Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, April 8,1993 1jz 1JridjtuiaiI4 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JosH Duiow Editor in Chief ERIN LIZA EINHORN OpinionEditor s Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. JULST caN'T 134a u-PARK IS, PLACE ,4NYt'4c, 0 j'&s b -7 -4-- i -N7 N /A/14PFRVPR -rthe E .;". S~c 72o /j'NIOTF #C-2 C-- NATIONAL SERVICE Hopefully Clinton will accept E UNIVERSITY SHOULD be commended otherwise T for applying to be one of the first few AnniArb schools involved in the national service created b program - a recently announced Clinton helpful in initiative. gan state In a rush to submit their ideas by last week's If the 1 deadline, University officials flew to Washing- will be re ton with theirconcept about how students could Affairs. I participate in the National Service Program in Service L Michigan. If the proposal is one ofthe four to 10 studentsu chosen nationwide, University students could communi begin reaping the benefits of the program this with you summer. consideri The national service program establishes a gram to s partnership between higher education and com- dents fro munity service. Under the University's plan, participal students would work for community groups increasin ranging from the Detroit-based Focus:HOPE to the Univ theLeaming Community CoalitioninYpsilanti. options. In return, students would earn minimum wage It is es plus a $1,000 educational stipend after comple- sity woul tionof the program. Clinton has designated $15 programc million of his economic stimulus plan for the activism. pilot program. Up to 350 University students new Peac could participate this summeriftheUniversity's such a p1 plan is selected. program; The University has shown great foresight in rediscov offering to pilot this program. One of the most While exciting proposals to emerge from the Clinton benefit ifI administration so far, the national service pro- this sumr gram willbenefiteveryoneinvolved-fromthe progressi students eaming money toward their education would rep to the community organizations who might not around t 'U', proposal have been able to hire volunteers. In or, for example, the volunteer corps y this program would be particularly light of declining funding for Michi- social services. University's plan is accepted, students xruited through the Office of Student Director of the Office of Community earing Jeffrey Howard said that while will be judged on their"commitment to dty service and an interest in working th," financial aid needs will also be ed. This is a logical place for the pro- start, but hopefully as it expands, stu- m many backgrounds will be able to te. As the financial aid system becomes g dependent on loans ratherthan grants, ersity is wise to invest in alternative specially appropriate that the Univer- ad apply to pilot the national service due to the campus's history of social Clinton's plan has been touted as the e Corps, and itwouldbe only fitting for Ian to begin at this university. As the grows, hopefully more students will er the spirit of community. University students would certainly the administration's plan were chosen mer, it is importantto recognize that any made on the national service program present ahuge step forward for students he country. ^ Ir w "- "' ' 1 f f University unjustified in cutting men 's gymnastics LGM I TASKFORCE MSA moves forward; must avoid pointless debate. EFORE THE PRESIDENTIAL torch was passed from EdeFoxtoCraigGreenberg last week, the outgoing Michigan Stu- dent Assembly (MSA) passed a resolution es- tablishing a task force on lesbian, gay and bi- sexual student affairs. The resolution, spon- sored by Women's Issues Commission Chair Erika Gottfried, will direct the task force to act as liaison between MSA and the Lesbian Gay Male Programs Office (LGMPO). The Assem- bly, often maligned for being out of touch with student concerns, has, albeit in its final meeting, passed a resolution that will directly benefit students. Hopefully Greenberg, newly elected Vice President Brian Kight, and the new assembly will continue to focus on LGMPO and other issues that directly affect students and not get bogged down in meaningless debate. Unfortunately, the discussion concerning approval of the LGMPO resolution sparked concern. Proponents of the resolution insisted on electing co-chairs to the task force, a man and a woman from the lesbian, gay and bisexual community. This request is fair and warranted. Male and female homosexuals and bisexuals have different concerns that need to be ad- dressed. Kight, however, opposed the resolu- tion because the compiled code of MSA states that each task force be headed by "a chairper- son." It is unfortunate that Kight, who has a strong command of the rules governing MSA, found it necessary to oppose such a sensible resolution (which ultimately passed 19-5) be- cause of a technicality. Pointless bickering such as this is precisely the reason students voted out Progressives and elected Greenberg and Kight to run MSA. While Greenberg, along with newly elected representatives from the Keg Party, have shown enthusiasm and promise, Kight's oppo- sition to the LGMPO resolution is difficult to. understand. Because the administration appears con- vinced that it can disempower students right and left, an effective assembly is pivotal. If certain members