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January 15, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-15

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Want to make a dream come true? Then, take Kathryn Kramer's second novel, "Rattlesnake
the time on Martin Luther King Day to consider Farming," takes a look at history from a variety of
race relations and how they can be improved. perspectives - four, to be exact. Read Joshua
Keidan's review of this work.

Despite facing a team that will start four
sophomores, Notre Dame is concerned about its
inexperience when it faces Michigan tomorrow.
Of course, there's no Fab Five in South Bend.

Variable clouds;
High 28, Low 21
More clouds; High 29, Low 23


One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vol C11,! 0l Arbr Mciga Fid, 99, 199 Miciga Dil

agrees to
pay fine
for spill
by Melissa Peerless
Daily News Editor
University officials have agreed
to pay a $3,750 fine levied against
the Medical Science laboratory by
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The NRC assessed the fine after a
radioactive chemical spill occurred
in the Medical Science I Building
last September.
After extensive debate, the
University decided to pay - rather
than contest - the fine, University
News and Information Director Joe
Owsley said.
"It was a matter of studying the
implications of paying or contesting
the fine," he said. "We determined
that the best course of action was to
pay the fine. We determined that we
had violated some regulations."
Owsley said the money to cover
the fine will be drawn from the ac-
count of the laboratory in which the
spill occured.
"It will be charged against
Medical Science," he said.
In addition to the fine, the NRC
has imposed stringent laboratory
safety regulations upon the
Owsley said University officials
have been working diligently to im-
prove safety in laboratories on
"A lot of things went along with
the fine," he said. "We have in-
creased the amount of training peo-
ple must have in order to deal with
radioactive material. We are making
sure that our staff is briefed to han-
dle radioactive isotopes."
In last September's accident, a
student researcher tracked radioac-
tive phosphorous throughout the
Medical Science building when he
spilled some of the substance and
picked it up on his shoes.
The University will be conduct-
ing internal checks of its labs four
times a year.


Strike on Iraq ruins
four air defense sites

" Iraq claims to stop
incursions into
Kuwait and resume
U.N. weapons
President Bush declared the mili-
tary strike on Iraq "a big success"
yesterday and said he hoped
Saddam Hussein "got the mes-
The Pentagon said allied
warplanes had damaged the four
Iraqi air defense sites they targeted
and destroyed one mobile missile
The Pentagon said three other
missile batteries were dismantled
by the Iraqis after the attack.
Administration officials said
the limited allied attack demon-
strated to a defiant Saddam that
the United States had the political
will to strike and might do so
again at any time.
President-elect Clinton said he
would judge Saddam's behavior
by his future conduct but could
not imagine normalizing relations.
"The aggressive military
tyrants achieved much less than
what their sick minds had

dreamed of," said an Iraqi military
communique, which counted 19
dead and 15 wounded from
Wednesday's strike at eight tar-
gets in Iraq's southern "no-fly
Iraq also said it would cease its
incursions into Kuwait and let
United Nations weapons inspec-
tors resume their flights.
The Pentagon called the attack
"a very small mission" with only
40 planes bombing Iraqi radar sta-
tions and surface-to-air missiles
for just 15 minutes. An additional
70 U.S., British and French air-
craft provided air cover, refueling
and other support.
"This wasn't even the second
cousin of all battles," said
Pentagon spokesperson Pete
Williams. r
He said the radar installations
in southern Iraq were "seriously
degraded" and the targeted mobile
surface-to-air missile batteries
were either hit by the allies or
dismantled by the Iraqis. One was
hit for sure, he said.
Williams declined to quantify
the damage, saying, "I don't have
a box score for you." But he ran
videotapes from cameras mounted
on the attack aircraft that shows

two bombs striking targets, two
missing and cloud cover obscuring
another target.
Allied aircraft resumed patrols
yesterday over the "no-fly zone,"
taking photographs to verify the
damage reports and searching for
any sign that Saddam might strike
Brent Scowcroft, Bush's na-
tional security adviser, provided
the first indication that not all the
targets were hit.
Scowcroft said on ABC's
"Good Morning America" that the
attack knocked out "in the neigh-
borhood of half' the targets."
"Let's just hope that Saddam
Hussein got the message," said
Bush. "I hope that he will now
comply with these United Nations
Clinton lent full backing to
Bush's decision and said he would
not rule out authorizing force him-
self if warranted.
In an interview published yes-
terday in The New York Times,
Clinton said his message to
Saddam was: "If you want a dif-
ferent relationship with me, you
can begin by observing the U.N.
requirements, and change your

U.S. soldiers board a chartered plane yesterday for the Middle East.

