and the "liquidation" of
his government.
"We have to take the Kremlin,"
parliament speaker Ruslan
Khasbulatov told the parliament, re-

ferring to the government seat of
power where Yeltsin was in his office
after rushing back by helicopter from
a weekend in the countryside.
Government forces guarded the
Kremlin, and Yeltsin supporters
erected barricades at the Kremlin and
at City Hall.
The chaos dramatically deepened
the political crisis that began Sept. 21
when Yeltsin dissolved parliament
and ordered parliamentary elections
in a bid to end his power struggle with
hard-line lawmakers. About 100 law-
makers with hundreds of armed sup-
porters have been holed up in the
parliament building, refusing
Yeltsin's order to disband. Govern-
ment forces had ringed the building,
called the White House, for 13 days.
The show of force by the hard-
liners caught the capital by surprise
and it was difficult to gauge their
strength or possible support. There
was little sign of popular support for
the protesters as they fought their way

through the city center to the parlia-
ment. Onlookers watched or fled de-
spite calls from the protesters to join
In an ominous sign for the govern-
ment, scores of police defected to the
parliament side. It was not clear if
they were supporting the protesters or
just trying to save their lives. Protest-
ers also took dozens of riot police
The protesters were an odd mix-
ture of communists, fascists and ex-
treme nationalists united by their op-
position to Yeltsin and his democratic
political and free market reforms.
Talks between the lawmakers and
the government on ending the crisis
continued for a third day under the
mediation of the Russian Orthodox
Church despite the violence. Law-
makers' representatives presented
new demands yesterday, insisting
Yeltsin revoke his decrees disband-
ing parliament.
Lawmakers also called for joint

elections for president and parliament
in March. Yeltsin opposes joint elec-
tions, saying parliamentary elections
will be in December with a presiden-
tial vote in June.
Parts of central Moscow were
turned into a virtual battle zone as up
to 10,000 protesters armed with sticks,
clubs and rocks broke through line
after line of riot police. Officers were
beaten to the ground and savagely
punched and kicked by the enraged
protesters who waved red Soviet flags.
"Death to Yeltsin" and "Out with
the fascists," protesters screamed.
Some also yelled "Down with
Riot police, many of them young
conscripts, appeared caught by sur-
prise by the protest. Police trying to
stop the protesters as they advanced
through the city center were outnum-
bered and outfought.
Police moved up water cannon but
were overwhelmed before they could
be used.

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earthouake 1 ..

KILLARI, India (AP) - The In-
dian army cracked down on looting in
the country's earthquake-stricken
southwest yesterday, taking control
of police and civilian authorities and
blocking outsiders from shattered vil-
Tremors continued to shudder
through Maharashtra state, where as
many as 30,000 people died in
Thursday's earthquake.
In the days following the disaster,
looters have slipped into villages in
the guise of volunteers, stripping
corpses ofjewelry and wrecked homes
of any valuables that could be carried"
away, relief workers said.
"I'm not allowing anyone today to
work in the villages unless they are,
cleared by the army," said Col. S.K.
Joshi, head of the relief effort for

Killari and four surrounding villages.
"We are allowing only genuine
voluntary groups in. They are being
issued identification cards to avoid
the thieving which has been going on
the last two days."
The army barricades brought more
hardship to victims driven from their
homes by the earthquake.
"I do not understand these men in
uniforms. They won't even let me
into my own house," said Jagannath
Kumble, a 65-year-old farmer who
was not allowed to enter his village.
Helicopters dropped food in iso-
lated villages, and medical teams be-
gan a massive operation to inoculate
survivors against cholera. Officials
fear the disease may spread through
water contaminated by the putrefying.
bodies of people and livestock.

