The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 16, 1993 - 3
'U' scientists work on Mars probe
University students could take the
controls of a future space probe as part
of a planned University atmospheric
study of Mars.
NASA has selected a team of Uni-
versity atmospheric scientists to develop
a plan for a future unpiloted mission to
Mars. The University's Space Physics
Research Laboratory, headed by Timo-
thy Killeen, director and professor of
atmospheric and space sciences, is the
principal investigator for one of the 11
space probe proposals being consid-
ered by NASA.
The goal of the University's Mars
Upper Atmosphere Dynamics, Ener-
getics and Evolution (MUADEE) mis-
sion is to explore the upper atmosphere
of Mars, Killeen said.
The MUADEE mission meets the
requirements of NASA's new Discov-
ery Program, which plans to fly low-
cost missions in the solar system.
"The Discovery Program is mod-
eled after what NASA has called the
Explorer Program which has been in
existence for decades. ... The idea is to
keep the costs of the missions below
$150 million," said MUADEE co-in-
vestigator Brian Kennedy.
The ill-fated Mars Observer cost
NASA more than $500 million.
"(NASA) selected 11 proposals for
which they gave modest funding to do
additional studies and we were one of
those," Kennedy said.
The other teams involved in the com-
petition will spend the next year prepar-
ing mission proposals. MUADEE in-
vestigators are currently trying to deter-
mine the most efficient, low-cost mis-
sion parameters.
NASA will later select three of the
missions for the Discovery Program.
University researchers are confident
the MUADEE mission will be selected
by NASA.
"We've been in the space business
since 1947," Kennedy said. "We know
a lot about building scientific instru-
ments, remote sensing and analyzing
data. We've had some pretty positive
feedback that what we're trying to do is
scientifically worthwhile."
Killeen will direct the work of a 17-
member scientist consortium from six
institutions as they develop seven sens-
ing instruments for use on the MUADEE
spacecraft. Lockheed Missiles and
Space Company Inc. of Sunnyvale,
California, MUADEE's industrial part-
ner, will build the spacecraft to be
launched from NASA's Kennedy Space
Killeen explained that the space-
craft will function in Mars orbit for two
Earth years, after a 10-month journey
from Earth.
MUADEE researchers are hopeful
the space probe will be controlled di-
rectly from a mission operations center
established at the University.
"We are considering operating the
spacecraft from Michigan," Kennedy
He added, "We look upon this as a
pretty exciting opportunity for the stu-
dents of Michigan. One of the ways to
get student involvement in the program
would be to have a control center at
Michigan and we would absolutely hire
students to run the thing."
"MUADEE also will provide key
information on atmospheric drag, or-
bital lifetimes, propulsion requirements
and aerobraking critical to the design of
future manned spacecraft that could
land on the surface of Mars," said Bob
Jones, Lockheed's MUADEE project
Danilo Gutierrez examines Mendoza's work at the Rackham Gallery last night.
Rackham exhibits
Chicana artist's work
Nostalgic photo tour recreates local history
The self-confidence inNoraChapa
Mendoza's voice is born of many
years of paying her dues before reach-
ing the prominence she enjoys today.
As part of the Hispanic Heritage
Celebration 1993, the artist spoke at
the Rackham Graduate School's Cen-
ter Gallery yesterday about herself
and her work. She also received an
award from the University for "artis-
tic excellence and for contributions to
the Latino/Latina community."
Two of her collections - "Kanto
a La Mujer" and "Spirit of the Fourth
World" - will hang in the Gallery
through Sept. 22. "Kanto," literally
meaning "I sing to the woman," is her
most recent collection, showing her
impressions of being a woman.
"I don't consider myself a femi-
nist, but maybe I am and don't know
it," Mendoza said.
LSA senior Jessica Rodriguez ad-
mires Mendoza'sart. She said, "I think
she does an excellent job of portray-
ing the Latina woman.... She touches
many different issues."
Mendoza's own style is a combi-
nation of concrete images hidden in
abstract landscapes, and can be seen
in the poster she created for Hispanic
Heritage Celebration 1993.
Mendoza was born to a poor fam-
ily in Weslaco, Texas. Her mother
died when she was four, leaving her
father, a house painter, to care for her.
He showed her how to mix paint, use
brushes and create textures. She
showedearly talent, illustrating abook
at the age of 14.
Afterhigh school, shemarried and
I get lost in my
paintings for hours at a
time. My back Is strong
so it doesn't hurt. But I
sleep well after a day's
- Nora Chapa Mendoza
Chicana artist
moved to Michigan. While married,
she treated painting as a hobby, but
divorce changed her priorities, and
she devoted herself to art.
She found it difficult to find gal-
leries that would even look at her
work, due to her lack of formal train-
ing. Determined to paint, she set up
her own gallery in the early 1970s.
The "Galleria Latina" featured
mostly unknown Latino artists like
herself. The effort paid off, and His-
panic artists have enjoyed increased
exposure in recent years.
Mendoza prefers to work on the
floor of her West Bloomfield studio,
letting the paint drip and flow. "I get
lost in my paintings for hours at a
time," she said. "My back is strong,
so it doesn't hurt. But I sleep well
after a day's painting."
Her hard work has brought suc-
cess: She was appointed to the Michi-
gan Council for the Arts and Cultural
Affairs by Gov. Engler in 1991, she
has shown her work all over the
world, from Germany to Nicaragua,
and she received the 1993 National
Council for La Raza Dedication to
the Arts Award.
