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January 13, 1993 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-13

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 13,1993 - Page 3


'U' will
by Kenneth Dancyger
Daily Faculty Reporter
Faculty members and administra-
tors, concerned with First
Amendment rights, are in the midst
of revising a policy to protect them
from discrimination and harassment
in the workplace.
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA) will
host an open meeting Friday on its
current interim harassment policy,
requesting that faculty and students
help the University develop lasting
The current policy was created in
response to last summer's Supreme
Court ruling that invalidated parts of
the former interim policy - effec-
tive since 1988.
The current policy, in effect since
Oct. 1, 1992, outlaws instances of
verbal or physical harassment
Actions adversely affecting an
individual's education employment,
housing or participation in any
University activity;
Discrimination in education
and employment decisions and
University activities; and,
Actions that have the purpose
or effect of creating an intimidating,
hostile or offensive environment for
academic pursuits, employment,
The current policy was
created in response to
last summer's
Supreme Court ruling
that invalidated parts
of the former interim
policy - effective
since 1988.
housing, or participation in
University activities.
The policy does not apply to sex-
ual harassment, covered under a
separate policy, promotion decisions
or discriminatory salary practices.
The administration is also con-
sidering a clause protecting faculty
against all abusive physical or verbal
conduct. Currently, faculty are pro-
tected against discrimination based
on all of the qualifications outlined
*in Regent Bylaw 14.06, such as race,
religion, age, marital status, handi-
cap or Vietnam-era veteran status.
Additionally, the faculty policy in-
cludes sexual orientation, which is
excluded from the regent bylaw.
At University President James
Duderstadt's request, SACUA will
lead discussions between faculty
members to evaluate the policy and
determine the types of conduct a
new policy should prohibit.
One representative from each of
the University's 17 schools and col-
leges will hold discussions with his
or her co-workers.
Additionally, the faculty repre-
sentatives will meet with members
of the University administration
Feb.1 to adopt a formal policy and

consider extending 'the rules to also
cover to staff.
The open forum will be on Jan.
15 from 12- 1 p.m. in Room 5 of the
Michigan League.

Congressional report
denies Reagan role in
Iran hostage crisis

Ageless Yoga'
Students in the YMCA "Ageless Yoga" class stretch against the wall as part of their exercises. The class meets
once a week.
'U' study: Peace dividend
would not harm economy

million congressional investigation
has found no credible evidence that
Republicans conspired with Iran in
1980 to delay the release of
American hostages until after the
U.S. election, according to a
summary of the report obtained yes-
The full document, to be released
by the bipartisan congressional task
force today, seeks to lay to rest alle-
gations that have haunted the
Reagan and Bush administrations for
"There is wholly insufficient
credible evidence of any communi-
cations by, or on behalf of, the 1980
Reagan presidential campaign with
any persons representing or con-
nected with the Iranian government,
or with those holding Americans as
hostages during the 1979-1981 pe-
riod," said the summary.
"There is no credible evidence
supporting any attempt or proposal
to attempt, by the Reagan presiden-
tial campaign ... to delay the release
of the American hostages in Iran,"
the task force concluded after an 11-
month investigation.
The report itself, which runs
several hundred pages, contains de-
tailed information rebutting allega-
tions that senior Reagan aides -
among them the late William Casey
who served as his campaign manager
and then headed the CIA - took
part in meetings in Europe with
Iranian representatives.
The report also discusses in detail
attempts by the Carter administration
to achieve freedom for the 52
Americans. The Reagan campaign
feared those efforts would bear fruit
at the 11th hour - in what they
termed an October Surprise - and
result in victory for the Democratic
The hostages were in fact freed
hours after Reagan's Jan. 20, 1981,
inauguration. Subsequently, allega-
tions appeared that Reagan's cam-
paign cut a deal with Iran to delay
the release in return for U.S.
weapons. This purported deal also
eventually came to be called an
October Surprise.

But the task force reported that,
in fact, the Reagan administration in
its first term "upheld the arms em-
bargo with Iran and encouraged its
allies to do the same." In its second
term, the Reagan administration did
sell Iran weapons, in return for the
release of Americans taken hostage
in Lebanon.
The congressional leadership de-
cided last February to get to the
bottom of the October Surprise alle-
gations, establishing separate Senate
and House task forces.
The Senate panel, with only a
$75,000 budget, conducted a far
smaller probe than the House group
'Winter rush is more
laid back ... it's a great
way to meet people,
and you get a good
idea of what the
houses are really like.
- Cynthia McIntyre
LSA senior
but issued a similar conclusion last'.
The chairs and ranking minority
members of the House task force,:
Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), and
Rep. Henry Hyde (R-1ll.), last July
issued an interim report denying al-:
legations that Bush, as Reagan's run-
ning mate, took part in a Paris meet-
ing with the Iranians.
The House panel, with the help of
Justice and Treasury Department.
agents, interviewed 230 people in'.
the United States and around the'
world, reviewed tens of thousands of:
government documents including
many classified ones, and reviewed
hundreds of phone logs and credit
card records.
Of the five people said to have
independent knowledge of purported
1980 meetings in Madrid between
Casey and Iranians, three testified
under oath that they did not know
about the alleged encounters, the
summary said.

