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April 01, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-04-01

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The contract negotiations between the University
and GEO have been in gridlock because the
University has refused to negotiate with TAs.

a' l' A =4 1 i ' L I L. i
Every once in a while, there comes along a new
band that blows you away. Rage Against the
Machine, which plays with House of Pain at State
Theater in Detroit tomorrow night, is one of those.

Yesterday marked the first day of spring in Ann
Arbor, as the Michigan baseball team played its
home opener. However, there was no joy in
Mudville as the Wolverines lost to Eastern, 8-4.

High 36, Low 32,w
Flurries; High 38, Low 30

* * "" **


4v 41v


One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Piston advocates
freeing Haitians

by Scot Woods
Daily Staff Reporter
A speech by Detroit Piston Olden
Polynice and a letter from exiled
Haitian president Jean-Bertrand
Aristidehighlighted yesterday'snoon
rally of the Coalition to Free the Hai-
tian Refugees.
The rally, held on the steps of the
Law Library, ended aweek of fasting
and other events attempting to bring
attention to the 264 HIV-positive
Haitians held by the United States at
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.
More than 125 people gathered to
listen. Some voiced support, chant-
ing slogans like "HIV is not a sin!
Close the camps and let them in."
Dan Varner, a Law student and
Black Law Students' Alliance
(BLSA) president, said the detained
- Haitians are being illegally held in
sub-human conditions and are not
allowed basic freedoms. "I thought
you had to commit a crime to be

thrown in jail," he said.
Varner said the Haitians only crimes
are being Black and HIV- positive.
Varner, who has fasted for a week,
said his sacrifice does not compare to
those made by the detained.Haitians,
who have not eaten since Jan. 29.
"I've been dizzy, light-headed, and
nauseous, but that's all right. Because
I'll call home and they'll say it's all
right, and I'll sit down and I'll have a
meal," Varner said, fighting back tears.
An estimated 186 students partici-
pated in the hunger strike, forfeiting
food for up to a week.
Kenyatta Brame, a Law student and
BLSA member, was one of 23 students
who had eaten nothing since last
Wednesday. "During the week, you re-
membered what you were doing was
symbolic. You weren't really hungry
because you remembered you were
doing it for a good cause," he said.
Polynice, who was born in Haiti,
See RALLY, Page 2

Olden Polynice , a center for the Detroit Pistons and native of Haiti, stands in the "prison" while speaking on behalf of the Hatian refugees being detained in
Cuba. Yesterday's rally in the Law Quad ended the week-long hunger strike of 186 University students.

'U sends proposal
for service program

National Service Plan
The University has applied to participate in this summer's
introductory phase of the National Service Plan. The
application will be judged by the following criteria:
5%/ Replicability 5%/ Sustainability
10% Innovation
10% Cost effectiveness
The national program will involve about 1,000 students this
summer but will grow to 100,000 or more by 1997.

by Nate Hurley
Daily Administration Reporter
The University is flying a proposal
to Washington D.C. this morning in the
hope that it will be one of the chosen.
If the University's proposal to be a
test site for President Clinton's com-
munity service program is accepted, as
many as 350 students could receive an
opportunity to perform summer com-
munity service work in return for
"I would love to be one of the sites.
I think it would be a wonderful oppor-
tunity for Michigan students," said
Maureen Hartford, vice president for
student affairs.
Hartford, Prof. Barry Checkoway,

task force chair, and Jeffrey Howard,
task force member and director of the
Office of Community Service Learn-
ing, have worked long hours this week
drafting the proposal in order to meet
the application deadline.
The Clinton administration will be
selecting 4 to 10 schools across the
nation to participate in the experiment.
"I'm flying the grant to D.C.,"
Hartford said, noting the April 1 dead-
Howard saidthe program would be
open to current, graduating, or incom-
ing students between the ages of 17
and 25. Students would need to be
available during the 10-week program.
"Students should have a commit-

ment to community service and an in-
terest in working with youth," he said,
adding that financial aid may be an-
other criterion.
Hartford said the University should
know by April 14 whether its proposal
was approved as a test site. If it is
approved, the Office of Student Af-
fairs, through the Office of Community
Service Learning, will begin recruiting
'We'll have applications and we'll
advertise very widely in the Daily and
have applications at the Office of Com-
munity Service Learning," Hartford
Howard said, "We haven't made a

