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April 02, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-04-02

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With the Michigan basketball team back in the
Final Four this weekend, the potential for a riot
is great. To prevent this, both the students and
the police need to act responsibly.

City Council elections are Monday, and if you've
been too busy to keep up on the candidates,
check out their views on a variety of topics.

The women's gymnastics team heads to the
Central Regional meet in Louisiana this weekend
looking to qualify for the NCAAs. Last year, the
Wolverines just missed qualifying for nationals.


Flurries; .
High 36, Lowe 22J'
Partly cloudy; High 40, Low 22

: :,




One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. Cill, No. 109 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 2,1993 1993 The Michigan Daily
South U businesses will be dry during Final Four game

by Shelley Morrison
Daily Crime Reporter
Students planning to go drinking
on South University during tomor-
row's big basketball game will find
that their hopes of getting sloshed
have gone dry.
Out of 10 liquor vendors in the
area, nine businesses in the South
University Merchant Association
(SUMA) proclaimed Wednesday

they would voluntarily revoke the
sale of alcohol during the game in an
effort to comply with public criti-
cism that alcohol may have con-
tributed to crowd violence in that
area in the past.
Hop-In is the only business to
abstain from the halt on alcohol
South University Avenue bars
will suspend liquor sales from the

beginning of the second half of to-
morrow's contest against the
Kentucky Wildcats until 30 minutes
afterward. South University liquor
stores will hold the suspension for a
full hour after the game.
In a letter to Mayor Liz Brater,
SUMA offered the suspension as
part of a solution to potential
"In an effort to solve the problem

.on South University, we must rec-
ognize the entire community has
something to gain from this solu-
tion," the letter read. "We strongly
support the continuing work of the
Safe Celebration Task Force."
The suspension of alcohol is only
one of the measures being taken by
groups around the city to prevent
violence tomorrow.
The Safe Celebration Task Force

- composed of University and city
groups - is sponsoring alternate ac-
tivities for anticipated crowds, in-
cluding offering Crisler Arena for
watching the game.
Dean of Students Royster Harper
said she is hopeful about tomorrow's
"There are a lot of students and
merchants that are really urging ev-
eryone to pitch in and have a

wonderful, safe time," Harper said.
But some students and South
University business representatives
said they are a little skeptical that the
suspension of alcohol sales will be
the solution that some claim it to be.
"Not serving alcohol in bars does
not solve the problem, but I'll sup-
port it if need be," said Steve
Mourad, owner of Touchdown Cafe.
See SOUTH U, Page 2

-'U', GEO
settle on
by Kenneth Dancyger
Daily Faculty Reporter
An elated Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) bargaining
team returned from Detroit last night
with more than wet hair and di-
sheveled snow boots.
GEO and the University made a
tentative agreement on a new teach,
ing assistant (TA) contract after at-
tending their second meeting with a
state-appointed mediator.
"We were bargaining for every
dollar and every cent for TAs," GEO
Bargaining Committee Chair Jon
Curtiss said. "I think we did a good
job (in bargaining)."
The new contract comes after
five months of negotiations between
GEO and the University. The origi-
nal contract has been extended four
times since its Feb. 1 deadline.
Yesterday marked its final
Curtiss said the agreement is a
three-year contract, which includes
a 3 percent raise compounded each
year and an $80 cap on the
University registration fee.
The specifics of the agreement
did not reach Executive Director of
University Relations Walter
Harrison by press time. But he said
the new contract is good news for
both the University and GEO.
Colleen Dolan-Green, University
Bargaining Committee chair, could
not be reached for comment.
Union members will have to
ratify the contract proposals before
the University and GEO can sign a
lasting agreement, Curtiss said.
Ballots will be distributed within the
next week.
However, Curtiss said he sees no
immediate problem with member
authorization, even though the union
initially expected more benefits from
a new contract.
See GEO, Page 2

Cagers need
two more
wins for title

Michigan netminder Steve Shields and senior forward Dave Roberts hang their heads after Maine scored in
overtime yesterday. The Black Bears ended the Wolverines quest for the NCAA title in the semifinal round.
Maine ends 'M' hockey
season in overtime, 4-3

by Ryan Herrington
Daily Basketball Writer
NCAA champion.
Its a title the Michigan men's
basketball has been striving for ever
since the sweat and tears dried, and
the pain set in after the Wolverines
lost to Duke last April in Minneapo-
lis. The Wolverines have had to live
with being one game away from col-
lege basketball's utopia for an entire
30-game season and four postseason
Throughout the five-and-a-half
month odyssey of the 1992-93 cam-
paign, this title has guided Michi-
gan, a beacon which has given defi-
nition to its play. The quest has all
but haunted the Wolverines as they
have tried to return to the place
where their dreams were shattered
almost a year ago. It has become
quite clear just how important the
national championship truly is.
"There is no greater champi-
onship than the one the four of us
are playing for," Michigan coach
Steve Fisher said this past week as
his team prepared to play in the
Louisiana Superdome in college
basketball's ultimate party - the
Final Four.
It is in New Orleans w. ere
Michigan's redemption can bL-me
reality. The Wolverines are 80 min-
utes away from claiming the prize
that eluded them one year ago. The
national championship is again
within its grasp, but the desire to
claim the title is not unique to
Michigan. Three other teams have
dreamed just as long about being
crowned champions and they come

