Page 4- The Michigan Daily- Friday, April 9, 1993 c be £tcbigT ttailg41 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH DuBow Editor in Chief EIN LZA EnioRN Opinion Editor .Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. k 1 r r~ r o RCN HUWIYFN I3FIL q SPECIAL INTEREST Legislators should listen OSE WHO VOTED to support the Michigan *Collegiate Coalition (MCC) in the March Michigan Student Assembly elections have helped to secure one of the only student voices fighting to keep tuition costs down. Unfortu- nately, this solitary voice, in a storm of inflation and a tight state budget, is going unheard. The House Higher Education Committee has found it much easier to turn its head and ignore the huge emotional and financial burden rising tu- ition costs place on college students. Boxed in by state budget concerns, committee members will soon vote to cut funding to state universi- ties, inevitably resulting in higher tuition. The committee fails to understand the com- plex problem from a student perspective. For those students who are unable to keep up with the rising costs of higher education, the tuition increase means not returning to school next year. But the committee is so far removed from these disastrous consequences that it blindly supports the rise in tuition without even lending a sympathetic ear to the struggles of students. At a special session of the committee on last Monday, only 45 minutes of a two-hourmeeting were devoted to hearing student concerns from MCC members. Approximately a dozen stu- dents argued against the governor and the legis- lature for not increasing the higher education budget. Obviously the committee preferred ig- norance of the problem over harsh criticism - only three committee members remained half- way through the students' statements. Although to student lobby the committee itself may be unable to find other alternatives due to state budget restraints, it could at least listen and try to understand the student viewpoint. If it continues to ignore this perspective, it will only increase a widening gap between itself and students. Such a gap would make it easier to blindly increase tuition in the future before exploring otheroptions and would alleviate essential student pressure to keep tu- ition costs down. Beneath the surface ofthese tuition increases lie the struggles of students everywhere to ob- tain a higher education. Contrary to what stu- dents were told growing up - that hard work would open the doors to the world of opportu- nity - they are now learning that the almighty dollar is the only real ticket to success in this world. To most students, the lack of strong financial support makes attending college a shaky pros- pect. It is too easy for good colleges to be accessible to the rich rather than the intelligent Despite the pessimistic situation, students must continue to pressure the state. Remind the deci- sion-makers who you are and where you stand -and don't make it easy for them to give their support to decisions that will keep you from what you've earned through hard work. Let them hearyourvoice throughcontinued support for MCC. If these voices are loud enough, maybe foronce they'llbeheard and students can achieve a significant victory in a game where defeat is known too well. Working people must unite against fascism By Becky Richards for the Revolutionary Workers League Your editorial ofMarch22,"Free speech; Even fascists haveFurstAmendmentrights," attacked anti-Nazi demonstrators for "vio- lating the free speech rights" of the SS Action Group and the so-called National Association for the Advancement of White People (DavidDuke-ites) byattacking them with ice-balls, rocks, machine parts and fists when the fascists tried to rally at City Hall on March20. We of the Revolutionary Workers League (RWL) never made it a secret that we wanted the Nazis toberunout of town by militant action-thatis why we made "no free speech for fascists"a central slogan in our efforts to mobilize people for the demonstration. By "no free speech for fascists" we mean there must be mass mobilizations of Blacks, Latinos, Jews, lesbians and gay men, organized labor and all progressive people to smash them ourselves. As you say in your editorial, the anti-Nazi demonstra- tors"... imposed their own censorship law on SS Action and enforced this law with violence." Yes, our own law, which is the law of workers and the oppressed struggling for their survival in the face of an organization building a movement for genocide. But what about "the marketplace of ideas" asks the editorial. The marketplace of ideas" did not stop Hitler's Nazis from exterminating 6,000,000 Jews and hundreds of thousands of Gypsies, gay people, trade unionists and communists. It has not stopped white su- premacists from fire-bombing Black fami- lies' homes near Flint, or from burning crosses on the lawns of Black families in Lenawee County in recent months. The only thing that can stop a force organizing for racist, anti-lesbian/gay murder and union-smashing attacks isnot "reason," but a superior force mobilized to stop them. By "no free speech for fascists," we naturally do not mean that we are asking the city, state or federal government to "ban the Klan." In the first place, we do not wish to strengthen the precedent for state repres- sion, because we fully expect this repres- sion to be used against the left and all progressive struggles, as it has been histori- At some future point in time, the capitalist ruling class may have to turn the reins of power over to the fascists when their usual means of rule over workers and the op- pressed no longer suffice. This is what they did in Germany, Italy, and Spain. The fascists are struggling to build a mass movement that can take power in th4 future by offering false, racist answers to the problems of unemploymentand declin- ing standards of living, which can attract disaffe 'ted white youth. Those who would oppose the fascists must offer truthful an- swers to the economic crises -the neces- sity for whites, Blacks, and all working people to unite against capitalist oppres- sion. And we must deliver tactical blows to the fascists now to inhibit their growth ... the alarmingly rapid growth of the fascist move- ment in Europe, the U.S., and throughout the world should be a wake-up call.' STILL SHUT OUT 'U' still defies Open Meetings Act in searches MICHIGAN'S SUPREME COURT is now hearing arguments in a suit originally brought by area newspapers in protest to the closed hiring of President James Duderstadt. The University wants the court to allow the hiring of University officials in closed meetings, without public input, just as Duderstadt was hired ins 1988. Also at this time,3 Michigan State University (MSU); which is currently looking for ax new president, is asking the state legisla- ture to amend the Open' Meetings Act to exempt high-level university job interviews. If University officials, in their all-too finite wisdom, and MSU prevail, aserious blow to the public's right to know will have been struck. As the University would have it (and cur- rently does), no unsolicited public or student input would be accepted in the hiring of all- important officials such as a university