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September 23, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-09-23

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Daily columnist Lester Spence makes his debut in
the today's Daily.

First it was Chicago. Then it was Toronto. Now The
Second City has made its way to Detroit. Alison
Levy checks it out.

Injuries hurt the Michigan volleyball team in last
night's State Pride match. Michigan State beat the
Wolverines in three games.

Early clouds, sunny later;
High 70, Low 45
More of same; High 72, Low 50


One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vol. CIII, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Mithigan - Thursday, September 23, 1993 q 1993 The Michigan Daily
..,Highlights from Clinton's health care plan 'finton
fi llt I k!1 '10.4 E C { C j I E c 4{ C 3 4 Wt{EC R Ip a k h e a lth

ing a massive makeover o
health care system, Presi
said Wednesday "we hav
in history" to enact a g
lifelong medical care fore
can regardless of incom
Clinton previewed hi
Democratic and Republ
at the White House befor
a nationally broadcast sp
gress on the outlines of Y
"There is almost una
sensus that the cost of cc
the present course is gre
cost of change," the pr
Clinton said there wa
genuine searching and de
among Democrats andl
"This is agood beginn
Minority Leader Bob D
said. "I would hope in th
eight, 10 months we'll 1
Some Republicans, thoug
that government was tak
than it could handle.
Polls show most An
lieve the system needs to
uncertain about ways to
half-dozen rival plans a
sprung up.
The product of eight
work under the direction
Rodham Clinton, the adm

urgent pnort
) - Propos- plan is based on the premise it can
f the nation's extend health coverage to the 37 mil-tuden ts
dent Clinton lion uninsured and at the same time
ve a moment shrink the nation's $900 billion medi-
guarantee of cal bill. anxiously
every Ameri- Health care costs are rising at more
e or well be- than twice the rate of other prices and
represent one-seventh of all U.S
re.s proposal to spending.By DAVID SHEPARDSON
ican leaders Clinton's plan for the first time DAILY STAFF REPORTER
re delivering would require all employers to pay 80 From the newly-anointed health
eech to Con- percent of the average health premium care "War room" of the White
his proposal. for their workers. Employees would House to the cramped Cambridge
nimous con- pay the rest. Small businesses and House lounge of West Quad, Uni-
ontinuing on low-income workers would get subsi- versity students watched and lis-
ater than the dies.*'

esident told
s a "spirit of
iing," Senate
ole, R-Kan.,
e next six to
have a bill."
gh, grumbled
ing on more
nericans be-
be fixed but
change it. A
lready have
t months of
,n of Hillary

Giant insurance-purchasing pools
called health alliances would be cre-
ated in each state to negotiate with
doctors, hospitals and insurers. Con-
sumers would buy their coverage
through the alliances.
The plan would vastly expand the
government's power to control health
costs if competition alone doesn't
work. Critics question whether the
controls would squeeze out quality,
To help pay for it, Clinton said he
would impose new taxes on tobacco
but he dropped the idea of increases
for beer, wine or hard liquor. Clinton
also said he would seek a "modest"
tax on corporations that opt out of the
health alliances and set up their own
programs, and seek billions in cuts in
See CLINTON, Page 2

tened to President Clinton's ad-
dress to ajoint session of Congress
on health care reform. i
Abouttwo dozen University stu-
dents attended one of many health
care "watch parties," across the
country and applauded the
president's plan.
And a University student, who
was a White House intern this sum-
mer, was flown back to Washing-
ton to help with the National Health
Care Campaign kick off.
Many members of the student
audience were visibly moved when
Clinton related several emotional
stories of families and individuals
who lost health benefits.
First-year Public Policy student
Sara Truitt said she was very im-
See REACTION, Page 2

Regents' bylaw proposal
to protect LGBi rights

Two members of the University
Board of Regents will attempt at
Friday's meeting to ensure that mem-
bers of the University's gay commu-
nity are not discriminated against on
the basis of sexual orientation.
Laurence Deitch (D-Bloomfield
Hills) and Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann
Arbor) will propose an amendment to
Regents' Bylaw 14.06, the
University's discrimination policy. The
amendment would prohibit discrimi-
nation on the basis of sexual orienta-
"We believe that the regents, as the
University's ultimate governing body,
need to be on record as being opposed
to discrimination in any form against
any segment of the University com-

munity," Deitch said.
"Anything else leaves the gay and
lesbian community in a posture of
second-class citizenship vis-a-vis
other members of the University," he
Bylaw 14.06
states that the
"shall strive to A
build a diverse s
community in
which opportu-
nity is equal for
all persons re-r
gardless of race,
sex, color, reli- Deitch
gion, creed, na-
tional origin or ancestry, age, marital
status, handicap, or Vietnam era vet-
eran status."

