The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 13, 1993 - 5
Bargains abound at
Kiwanis Club Fall Sale
Disappointed football goers who
were unable to attend the Kiwanis
Fall Sale over the weekend should
notsink deeper into depression when
they realize that they missed out on
aNotre Dame defeat and good deals
at the sale.
Luckily for them, there are more
bargains tocome. WhiletheKiwanis
ClubofDowntown Ann Arborholds
two major sales each year- the Fall
Sale and a Christmas Sale - volun-
teers staff the Kiwanis Activity Cen-
ter every Saturday morning from 9
a.m. to noon for local shoppers.
"We sell between $1,000 to
$2,000 worth of things every Satur-
day," said Fred Sanchez, a Kiwanis
member and volunteer. "We made
$11,272 for the fall sale."
Sanchez cited useful items at in-
expensive prices as the key to every
'Our objective Is to build better people and create
better places in this world.'
- Fred Sanchez
Kiwanis member and volunteer
sale's success.
"A lot of that stuff went out the
door for 25 cents," he noted.
Students and area residents alike
snatched up bargains left and right on
furniture, appliances, clothing, baby
items, hardware, housewares and more.
Rumor has it the Kiwanis Club
supplies Shakey Jake with his famous
white, patent leather shoes. However,
the local minstrel wasn'tspotted at the
sale this year, Sanchez said.
More than 100 charities will reap
benefits from the results of the sale.
Among them are the University Mu-
seum of Art, the Children's Hospital,
the Student-Parent Center, the Ecol-
ogy Center, the Humane Society, the
Ann Arbor YMCA and the Boy Scouts.
"I really believe it's a win-win
situation," Sanchez said.
Area high school students will also
profit through scholarships provided
by the Kiwanis Club. One student
from each high school will be chosen
to receive money toward college.
"Ourmotto is'We build,"' Sanchez
saidproudly. "Our objective is to build
better people and create better places
in this world."
The Kiwanis Club accepts dona-
tions on arolling basis and is located at
First and West Washington streets,
north of the Blind Pig.
pros, conS
come to
Michigan will be one battleground
this week for the North American Free
Trade Agreement, with opponents and
supporters visiting the state to make
their pitches.
On Monday, U.S. Senate Republi-
can Leader Robert Dole of Kansas
speaks to the Detroit Economic Club,
andon Saturday, U.S. Sen. PhilGramm,
R-Texas, will be on Mackinac Island to
push NAFTA.
Also on Saturday, Texas billionaire
Ross Perot and Democratic U.S. Sen.
DonaldRiegle will holdan anti-NAFTA
rally in Flint.
Michigan's strong unions and solid
manufacturing base make the state
source of support for both detractors
and defenders.
For example, Perot tapped anti-
NAFTA sentiment at his rallies in June
in Grand Rapids, Flint and Macomb
County. But major Michigan manufac-
turers such as General Motors Corp.,
DOW Chemical Co. and ChryslerCorp.
want the agreement ratified.
In Washington, theU.S. House Ways
and Means Committee opens NAFTA
hearings this week.
UnderNAFTA, tariffs andotherbar-
riers to the movement of goods, ser-
vices and investment among the United
States, Canada and Mexico would be
eliminated over 15 years, creating the
world's largest and richest trading bloc.
Opponents contend it will cost U.S.
jobs, as companies flee to Mexico to
employ workers who earn far less.
"Michigan is the most vulnerable
state, with a half a million jobs at risk
under NAFTA," said Jon Ogar of
Michigan's AFL-CIO.
LSA junior Gayathri Arumgham is going to bike home with a lamp from the Fall Sale.
Dems begin '94 campaign to put
Anybody Bu 'in office
Dunk tank and baloney
sculpture tout Republican
governor as start to
publicity blitz
LANSING (AP) - Democrats
launch the second part of their "Any-
body But Engler" drive today with a
fund-raiser that features a John Engler
look-alike in a dunk tank, plus a baloney
sculpture of the governor.
About 800 Democrats are expected
to attend the Warren event and shell out
$50 apiece fora chance to soak the look-
alike and watch the creation of the
lunchmeat statue.
Steve Gools, a spokesperson for the
state Democratic Party, said organizers
decided on baloney for the sculpture
because they believe that'swhatEngler's
policies are.
Engler spokesperson Rusty Hills said
the Republican governor wasn't wor-
"The Republicans are trying to re-
form education and the Democrats are
fooling around with baloney. I think
that accurately sums up the difference
with the two parties," he said Friday.
