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September 09, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-09-09

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Sound off! The Daily today kicks off its automated
reader response line. Just dial 764-0553 and let
us know what you think about the Daily and the

The summer movie season has come and gone.
From Arnie to Clint to VanDamme, Michael
Thompson takes a look at the good, the bad and
the ugly.

The Michigan volleyball team split its two games in
the inaugural Michigan Volleyball Challenge, falling
to Stanford but rebounding to beat Washington.


Cloudy, chance of rain;
High 68, Low 47
Partly cloudy; High 72, Low 55


r twittd
One hundred two years of editorial, freedom



'The gods were
not looking on
us favorably'

LSA sophomore Jeff Montgomery knew mov-
ing in was not going to be easy. Not only was it
raining, but the elevators leading to his South
Quad room were closed due to renovation.
Montgomery lives on the seventh floor.
"Everything, no matter how heavy, had to be
taken up seven flights of stairs," he said. "It made
my move-in kind of an ordeal."
Montgomery is just one of the 9,700 Univer-
sity students who found themselves victim to
renovations, traffic jams and poor weather while
moving into residence halls.
"The gods were not looking on us favorably,"
said Alan Levy, director of Public Affairs and
Information for the University Housing Division.
Levy called this year's move-in "both more
hectic and more difficult than the last four years. It
is the first time we ever had student move-in on a
weekday ... and in a torrential downpour."
Students were allowed to move into the resi-
dence halls earlier than usual because of an early
football game. Students were notified they could
not move in last Saturday, but Levy said those who
showed up were permitted to do so.
'We unanimously agreed that piling student
move-in and the home game would paralyze the
city," Levy said. "Less than a dozen students
system-wide attempted to move in on Saturday."
As a result, 70 percent of the students moved in
on Thursday.
Levy said the most congested areas were the
Hill Area dorms because parking was limited due
to the fact that it was a normal business day.
LSA first-year student Marianna Constant and
her parents were among the people trapped in
bumper-to-bumper traffic when she tried to move
into Couzens. "We circled the building for 45
minutes before we could get in," she said.

West Quad resident Brian Grant lived in Ann
Arbor over the summer but still got stuck moving
in on Thursday -his lease expired a week earlier.
"I had no place to live so I didn'thave achoice,"
Grant said. "I couldn't check in for hours. I started
packing at four and finished moving my stuff in at
one in the morning."
Several students and parents tried to make the
move easier by breaking it up over several days.
Betsey Barbour resident Amparo Bertram and her
parents, Robert andMary, began last Thursday and
finished five days later.
"When we started out, it was raining and we
had to carry all the boxes two to three blocks,"
Mary said. "The next day we gothere ateight in the
morning. Being the first one made it a lot easier."
However, as students get older and more famil-
iar with University life, many said they find mov-
ing back into the dorms becomes a little easier.
LSA senior June Sasser has perfected her mov-
ing-in strategy. Not only does MarthaCook Build-
ing have an elevator, but Sasser's four brothers and
sisters helped her bring everything inside.
"It only takes one trip," Sasser said.
This will be the fourth yearLSA seniors Patrick
Doyle and David Schairer will call East Quad
"The first couple of years, we didn'tknow they
had elevators," Doyle said. "Each year it becomes
easier because you bring less and you have a better
idea of when to come."
Doyle and Schairer have also been roommates
- in the same room - for the last three years.
'We know where everything goes," Schairer
said. "It's less fun but less effort."
LSA sophomore Jennette Swartout works at
South Quad's front desk and moved in early,
something she recommends for every student.
"My move was effortless. If there's any way to
move in early, do it," she said.

Chad Joseph (left) and Chad Cheatwood, both of Bowling Green, Ohio, unload lofts outside South Quad Tuesday.

Programs help students cope

Being the new kid in class is never easy.
In an attempt to make the transition as pain-
less as possible, the University is trying
something a little different this year.
Thanks to a program called "Welcome to
Michigan '93," both new and old students
were greeted with a week full of events and
parties to celebrate the new academic year.
"The goal of the program was to get
students on campus and make them feel as
comfortable as possible ... before they get in

the classroom," said DebMoriarty, program
Moriarty, along with members of various
faculty and student groups, organized the
week-long event. This is the first year such a
program - which included campus tours,
student rallies and academic open houses -
has been organized for students.
"It's intimidating to be on such a big
campus as Michigan, especially when you
came from a small high school," she said. "It
was a way to let students know you're not
just a number around here."

