Forrest Green Ill looks at rap music and its place in mass media and society. I _WEEKE______._ Megan Abbott takes a look at the many faces of Robert Downey Jr. in an interview with the talented actor. The Michigan men's soccer team used speed and the fast break to climb over Siena Heights, 5-1. The win raised the team's record to 2-1-2 and extended its unbeaten streak to four games. EATHE Today Sunny; High 68, Low 49 Tomorrow Warmer; High 76, Low 56 WE One hundred two years of editorialfreedom at46 Vol C a *N.13 n rbr ichign -Thusday Setemer6, 193 199 Th Mcian.Dail I $1 liquor delivery charge under fire LANSING (AP) - Giving private companies the use of state equipment for $1 might be too sweet adeal, law- makers complained yesterday after re- viewing plans to privatize liquor deliv- * ery in Michigan. Members of the House Liquor Con- trol Committee warned the state would have a hard timekeeping track of equip- ment paid for by taxpayers once private companies take over the system. "Mark my words. It's going to cre- ate deception later on. It's going to create dishonesty later on," said Rep. David Galloway (R-White Lake). Staff of the Michigan Liquor Con- trol Commission defended the arrange- ment offered to companies bidding for the right to replace the state's monopoly on liquor distribution. Business Manager Asha Shah said the state would get only a fraction of the equipment's value if it sold it, but might get better bids if it allowed the compa- nies free use of the equipment. "One of the primary reasons was to get the best return on our equipment," State government now maintains a system of three warehouses and 66 mini- warehouses for distributing liquor. Gov. John Engler plans to turn that over to private companies, contending they can do it cheaper. Some 117companies have asked for information about bidding for the right to distribute liquor to party stores, bars and restaurants. Sealed bids must be returned by Nov. 1 and the state expects to have private companies in charge sometime next year. Shah said the contracts with private companies won't go through unless the state Department of Civil Service certi- fies the state will see substantial sav- ings. Committee Co-chair Rep. Dianne Byrum said taxpayers are being short- *changed. "We basically are turning over all of that equipment for $1," said Byrum, (D-Lansing). BY GEORGE! Republicans unved health W. care proposal WASHINGTON (AP) - Republi- cans in Congress prescribed their own health care plans yesterday, pitching them as easier-to-swallow alternatives to President Clinton's, which would gradually cover all Americans without forcing new costs on business. House and Senate Republicans out- lined separate packages aimed at mak- ing it more affordable for the uninsured to get coverage. Clinton will officially propose his refornpackage in a speech to Congress next week. About 20 Senate Republicans are supporting a plan by Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.) that aims to eventually force all Americans to purchase their own insur- ance. Poor people would get help through government vouchers. The House GOP plan would require that companies offer workers access to plans but would not force businesses to pay for the bulk of the coverage. "We have not been drawing any lines in the sand," Chafee said. "We have not been saying this is non-negotiable.... We do not think em- ployer mandates are a good idea. Let's just see what happens," Chafee said. "There are some things we're going to agree on very quickly and some things that we might have to have conversa- tions about," said Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala. She added that the White House appreciated "their willingness to work in a biparti- san manner toward health reform for all Americans." See REPUBLICANS, Page 2 Vandals renamed the Rock's lodging place "SHIT PK" with spray paint early this morning.I away by the time this photo was taken. ANASTASIA BANICKI/Daily Most of the paint had been washed Antioch enacts 'ask first' sex-assault policy DAILY STAFF REPORTER Sexual assault is a problem on campuses na- tionwide - but one college may have found the answer to solving that problem. Antioch, a small liberal arts college in Yellow Springs, Ohio, has instituted asexual-offense policy that necessitates verbal consent between students wishing to become sexually involved. The policy states, "If sexual contact and/or conduct is not mutually and simultaneously initi- ated, then the person who initiates sexual contact/ conduct is responsible for getting the verbal con- sent of the other individual involved." Callie Cary, executive assistant to the president of Antioch, said it is important for people to verbally communicate with their partners, and specify what they do and don't feel comfortable doing. "The main goal of this policy is to open up communication between people and to avoid po- tentially dangerous situations," she said. Cary said the policy has stirred up discussion 'Asking "Do you want to have sex with me?" is not enough. The request for consent must be specific to each act.' -Calle Cary Executive Assistant to the president of Antioch about sexual assault on campus, adding that both students and faculty now discuss the iL :an didly and frequently. Orientation for new Antioch students involves a seminar and workshop on the policy to ensure that each student realizes the impact of committing sex crimes. The sessions stress the importance of