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October 01, 1993 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-01

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Daily Staff Reporter David Shepardson
investigates the University's Washington office,
which lobbies Congress on behalf of students.
Jessica Fletcher would be proud.

Jessye Norman's performance at Hill Auditorium
Wednesday night once again proved she is a class
of her very own. Read Keren Schweitzer's review.

Michigan's football team begins Big Ten play
tomorrow against Iowa. As the Wolverines eye
their sixth straight Big Ten title, questions abound
as to whether they can return to the Rose Bowl.

Partly cloudy, warmer;
High 64, Low 51
Mostly cloudy; High 59, Low 46



One hundred three years of editorial freedom


Vol. CIV, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 1, 1993 01993 The Michigan Daily
ACLU calls law school journal No.1I art censor


A University Law School publi-
cation has been named "Arts Censor
of the Year" by the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU). The stu-
dent editorial board of The Michi-
gan Journal of Gender and Law re-
ceived the award in connection with
acensorship controversy which dates
back to last October.
The ACLU began giving out the
dubious honor last year, attempting
to call attention to perceived assaults
on the First Amendment right to free
Hc nresidents
infavor of
health plan
LANSING (AP) - A majority of
Michigan residents want Congress to
approve President Clinton's health care
plan, a poll released yesterday by the
Michigan Hospital Association says.
By a 57 percent to 27 percent mar-
gin, Michigan residents wanttheircon-
gressional representatives to vote for
the plan, the poll found.
"In terms of public receptivity for
health care reform, they want it, they
want it now," said Spencer Johnson,
"They want health security. They
want affordable health care."
Sandra Bennett Bruce, chair of the
association's board, said Clinton will
find a friendly audience for such ideas
as universal coverage, splitting the cost
of insurance between employers and
employees and raising "sin taxes."
But they were leery of too much
government involvement in the plan,
said Bruce, chief executive officer of
the Mercy Community Health Care
System in Muskegon.
The poll of 600 Michigan residents
was done Friday through Sunday by the
Lansing-based Public Sector Consult-
ants. Ithadamarginof errorof5 percent.
The survey found:
77 percent support having the
federal government guarantee health
care insurance to all Americans;
*83 percent support increasing the
cigarette tax and 86 percent favored
* hi gher alcohol taxes to pay for the health
care plan;
* 58 percent support requiring all
employers to pay 80 percent of the cost
of health insurance and 75 percent sup-
ported requiring every individual to pay
20 percent of the costs of coverage.
Johnson said the willingness to pay was
"Generally, when you look at these
polls, folks want a lot of coverage, but

speech and artistic expression. The
Journal shares the distinction this
year with nine other groups around
the country.
The ACLU pinpointed the Jour-
nal for requesting that Ann Arbor
artist Carol Jacobsen remove a vid-
eotape from her display at a law
school conference on prostitution
last October. Student organizers -
responding to a complaint by an-
other speaker - claimed images in
the video were taken from commer-
cial pornographic films.
ButJacobsen said her multi-media

exhibit, entitled "Porn' im' age'ry: Pic-
turing Prostitutes," was intended to give
a voice to prostitutes, and included a
documentary of prostitute interviews.
When asked to remove a portion of
the display, Jacobsen declared her work
would stay intact or she would dis-
mantle the entire exhibit. When the
organizers refused to display the video,
Jacobsen yanked her show.
"This was one of the major censor-
ship events of the year," said ACLU
Arts Censorship Project Director
Marjorie Heins. She said this episode
was particularly chilling because it was

censorship of a woman artist's work
about women in the name of feminism
and women's rights.
However, one of the students in-
volved in the Jacobsen controversy dis-
counted the censorship prize. "This is
an award for a non-event," said third-
year Law School student Bryan Wells.
"This has little to do with the First
Wells is on the Journal's student
editorial board and was involved in the
decision toremove the tape. He claimed
he and the other student editors were
entitled to set the agenda for the event.

"This was not suppression of art or
speech," he said. "We don't have to
show this at an event we arranged."
Butthe award was goodnews to the
artist."I was glad to hear it," Jacobsen
said. "They deserve it."
The local conflict sparked national
debate on pornography, feminism and
free-speech. It was eventually covered
in the New York Times, Detroit Free
Press, San Francisco Chronicle and
other national newspapers and televi-
sion news broadcasts.
Heins said she hopes the award will
call attention to free speech restrictions

on college campuses. Other recipients
of the "award" included the Federal
Communications Commission for try-
ing to silence radio personality Howard
Stern, and a Wisconsin school district
for banning Judy Blume's novel "For-
Jacobsen and the ACLU threatened
legal action against the law school.
They later reached a settlement, receiv-
ing funds to reinstall the exhibit and
permission to organize a forumon sex
workers, feminism and censorship. The
exhibit and forum is scheduled for Oct.
15 and 16 at the law school.

