Page 4-The Michigan Daly- Tuesday, April 20, 1993 c 1je £id1iguu i ail '1 HA T LAST GREGS1?ul' CA wro OH F o~rT~iM/CI-1Ai4 b D~1wy -, qs~ Yov 1G- K AvE 6L'FssEZ Fj, ,a Tri 7 1 " 17-/s tIS AIY FiNAL- CAfRTO'N FoR THt s NW S~PAF2. OaY D'HV t TE ~U51) T7v5'B' V~1bCREi)S o pRI6iGN4LLY, It - -ouG FA1 YF,4rAIwju CA rooMAI/6//f &SI6rNS AT AN&rLL L.L A Co-iPtNs'Ca- 6'E A Lt Ikr-=F.ARr7Loo1-rO '7AU -7flt ""AAk' _ _Tht-iN& F 'EOPLC -R F 'Cc L - = 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH DUBow Editor in Chief ERIN LIZA EINHoRN OpinionEditor Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. RESPECT Rape won't disappear until attitudes change A,S4Bt'i DES HtE I N A /'rU4.Ho WEV .I /ANLY &A - ...."-" , GAS u( ' i/fTh T"w 17NIT t IRE A7,4i& U?jl oo.s : 4' CIJNC'"'RE .S ELLP )P1PE&STSC ( S E b N U-C /IPiTA LJ J ALL.AtA'f/ E ,w~weG- ouJE JN, JJ t o T'Nir.JK TE YTM S WORKtN&:..' r Zif,, 7- LAWA' W" 6 ftS'cod E p>,r E WN o 15tA T, A1A6AZ1 F.JE a '""" 4 =° -C jj~o~i- {vl "of R~rPo~vr'IJ- To AIu MY THAT WISa NOU FoRA,44'oLE CzvMjC.TEN C-%,WTHA#ta AAJE -~- 1 ThoVQ6HTOP tDoIN iA ! TARFvJL,CHEJFSy 6oDi5YE FoLD7-1r4 FATU~c'yNG X4-&NTH NGr4srHAT H ,N N LLof MY ' HARAc-r RS C&,OLb 3RbI->' GO CAUsE-I-) vPL i-.A LAE VRy'-Tf-ING- THE ' R SEPARATE (WAYS . (UN4FoTuNvA7E Y>Pat..j'i c14i F~OIM A RAci5 -r -ro A t.F -I-ATHN t - CAR-ro"'Jis-rs tDorj'- ET . y NIA VF REC U R I1 NCG- L! FR AL ub"NC//'!.FA;NS, t 644Ess1 -Th / N7' GARP ON FPIGURES (v', EXCEPTFiR Ross PEJoT). GV " 6N fYsELF iNcL.u.aEb2: jRAN Ou'r'OF SPACE. PLEA SE ?Nb AtL-INSt TScuMMM3 ' ' ~~CoMPL-I('NTS, ETC. To GCrk'&- S-e'/'fiP WA A 113SOR T / ( 1 { 1..I "1' C of 1 YJ (.. ! I .1 L v b / / tl. A ESPoNSE 29 'c~rn- s tSV R w N THE LAST four months -in less than fif- teen weeks - 38 women and men have reported rapes to the Sexual Assault Preven- tionand AwarenessCenter, and April's noteven over yet. The number 38 is misleading too- it represents onlythe people who gathered enough courageto reporttheir assaults. Only six of those people went to the police. The FBI estimates that one in three women and one in ten men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. One in four women will be raped while in college. When statistics are echoed so often, they sometimes losetheirsignificance. Statistics turn human beings into numbers -"one of four." Butthese numbers are people -people who struggleto regaincontrol.To escape. To breathe. To once again maintain confidence. And later, to tell their friends. Their boy- friends. Theirsisters. Theirparents. Sometimes the police. They hope no one blames them, and they hope no one tells them they should have been more careful or wom something else. Someone has shared her or his sexual asault experience on this page every week this semes- ter. Each article told a unique story about a unique human being. Phones rang regularly at the Daily from surivors who understood and wanted to write about what they were feeling. These stories were intended to break the silence - to urge people to talk about rape. These stories should tell people that rape hap- pens and it happens to people they know. Rape is not an impulsive act of passion. It is acrimeofviolence thatcomes from a perception that women are weak and can be controlled and SEXUAL ASSAULTS REPORTED TO SAPAC IN 1993:38* Involving penetration: 20 No penetration: 6 Acquaintance: 24 Stranger: 1 EOn Campus: 1 Reported to police: 6 * No additional information avail- able for some reports manipulated. It is not a random act of crazy men attacking strangers on the street. Of the 38 reported rapes this semester, only one was performed by a stranger. The most dangerous place for a woman may just be at a party with friends - or with her lover. This is not to belittle the fact that men are raped as well. But because of their gender, women are told to be weak and notto fightback. One in four women will be raped in college. Funding advocacy groups is a postive step. More changes need to occur in the legal system and more counseling services need to be devel- oped to work with survivors. But first, and most importantly, attitudes must change. Women need to stand up and show they won't take it anymore. And men need to show repect. Faulty comparisons damage everyone by Kim LeBrane Rackham graduate student Although I disagree with Natosha Morris's belief that sexual orientation is not inherent, and feel that she grossly under- stated the extent of the struggle and perse- cution of homosexuality in America, I also feel that she is absolutely right to chasten people for assuming "we [Black people] can relaterto every individual because of our racial experience." As a Black person, I find it extremely annoying when members of otheroppressed groups (be they racial, religious, or sexual) tell me they understand what it's like to be Black. Let's get this straight right now: the only people who truly know what it's like to be Black, are. The same is true for any other group. It would be extremely pre- sumptuous of me to believe that my expe- riences with discrimination as a Black per- son in any way, shape, or form, provide me with an adequate understanding of