education on this issue. Antioch's code also addresses the issue of consent given under the influence of substances such as drugs and alcohol. It states, "Consent, even verbal consent, may not be meaningful. Taking advantage of someone who is 'under the influ- ence' is not ever acceptable behavior..." In other words, consent isn't really consent when substance is involved. "It is a dangerous environment to assume a person is giving consent when under the influence of drugs or alcohol," said Cary. Another stipulation of the policy deals with the different levels involved in a sexual encounter. "Obtaining consent is an ongoing process in any sexual interaction. Verbal consent should be ob- tained with each new level of physical and/or sexual contact/conduct in any given interaction, regardless of who initiates it. Asking 'Do you want to have sex with me?' is not enough. The request for consent must be specific to each act." Although the code seems to be effective at Antioch, it is questionable whether it would work on other campuses. Students and staff at the University expressed different opinions on the policy. Many University staff members registered concern with how such a policy would be en- forced. Mary Lou Antieau, judicial advisor to the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, said she thinks this policy, or a similar one, is a good idea. "I think(as a culture and a society) we're a long way from having that standard accepted, but it ought to be something we're working toward," Antieau said. Ryan Bradley, educational outreach program coordinator at the Lesbian Gay Male Bisexual Program Office, agreed that a policy would be helpful, but stressed the difficulty the University would have enforcing it. "I think that it would work if everyone under- stood it and went by it. It would eliminate a lot of the problems," Bradley said. "I think the gay community would be really offended because it's the administration telling them how to fuck." See ANTIOCH, Page 2 Work study employers may receive full reimbursement By KAREN TALASKI EAILY STAFF REPORTER Employers who support the University's work study program may find their good deeds amply rewarded if an amendment supporting additional funding for work study programs passes through the state Senate. Already approved by the House of Representatives 91 to 1, the Michigan Work Study Amendment would grant qualified, non-profit, work study em- ployers a full return on their investment, completely funded by the Michigan Work Study Program (MWS). Under the current plan, employers are required to pay 20 percent of a work study student's wages with the state making up the difference. The proposed legislation would remove the financial burden from employers' shoulders, with MWS providing 100percentof the fund- ing. "Instead of the unused money being Tug-of-wa TUNIS, Tunisia(AP)-Palestinian opponents of Yasser Arafat's fledgling peace deal with Israel pursued their campaign against it on yesterday, hop- ing to overturn it by democratic or vio- returned to the state, it will be distrib- uted to schools," said Patrick La Pine, legislative director of the Michigan Collegiate Coalition (MCC). "It will definitely benefit Ann Arbor." MCC -a pro-student organization that lobbies on higher education issues -wrote and helped propose the amend- ment to the state legislature. More than $375,000 in appropri- ated work study funds went unused last year, La Pine said. He added that schools would be eligible for additional money based on need and prior use of MWS funds. "We're not asking the state to ap- propriate more money,j ust to distribute it more fairly with the funds that are there," he said. Approximately 420 graduate and non-graduate University students took part in the Michigan Work Study Pro- gram last year, Student Employment Coordinator Vickie Crupper said in a written statement. "It is difficult to judge the effects of this legislation until we are able to re- view the actual legislative language as passed," Crupper said. "It is important to note that this may not result in an increase in funding provided to institu- tions and may result in support for fewer students." LSAjunior Tiffany McLean, a work study student in the Psychology depart- ment, said she thought the additional funding would be helpful to her and other students who pay for their educa- tion through work study positions. "It would give people achance to get more work experience and less loans," McLean said. "I would like to eliminate the loans so I don't have to pay them off after graduation." Students qualify for the work study program based on a federal financial need analysis that determines eligibility for financial assistance. MARY KOUKHAB/Daily Becky Hoorst, senior associate curator of the History of Art slide and photo collection, trains work study student Emily Bert, art school senior, for work with slides at the library. developing over peace accord for expanding autonomy to other areas and negotiating apermanent agreement. Opponents consider it seriously flawed, complaining that it does not guarantee the creation of an indepen- "It started with Palestine. Yesterday it was Jordan, and later on it will be Syria and Lebanon," he predicted. Two of the pact's staunchest oppo- nents, George Habash and Nayef - _ T -.. . ..:4 T :... Fatah. Hawatmeh was reported to have been in Tunis two days earlier, seeking to forge an alliance with Arafat's oppo- nents in the PLO hierarchy. :: :: .