The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 27, 1993 - 3
Asian American
groups discuss
'plans for April
conference at 'U'
Coming from Hawaii, California, Colorado and New
York, members of the Association of Asian American
Studies' executive board converged on the University
campus this weekend for a biannual meeting.
The association is a nationwide professional organi-
zation for educators involved in Asian American studies.
Friday, Minority Student Services (MSS) sponsored a
reception with a joint purpose: to welcome the board
members to campus and to serve as a welcome-back for
Asian Americans on campus.
"It's my understanding and intention that the recep-
tion will serve as a medium in which students of Asian
heritage can feel free to mingle and network with faculty,
* students, and staff," said Yee Leng Hang, the MSS Asian
American representative.
Hang added that the reception was open to all students,
not just Asians and Asian Americans.
The receptionallowed representatives of campusAsian
and Asian American organizations to speak and inform
those in attendance about their groups.
Lambda Phi Epsilon vice president Rafael Barretto
said he came to the reception to inform people what
Lambda Phi Epsilon, the campus Asian American frater-
nity, is really about. He added he also wanted to establish
ties with other Asian American organizations.
Some students attended the reception to gather infor-
mation about the various Asian and Asian American
organizations on campus.
"I wanted to learn more about the associations. I didn't
really know anything about them. Last year I just sat
back," said Engineering sophomore Shamma Siddiqui.
Students who attended said they also wanted to take
advantage of the opportunity to meet Asian American
faculty and students.
"I heard they're people from all over the country," said
Sung Park, LSA junior and Korean Student Association
member. "I want to see who they're representing."
Along the same lines, LSA sophomore Dan Zarazua
said, "I didn't really know who the Asian American
faculty were. ... The main reason I came was to meet
The Association for Asian American studies is having
its annual conference at the University in early April, the
first time the conference will be held in the midwest. The
fall board meeting is traditionally held at the school that
will host the conference.
Since the Midwest Asian American Student Union
was planning to have a conference the same weekend, the
two programs have been combined. The two groups met
this weekend to make plans for the conference.
Gary Okihiro, board member and Cornell University
history professor, said the goals of the conference are to
connect the campus with local communities.
One method of outreach is to sponsor workshops with
local schoolteachers on how to integrate Asian American
* studies into a multicultural curriculum.
Conference members also search for ways to link
various minority communities. Forexample, said Okihiro,
last year at Cornell, the conference included a dialogue
between Asian Americans, African Americans, Latinos,
and Puerto Ricans.
Festifali finally
campus grous
By JEFF MAEHRE weather," Gamel said.
FOR THE DAILY Lisa Beattie, an LSA fifth-year
The old adage "all's well that ends senior who helped organize Festifall
well" holds true for Festifall. After for SODC, said, "(Having delays)
being postponed twice, the event fi- was upsetting because it pushed ev-
nally took place Friday on the Diag. erybody back past their mass meet-
Festifall, a forum in which campus ing."
organizations recruit new members,
was originally scheduled for Tuesday,
Sept. 14. Due to poor weather, it was
rescheduled for the 20th. Another day
of rain moved the date to last Friday.
With the help of sunny skies,
Friday's event was largely considered
a success. Festifall is organized by the
Student Organization Development
Center (SODC).
Jason Gamel, an organizational
consultant for SODC, said Festifall
was "absolutely fabulous. I'd have to
say in all honesty, it's been the best."
Gamel said a record-high 241 stu-
dent groups were represented on the
A large number of students also
turned out for the event.
"I was expecting a big turnout but
I was still surprised by the numbers,"
Gamel said. "After 11:30, it's been
constantly busy."
Neither groups nor students
seemed discouraged by the weather
"Most of the groups out here
weren't mad. They understand (that
the delays were) because of the
However, she added, "I think
people are getting a lot of sign-ups,
so the purpose still came through."
Eric Priuska, a graduate student
who represented the Shorin-Ryu Ka-
rate-Do Club at Festifall, was not
upset by the delay because of the
unusually pleasant weather Friday.
"Well, look at the weather now,
so in my opinion it's worth it. I think
it was a problem for us, but not for
the students," Priuska said.
