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April 06, 1993 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-04-06

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Page 4- The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 6,1993
Executive speaks about the
A,.use of sex in advertisements

by Kelly Bates
Sex has its place in advertising, butitisonly
acceptable in certain situations.
Nina DiSesa, executive vice president of
Walter Thompson U.S.A. Inc. detailed these
acceptable situations during her lecture yester-
day to about 50 students at the Natural Science
"There's really nothing wrong with sex in
advertising if... itis used foraspecific purpose
and it is used with taste or wit," DiSesa said.
"The question is 'When is sex in advertising
appropriate and when is it a cop-out?"'
DiSesa said the use of sexual appeal must
be relevant to the product being advertised.
Using sexual appeal to sell a product is a
common ploy in the advertising industry. But
many television commercials use it inappro-
priately, DiSesa said.
"If (advertisers) can't think of a headline,
they put a beautiful woman in a bikini," she
said. "It's a lazy, easy way out."

She illustrated her points by providing vi-
sual examples - including advertisements
from Coors, Colt 45 and Michelob Dry beers.
Audience members said they enjoyed the
visual aids.
"The TV ads were good examples," said
LSA and Art senior Lauren Amsterdam.
The most graphic ad was for Anne Klein's
"A Line" of clothing. A couple is shown hav-
ing sex and flashing words below the picture
detail the sexy clothing the woman had been
wearing that day.
DiSesa said the idea is that if a woman
wears sexy clothes, she will "get lucky."
"This is degrading to women," DiSesa
noted, "and the funny thing is, it is aimed
toward women."
DiSesa said the use of sexual appeal in
advertising is appropriate if sexual appeal is
what the company is trying to sell.
For instance, she said, the cologne
"Caliente" - Spanish for "hot" - has a

commercial that plays the song "Hot, Hot,
Hot" while a bunch of barely-clothed women
dance around.
Television ads "are chopped liver com-
pared to what you'll see in a magazine,"
DiSesa added. She cited Calvin Klein, which
uses nude people clinging together to adver-
tise jeans.
Advertisers are trying to "gasp each other
out," DiSesa said. "There are other ways of
doing sexy advertising without using the gasp
The alternative method is what DiSesa
called "sex-without-skin commercials." These
spots use sexual tension instead of bikini-clad
women and sweaty, bare-chested men.
Taster's Choice coffee's commercial se-
ries is one example she cited.Two neighbors
begin to become attracted to each other while
enjoying cups of Taster's Choice coffee.
DiSesa said this sexual tension is selling a lot
of Taster's Choice coffee.



Nina DiSesa addresses students at the Natural Science Auditorium yesterday.

Senate Republicans stall on economic plan





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Democrats and Republicans hunted for
a way to end their standoff over Presi-
dent Clinton's jobs bill yesterday as
GOP lawmakers crowed that the epi-
sode shows the White House won't be
able to ignore them on future issues.
Behind the scenes, the two sides
searched for a compromise over the
$16.3 billion package, a central part of
Clinton's prescription for economic re-
covery. Republicans want to trim the
measure and pay for it by cutting other
On the Senate floor, Democrats failed
for the third time tofindenough votes to
halta GOP filibuster that has stalled the
bill formore than a week. This time, the
vote to halt the delays was 49-29 -11
votes short of the 60 needed to clear the
way for a vote on final passage.
On his way to an Opening Day base-
ball game in Baltimore, Clinton jabbed
at Republicans for the stalemate.
"In a time when no new jobs are
being created... it means that for politi-
cal purposes, they are willing to deny

jobs to places like Baltimore, Dallas,
Houston, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
and Cleveland and Seattle," he told
reporters. "It's just real sad."
White House budget director Leon
Panetta was dispatched to the Capitol
and said of themeasure, "We don'twant
it to die here. That would be the worst
strategy of all for the American people."
But as the Senate debated the mea-
sureon whatwas supposed tohave been
the third day of a two-week Easter re-
cess, Republicans showed no signs of
folding. All present voted to keep their
delaying tactics going, once again gain-
ing the vote of conservative Sen. Rich-
ard Shelby (D-Ala.).
'We're prepared to discuss working
out some compromise if that's the word,"
said Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole
(R-Kan.). "First we're going to cut it,
and then we're going to pay for it."
Several Republicans said their suc-

cess in blocking the bill was transmit-
ting an important message to Clinton
about upcoming fights over health care,
trade and other big issues.
'The longer we drag this out, the
more it's becoming apparent that Re-
publicans will have to be dealt with on
everything," said Sen. Richard Lugar
"Health care is an extremely signifi-
cant issue that's going to need Republi-
can support," said Sen. John Chafee (R-
R.I.). "And you're not going to get
Republican supportunless you talk with
The jobs measure would finance
everything from jobs at Head Start pre-
school centers to making government
buildings more energy efficient. The
administration says the measure would
create more than 200,000 jobs, while
helping to prevent economic growth
from halting once again.

'Health care is an extremely important issue
that's going to need Republican support.'
- Sen. John Chafee (B-R..)