what it is like to be a lesbian, or Jewish, or Native American, or a member of any of the many other oppressed groups in America. Discrimination in this country is as di- verse as the groups that face it. Case in point: despite arguments to the contrary, Black people are a visible minority and homosexuals are not. I am notrefening to national visibility in the sense of having a strong, united, active community, which both groups have, buttoindividualvisibil- ity in the simple sense of being identifi- able on sight. Homosexuals do not have to face the types of discrimination that stem 'Comparing the struggles of oppressed groups far too often degenerates into the childish game of "I'm more oppressed than you are," which we could all do without.' from this visibility,justas Blackpeopledo not have to face widespread public re- crimination for whom they love (unless they're of a different race - but that's another topic entirely.) Which brings us to the underlying point of Natosha's article: "what society needs todo isrecognizethatwhile African Ameri- cans and homosexuals are oppressed groups, our struggles are not one in the same."We can show sympathy, empathy, respect and support for each other and our respective struggles but we cannot and should notcombine or compare them. Com- paring the struggles ofoppressed groups far tooof tendegeneratesintothechildishgame of "I'm more oppressed than you are," which we could all do without. This in- cludes the inane University practice of put- ting every discriminatory incident into an African-American perspective with point- less questions such as: "can you imagine a 1993 military ban on Blacks?" or "would the Universityallowasignthatsaid 'Nigger Rd.'?" My answer is no, probably not, and what does that have to do with the price of Kool-aid? Does the fact that there isn't a military ban on Blacks or a sign that says 'Nigger Rd.' in the window of some dormi- tory somehowmaketheexisting banorsign more offensive? Are Black people sup- posed to apologize for not being explicitly included in every discriminatory incident? What is the purpose of asking these ques- tions, if not to drag African Americans into playing yet another game of "Who's More Oppressed?" Personally, I'd rather play spades. February 10 It happened several years ago and most of the time I don't even think about it anymore. But it changed me forever ... I know there are many of us out here quietly living our lives as someone who survived rape. Just because we don't talk about it all the time doesn't mean we don't exist. February 17, I'm not just writing this article to pass time away, or to show how smart I am about the issue. I really want to influence someone to be more careful, so that they won't have to go through the pain of being a victim of sexual assault. March 3 I was eleven the first time my uncle sexually abused me. Now, ten years later I'm in therapy and trying to deal with the lasting effects of what he did to me.... Every day in many ways the abuse is with me. I don't trust pe very easily, especially men. March10 She didn't have a face, she didn't have a name, she was scared.... Suddenly, all these emotions swirl around here like on the train, but this time she feels like she is underneath the train trapped, watching it speed over her. The train never stopped that evening to let her off. ... She is me and this is my story. She could be you. March 17 I will talk over your head till you are dead Because you robbed me of this person I could be who could once love but cannot now March 24 Not one, but a million women out there to tear this creep off of me, make me strong, fight him off.... I'm the one who's screaming, screaming because it gives me control, because he has to defend himself against it. March 31 While victims typically feel guilt, I felt even worse because I had been there by choice, passed out and naked. To make matters worse, I confided in a friend and she told me that it was not rape. In retrospect, I know that it definitely was rape. Any sex without consent is rape. April 7 I ran back to the dorm by myself. How could I trust my friends to get me there safely? He had been my friend. I had trusted him. Seven showers later I was still dirty. Almost three years later, I am still dirty.... Dizzy. Sick. Crying. Alone. Totally alone. April 14 Telling friends has been difficult. While coming out as a sexual assault survivor is an excruci- atingly painful task alone, I often fear ridicule and humiliation from friends who think women are the only ones who can be sexually assaulted. SPREADING FEAR AIDS patientforced to wear mask in court Denying tenure seems hypocritical To the Daily: In a March 30 address, "Undergraduate education for today and tomorrow," LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg stressed the vital importance of teaching in the research university. "Faculty are often given the message that attention to students will hurt their research careers, their tenure and their salaries," the Dean declared. "We are out to change this culture so that the many faculty who value their educational missions can feel supported rather