presi- dent, vice president, college dean, or, as is the case now, athletic director. Allinterviews would be held behind closed doors and the University would not be required to give out infonnation regarding the status of candidates. This would allow the administration and the Regents to hire whomever they pleased, even if the proposed candidate was wholly unacceptable to students or to the people of the state of Michigan. The University's assertion that itmust either hold closed-doormeetings orsacrifice qualified candidates is not true. It seems that the Univer- sity is attempting to perpetuate its own kind of "old-boy network," where high-level officials are able to operate however they want, withoutj being an- noyed by the clamorofpub- lic opinion. The situation is analogous . to that of a Spowerful, pri- vate club, with decisions made in pri- vate and with- out public re- view. If this is the only set- ting in which good candi- FILE PHOTO/Daly dates can be hired, then perhaps they aren't so good after all. What kind of interest would such candidates have for student concerns? Probably very little. As usual, the University is trying to keep itself above public review. But the public's rights at a state-run institution like this one must be the overriding concem. The legislature should see the folly in amend- ing the Open Meetings Act and should vote to keep it strong. Of course, the law won't mean anything without strong legal precedents behind it, and the Supreme Court should recognize the importance of keeping university administra- tions accountable. Thankfully though, if the University can't come up with any better argu- ments in court than it usually does, it will prob- ably be slapped with yet another court defeat. cally 99 percent of the time. Secondly, we know that the cops (the armed power of the state) are inevitably on the side of the fas- cists. The cops provided the SS Action groups with a cordoned-off area to demon- strate. They disarmed the anti-Nazis while allowing the fascists to remain armed with shields and clubs. Clearly, the fascists in the United States are nowhere near ready to take power any time soon. This is not Germany, 1932. But the alarmingly rapid growth of the fascist movementinEurope, theU.S., and through- out the world should be a wake-up call. The cops protect the fascists now for a reason. while they are still small. Ironically, youreditorialplaces the blame for all that happened on the Trotskyist League (TL). While the RWL and the TL disagreed in coalition (along with other forces) to build the demo, we disagreedm strongly with the TL precisely because theyW argued against raising the idea of "no free speech for fascists" in the coalition leaflet to organize for the demonstration. Unlike the TL, supporters of the RWL believe that a mass, anti-fascist movement with the per- spective of confronting and smashing the fascists can only be organized by putting out this idea front-and-center. Daily bias affects credibility of rape pieces To the Daily: Is the Daily's "Perspec- tives" column dedicated to bringing the pain and frustra- tion of rape victims to its readers, or simply a soapbox for it to take jabs at random elements of American society? I refer in particular to "Legal system places rape survivors on trial" (3/31/93). After the victim/author described her harrowing experience, the writer concluded by making irrelevant comments such as: "It makes me furious when lawyers bring up ... a victim's sexual history or what the victim was wearing," and then went on'to say how ridiculous the U.S. justice system is, as if she herself had actually taken the witness stand after the incident She didn't. Therefore the Daily had no reason to slap on such a ridiculous headline based on a few lines that were inappli- cable to the story and were clearly beyond the author's realm of knowledge. And if that weren't enough, the Daily highlighted her quote: '"My sincere hope is that someday courts and the general public willnot-..address-.. the victim's sexual history or what they were wearing [at the time of the rape] ... " I'm appalled at how the Daily demeaned the victim's experience in order to emphasize its own malcontent with the U.S. legal system. It's unbelievable that a University newspaper could take this woman's frightening tale and not only leave in these few unwarranted, unrelated, and worst of all, unjustified comments, but highlight them in order to rail against society , (under this woman's anony- mous protection). The act was indicative of inconsiderate and irresponsible journalism, and if anything, only succeeded in keeping the real agony of rape from your readers. Use the column to discuss the issue you set forth: rape. For your credibility's sake, stop shoving your political leanings down our throats. Joshua Kline LSA junior Webber COMBAT BOOTS Navy move a good step for women in military Entire team, and Webber, deserve praise To the Daily: After seeing the final game, and the following press conference,we can only say how appalled we are at the press. Chris Webber is the most talented player in the NCAA, and should have been commended,not badgered, at the press conference. Four reporters in a row asked Webber the same question, despite his obvious distress. Howard, Webber, and Coach Fisher acted graciously under enormous pressure, and handled ludicrous questions from the media admirably. We should all remember that without Chris Webber, we wonid never have made it to A S THE DEBATE over homosexuals in the military drags on, another form of mili- tary discrimination continues to rear its ugly head-women stillcannot serve incombat positions. Fortunately, Defense Secretary Les Aspin has not forgotten about the rampant discrimina- this week by opening most combat positions to women. But most is not nearly far enough. All people, iftheydernonstrate the ability, should be permittedto serve in combat. There is absolutely no justification for this discrimination beyond that some men simply think women are not capable of participating in combat.. To the Daily:. The editorial on Wednes- day, March 17, "Deadly weapons; Waco incident shows need for Brady Bill," suggests that the Waco incident is another reason to pass the Brady bill, which would further restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens by requiring a national seven- day waiting period for firearms purchases. I find this argument illogical, unfair and Bill would only hurt the law-abDdg ing the legal firearms for some time already. Finally, the Brady bill, by definition, would only affect the law abiding citizens; most criminals purchase their firearms on the black market anyway. The L.A. riots are a prime example of how waiting period legislation is ineffec- tive in preventing crime and can in fact exacerbate the problems of civil unrest. In the that they would have to wait several days to be able to 0 purchase a firearm due to the waiting period in California. As a result, the gun stores were forced to close their doors and turn away desper- ately frightened customers. Over sixty people were killed in the ensuing chaos. This bill is just another misguided effort by our legislators to restrict our fundamental civil rights and i I I