to battle tomorrow in college bas-
ketball's version of heaven.
Michigan. Kentucky. North
Carolina. Kansas.
The Final Four.
Michigan's national semifinal
opponent, Kentucky, returns to the
Final Four for the first time since
1984. The Wildcats were a Christian
Laettner 18-footer away from join-
ing the Wolverines in the Metro-
dome last season and have been on a
methodical mission throughout the
tournament to erase that painful
The Wildcats play of late cannot
adequately be described as hot -
Kentucky has made Southern Cali-
fornia look like a ski resort. With an
average margin of victory of 31
points thus far in the tournament, the
Wildcats have disposed of their op-
ponents with great ease. Thoughts of
a letdown against the Wolverines,
who have struggled of late as they
head to New Orleans, do not concern
Kentucky coach Rick Pitino.
"I can't be any more pleased with
See FINAL FOUR, Page 15

by Tim Rardin
Daily Hockey Writer
MILWAUKEE - In a game
that featured the only two teams
that have been ranked No. 1 in the
nation this year, the best team did
not win.
But the best team did not lose
The second-ranked Michigan
hockey team (30-7-2 overall)
dropped a nailbiter to No. 1 Maine
(41-1-2) in overtime at the
Bradley Center. Michigan lost in
the NCAA semifinal game for the
second consecutive year. But far
less than a Black Bear goal 1:36

into the extra period separated
these two teams.
"It proved that Maine's not
better than us," Michigan forward
David Oliver said. "They just got
the last shot."
The Wolverines virtually
owned the first two periods of
play, but Maine did what it had to
down the stretch to advance to the
championship game Saturday.
"It was pretty apparent that the
momentum was in Maine's favor
from the third period on," Michi-
gan coach Red Berenson said.
The Black Bears used that mo-
mentum in overtime, as defense-

man Lee Saunders poked his
seventh goal of the season in for
the victory.
Saunders found an opening and
managed to skate through the
Michigan zone. After losing the
puck off his stick, Saunders ran it
down just in front of the Wolveri-
nes' net and chipped it past Michi-
gan goaltender Steve Shields.
"(Saunders) paused for a
second so I went to take him,"
Wolverine defenseman Chris
Tamer said. "He just got through
and put the shot in."
However, it was the third
See HOCKEY, Page 14

5th Ward candidates
address housing, taxes

Judge orders 'U' to allow
Hash Bash rally on Diag

by Christine Young
Daily City Reporter
This Monday, students living
in the 5th Ward - the northwest
corner of the city - will have the
opportunity to elect a retired re-
search scientist, a Ford product
planner, an environmental consul-
tant or a contractor to a seat on the
City Council.
Democrat Council
David Stead, h
Lawrence Mur- a
phy, Tisch Ray- 2
mond Pierce C
and Libertarian eI
Kent Hyne are S
the contenders 5th
for the position. Ward

bring a conciliatory voice to
council. He added that the
councilmembers have created
unequitable government by voting
in blocks depending on party
"I would come in with no
alignment and without faction. My
loyalty would be tied exclusively
to citizens and not to factions,"
Murphy said.
Hyne, a contractor, agreed
with the other candidates on the
need to restructure the council.
"I am volunteering as a sacrifi-
cial sheep in order to make
changes," Hyne said. "I never had
a desire to run for the council until
I realized that changes need to be



by David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporter
NORML 3, University of Michi-
gan 0.
Marijuana-legalization activists
have won the latest round of their
perennial court battles against the
University over Hash Bash.
A county judge issued an injunc-
tion late yesterday afternoon clear-
ing the way for the 22nd annual

Hash Bash, now set to begin at noon
tomorrow on the Diag.
Washtenaw Circuit Judge Donald
Shelton said the University cannot
require the event's sponsor, the Na-
tional Organization for the Reform
of Marijuana Laws (NORML), to
pay $8,000 to cover security costs
for Hash Bash.
"We expected it," said Adam
Brook, president of NORML's cam-

pus chapter. "Once again, the Uni-
versity tries to hold us responsible
for the actions of people who attend
our rallies. We're there for political
reasons, we have a message to bring
to the people."
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
tor of University relations, said,
"We're obviously disappointed, but
we will abide by the court's ruling. I
See BASH, Page 2

'U' fights to conduct searches secretly
University attorney the Michigan Supreme Court to up- Newspapers Inc. and the Detroit
tells high court Open hold the regents' right to use over- Free Press. They sued over the pro-
lapping subcommittees to screen cedure used by the University Board
Meetings Act would applicants in private. of Regents during its selection of

Pierce Hyne

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