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owa irs i
te f Blu
n s or

The Iowa football team started this season
looking to rebound after winning just five
games last season and not receiving a bowl
invitation for only the second time in the pre-
vious 12 seasons.
Season-opening one- and three-point victo-
ries over football powers Tulsa and Iowa State,
respectively, might be considered an improve-
ment, considering Iowa's 1-4 non-conference
record last year.
However, the 31-0 whitewashing at the
hands of Penn State two weeks ago has Iowa
(0-1 Big Ten, 2-1 overall) talking bounce back
once again when it comes to Ann Arbor to
challenge No. 8 Michigan (0-0, 2-1.)
For Michigan, Iowa represents the confer-
ence opener and the official beginning of its
quest for a record sixth-consecutive Big Ten
title. The Wolverines have opened conference
play against the Hawkeyes seven times, includ-
ing the last two seasons, and have won each
Since Iowa already has a conference loss
going into the game, it has special motivation
coming from its embarrassing loss to the Nittany
"It's our first Big Ten game and it's their
second," Michigan back Tyrone Wheatley said.
"They're going to try to get back into the race and
try to keep us out of it, so I think it's going to be
avery competitive game.".
The shutout against Penn State, the first suf-

fered by the Hawkeyes at home since the Wol-
verines did the honors, 34-0, in 1978, belies the
offensive talent which coach Hayden Fry pos-
sesses. Still, Michigan coach Gary Moeller
finds little solace in the poor showing.
"The Iowa team you saw two weeks ago in
a losing effort is not going to be indicative of
the team that they'll bring in Saturday," Michi-
gan coach Gary Moeller said.
The operative phrase in Moeller's sentence
is "two weeks." Because of a scheduling quirk,
Iowa did not play last Saturday, giving them
extra time to focus on the task at hand.
While trying to make his offense more
potent, Fry had few experienced players to
assist him. Wide receiver Harold Jasper is the
See IOWA, Page 11

Michigan stretches out to catch another Big Ten championship as it begins its run this Saturday in its
conference opener against the Iowa Hawkeyes at Michigan Stadium

Gay rights advocates question ROTC 'don't ask, don't tell'

Big changes could be in store for campus
attitudes and policies this fall, in ROTC as well as
gay activist circles, as students face the first
academic year under President Clinton's "don't
ask, don't tell" military policy.
As a branch of the U.S. military, ROTC, which
is responsible for recruiting more than 70 percent
of today's military personnel, is subjected to the
new rule affecting the armed forces.
Under the new policy, students are no longer

required to sign a form stating they are hetero-
sexual in order tojoin ROTC.
However, as in the military, the ban against
homosexual activity is still in effect, and "if
someone is engaged in direct homosexual type of
activity, that actually could result in their being
removed from the service," said Robert Shep-
herd, the public affairs officer for the U.S. Army
ROTC Cadet Command.
Clinton's policy -a compromise of his origi-
nal campaign promise - is affecting ROTCs on
college campuses nationwide for the first time,

and gay rights groups are not satisfied.
TheAmerican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
is unhappy with the policy's implications for
ROTC, and it is prepared to fight.
National ACLU spokesperson Alexander
Robinson contends that ROTC should be re-
moved from campuses because it violates many
universities' non-discrimination policies.
The nationalACLU is currently involved in a
legal battle supporting several plaintiffs against
the "don't isk, don't tell" policy, citing the equal
protection provision, First Amendment and right

to free association under the Constitution.
Thequestion of discrimination in ROTC isnot
a new one. A national debate escalated on cam-
puses about five years ago, when student demon-
strators called for the ban of ROTC based on
discrimination against gays and lesbians. Several
institutions, including Harvard University, Colby
College and Rutgers University, abandoned their
ROTC programs altogether.
BonnieNix,presidentof the UniversityACLU,
is hesitant about calling forany drastic action. "I
See ROTC, Page 2

Cultural conference posters spur protest;
image said to be exploitative of women


A woman holds achildto her breast,
tenderly nourishing it with mother's
milk. Herhands wrap around the fragile
body, protecting the infant from poten-
tial harm. It is an image of security.
The baby is white. The woman is
Blackandpartially clothed. Nowitisan
image of controversy.
The picture - originally used in a.
United Colors of Benetton advertise-
ment that was later banned in the United
Rtti - isna used in nromnte a

Stephanie Estes-James and
Cathleen Conway-Perrin said they both
were shocked that CSST chose the
picture to promote its event.They claim
the poster is another case of exploita-
tion that involves all women, regard-
less of race.
"No one read what (the confer-
ence) was about. The poster captured
you by the nudity," Estes-James said.
"If it were a white person with a Black
baby there would still be a problem."
Estes-James and Conway-Perrin

Hall due to its offensive nature.
"It should have been made clear on
the poster what their intentions were,"
Conway-Perrin said. "We're not saying
there never should be nudity. It's not
censorship. We just want them to be
aware of how this would effect others."
Nicholas Dirks, professor of history
and anthropology, is one of the
conference's organizers. He said he feels
deeply sorry the poster offended people
and stressed that was not its intent.
"We are being critical of these im-
ages in the conference," Dirks said.

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