Some people, though, were alittle
frustrated by the scheduling. "They
said today if it rains, it will be in the
Union, and I'm wondering why it
wasn't scheduled on Tuesday - the
rain day in the Union," said LSA
senior John Damoose, of the College
In addition to all the organiza-
tions' booths, students also had the
opportunity to see several student
groups in action. The Wolverettes
danced, the Shorin-Ryu Karate-do
club displayed techniques, Kappa
Alpha Psi and Alpha Phi Alpha per-
formed step shows and a mariachi
band played.
Festifall partificpants demonstrate their fencing skills on the Diag.
U.S. considers sending troops into Bosnia
If Clinton green-lights NATO operation, 25,000 troops could enter area within days
WASHINGTON (AP) - If President
Clinton decides to order U.S. soldiers into
Bosnia on aNATO peacekeeping mission,
thousands of troops will enter Sarajevo in an
airborne show of force thatcould start within
days of his request, military planners say.
But before U.S. troops go in, the Penta-
gon wants to see apeace accord that holds -
with the combatants separated from one
another, heavy artillery withdrawn and the
free flow of humanitarian supplies assured,
the planners said.
The initial deployment could grow to
about 25,000 troops over a several-week
period-bristling with enough heavy tanks,
artillery and armed troop transports to de-
fend themselves and ensure their mission is
carried out.
Military planners spoke of their work on
condition of anonymity, but the men ex-
pected to be in charge have been blunt about
what they want to send, should they get the
"If we have to go into Bosnia, I don't
want to say 'Mother, may I?' to anyone,"
Adm. Jeremy Boorda, NATO's southern
Europe commander told a conference orga-
nized by the U.S. mission to NATO on
Gen. John Shalikashvili, Clinton's nomi-
nee as chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has
said the force "should be robust enough so
it can take care of itself, regardless of what
the circumstances might be."
Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) chair of the
House Armed Services Committee, said
yesterday that the United States must have
"a very clear exit strategy" before sending
any troops.
"Because when you commit to some-
thing like this, as we found out in Somalia,
if you don't watch out, what your basic
premise was ends up not being what the
U.N. or the NATO premise was,"he said on
NBC's "Meet the Press." "Then you're in
a situation where the mission gets broader
and broader and it's very difficult to find an
ending point."
Once apeace accord is signed, the United
Nations is expected to ask the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization to monitor the new
borders and disarm militias.
NATO has tentative plans to provide
about 50,000 troops - perhaps half of them
Americans. There has been some disagree-
ment whether NATO or the U.N. will have
overall command of the force, but Washing-
ton wants NATO in control.
Mostofthe 25,000U.S. troops thatwould
form the reinforced division envisioned for
the job are expected to be drawn from the
Army's 1stArmored Division, based in cen-
tral Germany.
While an advance team would enter the
region within hours of the president's order,
the first troops could be flown in with some
armaments aboard C-5A transports within
three days, the military sources said.
They would be bolstered with additional
heavy weaponry - such as M1-Al tanks,
Bradley fighting vehicles, trucks, artillery,
rocket systems and radar units - drawn
from positions in central Italy. Those arms
could be transported by ship across the
Adriatic Sea to Split and sent inland to the
U.S. troops, planners said.
UGLi's Pink Lady' collects cans for causes gi 3
A lot of students who study in the
Undergraduate Library (UGLi) have
given their empty pop cans to Zatha
Bruns atone time or another. Butmost
people would be surprised to know
what she uses the money for.
Zatha Bruns, or "the Pink Lady,"
as she is called because she often
wears pink clothes, is only one of
many people who collect empty cans
around campus. But defying miscon-
ceptions, Bruns does not use the money
for her next meal or for clothing. In-
stead, she donates most of the money
to various Ann Arbor institutions.
"Everybody has benefits they like
to help," said Bruns, who has donated
money to the Michigan Theatre and
the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum.
She also volunteers at the Hands-
On Museum. This gives her a chance
to deal with children.