of the assembly cannot put aside tech- nicalities to further student rights, MSA will never be an effective body. In establishing atask force to deal with lesbian, gay and bisexual issues, MSA takes a step forward; students can only hope that mindless debate will not keep the new assembly from helping students. By Cory Hutterga Men's Gymnastics Team On March 22, 1993, the Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics and Athletic Director Jack Weidenbach announced the termination of the Michigan's men's m- nastics team. As members of the- team, we feel that we are being severely short-changed by the y University's decision. Though personal feelings of hurt and confusion run deep, we realize they are not the issue at hand. What is most disconcerting about these drastic actions is that we have be- come another example of how the University turnsitsbacktothewants and needs of the student body. As with the numerous codes and poli- cies instituted at this University, " the administration did not consult the student body before deciding what is in its best interest. It is no longer an issue of athletics, but rather the administration's repeated lending of a deaf ear to student's concerns on issues that directly involve them. We believe this is only the beginning. The more decisions the University makes for the students without their input, the more programs will be dropped, the more opportunities will be shattered, and the voice of the students will become less and less important. A university is a place forexperience and learning,constructedfor the students. We feel that the political pow- ers of the University of Michigan have forgotten this. Even the Athletic Department, which prides itself on its emphasis on student- athletes, not just athletes, has become en- twined in the bureaucratic red tape. What- ever became of the Jack Weidenbach who claimed, "I am here for the student-athlete," the man who insisted all athletes place academics as the top priority? If Mr. Weidenbach were truly sincere in his con- cem for the advancement of student-ath- letes, we have an even harder time under- standing his recent actions. As a team, we earned the second highest recorded cumu- lative grade point average of any men's varsity sport. Currently, we post five aca- demic All-Big Ten honorees. All of this, while maintaining our position as one of the nation's elite teams. In the 1991-92 season our team upheld its distinguished reputa- tion by qualifying five men to the NCAA Championships, finishing 10th in the na- tionasateam,andintheprocess,producing the highest team score in Michigan gym- nastics' history. We pose this question to you, then, Mr. Weidenbach and those serv- ing the Board, what is the definition of a student-athlete, that term you stand so strongly behind? What exactly is the mis- sion statement of the Athletic Department? In a weak effort to justify its decision, the Board provided only ignorant and con- tradictory reasoning. Just one day after the Gender Equity Act was sited as an influen- tial factor, Jack Weidenbach spoke of the Department's plan to bring varsity men's soccer in 1995. Although we do not ques- tion the intent of the Gender Equity Act, it obviously does not constitute the cutting of one men's program in exchange for an- other. Mr. Weidenbach has also stated that the decreasingparticipation in high school gym- nastics in the state of Michigan is a key, factor in the decision for dropping the pro- gram. Like most other Olympic sports, the predominant recruiting in college gymnas- tics is not from high schools, but from national age-groun nrograms. Therefore. tudes toward the affected students. Mr. Weidenbach boldly commented on the in- stant eligibility at another university upon transfer. Why should we be forced to study at a less dignified University because the "Leaders and Best" cannot provide oppor- tunities for its own students? In addition, Bruce Karnopp, a member of the board, was quoted as saying: "While I think each one of us feels that (dropping gym- nastics) is at leasta partially unfortunate thing to do... the facts are the facts." Perhaps the loss of an entire program which has been part of Michigan history for nearly five decades is only "partially unfortunate" to Mr. Kamopp. We see this,however, as the belittling of a deci- sion that will not only affect athletics at Michigan, but across the country as well. How can a student body trust an administration with such an uncaring attitude toward the students whom they are supposed to serve? As athletes, we cannot sit quietly watch athletic opportunities be de- stroyed. As students, we can not accept the possible loss of an education from one of the greatest academic institutions in the country. The decision to drop men's gym- nastics lacks investigation,compassion, and reason. We, as members of the University of Michigan, are forced to fight for the educational and athletic opportunities we@ deserve. Please help us put the University back in the student's hands, where it be- longs. contrary to Mr. Weidenbach's accusations, participation and interest is not waning, but becoming more specific as is necessary to compete in both national and international competition. Gymnastics as a sport is on the rise. There are an estimated 15,000 club programs nationally. This hardly appears to be a "lack of interest." Not only