Members of the LGMBi commu-
nity and others have been fighting to
add "sexual orientation" to the list
since 1972, said Jim Toy, who serves
as a co-coordinator of the Lesbian-
Gay Male Programs Office but did not
speak on its behalf.
Toy said he expects that, if passed,
the amendment would significantly
improve the atmosphere on campus
for the LGMBi community. "This con-
stituency and its concerns will finally
become far more visible than we have
been in the past," he said.
"Concerns about sexual orienta-
tion affect everyone no matter what
their sexual orientation is because our
history as a western nation has left a
history of homophobia that negatively
affects us all," he added.
See BYLAW, Page 2

a- 3 - a a
The Board of Regents consists
of eight voting members
elected state-wide to
eight-year terms. They are:
Deane Baker (R- Ann Arbor);
Paul Brown (D- Petoskey);
Laurence Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills);
r Shirley McFee (R- Battle
Rebecca McGowan (D- Ann
Philip Power (D- Ann Arbor);
Nellie Varner (D- Detroit);
James Waters, (D-
In addition, University.
President James Duderstadt
acts as the ex-officio,
non-voting chair of the board.

Board of Regents
kick off new term
with full agenda

Today will be a day of big deci-
sions at the University.
The Board of Regents, the
University's governing body, is hold-
ing its monthly meeting today and
tomorrow in the Fleming Administra-
tion Building.
The board is comprised of eight
voting members who are elected to
eight-year terms by a partisan state-
vyide vote. University President James
Duderstadt chairs the meetings but
does not vote.
Regents' meetings occur the third
Thursday and Friday of each month.
The board usually hears a presenta-
tion regarding an important ,campus

issue during Thursday sessions. The
Friday gatherings are .dedicated to
making the decisions that determine
the course of University policy.
All regents' meetings are public
under the Michigan Open Meetings
Act (OMA). This piece of legislation
mandates that all public bodies in the
state conduct all business in the public
But like all rules, the OMA has
exceptions. Public bodies are allowed
to meet in closed sessions for discus-
sion of several issues:
dismissal, suspension, or disci-
pline of a staff member, employee or
public officer;
dismissal, suspension, or disci-
See REGENTS, Ppge 2

* MSA approves '94
budget in wee hours


Military backs Yeltsin,
opposition increases

Like any good soldier knows, it
takes many battles over a long period
of time to win a war. Maybe that's why
the conflict over the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly's 1994 budget took
five hours to finally pass, 23-12-2.
In the early morning hours yester-
day, the assembly voted to approve the
controversial budget based on an
amendment that would allot an addi-
tional $22,000 to the Ann Arbor Ten-
ants' Union (AATU).
MSA President Craig Greenberg

"Whew! We won!"
The assembly agreed to the pro-
posed BPC allotment, butmany mem-
bers were adamant about keeping
AATU funded. After a lot of compro-
mise, MSA decided to take money
from its surplus and reserve budget to
cover the amount promised AATU.
LSA Rep. Jeff Alexander said he
thought the final budget was good,
but was dissatisfied with the
assembly's decision to take funds
from its emergency budget.
This year, MSA had more than
$60,000 in its surplus and reserve

MOSCOW (AP) - President
Boris Yeltsin gained strength yester-
day, buoyed by support from the army
and cheering crowds. His hard-line
opposition sat barricaded in parlia-
Bonfires burned for a second night
outside the Russian parliament build-
ing, where as many as 5,000 anti-
Yeltsin demonstrators ringed the build-
ing to protest his suspension of parlia-
ment Tuesday. Protesters waved red
Soviet flags and stockpiled rocks,
pipes and Molotov cocktails.
Desnite anneals hv Yeltsin's onno-

intend to use any force," Yeltsin said.
"We want everything to go peace-
fully, without blood."
Defense Minister Pavel Grachev
said the military "unequivocally sup-
ports the president as commander-in-
chief." In an apparent show of force,
the army held troop exercises in sev-
eral cities.
Yeltsin has been locked in an 18-
month power struggle with lawmak-
ers who want to slow the country's
transition to free markets, prop up
state industries and pursue a more
nationalistic foreign nolicy. Yeltsin

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