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September 27, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-09-27

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Congress' decision to under-fund the National and
Community Service Trust Act in agreeing to fund
additional NASA projects threatens to clip the
wings of a fledging program.

The Daily reviews "The Good Son." Macauley
Culkin is hardly good in his first effort as a "bad
seed" and makes his acting in "Home Alone 2:
Lost in New York" look Oscar calibur.

The Wolverines rebounded from a loss to Notre
Dame by beating the Houston Cougars, 42-21,
Saturday. Tyrone Wheatley led the team with three
touchdowns in a Heisman-caliber performance.

clouds, sunshine;
High 64, Low 50
Partly sunny; High 62, Low 46


t Y t


One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. CII, No. 125 Ann Abor, Michigan- Monday, September 27, 1993 1993 The Michigan Daily
Task force report shows alcohol use is common on campus

"Why ask why?" Well, the University did,
and discovered that drinking on campus is as
common as beer commercials during football
A study to be released today suggests that61
percent of undergraduates drink alcohol at least
once a week, and nearly one quarter have used
marijuana in the last 30 days.

While members of the University Task Force
on Alcohol and Other Drugs were quick to
downplay the marijuana statistic, which is above
the national average, they emphasized instead
that alcohol remains the drug of choice on this
"In this country as a whole, there is a great
deal of concern about more drugs than alcohol.
What (the survey) makes clear, among other
things, is not (the problem of) illegal drugs. The
data suggest that the problem is alcohol," said

Dr. Frederick Glaser, coordinator of the Initia-
tive on Alcohol and Other Drugs.
The survey, mailed to a random sample of
2,447 University students, and 1,495 staff and
faculty last February, had only one question
regarding marijuana usage.
Two-thirds of the students and faculty polled,
and 57 percent of the staff responded to the
anonymous survey, which was funded by the
State Department of Public Health at a cost of

The data indicate that University under-
graduates are similar to students nationwide
regarding drinking behaviors and consequences.
Faculty and staff also have comparable patterns
to adults with similar jobs across the country.
The study states that 51 percent of students
increased and 20 percent decreased their drink-
ing after coming to college.
Despite the University's official prohibition
of drinking in residence halls, the survey found
that 43 percent of all undergraduates had con-

sumed alcohol in dormitories during the past
While both undergraduate and graduate
binge drinkers - people who consume more
than five drinks in one sitting -tend to drink at
private house parties, undergraduates are more
likely toconsumeat fraternity parties, andgradu-
ates are more likely to drink in bars.
However, there is a relatively high percent-
age of undergraduate binge drinking at bars as
See ALCOHOL, Page 2

pass '94
This year's University budget con-
tained few surprises as the Board of
Regents approved it Friday.
The budget looks similar to those
of the past few years in terms of
increased tuition, increased fixed costs
and frozen state funding.
There is, however, one difference
this year: each department will only
use 98 percentofits budget. The other
2 percent will be used for salary in-
creases, which were not part of the
last few years' budgets.
For this year and the next four, an
additional 2 percent of each
department's budget will be reallo-
cated to the University's general fund,
said Farris Womack, executive vice
president and chief financial officer.
Despite the tuition increases, the
University has increased financial aid
to in-state students.
"We increased the allocation for
scholarships so that we are able as a
university to meet the demonstrated
need of every Michigan resident,"
Womack said.
But the University will not meet
the needs of out-of-state students.
In an interview earlier in the week,
University President James
Duderstadt said, "We're up against
the wall. We don't have enough fi-
nancial aid for out-of-state students."
Duderstadt said more out-of-state
students will come from upper-in-
come families because of inadequate
financial aid packages.
"If you look at the yield rate fig-

Bylaw will include
sexual orientation

Gay men, lesbians and bisexuals
won a major victory in their struggle for
recognition on a campuswide level Fri-
day. The University Board of Regents
voted, 7-1, to approve an amendment to
regental Bylaw 14.06, which includes
"sexual orientation" in a list of groups
protected from discrimination in Uni-
versity policy.
Students and community members
will soon see the amended bylaw on all
University-sponsored publications.
University President James
Duderstadt said at the meeting that he
will form a commission this week to
study the effects of the change on areas
such as family housing and employee
Regents Laurence Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills) and Rebecca
McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) co-spon-
sored the amendment, and RegentNellie
Varner (D-Detroit) sponsored a clarify-
ing amendment to include the
University's adherence to affirmative
action programs.
Deitch introduced the amendment.
"We need to move to a point at the
University of Michigan where the only
relevant factors in judging the worthi-
ness of our students, faculty and staff
are whether or not you are a person of
integrity who respects the intrinsic
worth and humanness of all people and
who is a scholar dedicated to teaching,
learning or healing and making this a
better world," Deitch said.