Russian President 1oris :Y tsin
declared a state o eimer ncy
yesterday after pro ster seized
several key install ions.
Ostankino Television
and Radio Center
Protesters attacked the complex
with rocket-propelled grenades as
government commandos fought
U.S. Embassy
s- Kremi
Moscow _
Comecon Bldg.
(Mayor's office)
. G
1 mile
1 km
Search for
new Law
dean begins
University officials are busy at
work" trying to fill a big hole in the
University Law School..
Law School Dean Lee Bollinger's
decision to leave campus next fall for
an administrative position at
Dartmouth Col-
lege has left offi-
cials searching °
for a committee ws',
to find a replace-
leave the Univer-
sity June 30,1994
after serving on
the Law School Bollinger
faculty since
1973, including seven years as dean.
"Provost (and Executive Vice
President of Academic Affairs Gil-
bert) Whitaker very reluctantly ac-
cepted his resignation," said Kay
Dawson, assistant to the provost.
The search committee, although
not yet assembled, will be comprised
of seven to nine members, including
students and senior faculty from the
Law School. Whitaker will choose
committee members from a pool of
candidates nominated by the Law
School faculty.
The search committee will be re-
sponsible for recommending candi-
dates, but will serve only in an advi-
sory capacity.
Dawson said factors important for
search committee members include
experience, diversity and relations
with other University departments.
The replacement candidates for
Bollinger's position will go through a
process of investigations and inter-
views before four or five unranked
applicants are presented to Whitaker.
Whitaker will then make a deci-
sion before final approval comes from

the University Board of Regents.
In a letter to the Law School fac-
ulty, Provost Whitaker expressed dis-
appointment over the resignation, say-
ing, "While I regret very much his
decision to leave Michigan, I respect

A family sits outside the ruins of what was once its home last week after India's largest earthquake in 50 years.

Quake shocks students

LSA junior Rujuta Gaonkar
worked with women in Indian vil-.
lages outside Bombay last summer to
establish a pre-school program for
young children to affirm the impor-
tance of education in these communi-
But her efforts literally crumbled
Thursday night as the worst earth-
quake in the subcontinent since 1935
demolished much of India's central
and western states of Maharashtra,
Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
Gaonkar said she immediately
thought of her relatives in Bombay,
280 miles from the epicenter in
Maharashtra, when she first heard
about the earthquake, but felt relief
when her parents reassured her that
her relatives only faced tremors.
In a twist of fate, Gaonkar re-
ceived a phone call from her father
last night informing her that the vil-

throug hfamily,
12 miles below surface, the plates
involved in the India earthquake weres
only 4 miles beneath the surface and
thus inflicted greater damage.
The 1989 San Francisco earth-E
quake killed 63 victims and left 13,8924
people homeless, while the devasta-
tion in India has resulted in an esti-
mated 21,000 dead, 10,000 injured
and 10,000 missing or trapped be-
neath rubble.
Engineering graduate studentl
Gauri Thergaonkar originates from
the state of Maharashtra. She said she
cal Office said the visited many of the destroyed vil-I
3.0 on the Richter lages two years ago, the summer be-
ologica vey fore she arrived in Ann Arbor.4
istered .Thergaonkar visited the villagesI
to see sites sacred to the Hindu faith..
ursday. Six * Remembering the environment the
ed Thursday and villagers lived in, she recalled,4
"They're not very rich, but most
people are very happy there."
1) Thergaonkar's relative, AparnaI
Karve, arrived in Ann Arbor yester-I

metropolis of Hyderabad felt trem-
ors, but was not affected as much as
the villages.
Karve said school districts closed
educational institutions Friday for fear
of another earthquake. The airport
remained open, but she added, "The
mood in the city was quite tense."
Karve said she also visited the
villages Thergaonkar did. She said
most village homes used to be thatched
huts. Just this year many homes were
stabilized with a thin cement.
"(Their houses) were their own
tombs," Karve said, noting that most
villagers were killed in sleep as the
earthquake rattled and devoured their
Apart from personal experiences,
students confessed to being unaware
of the tragedy that has killed an esti-
mated 21,000 people. School of Phar-
macy graduate student Muhammad
Mamdani explained this ignorance to
the lack of direct pertinence to stu-


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