did the Athletic Department make an unjustified decision, they have expressed extremely unsympathetic atti- Gender equity okay, but termination unfair PARENTAL CONSENT Freedom of Choice Act needed to overrule State Sean King LSA Sophomore On March 22, the Michigan Athletic Departmentannounced that it would termi- nate the men's gymnastics program fol- lowing the 1993-94 season. TheUniversity cited the Big Ten Gender Equity Act as the primary reason for the decision. The idea to increase the number of women athletes at the college level is certainly a goal worth attaining. It is good to see that the Univer- sity is serious about such an endeavor. However, the Athletic Department has handled the termination of the men's gym- nastics program in such an unprofessional manner that it borders on ignorance. Prof. Bruce Karnopp, an NCAA board member as well as an Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, is quoted as saying, "While I think each one of us feels that dropping gymnastics is at least a partially unfortu- nate thing to do...the facts are the facts." "Partially unfortunate?" What wonderful compassion. The 22 members of the men's gymnastics team have sacrificed the major- ity of their lives to compete at the collegiate level. The time and effort it takes to become a collegiate athlete is almost incomprehen- sible. Not only did the athletes themselves sacrifice, but each one of their parents gave up time, money, and emotion to support their child's pursuit of excellence. Obvi- ously, Mr. Karnopp does not appreciate hard work and determination. It is rather ironic that a man who is making decisions concerning athletic teams has no respectfor what it takes to become an athlete. Further- more, Athletic Director Jack Weidenbach 'The educational opportu- nities that will be thwarted as a resulted of dropping the program, parallel the atrocity of terminating history or chemistry classes. This simply cannot be toler- ated.' ALL GIRLS UNDER age 18 in the state of Michigan are now required to seek parentalconsent before obtaining anabor- tion. According to a judge in Kalamazoo, the parental consent law, approved by the state legislature in 1991, is legal and constitutional. Last week, Circuit Judge Phillip Schaefer lifted a restraining order that halted the ban on parental consent. While the constitutionality of the law is clear, it may do more harm than good to the troubled youth of society. The law, first passed by the state legislature in the late eighties, was initially vetoed by former Gov. James Blanchard. Right to Life of Michigan, the bill's primary sponsor, then ob- tained enough signatures by petition to elicit an initiative from the state legislature that effec- tively denied the power of veto to the governor. Consequently the bill was signed into law by Gov. John Engler in March, 1991. In a controversial court case last summer, PlannedParenthood challenged the law incourt, claiming that four separate provisions were un- "could not be reached for comment" re- garding the men's program. How conve- nient that he was replete with comments in the article concerning the elevation of women's soccer to varsity status.The deci- sion to drop men's gymnastics involves 40 parent. Mandatory parental consent for abor- tions only strengthens this tension, potentially causing far-reaching problems within a family. Michigan must realize that politicians simply cannot legislate concerns within families. Moreover, if a girl is old enough to decide whether to engage in sexual intercourse, she should be old enough to practice the freedom of choice by herself without outside intervention. The pregnancy is the girl's alone - it does not belong to her parents, a circuit court judge, or state legislators. Right to Life of Michigan has conveniently forgotten this fact. Furthermore, if the state determines this girl is not old enough to make the choice by herself, how is she mature enough to raise a healthy child? Fortunately all might not be lost by Judge Schaefer's ruling. The Freedom of Choice Act, which would advocate true abortion choice with- out parental consent to all women and girls inthe nation, has been introduced in Congress. If this bill passes, Michigan's law would be rendered useless. Also Planned Parenthood still awaits a more than just the 22 members of the team. It involves the entire student body; just regular students like myself. Athletics of any nature provide a learning experience far beyond what we learn in books. The educational opportunities that will be thwarted as a result of dropping the pro- gram, parallel the atrocity of terminating history or chemistry classes. This simply cannot be tolerated. Dropping the men's gymnastics program is an appendage to the familiar bureaucratic idiocies that control the University. Such a rash proposition is symbolic of the gridlock that exists within the University's administration. Therefore, termination of the men's gymnastics pro- gram cannot go unnoticed. I urge all stu- dents to support the members of the gym- nastics team in their efforts to regain their sport. These bureaucratic inconsistencies will affect ordinary students as much as the gymnasts. R, . Coffee boycott could ruin A2 To the Daily: On Friday some flyers appeared in the Fishbowl Aliens sometimes abduct people from To the Daily: New Jersey I have it on good faith 0a I 1 \ _I