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March 29, 1993 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-29

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The Michigan Daily- Monday, March 29, 1993 - Page 3

say bean
is mean
CSACS protests
use of Arabica beans
in local coffee shops
by Randy Lebowitz
Daily Staff Writer
"Jesus didn't drink coffee."
Or so say the two members of
Christian Students Against
Coffee Shops (CSACS).
Saturday, about 50 students
assembled on the Diag to see if
CSACS was serious in its "fight
against the pornographic founda-
tions these shops are based on"
and not a spoof on other campus
Stephen Davies, LSA first-
year student and CSACS press
secretary said the organization is
not against coffee drinking.
Rather, it is against the particular
type of coffee bean used to make
cappuccino and espresso in many
Ann Arbor coffee shops.
Davies claimed this particular
bean, called Arabica, is so deli-
cate that it must be hand-picked
by grossly underpaid workers. In
addition, he said, these laborers
are exposed to harmful insecti-
cides that can damage their
"The picking of these Arabica
beans is incredible strenuous la-
bor. The workers are paid very
little and people are starving,"
Davies said.
CSACS advocates the use of
the less flavorful Robustus bean
- which grow better without
pesticides - in place of the
"We can grow it here (in the
United States) and fulfill our.
coffee needs or we can encourage
the Third World countries to do
the same," Davies said.
RC sophomore Will Matthews
agreed that exploitation of the
Third World is an important is-
"There's so much exploitation
of the Third World. I am not sure
if this is a symbolic use of ex-
ploitation or a specific one, but
there is a Third World concern
here," he said.
Many people who attended
the meeting questioned why the
organization has a specific reli-
gious orientation.

AAPD institutes policy
to deal with complaints

by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter
The Ann Arbor Police
Department (AAPD) has taken steps
to implement a policy that enables
citizens to register complaints about
and commendations of its officers.
Although the new policy has
been in effect for more than a year,
AAPD is making a concerted effort
to alert Ann Arbor residents to the
policy by providing pamphlets at
AAPD headquarters and neighbor-
hood substations.
Lt. David Miller, head of the de-
partment's Professional Standards
Section, said citizen complaints are
classified differently under the new
This is because the definition of a
complaint has changed, Miller said.
Under the old policy, citizens
could report what they believed was
police misconduct to AAPD, but the
report would not be classified as a
complaint against the officer until it
was proven true.
Now every time a report alleging
police misconduct is filed it will be
classified as a complaint.
Miller said the new policy is the
result of a re-examination of the
whole procedure rather than a par-

ticular incident.
"We were thinking that we
should be more open," Miller said.
Miller himself investigates all
complaints by interviewing the offi-
cer involved as well as the com-
plainant and any witnesses.
He then passes his conclusion on
to Chief Douglas Smith, who makes
'We were thinking that
we should be more
-Lt. David Miller
DPS Director of
Professional Standards
the final decision on the complaint.
Miller said there are four disci-
plinary options.
The least severe punishment is
verbal counseling, which Miller said
amounts to telling the officer:
"Don't do this again."
Smith can also choose a written
warning to convey a similar mes-
sage. As well, the officer can be sus-
pended. In severe cases, Smith has
the authority to permanently fire the
The officer and the complainant

will then be informed of Smith's
To file a report, citizens must call
or visit police headquarters, where a
command officer will fill out a
complaint form after hearing the cit-
izen's report.
Bob Pifer, associate director of
the law enforcement division of the
University Department of Public
Safety (DPS), said his department
has a similar procedure.
All complaints are referred to the
supervisor on duty, who takes the
name of the complainant and fills
out a complaint form.
DPS investigators then make a
preliminary investigation to deter-
mine the seriousness of the com-
plaint. A more complete report will
follow if the complaint is determined
to be valid.
The investigative findings are
then relayed to DPS Director Leo
Heatley and to the Police Grievance
Committee - a board of students,
faculty and staff set up to review
complaints against DPS.
Heatley makes the final decision
on any action taken against the offi-
cer named in the complaint, and the
disciplinary options open to him are
similar to those open to Smith.


LSA first-year student Stephen Davies (left) and RC first-year student
Tony Jenkins, members of Christian Students Against Coffee Shops,
reveal their beliefs on the Diag Saturday afternoon.

"I'm wondering why it's just
Christians. I'm Jewish. It's just
Christians, and that's weird," said
Ross Glickman, a musician.
However, Davies said CSACS
is open to anyone interested in its,
cause. He added that the organi-
zation is considering dropping
the "Christian" and becoming
But Tony Jenkins, CSACS
president and RC first-year stu-
dent, said, "This is not discrimi-
natory. We are just proclaiming
that (Davies and I) are Christian
While Davies said that he be-
lieves Jesus would support
CSACS, members of Christians
in Action thought otherwise.
"This is exploiting Jesus and
making a mockery of Christian
groups on campus," said LSA se-
nior Nicole Blair.

Still some students said they
felt CSACS is just seeking atten-
"I think that everyone has to
have a cause, and if you can't
find one you like, make one up,"
said Business School junior
Sherry Law.
Mick Weinstein, an LSA se-
nior and Caffe Fino employee at
the South University Avenue lo-
cation, said he was not aware of
CSACS or its premise.
"Though I'm not informed
specifically on this issue, from
what I know about Third World
labor, I wouldn't be surprised if
these claims are correct," he said.
Steve Bradley, manager at
Gratzi on State Street, said that
they use blends from four differ-
ent countries, yet he did not know
if these blends were in fact from
Arabica beans.

Aerobics Against AIDS
Workout for Hope's "Aerobics Against AIDS" instructors stretch out with participants Saturday. The group is
raising money for City of Hope, an AIDS research group.