Local historian uses
postcards to illustrate
triumphs and travails of
Ann Arbor and the
University throughout the
On any given football Saturday, thou-
sands of students pass the rusty gates
that lead to Ferry Field, the original
playing ground for the first University
But few are probably reminded of
the struggle that took place on that field
to establish the century-old sporting
tradition, or of the Olympic gold medal-
ist that got his start on that track in the
1920s, or that those gates, like Ann
Arbor itself, are portals into a past that
began almost two centuries ago.
But yesterday, local history buffs
and long-time Ann Arbor residents had
the chance to travel back through time
via a presentation of original postcard
art and restored photographs.
Highlighted by dozens of artifacts
from local historian Wynstan Stevens'
75,000-piece collection, the "postcard
tour" offered at the city's Kempf center
for history recaptured moments of trag-
edy and triumph in the University's
early days.
Captivated audience members re-
lived the blazes and explosions of origi-
nal downtown buildings, witnessed turn-
of-the-century freshmen and sopho-
mores playing tug-of-war across the
Huron River, and gasped when the then-
unknown Ohio State University student
Jesse Owens broke three world records
on one afternoon in 1927.
The Kempf House Center for Local History, site of Ann Arbor historian Wynstan Stevens' "postcard tour" of the city.
Stevens said he has spent years build-
ing up his collection of University
memorabilia, his interest stemming from
his childhood in Ann Arbor and from his
years as a University student in the
Stevens' first historical inquiry con-
cerned Fletcher Hail, his residence hall
as a lower-division student.
"I was curious about the history of
the place I lived ... and from there I got
deeper into University and Ann Arbor
history," Stevens said.
Some of the postcards in his posses-
sion - designed by artists such as Earl
Christy - are valued at up to $125
Stevens' association with Kempf
house was established in the late '70s
after the city designated the Greek re-
vival structure a center and site of local
In addition to serving as an example
of local architecture from themid 1800s,
Kempf house also offers many history
lectures and tours each year. Stevens
leads one such tour each fall in Forest
Hill Cemetery.
Ann Arbor resident Audrey King
and her sister Marilyn Couture of Los
Angeles said they have been following
Stevens' lectures for the past year.
"Last year when I was visiting we
became aware of this program and de-
cided to come," Couture said. "I was
born in Michigan, I am interested in old
things and I heard he was an excellent
"And old photographs are always
interesting, especially authentic ones,"
she said.
Football game keeps
DPS busy
Last Saturday's football game
against Notre Dame kept University
Department of Public Safety (DPS) of-
ficers in the vicinity of Michigan Sta-
dium busy. Officers cited four people
for possession of alcohol on University
property and two others for public in-
All six were escorted from the sta-
dium by police.
Two people selling "Fuck Notre
Dame" T-shirts were ticketed by police
for violating the University's policy on
soliciting sales on its grounds. The T-
shirty were confiscated and the subjects
taken-off University property.
Five people were also cited under
the same rule for trying to scalp their
football tickets. One man was trying to
Campus bike Cyclist collides with
thieves already hard police car
at work
sell his ticket for $125, while two teen-
agers were attempting to sell two tickets
for $300.
Police save Markley
from Marxist
In an unrelated violation of the solic-
iting law, a woman was found selling
what DPS reports termed "Marxist
magazines" at Markley last Saturday.
DPS officers advised the woman of
the policy and escorted her from the
According to DPS reports, a half-
dozen bicycles have been reported sto-
len from areas around campus this week,
all but one of them unregistered.
A bike valued at $550 was taken
from outside West Quad, and one worth
more than $400 was taken from Mary
Markley Residence Hall.
Other bicycles were stolen from
Couzens Residence Hall and from out-
side the Dental School.
Only one of the bikes was registered
with the Ann Arbor Police Department,
despite efforts by that agency and DPS
to have students register their bicycles.
A bicyclist hit a DPS vehicle Tues-
day afternoon while the car was turning
onto North University Avenue.
The car was ona routine patrol at the
time, and the collision was not serious.
The cyclist was not injured, nor was
there damage to either vehicle.
- by Will McCahill
Daily Staff Reporter
Students returning from
1992-93 Academic Year and Spring/Summer
Study Abroad Programs
r => Call the OIP for details, 764-43111
t p
Crew Cuts-Flat Tops
Student g'oups
Q Campus Crusade for Christ,
weekly meeting, Dental Build-
ing, Kellog Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Q Hillel, Conservative services, 9
a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Power Cen-
ter; Orthodox services, 9 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m.; Reform service at
10a.m.,Hillel; Studentsare asked
In bring sndent I .D
Association, meeting, Martha
Cook Building, Meeting Room,
7:30 p.m.
D Filipino American Student As-
sociation, mass meeting, Michi-
ganUnion, Kuenzel Room, 7p.m.
" Scaffold Sit, sponsored by Pi
Kappa Phi fraternity, Diag, 8a.m.
to 8 p.m. tomorrow
" Society of Women Engineers,
ture Series, sponsored by the
School of Information and Li-
brary Studies, Frederick Schauer,
West Engineering, Ehrlicher
Room, 1:30 p.m.
Student services
Q Career Planing and Placement,
Writing Your Curriculum Vitae,
(a) II