First-yearstudentLowellZuckerman said
his transition to University life was better
than he expected it to be. "I met tons of
friendly people. I'm excited to be in a new
home," he added.
Organizers said the events were planned
around the residence hall move-in, which
was earlier than usual this year due to the first
football game. Although the events were
open to all students, the week focused on the
needs of new students.
"They tried to pick up where orientation
See PROGRAMS, Page 2



Alcohol policy gears to limit use, inform

*steady as
legal costs
TheUniversitypaidoutside law firms
nearly $1.1 million to handle its legal
work last year, the most it has ever spent
in the nine years it has kept records on
the subject.
The increasing figures reflect the
mounting costs of attorneys, as well as
the University's desire to stand by its
principles - even if it means waging
costly court battles over them.
'We don't want to look as if we're a
deep pocket, and settle every case that
comes in," said University General
Counsel Elsa Cole. "So we want to be
aggressive, and that may cost a lot of
The most recent records, released
last week, detail the cost of private legal
work during the 1992-93 fiscal year,
which ended June 30.
Costs included:

The final draft of the alcohol
policy echoes the Statement of
Student Rights and responsibili-
ties in prohibiting:
Unlawful possession, use,
manufacture, sale or distribu-
tion of alcohol or other drugs on
Illegal sale, distribution or
manufacture of drugs if such
action occurs a) on campus b)
within a 30 mile radius of
campus or c) regardless of
geographic boundaries if the
student has been convicted of a
drug-related (other than alcohol)
offense on a court of law.
The final draft of the policy also
provides information about
prevention of alcohol and other
drug use.

Students thirsting for a cold beer
should think twice this fall. The Univer-
sity is working on instituting a new
policy that aims to educate and disci-
pline students who use alcoholand other
drugs on campus.
A violation is defined as any illegal
consumption of alcohol or other drugs,
including underage drinking, on cam-
pus and off campus atUniversity events
and includes the illegal sale, distribu-
tion or manufacture of drugs within a
30-mile radius of campus.
If passed in its current form, a viola-
tion of the policy could result in aformal
reprimand, community service or aca-
demic suspension. Sanctions will be
based on the harm of the drug, the
quantity, the effect of the conduct on the
student and the University community,

and other criteria.
The policy duplicates and supple-
ments violations of the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities, the
non-academic code of student conduct,
and will be investigated through the
mechanisms found in that document.
Michigan Student Assembly Vice
President Brian Kight pointed out that
the policy does not change the current
disciplinary procedure for students.
"Because thecode already does more
than federal laws call for, the committee
didn'tneed to have additional sanctions
for alcohol and other drug use," he said.
University administrators, staff and
students drafted the policy this summer.
The University's Alcohol and Other
Drugs Committee completed this draft
in response to recommendations from
the University's Task Force on Alcohol
and Other Drugs and to comply with the

Drug Free Schools and Communities
Act-a federal law stipulating students
must be made aware of the health haz-
ards of drug and alcohol use, state and
local drug laws and counseling avail-
able to students.
The policy must be reviewed by the
Office of the General Counsel and other
administrators before implementation.
Much of the debate during the draft
process focused on how the policy
should address student groups, such as
.Interfraternity Council President
Polk Wagnerapplauded the committee's
attempt to address students in organiza-
tions. "It shows that the University is
willing to take some leadership in re-
gards to student groups," Wagner said.
Student organizations are not di-
rectly addressed in the policy, but the
policy includes recommended guide-

lines for student organization events.
"I think (the guidelines) are still
too specific and I think it is intended
by some people to be astepping stone
to a campus-enforced policy," Kight
"I'm concerned that this will be
interpreted as a list of 'do nots,' but
they are not," Kight said.
Neither Kight nor Wagner said
they expected to see student organi-
zations directly addressed in the final
policy because there is no precedent
in dealing with student groups in
University policy-making.
Currently, groups that hold par-
ties in the Michigan Union, the North
Campus Commons or the Michigan
League are held to different stan-
dards than groups who use their own
facilities because of regulations in
the Social Events Policy.

Duderstadt tabs Roberson as AD

The veil has been lifted and the
waiting is over. Ending months of specu-
lation, University President James
Duderstadt announced Sept. 3 that Jo-
seph Roberson is his choice to become
Michigan's eighth athletic director.
Roberson will not officially be
named to the office until he receives
confimation from the University Board
of Regents at its Sept. 24 meeting.

maize and blue."
Indeed, one may be hard-pressed to
discover a person with more ties to the
University than Roberson. Since 1984,
he has worked in
the Office of the
Vice President for
Development, and
as executive direc-
tor of Campaign
forMichigan since
February 1992.

AD job will be change
from 'M' Campaign
From fundraising to football. From
the Fleming Administration Building
to Michigan Stadium. From alums to
Joe Roberson will have a big ad-
justment when he becomes the
T Tniveritv' eighth Athletic Directnr

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