Bruns has a friendly personality
and is full of energy. She is currently
funding a new fiber optics exhibit at
the museum.When not working there,
she also volunteers four days a week
at the Kemp House, an Ann Arbor
historical exhibit. She has been vol-
unteering at both places since 1985.
Before that, Bruns worked as the
director of medical records at the Vet-
erans Administration Hospital in Ann
Arbor. She has a degree in medical
records from St. Louis University.
"A lot of people think I'm a home-
less person," Bruns said. However,
she lives in an apartment in Ann Ar-
bor. The apartment is part of a house
owned by University Housing. The
house is also home to several Univer-
sity students from Europe.
In 1985, Bruns left her job at the
hospital to do volunteer work and
other projects in the community.
"I wanted to use my gifts and tal-
ents for the community," Bruns said.
In addition to her work at the museum
and the Kemp House, each spring
Bruns helps direct Health-a-Rama, an
event facilitating health checkups.
After she left her job, Bruns began
collecting cans so she could give more
than just time to her favorite causes.
She began collecting on the Diag,
searching through garbage cans. In
addition to cans, Bruns began finding
books from the UGLi in the garbage.
When she returned the books, she
began striking up friendships with
several library staff members. She then
started gathering cans in the library.
And she's been doing that ever since.
Barbara McAdam, the Interim Di-
rector of the Graduate Library, said
Bruns has been "a fixture in the com-
munity for several years."
Bruns spends seven days a week in
the UGLi. The day of collecting be-
gins for her at 4 p.m., when she makes
one round through the building. She
makes another round at 7 p.m. and
comes back at 9 p.m. The rest of her
evening is spent in the UGLi. She
usually does not finish her collecting
until 3 or 4 a.m.
It would be natural for one to won-
der how much money Bruns makes
from such long hours of collecting.
But she would rather keep this infor-
mation to herself.
"Students are always asking me
(how much I make) and I always say
'Well, quite a bit'."
Bruns' relationship with Univer-
sity students has been a big part of her
time here. "I enjoy the students," Bruns
said. "They save their cans for me,
and they're very nice to me. When I
come back in the fall they say 'Hi' like
I'm a good friend of theirs."
Many students find that Bruns is
someone they can talk to, she said.
"They'll say 'Oh, I'm so stressed out.
I have an exam' and so forth, and I'll
say, 'Do you have one of my pop-
ups?"' Bruns reached into her pocket
and pulled out two rubber toys that
pop up into the air. She said she's
handed out more than 2,000 of these
to people on campus.
Bruns' colorful personality shows
why she's so popular in the University
community. McAdam said Bruns is
"extremely eccentric ... but in the
best sense of the word, meaning dif-
ferent than other people, having dif-
ferent values, perhaps."
Zatha Bruns, a volunteer at the museum, helps Julian Meade explore the Hands-On
Museum, corner of 5th and Huron. Bruns collects cans for the museum-at the UGI.
Student groups
Q ENACT-UM, mass meeting,
Dana Building, Room 1046, 7
U Saint Mary Student Parish,
Lector Training, 7 p.m.; RCIA
session, 7 p.m.; Bible Study,
7:30 p.m.; 331 Thompson St.
Q Study/Discussion -
(re)introduction to the Bible,
sponsored by University Re-
formed Church, 1001 E. Huron,
9 p.m.
Q U of M Fencing Team, mass
practice, Boat House, Men 3, 4,
and 5 p.m., Women 3:30,4:30,
and 5:30 p.m.
Q U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Club, beginners welcome,
CCRB,Martial Arts Room, 8:30
U U of M Tae Kwon Do Club,
training session, CCRB, Room
2275, 7 p.m.
U Photochemical and Electro-
chemical Catalytic Reduction
Center, Room 10, 7 p.m.
U Study in Australia or Britain,
sponsored by the International
Center, presentation, Interna-
tional Center, Room 9,2:30p.m.
Student services
U Career Planning & Placement,
Andersen Consulting presenta-
tion, Michigan Union, Kuenzel
Room, 7 p.m.
U Psychology Academic Peer
Advising, sponsored by the psy-
chology department, West
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