Tomorrow night women have a chance to feel safe on the streets and "Take Back the Night." They've played all over the country. Tonight they will perform at Rackham. Melissa Rose Bernardo interviews the Friars. The Michigan baseball team looks to extend it's five-game winning streak this weekend. The Wolverines host Indiana in two doubleheaders at Fisher Stadium. Today Rainy; igh 54,Low44 Tomortow Partly cloudy; High 56, Low 43 IV 41br 4br tlqw Itttl ti One hundred two years of editorial freedom Vo.g I o.19AnnArboMch gan-Fia, Apri 1.193©193Th MchgaDily Regents experience student life Board hears presentations concerning substance abuse on campus Soia staisi These statistics were presented to the University Board of Regents at its weekly meeting: by Jennifer Silverberg Daily Administration Reporter They boarded abus to Mosher Jor- dan residence hall (MoJo), attended a lecture on substance abuse and student life, learned how to use a new com- puterprogram, and wereoffered aread- ing list before they left at the end of the day. Although it sounds like a prospec- tive students' orientation to campus, this was actually the agenda for yesterday's University Board of Re- gents' monthly meeting that focused on student life. "I think it's exceedingly interesting because we don't have a lot of direct contact with students or student life. We come to campus and go to the board room and unless specific efforts are made to expose us to the University, we just don't see these components," said Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit). Maureen Hartford, vice president for student affairs, opened the meeting by presenting the regents with a profile of the average first-year student. Hartford said 40 percent of first- year students come from families of divorce. They are optimistic about their future, politically liberal and interested in the environment. And when asked what they do for fun, most will reply "drink," she added. "I didn't have as good a knowledge of the profile of the student of 1996," Varner said. "You tend to always think of students being the way you were, and of course, they are very different." Hartford'sintroduction was followed by a presentation on the prevalence of substance abuse on campus from Cae- sar Briefer, director of University Health Services (UHS). Briefer said at least 90 percent of University students have experimented with alcohol and atleast40 percent with marijuana before coming to campus. Varner said the presentation was enlightening. "I knew alcohol was a problem but I didn't realize the extent of it," she said. But other regents said they already knew substance abuse was a problem on campus. "I have a son who's a sophomore in college and adaughter whojust gradu- ated," said Regent RebeccaMcGowan (D-Ann Arbor). "I'm aware of how they and their friends spend a lot of their time." Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar- See REGENTS,Page 2 Cases of beer sold weekly in Ann Arbor U-M students who have had five or more drinks in one sitting Fake IDs reported per semester in 1991 O'Sullivans Good Time Charley's Noisy party complaints during Fall Term, 1992 People visiting Counseling Services for alcohol-related problems Positive pregnancy tests at University Health Service Unwanted pregnancies Unwanted pregnancies that involve alcohol with one or both partners 20,000 - 30,000 more than 40% 150 300 710 20-25% 30-50% 80% 50% Source: Caesar Briefer, director, University Health Services are In Its budget for fiscal year 1994, the University mandated a 2-percent across-the- board budget cut for every department that receives monies from the General Fund. This Is an in-depth look at how some University departments will be specifically affected by the budget cut. These stories examine: administrative cuts; recruiting, admissions and financial aid; student services; faculty; the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center; the Lesbian-Gay Male Programs Office; libraries; computing sites; hospital funding; and, - the Department of Public Safety. FOR FURTHER COVERAGE, SEE PAGE 5 cri ice 'U' officials devise plans to deal with 2-percent budget cut by Jennifer Silverberg Daily Administration Reporter University administrators said the campus-wide 2 percent budget cut for next year will be substantial -butthey are used to it. "It's like pruning a plant to get it to grow better," said University President James Duderstadt. Bob Holbrook, associate vice presi- dent for academic affairs, said, while the University has mandated that cuts must be made, it is letting individual units decide where to make the cuts. Holbrook added that the units will be asked to fund about 2 percent of their own salary program. 'That would mean the dean ordirec- tor of a unit would be expected to find ways - budget cuts, belt-tightening, whatever - to give salary increases to people working for (them)," hesaid. Walter Harrison, executive director of University relations, said his unit has a tentative plan to deal with the cut. 'We're not going to fire anyone or anything but we've found ways toecono- mize on mailing and that sort of thing," Harrison said. Harrison said more drastic cuts may be necessary in the future. "In my area we tried to cut operat- ing expenses instead of cutting people," Harrison said. "We were able to do that this year but we may lose people over five years." Gilbert Whitaker, provost and vice president for academic affairs, said his unit has decided to eliminate al- ready vacated positions. 