'U' study finds Black children more likely to live in poverty

by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
In 1964, President Lyndon John-
son spoke at the University's com-
mencement exercises to unveil the
"Great Society." This plan included
the "War on Poverty," designed to
stamp out poverty in the United
Nearly 30 years later, a six-year
University study has found that two-
thirds of all Black children were
found to be living in poverty, com-
pared with only one-quarter of white
children. These statistics lead re-
searchers to report that the "War on

Poverty" has not reached Black
The study, entitled "Economic
Deprivation and Early-Childhood
Development" was presented Friday
at a meeting of the Society for Re-
search in Child Development in
New Orleans by Greg Duncan, a
University professor of economics
and researcher in the Institute for
Social Research.
"There is little doubt that child
poverty, which is much higher in the
United States than in other Western
countries - as well as higher now
than two decades ago - is scarring

the development of our nation's
children," the report blistered.
Not only is poverty more preva-
lent in Blau- families, it is also more
persistent, the study reported. Of
poor white children, only 20 percent
were poor for at least five of the six
years studied, while more than half
of the Black children remained poor
during that same period.
More than any other factor, fam-
ily income is the strongest determi-
nant of future success, the report
"Family income is a far more
powerful correlate of a child's IQ at

age 5 than maternal education, eth-
nicity and growing up in a single-
parent family," Duncan said.
"And the effects of persistent
poverty are roughly twice as large as
the effects of (short-term) poverty
on children's intelligence."
The study also measured overall
poverty, in terms of children living
in predominantly poor neighbor-
hoods. About 95 percent of Black
children lived in predominately poor
neighborhoods at some point in the
six-year study, while only 50 percent
of white children ever lived in a pre-
dominately poor neighborhood.
A pred i.iinately poor neighbor-
hood is defined as a neighborhood
with a poverty rate of 40 percent or
more. These are often defined as
"ghetto" neighborhoods, said Dun-
In addition, the study examined
links between economic deprivation
and children's development to see
the effects of a low birth weight on
intelligence. Socio-economic status

was the predominant factor, far out-
weighing low birth weight as a fac-
tor in intelligence levels.
Duncan questioned the federal
government's emphasis on counting
children in poverty, as opposed to
measuring the quantitative effects.
"In contrast with the apparent
precision with which poor children
are counted, the effects of economic
deprivatica n children are not yet
well understood," he said.
In 1991, the U.S. Bureau of the
Census reported that 21.8 percent of
American children - some 14.3
million in all - lived below the
poverty line.
The poverty line is defined by the
Census bureau as those making an
annual income of less than $13,924
for a family of four.
Collaborating on the study were
developmental psychologists Jeanne
Brooks-Gunn of Columbia Univer-
sity and Pamela Kiebanov of Educa-
tional Testing Services.

At a meeting of the Society
for the Research in Child
Development, University
Prof. Greg Duncan delivered
a blistering study entitled
"Economic Deprivation and
Development." It reported
the following:
Two-thirds of all Black
children in the United States
are living in poverty, while
only one-quarter of white
children are in poverty;
About 95 percent of Black
children lived in a
predominately poor
neighborhood at some point
during the study; only 50
percent of white children
ever lived in a similar
neighborhood; and,
The U.S. Bureau of Census
reports that 21.8 percent of
American children -- some
14.3 million in all - lived
below the poverty line.

Student groups
Q Environmental Action Coalition,
meeting, School of Natural Re-
soures, Room 1040,7 p.m.
Q Hillel,'irdAnnualGoldenApple
Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m.
U Indian American Students As-
sociation, weekly board meet-
ing, Michigan League, Room A,
7 p.m.
U Michigan Student Assembly,
temporary meetings to discuss
Diagpolicy, MichiganUnion, 3rd
Floor, 7 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship Association, RCIA, 7
p.m.; Bible Study, 7:30 p.m.; St.
Mary Student Parish, 331 Th-
ompson St.
U Rainforest Action Movement,
meeting, Dana Building, Room
1046,7 p.m.
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice, beginners welcome,
CCRB, Martial ArtsRoom, 8:30-
9:30 p.m.

Building, Wrestling Room G21, Donoso, MLB, Lecture Room I,
7:30-9 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

U Androgen Receptor-Containing
Neurons in the Syrian Hamster
Brain, 300 N. Ingalls Building,
RSP Conference Room, 11th
Floor, 12:10 p.m.
O Carillon Auditions, for spring/
summer/fall study, BurtonTower,
Room 900, 764-2539, 12:30-2
U Distance and Driving-Force Ef-
fects on Electron Transfer in
Proteins, inorganic seminar,
ChemistryBuilding,Room 1640,
4 p.m.
U Eurythmy, lecture demonstration
by Arts Unlimited, U-M Dance
Building, 1310 N. University Ct.,
Auditorium B, 9:30-11 am.
U Jerusalem Fellowships National
Office, The 1993 Jerusalem Fel-
lowships, Hillel, 5:30 p.m.
U Latin American Film Series,Bit-
terCane,Rackham Amphitheatre,

Student services
Q The Adoptee Gathering, drop in
to discuss specific issues thatcon-
cern adult adoptees, Catholic So-
cial Services Building, 117 N.
Division St., 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Q Consultation for Student Lead-
ers and Student Organizations,
speak with peer and professional
consultants regarding leadership
and organizational development,
SODC, Michigan Union, Room
2202,8a.m.-5 p.m.
Q ECB Student Writing Center,
Angell Hall, Computing Center,
7-11 p.m.
U Northwalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, Bursley Hall,
763-9255,8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 7 p.m.-8 a.m., call
U Psychology Undergraduate Peer
Advising, sponsored by Depart-


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