than ridiculed." But can we really believe that the University means what Dean Goldenberg says? If so, why in late February did the LSA Executive Committee override a departmental decision and deny tenure to Richard Campbell, assistant professor in the Department of Communication? Professor Campbell is precisely the kind of academic Dean Goldenberg says this university now seeks to encourage. Last October, he was awarded the University's coveted Faculty Recognition Award, in recognition both of his skills as an undergraduate teacher and his supervision of students at the graduate and professional level. The University Record called him "a tireless organizer, excellent teacher, and nurturing mentor." Campbell is also a nationally recognized critic of broadcast journalism and author of the acclaimed 60 minutes and the News: A Mythology for Middle America. With co-author Jimmie Reeves of the Communication Dept., he has a new study of TV crack cocaine coverage forthcom- ing. Both books bear the imprint of respected univer- sity presses. The decision to deny tenure to Prof. Campbell, if allowed to stand, would have repercussions beyond the Communication Department he serves so effectively. It devalues the professor's role as teacher and intellectual guide, in blatant contradic- tion of Dean Goldenberg's stated aims. It discourages initiatives across conven- tional disciplinary bound- aries. It sets up roadblocks to those who would develop a truly interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship, especially in the ever more significant area of contempo- rary news media and popular culture. We therefore strongly urge the Executive Board to reconsider its unfortunate decision. Marsha Ackerman Chris Martin Ellen Poteet Jeremy Wood and 40 other Rackham graduate students Freedom of speech allows for other views To the Daily: This is in response to Kristin Johnson's letter, "Maoist propaganda offen- sive" (4/14/93), regarding the availability of a Communist newspaper on Michigan's campus. It seems inconsistent that at one point you say you "support the First Amend- ment" (referring to its guarantee of freedom of speech,) while later you say you "speak out against the free existence of MIM Notes on campus." I hate to point out the obvious, but what sets America apart from the repressive regimes repre- sented by MIM Notes is the fact that here, you can espouse any political position you damn well please - even an unpopular one. What you're proposing, namely the withdrawal of MIM Notes based on its political content and associa- tions, is a tactic favored by those very regimes you denounce. Martha Sorbet LSA senior 0! Quotas can work both ways HEN STATE ATTORNEYS charged Rob- ert Williams, an AIDS-infected pris- oner, withattemptedmurder for throw- ing a bottle of feces at a nurse, it revealed their ignorance of the disease and bias against AIDS patients. A Jackson judge, last week, furthered this ignorancebyordering Williams to wear ahockey- style mask in court. Judge James Justin feared Williams might spit and spread the disease to those in the courtroom. But instead of protect- ing the general public or his staff from the disease, Justin only fueled their fear of AIDS and AIDS patients. sciously did was to segregate and dehumanize the AIDS patient. If society really wants to combat this fatal disease, the first major step is learning about the real risks of AIDS. It is sad that a judge in such anhonorable andrespectedpositionis still apart of the ignorant group that continues to falsely stereotype and heighten illegitimate fears of AIDS and AIDS patients. Justin's inhumane decision to put a Hannible the Cannibal-like mask on the defendant not only increased the false sense of fear that most haveof AIDS, but also denied the defendant due process of law. Wearing such a mask, Williams To the Daily: The editorial, "No Rainbow" (4/14/93), was nothing more than another example of the foolish ideology held by many modern liberals and "civil rights" proponents: any institution must consist of personnel which is represen- tative of the ethnic, sexual, and racial distribution of the general U.S. population. It also showed the hypocrisy. and close-mindedness that often accompanies such a various athletic departments for not boosting the number of African- American basketball staff (presumably coaches and trainers) in order to make it more sympathetic to the needs of its players. Hypocrisy! The editorial fails to acknowledge the lacking number of whites and other racial groups on the court. Isn't this discrimination, too? Should we be alarmed and call for an increase in recruitment of non African- American basketball plavers hiring procedures be any different for the non-playing staff: coaches, administrators, and trainers? The fact that all of the teams were in the Final Four shows that the formula they use for success is working, in short, they are winning basketball games. If proven discrimination in hiring non-playing staff or recruiting players on the basis of race does exist, then indeed there is a problem and it should be addressed, if not, then let the teams do what 0