Dole offered yesterday to quickly
approve the $4 billion in the bill for
benefits for long-term jobless Ameri-
cans, and to debate the rest of the mea-
sure later. But Democrats scoffed at the
"That's an offer for nothing else"
getting approved, Howard Paster,
Clinton's chief Capitol Hill lobbyist,
told reporters.
With pressures building daily, some
of the debate on the Senate floor be-
came unusually personal.
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ.),who
chairs the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee subcommittee that oversees trans-
portation spending, revealed that be-
fore the fight over the bill had become
so bitter, he had requests from Dole and
Sen. SladeGorton (R-Wash.) to include
projects for their states in the measure.
"When the trough is full of swill, the
hogs knock each other over getting to
it," he said.
Chafee said Democrats, too, had
sought such projects, and said
Lautenberg's language was "very

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U.S. Supreme Court ruling:
states must pay federal debts

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preme Court gave the federal govern-
ment more opportunities yesterday to
collect interest on debts owed to it by
Ruling 8-1 in a Texas dispute, the
court said a 1982 federal law did not
cancel the government's traditional
power to collect interest on state con-
tractual debts.
Thatlaw "tightened the screws, so to
speak" on private debtors' obligation to
pay interest to the federal government,
Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote
for the court.
"But it does not at all follow that
because Congress did not tighten the
screws on the states, it therefore in-
tended that the screws be entirely re-

moved," Rehnquist said. "The more
logical conclusion is thatitleftthe screws
in place, untightened."
The 1982 Debt Collection Law re-
quires federal agencies to collect inter-
est on contractual debts from individu-
als, but it does not mention state orlocal
Letting states avoid paying interest
"would have the anomalous effect of
placing delinquent states in a position
where they had less incentive to pay
their debts to the federal government
than they had prior to (the 1982 law's)
passage," Rehnquist said.
Justice John dissented, saying states
were not obligated to pay interest on
debts to the federal government before
the 1982 law was enacted.



Best of Anan Arbor Ballot '93
Please return by April 9 to the Daily at 420 Maynard, 48109. Results will be printed in the April 15 Best of Ann Arbor issue of Weekend etc. Thanks for your time.
Best Restaurants/Bars for... Men's clothing Place to find parking I
Coffee Women's clothing Student group/organization
Burgers Thrift/used clothing Fraternity to party with '
French Fries Books Sorority to party with'
Pizza Textbooks Co-op
Hot dogs Used books __Ugliest building
Wings Haircut Bathroom
Cheap beer First-run theater Lecture Hall
Bar Drinks Video store
Ice cream/Frozen yogurt Liquor/party store Best (and worst) Entertainment
Chipati Photocopying Local band
Sandwiches Sporting goods Dancing spot
Subs Groceries Concert in past year
Cookies Florist Radio station
Italian food Magazines Place to go when in an altered state
Middle Eastern food Michigan items (sweats,mugs, etc.)
Chinese food Posters Best (and worst) dating stuff
Korean food Place to meet a mate
Mexican food Bes (and worst) of the University Pick-up line
IDeli Professor Rejection lineI
Greasy spoon Course Place for first date
Sports bar Blow-off course Place for secret rendezvous
BrekfastResidence hall Idea for unusual date

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for winter term, starting In January, via U.S. mall are $120.
Winter term (January through April) is $90. On-campus subscriptions for winter term are $35. Subscriptions
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I Walite

Duow Edior nCie

NEWS Melissa Peerless, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Hope CaalS. Lauren oner, Karen Sabgir. Puri Shah
STAFF: Adam Anger. Jonathan Bemdt, James Cho, Kerry Cligan, Kenneth Dancyger, Jon DiMaso, Mchele Fricke, Mke Goocke,
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Wil MoCahil. Bryn Micde, Shelbey MGorson Mona Quroahi. David A eingold. Jule Robineon, David Shepardeon.Jennifer
Slverb~erg, Karen Tal"si, Jenuier Tanen, Scot Woods. Chrisine Young.
GRAPHICS STAFF: David Acton, Jonathan Bermdt
OPINION Erin Einhorn, Editor
STAFF: Jule Becker, Olver Gianooia, Sam Goodstein. Patick Javid, Judith Kalka (Editoral Assistant), Jason Uchtstein (Edtodas
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SPORTS Ryan Herrington, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Kar Davidof, Andrew Levy, Adam Mlter, Ken Sugiura
STAFF: Bob Abram awn, Raciel Bachman, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Charlie Br.itrooe. Tonya Broad, Joss Brouhard, Scott Burton,
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ARTS Jessie Halladay, Aaron Hamburber, Editors
EDITRS:MoganAbtt (Fft), ComaA. Bom(Theate4 Mesa Rose B mwdo (Weekend etc)Ninma Hodaei (Weekend etc),
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STAFF: Laura ,Qantas, Jon Alshul, Andrew Cehn, Jason Carroll, Riot Choi, Andy Dolan, Geoff ade', Tom Edewin*, Camhlo
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PHOTO Krstoffer Gillette, Michelle Guy, Editors
STAFF: Erik Angermter, Anastasia Bai t rP, Josh D ot, Susan as a ewDouglas Kanter, Elizabeth Lppman. Heather Lowman,
Rb NET Margols. TPe Ar Matysews. Sharwn Musher, Even Pes, Morly Stevens.


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