Citizens: U.S. strike predictable
Disabled Desert Storm veteran supports U.S. action

The Associated Press
A Michigan veteran of
Operation Desert Storm and
political experts say it was only a
matter of time before the Allies
had to strike again against Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein.
Meanwhile, two peace activists
were arrested after staging a sit-in
at the Grand Rapids federal
building to protest the United
States' role in Wednesday's
military strike against Iraq.

Disabled Desert Storm veteran
Kimberley Lee Stallion, 27, of
Genesee County's Genesee
Township, says she supports the
allied effort in the Persian Gulf.
She was wounded when a Scud
missile slammed into her barracks
in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on Feb.
25, 1991.
"I knew it was just a matter of
time the way he was going,"
Stallion said. "If they can take him
out, I think they should do it."

Shan Aziz of Jackson said he
had spoken three weeks ago with
family members in Rajef, Iraq, his
hometown. They said Saddam was
expected to try to antagonize
President Bush. Saddam has been
ignoring warnings to stop sending
troops on raids across the border
in Kuwait.
Area experts said Saddam may
have miscalculated in making
missile and troop movements the
past several weeks.

An F/A-18 Hornet sits on the USS Kitty Hawk yesterday in the Persian Gulf
positioned for launch.


'U' to welcome celebrities in
commemoration of King

As part of the University's celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, various
campus groups are featuring famous speakers. Some of the more
recognizable faces:

Adgm&A I

by Saloni Janveja
Daily Staff Reporter
This year's Martin Luther King
Day observation may not be hitting
the big screen, but with scheduled
performances by the likes of Danny
Glover and Felix Justice, the Uni-
versity's sixth annual symposium
will make broadcast history.
For the first time, the Universi-
ty's satellite uplink will be used to
transmit the day's events nationally
and internationally, with more than
250 cable companies receiving-
press packets.
Charles Moody, vice provost for
minority affairs, said in the past the
planned events have been popular.
"Some of the workshops had
very good attendance by students,"
Moody said. "This year we have a
number of workshops and activities
that are particularly geared to stu-

dents. In fact, many are being im-
plemented by students."
Moody cited many differences
between this year's events and
those of past years - the main one
being the televised broadcast of se-
lected events. Channel 10 will
broadcast some events locally,

while others will be aired on cable
stations outside of Ann Arbor.
Another addition to the planned
events takes place after the actual
day, with a review of the previous
day's activities.
"There will be a session where
See KING, Page 2


Some uni'veniies choose not
to observe MLK holay
by Megan Lardner
Daily Higher Education Reporter
While some University of Michigan students may take the Martin
Luther King Day holiday for granted, students at other universities
around the country do not always have the same luxury.
Michigan State University (MSU) students will be attending classes
on Monday due to an administrative decision, even though campus
See HOLIDAY, Page 2

Babe Moore
Author of "Your
Blues Ain't Like
Mine," "Successful
Women! Angry
Men, Backlash in
the Two-Career
editor, "Essence
Magazine;" regular
National Public
Felix Justice
worked in
"Prophecy in
U will perform "An
Evening with
Langston and
Martin," a
presentation on
Black poet
Langston Hughes
and civil rights
leader Martin
Luther King, with
Danny Glover

i .,::AmiL 1


Danny Glover
starred in
movies: "Grand
Canyon," "The
Color Purple,"
"Lethal Weapon"
performed in
stage productions
such as "The
Island," "Sizwe
Bansi Is Dead,"
"The Blood Knot,"
and "Suicide in B
Dr. Jullianne
Ph.D. from MIT
in Economics
writer, "Essence
member Board
of Directors of
the San Francisco
of trustees of the
National Child
Labor Committee

by Mona Qureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
The local Jewish community has
taken action in response to the
University's invitation to and
funding for Minister Khallid
Muhammad of the Nation of Islam
to speak at Monday's Martin Luther
King Day Symposium.
Jewish students distributed fly-
ers on the Diag yesterday and Hillel
issued a statement claiming
Muhammad's speeches represent
"demagoguery, gutter racism and
Muhammad's views have ig-
nited controversy on several cam-
puses, including Columbia
University, the University of North
Carolina, and the University of
However, Charles Moody, vice-



Students debate merits of

'U' MLK day activities



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