100,000 -
80,000 -
60,000 --
40,000 -
20,000 -

- --_- - - - -- - -- -


lCers look
to surpass
Maine for
finals bert h
by Chad A. Safran
Daily Hockey Writer
MILWAUKEE - Michigan -
ranked No. 2in the nation, No. 2 in
goals per game (6.26), tops in goals
against (2.34). Goaltender Steve Shields
is No.2 in goals against (2.16).
Maine-rankedNo.l in the nation,
No. 1 in goals per game (6.43) and
stands just behind Michigan in goals
against (2.40). Goaltender Garth Snow
has the best goals against average at
The teams are evenly matched in
statistical categories. What will happen
when the two teams play each other?
Today, the answer willbe revealed when
the Wolverines (30-6-3) take on the
BlackBears (40-1-2)intheNCAAsemi-
finals at the Bradley Center (2:35p.m.,
Michigan coach Red Berenson of-
fereda simple way for the Wolverines to
hand Maine its second loss of the sea-
'We will have to play ourbest game
of the season", Berenson said. "I am not
sure that we will have to overachieve.
We may need a lucky offensive game."
Offense will be the focal point of all
onlookers, as each team possesses a
See ICERS, Page 10



Details of National Service Plan underway

by Andrew Taylor
President Clinton's proposed Na-
tional Service Plan faces many road-
blocks to success as unresolved issues
remain, such as how to manage work-
ers and prevent increased bureaucracy.
How workers willbetrained, super-
vised and compensated still plagues
the administration.
Catherine Milton, executive direc-

tor ofthe Commission on National and
Community service, said her organi-
zation will administer this summer's
pilot program of about 1,000 students
across the country.
The University has applied to be a
part of this initial phase, which re-
quires schools to team up with.a ser-
vice organization.
"It will be a partnership between

higher education institutions and com-
munity service organizations," saidEric
Waxler, commission spokesperson.
He said the schools selected to par-
ticipatein the 'Summerof Service' will
be chosen on the, following criteria:
quality of the program, leadership, in-
novation, replicability, sustainability
and cost effectiveness.
Last year, the commission awarded

$63 million to various programs
throughout the country, but with the
nationalization and expansion of com-
munity service, the amount will soar.
The president's plan calls for an
army of workers performing services
like cleaning up the environment, im-
munizing children, tutoring and coun-
seling students, walking an inner-city
police beator teaching teen-agers about

the perils of drugs and gangs.
The National Service plan has been
compared to the Peace Corps, which
fills a similar role internationally.
Senator Harris Wofford (D-Pa.),
Peace Corps's first deputy director,
said about 20,000 students work full-
time performing some sortof national
service, with another 10,000 working
See PLAN, Page 2


prepare for
Final Four
by Nate Hurley
and Shelley Morrison
Daily Staff Reporters'

n en
University students can
participate in "Michigan
Madness" to watch and
celebrate Saturday's Final
Four game.
. There will be free seating
at Crisler Arena Saturday.
Doors open at 7 p.m.
Food is $1, except for $2
pizza. There will also be
prizes given out.
There will be a band,
Michigan cheerleaders and
the Bartonians at the game.
Buses and free parking will
be available Saturday night.
A postgame celebration
will be held at Ingalls Mall.
group on campus, said, "This is a

4th Ward candidates woo voters with basics
Housing, economy, toxic waste, University-city relations top agenda for council hopefuls

The Michigan Wolverines will be
playing the NCAA men's basketball
Final Four tournament in Crisler
Via satellite, that is.
University students will have the
chance to cheer the Fab Five on to
victory in Saturday night's game
againsttheKentucky Wildcats, thanks
- . w. . -4. e - -rw .- "1- d~

by Jonathan Berndt
and Christine Young
Daily City Reporters
In the race forthe4th Ward-which
includes South Quad - a past Ann
Arbor School Board vice president, a
University sophomore and a member of
the Ann Arbor Planning Commission
are wooing voters with broad agendas.
Democrat Steven Hartwell, Liber-
tarian Kreg Nichols, Republican Julie
Creal and Tisch
Marc Murawski CounCil
are all vying for a h
council position.
Creal, the ;

Hartwell, who has been involved in
school administration for almost 10
years, said the
most fundamen-
tal problems in
the city need to W
be managed first.
"Parks are
nice, but they're '
not basic," he
said. "Do you
have drinking
water? That's ba-
sic." Creal
Nichols, an

ers money.
Creal said the council should be
more concerned with budgeting city
money rather
than anticipating
state relief.
"All this talk
about property
tax reform,
there's nothing
City Council can
do other than
keep spending
down," she said.
"Rather than talk Hartwell
to Lansing, we

forcing them to "live within their bud-
While Hartwell and Creal empha-
sized economic
Nichols advo-
cated environ-
mental protection
and cleanup.
Nichols said
the city has ne-
glected to deal
with cleaning up
the pollution that
has been caused
by the various Nichols

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