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January 14, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-14

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The state of Michigan must enforce its
environmental protection laws and stop letting
companies like Envotech duck its responsibilities.

What was your favorite raovie of 1992? You
didn't have one? Maybe you weren't looking hard
enough. Aaron Hamburger uncovers the best
films of the past year.

The Michigan women's basketball team lost a
65-62 heartbreaker to archrival Michigan State last
night at Crisler Arena.

Colder, snow showers;
High 26, Low 20
Tomorrow * **
Variable clouds; High 27, Low 21


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One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol C I 4 INo. 5 I Abr Mcia Tusa , 99Q 1993G heMicigaDil




Aug. 21 - Iraq rejects
as an "aggressive
measure" the Western plan
to impose a "no-fly zone"
below the 32nd parallel to
protect Shiite Muslim
rebels from air attack.
Aug. 26 - President
Bush gives Iraq 24 hours to:
halt air strikes against
Shiites. Iraq warns of
renewed hostilities.
Aug. 27-- No-fly zone
takes effect. U.S., British
and French begin air
Nov. 26 - After flying
about 7,500 patrols, U.S.
pilots report Saddam has
"shown no inclination ... to
test our resolve."
Dec. 27 - U.S. F-16
fighter shoots down Iraqi
MIG-25 after it penetrates
zone and ignores radio
warning to leave. Further
Iraqi incursions follow.
* Jan. 4- U.S. officials
say Saddam, who has
vowed to avenge the
downed plane, has moved
surface-to-air missiles into
Iraq's southern zone.
Jan. 6-- U.S. and allies
give Baghdad 48 hours to
remove missiles or face
military action.
Jan. 8 - Baghdad
rejects ultimatum, but
intelligence reports indicate
missiles were moved.
SJan..10-200 armed
Iraqis cross Kuwaiti border,
remove Silkworm missiles
and explosives left by
retreating Iraqis in 1991
war. Baghdad tries to block
U.N. flights within Iraq.
Jan. 12 - Iraqis cross
into Kuwait for third day.
U.S. officials say Baghdad
is moving anti-aircraft
batteries around southern
and northern no-fly zones.
U.S. administration says
there will be no more
warnings to Baghdad.
* Jan. 13 -- Iraqi workers

Bush orders
attack on
missile sites
WASHINGTON (AP) - American and allied war-
planes raided southern Iraq and bombed anti-aircraft
missile sites yesterday in a fiery showdown with
Saddam Hussein, two years after the Persian Gulf War
and a mere week before President Bush leaves office.
The 30-minute, nighttime strike by warplanes from
the United States, France and Britain was accompanied
by an order from Bush dispatching about 1,000
American troops to Kuwait to stand as a tripwire against
any incursion from neighboring Iraq. The bombing fleet
included 80 strike planes and 30 support aircraft.
President-elect Bill Clinton, who was telephoned by
Bush as the attack was getting under way, said, "I think
it was the right decision, done in the right way." He said
"you can't rule out force" after he takes office if
Saddam remains defiant.
"Preliminary information indicates the mission was
accomplished," presidential spokesperson Marlin
Fitzwater said at the White House. "All of our planes
have returned to their bases."
The United States had accused Iraq of a lengthy se-
ries of provocations, including deployment of missile
batteries in a "no-fly zone," the firing of a missile from
an Iraqi plane at an American aircraft and illegal border
crossings into Kuwait.
Iraq condemned the attack as "very uncivilized" but
offered to halt cross-border raids into Kuwait. Saddam,
appearing on Iraqi television in military uniform, said,
"The criminals have come back, carrying their hatred
and their evil with them."
President-elect Bill Clinton, who was telephoned by
Bush before the attack, said through a spokesperson that
he "supports President Bush in every action he has
See IRAQ, Page 2

U.S.-led attack on Iraq provokes
support, opposition and apathy

by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
During a lecture yesterday in the
20th Century American Wars class,
history Prof. Tom Collier read from
a New York Times article about
heightened tensions between the
United States and Iraq.
"It's just a matter of when to
pull the trigger," said Collier, quot-
ing a Pentagon official.
A student who had just heard
news of the U.S. assault told him,
"Professor Collier, we've pulled the
As word of the air strike spread
across campus yesterday, students
cheered, jeered and protested in

Many said they were not sur-
prised by the attack, which came
almost two years to the day after
the first Allied air strike against
Iraq in the Persian Gulf War.
But opinions varied on how the
United States should resolve the
"I don't begin to think that this
could have the effect of reopening
the war," Collier said. "This action
was to ratify our resolve to the
American people. I don't think it
will greatly affect Saddam
Hussein's behavior."
Political science Prof. Jill
Crystal agreed that military action

would not plunge the United States
into a full-fledged war, especially
in the days before Bill Clinton's
administration takes over the White
"It is unlikely that Bush will do
any more than this military action
as the transition of power is under-
way," she said.
Crystal said Iraq's response
would be much like it has been in
the past. "I think they will wait to
see what public reaction will be in
the West and Clinton's reaction."
Michigan Student Assembly
President Ede Fox said the assem-
bly has not contemplated any action
See REACTION, Page 2

An ALQ-167 jamming pod, left, for use against enemy radar, and a MK84,
right, a laser-guided bomb are mounted beneath the wing of an A-6E
"Intruder" on the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk, as it sails in the Persian
Gulf yesterday. Fighters and bombers from the Kitty Hawk took part in a
strike on anti-aircraft missile sites in southern Iraq yesterday.

cross again.,

Attack is



'U' asks government to fund
alcohol-free nightclub on campus
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter I

New reps.
sworn in to
state House
by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
After months of campaigning to
represent the University area, two
Ann Arbor women finally fulfilled

The University may be going into the nightclub
In an attempt to provide more alcohol-free social ac-
tivies on campus, the University is applying for a gov-
ernment grant that would provide $125,000 a year for

m inurs cuugn wutan utunu
would lose licenses under law
by Andrew Taylor
Daily Government Reporter
People under 21 who obtain or drink alcohol


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