McGowan completed the argument
for the amendment, saying, "It is a fact
that many of our students, faculty and
staff are gay, lesbian or bisexual."
She said 150 other public and pri-
vate colleges and universities have simi-
lar policies, including Michigan State,
Wayne State, Harvard and Northwest-
"It is time for the regents to say with
a firm voice that our bylaws protect
every memberofour community whom
we have admitted as a student or hired
as a colleague based on his or her indi-
vidual merit, that we protect them from
discrimination based on who they are,"
McGowan said.
Varner said she added the final clause
about University compliance with af-
firmative action "so there will be no
doubt that there was no intention to take
away the gains that have already been
She said her amendment was in the
"spiritofacknowledging thegains made
through struggles of other minorities."
Taking his traditional stand on is-
sues of sexual orientation, RegentDeane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor) spoke against the
"I have long argued, unsuccessfully,
that these policies restrict both freedom
of speech and freedom to practice one's
religion by non-homosexual or lesbian
He said, "The regents have not in-
cluded 'sexual orientation' in the by-
laws primarily because discrimination
claimed by homosexuals and lesbians

ures, the average income (for out-of-
state students) is over $80,000," he
University officials said it is not
likely budgets will change much in the
near future.
But Duderstadt said the state
legislature's proposed K-12 education
reforms could affect University fund-
ing if voters do not approve new taxes
because the state may take money from
other programs, such as higher educa-

Funding changes for higher edu-
cation in Michigan have been de-
bated in the state legislature for years,
Duderstadt said.'
The University currently receives
approximately 24.3 percent of the
state's higher education allocations,
as it has historically.
"The issue is whether other val-
ues than history should slice up the
pie," Duderstadt said.

is quite different than, for example,
skin color or sex."
Baker proposed an amendment to
exempt religious groups from the by-
law. Baker's amendment was killed.
Deitch responded to Baker by say-
ing that "The reason this issue has been
contentious on campus is because of
you and your personal obsession."
Calling ita "non-issue,"Deitch later
addressed Baker's concerns that stu-
dent religious groups would be some-
how sanctioned for not accepting ho-
"Groups form through self-selec-
tion. It's highly unlikely that homo-
sexuals will ally themselves with this
type of group."
See BYLAW, Page 2

.Cheerleaders spur
stereotypes with
stunts, teamwork

Duderstadt's pay to
increase by $25,000

Michigan cheerleaders are familiar
with the common stereotypes that have
followed pep squads for years, but they
have proven themselves to be real ath-
letes, rather than ditzy blondes with
porn poms for brains.
There aren'teven thatmany blondes
on the team.
Engineering senior Jake Fritz, who
is one of the four captains, was quick to
defend the team. But he said his real
friends respect his choice of sport.
"Most of the people that know us
first know what we're like and don't
believe the stereotypes," he said.
athletes, butof students concerned with
their studies.
"Traditionally, cheerleaders have
some of the highest grade point aver-
ages in snorts at the University." said

is a lot more action down here."
Pamela St. John, the team manager,
said squad members train as if
cheerleading were a varsity sport, even
though it is not.
"We have a unique status. We're
not a varsity status, but we're above a
club level sport," she said.
Their week-long training schedule
includes weight training and team prac-
tices, which often include doing at least
100 stunts.
"All they have time to do is
cheerleading and to study," Johnson
He stressed that each of these prac-
tices is important to ensure that the
team learns to work together, not as
"We don't do any stunts that the
whole team can't do," he said.
Last Saturday Johnson even in-
structed his team during half time to

University President James
Duderstadt's salary will increase by
more than $25,000 dollars for the 1993-
94 fiscal year.
The University Board of Regents
approved the increase 7-1 as part of a
larger compensation package at its
meeting Friday. Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor) cast the lone dissenting
The regents arrived at the proposal
after a closed doors assessment of
Duderstadt's performance for most of
the day Thursday.
Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey)

presented the details of the plan, which
provides Duderstadt with a 5 percent
merit-based sal-
ary increase. This
adds up to an ex-
tra $9,019.
The other
$16,666 is in the
form of an equity
w h i c h
WDuderstadsaid will put
earnings in line with those of presidents
at peer institutions.


Regents vote on 'U' changes

Board approves new
titles, renovations,
implementation of
international Center

University's spokesperson, has been
elevated to vice president for university
Gilbert Whitaker will now be pro-
vost and executive vice president for
academic affa-

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