"I'd like to think they could come
up with something better to offer in
terms of public policy than fooling
around with baloney and dunk tanks.
"I don't think all this folderol means
anything to the average voter and frankly,
it shouldn't. It is a long, long time
between now and the election in 1994.
The last thing on the voters' minds now
is worrying about the governor's race or
any other race in 1994."
The state Democratic Party launched
it's "Anybody But Engler" effort sev-
eral months ago. The Democrats have
made periodic attacks on the governor's
record and Gools said that will con-
The plan's second phase will be
raising some $1.5 million for next year's
election, he said. He added the third part
will be creating a grass roots organiza-
tion for the party's nominee to take over
the day after the Aug. 2 primary.
Three Democrats - state Sen.
Debbie Stabenow, state Rep. Lynn
Jondahl, and former U.S. Rep. Howard
Wolpe, all of Lansing - already are in
the gubernatorial race, but they'll be too
focused on winning the nomination to
build a statewide organization aimed at
winning theNov. 8 election, Gools said.
We want to make sure that when all
is said and done and we have our candi-
date next year that we. have a good
chance to nail John Engler," he said.
Hills said Engler's view is "the vot-
ers want us to focus on governing, not
politicking, they want us to get things
done and that's the way it should be.
There's plenty of work to be done and
tha's what we want to do."
But political consultant and pollster
Steve Mitchell said Engler can't afford
to ignore the Democratic effort.
"I think they absolutely have to be
worried about that. The governor only
won with a margin of 17,000 votes in
1990 and when you win with that kind
of margin you're not starting out with a
mandate by any means," said Mitchell,
"He's done a number of controver-
sial things in his administration. The
whole education package is up in the air
and how that plays out will affect what
will happen."
Calvin Klein
e y e w e a r
320 S. State St.
(Located in the lower level of
Decker drugs)
Pop star Michael Jackson waves to Russian fans at Moscow's Sheremetyevo
airportas he leaves his plane, Sunday, Sept. 12.
Aspin: Half of troops in Bosnia would be American
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -U.S.
military planners believe that roughly
50,000 peacekeepers would be needed
to implement a possible Bosnia peace
accord, and about half the troops would
be American, Defense Secretary Les
Aspin said yesterday.
In remarks at a defense conference
in Brussels, Aspin said that no final
decisions had been made and he pre-
dicted it would be hard to get Congress
to approve U.S. participation if the al-
lies didn't contribute at least half the
Aspin's comments were the most
specific to date on the size and makeup
ofaU.N.-sanctionedmultinational force
that mightbe asked to enforce an accord
in Bosnia.
Aspin at first said it was "too sensi-
tive" to discuss in public when asked
about planning for implementing apos-
sible peace agreement that would di-
vide Bosnia among the Croats, Serbs
and Muslims.
Then he referred to recent news ac-
counts of the likely size of apeacekeep-
ing force. "The numbers that you see
(in newspapers) are roughly what it's
looking like,"Aspin said. "You're talk-
ing about overall numbers of around
50,000 total."
Aspin said President Clinton was
notready to officially commit the United
States to participating ina Bosniapeace-
keeping force, but that in any case it was
politically important that the allies con-
tribute heavily to any such force.
Aspin gave a speech and answered
questions from the audience at a con-
ference of the International Institute
for Strategic Studies in Brussels, hen
briefly visited with U.S. troops in
Germany en route to Rome where he
was meeting with Adm. Jeremy
Boorda, who is heading U.S. military
planning for Bosnia.
While reiterating that the adminis-
tration intended to keep 100,000 U.S.
troops stationed in Europe, Aspin said
NATO - the institutional framework
for allied operations - must change or
else the U.S. public may want the troops
brought home.
Aspin described some of the details
of his recently announced new five-
year defense plan that restructures the
military to account for the fact that the
Cold War-era threat of attack from the
Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact is gone.
He said U.S. forces will be tailored to
handle other dangers such as regional
conflicts in Korea or Iraq and the pos-
sible spread of nuclear weapons
Aspin said the NATO alliance must
make clearer arrangements for how it
would share the burden of responding
to crises and conflicts outside of Eu-
rope. He said this should be the main
focus of a NATO summit in January to
be attended by Clinton and the heads of
the 15 other governments in the Atlantic
In abrief stopoverat Rhein Main Air
Base in Frankfurt, Germany, on his way
to Rome, Aspin was given a briefing on
U.S. participation in Operation Provide
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