'We'll either useless extra help or not fill some positions that are vacant at this point," Whitaker said. Connie Cook, executive assistant to Duderstadt, said the president's office will make cuts in two areas. 'We had some temporary staff that we're probably going to recon- sider and cut back on and I know we've cut back on subscriptions to some newspapers and joumals," Cook said. But not all administrative units have to worry about the cuts this year. 'We had some carry over from last year that we're able to use to make up for budget cuts this year but now we're trying to come up with a priorityranking ... and from thatwe'll decide where to make cuts (in the future),"'said Maureen Hartford, vice president for student affairs. Officials, students prepare for Clinton by David Shepardson Daily Government Reporter The University andthe White House released further information yesterday regarding Hillary Clinton's engagement at this year's commencement ceremony. Thanks in partto some cajolingfrom Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor), who is close friends with the first lady, Clinton officially accepted the University's invitation Wednesday. The White House said yesterday that Clinton, who is the chair of the president's task force on health care reform, will focus heavily on health care policy and the health care task force'srecommendations inher address. But officials said no further details would be available regarding the first lady's itinerary for at least 10 days. "The graduation is in May. We are still working on April's schedule," said Julie Hoffer, an aide in the Office of Presidential Scheduling. Clinton was asked to speak at com- mencement in February, University of- ficials said. Also announced was that Clinton will receive an honorary doc- torate of laws at the ceremony Saturday, May1. Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) said, "I think it is great that Hillary Clinton has been chosen. She is an outstanding first lady who will bring a different perspective to the University's commencement exercises." Officials in the Office of Student Affairs said a meeting took place Wednesday to plan the details of Clinton's visit. They added that some graduating students may get to meet with Clinton. Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar- bor) applauded the decision to select Clinton as commencement speaker and said he would vote in favor of an honor- ary degree for her. Power said the re- gents had been unofficially informed that it was "almost for sure" approxi- mately a week to 10 days ago. This was about the same time Uni- versity Department of Public Safety Director Leo Heatley said he was in- formed by University officials of See CLINTON, Page 2 A student boards the bus provided for disabled students. SStudent affairs will decide on cutbacks by Michele Hatty Daily Staff Reporter The Office of Student Affairs stands to lose more than $100,000 from its General Fund budget - potentially af- fecting anumber of student services - when the University initiates a 2-per- cent across-the-board budget cut next year. 'We're starting to lookover Student Affairs. We've developed a draft of a mission statement, which was senttoall of our staff members March 18," said Rodger Wolf, assistant to the vice presi- dent for student affairs. 'Wehave formed abudget task force team with five or six individuals in it, and they are meeting periodically, de- veloping a strategic plan. We have a series of meetings planned over the next few weeks," Wolf added. Prioritizing the units within the of- fice is an involved process. "'This bud- get task force put together a list of all of our offices and functions within Stu- dent Affairs. What we were requested to do was to rank each of these things in order of priority, giving each of them a high, medium, low or N/A rating that will help us decide how we put together our entire budget," Wolf said. Sam Goodin, director of Services for Students with Disabilities, which is a unit within student affairs,said he is not too worried. "I think it's probably too soon to tell at this point. But I think it's certainly not catastrophic," Goodin said. Goodin also said there are other ways to absorb the cut without cutting services from which students directly benefit. "Don't buy new computers ... Instead of buying anew copy ma- chine, keep the old one. Maybe there are areas, such as travel, that staff can cut back on. These are all ways to combat that 2 percent without losing staff," he said Justice for Jessica plans rally to support children's rights by Will McCahill Daily Crime Reporter The custody battle for a two-year- old girl continues tomorrow with a rally at Ann Arbor City Hall, planned by vmnn called "Justice' for Jessi. his paternity -and therefore his rights to the child -when the girl was three weeks old and already living with the DeBoers. Marcia Dykstra, a volunteer for Jus- te for Jica, said the froiin has told The case has received national attention, being the subject of an article in the New Yorker magazine on the ABC television news program " 20/20." speakers at the rally, including Lt. Gov. Connie Binfield, Vice President of the National Council for Adoption Mary Beth Seader, andGeorgeRuss, an attor- ney who successfully argued a case in Justice forJessicatargeted state law- makers in an effort to change Michigan law so that third parties - such as adoptive parents - would be able to seek custody ofachild if that child lived