by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
Contrary to conventional wis-
dom, a substantial cut in the defense
budget would be "fairly painless" to
both the national and state
economies, concluded economics
Prof. Robert Stern after a study of
the "peace dividend."
Stern said defense budget cuts
would not "require the sort of mas-
sive retraining spending President-
elect Clinton proposes." Clinton
urged cutting the defense budget
while increasing federal spending to
retrain defense workers during his
Stern said the cuts' effects on
Michigan would be greater than av-
erage because of the state's eco-
nomic dependence on the auto in-
dustry and its large defense
A 25 percent cut in the defense
budget - a cut far greater than ei-
ther Congressional Democrats or
Republicans are proposing - would

result in 575,000 to 800,000 workers
being displaced nationally, far less
than earlier predictions.
The allocation of the "peace div-
idend," the funds freed by post-Cold
war reductions in defense spending,
will determine the ultimate level of
unemployment, the report stated.
The study, which appeared in the
Journal of Conflict Management and
was co-authored by economics Prof.
Alan Deardorff and Purdue eco-
nomics Prof. Jon Haveman, stated,
"It would be best for the economy in
terms of trade and employment to
spread the savings over several ar-
eas, including lower taxes and
deficit reduction."
Pentagon spokesperson Robert
Forster argued the effects on the na-
tional economy - especially unem-
ployment - would be much greater
than the study indicAted.
"With the United States still in a
recession, and proposals that will
throw potentially millions out of

work, including those in defense-re-
lated industries, it is a difficult tran-
sition from a military-industrial base
to a civilian-based economy,"
Forster said.
While acknowledging short-term
pain from the transformation, the
study purports the long-term benefits
from cutting defense far outweigh
short-term costs.
"In the long run, a reduction in
defense spending is generally re-
garded to have a positive impact on
the economy," the report stated.
A study done last year by the
Congressional Budget Office and
findings released last week by the
Defense Conversion Committee
generally confirm the findings of
Stern's study, which argued against
massive new spending to retrain
The paper is based on three to
four months of study on a global-
economic model, surveying the na-
tional economy.

State court to rule if kiss
qualiies as harassment
LANSING (AP) - A woman involved didn't involve sex and that
shouldn't win a sexual harassment the lone incident didn't create a
lawsuit over one isolated incident of hostile work environment for
romantic interest, an attorney for a Radtke.
Traverse City veterinarian told the The case could set a legal
state Supreme Court yesterday. precedent in sexual harassment'
But the woman's attorney urged cases, including whether the action
the high court to uphold a Court of involved would be seen as improper
Appeals ruling reinstating her by a "reasonable woman" as
lawsuit, arguing a single incident can opposed to a "reasonable person."
be basis for legal action. The lawsuit by Radtke, a
"No court has held that a single veterinary technician, was prompted
incident can't be actionable (basis by an incident in 1988 when Everett
for a successful lawsuit)," said Mark caressed her and tried to kiss her.
Williams, attorney for Tamara Radtke quit her job the next day
Radtke. and filed the lawsuit charging sexual
But Seth Lloyd, attorney for harassment and assault and battery.
veterinarian Stuart Everett and the A Supreme Court ruling on
Clarke-Everett Dog and Cat whether Radtke can pursue her
Hospital, argued that the actions lawsuit is not expected until spring,



"Look into the eyes of the children...
Feel through their eyes the threatening hope-
draining world around them. Imagine the
pain of a hungry stomach, an untreated ear
infection, or the discomfort and shame of
sleeping every night in the back seat of a cold
car or in a noisy and dangerous shelter. Let
what you see disturb you. Let it disturb you
so much that it prompts you to act."
- Marian Wright Edelman

Keynote Speakers:

M. Joycelyn Elders, M.D.
Director, Department if Health
State of Arkansas

Alan Chambers
Executive Director
CityCares of America

Guest Speakers:

Student groups
C American Movement for Israel,
meeting, Hillel, 7 p.m.
U Future Physicians for Social Re-
sponsibility, meeting, East
Quad, Room 164, 9 p.m.
U Graduate Employees Organi-
zation (GEO), membership
meeting, Rackham, East Con-
ference Room, 4:30 p.m.
Q Hillel, Jewish Feminist Discus-
sion Group, Naughty Writings
by Nice Jewish Girls, 7 p.m.,
call 769-0500 for location;
United Jewish Appeal pizza
party, Bursley Hall, 8 p.m.
0 Japan Student Association,
mass meeting, Michigan Union,
Anderson Room, 8 p.m.
U Newman Catholic Student As-
sociation, Centering Prayer, 7
p.m.; U-M Catholic S tudentFel-
lowship, 7p.m.; Saint Mary Stu-
dent Chanel, 331 Thomnson St.

9:30 p.m.
Q Students Concerned About
Animal Rights, meeting,
Dominick's, 7:30 p.m.
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular work-
out, CCRB, Room 2275,7-8:30
Q Time and Relative Dimensions
in Ann Arbor, meeting, Mason
Hall, Room 2439, 8 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice,
I.M. Building, Wrestling Room
G21, 7:30-9 p.m.
Q University Activities Center
(UAC), mass meeting, Michi-
gan Union, Anderson Room, 7
Q The Architectural Fantasies of
Iakov G. Chernikhov, opening
lecture andreception, Rackham,
Amphitheater, 7 p.m., exhibi-

Uses, lecture, Lane Hall, Com-
mons Room, 4 p.m.
Q Housing Division Resident Staff
Selection Pre-Information
Meeting for Students of Color,
Mosher-Jordan Hall, Nikki,
Giovanni Lounge, 7-8 p.m.
Q Libelei, movie, Max Kade Haus,
8 p.m.
Q Northwalk Mass Meeting,
Bursley Hall, West Lounge, 7
Q The Use of Azides and Olefins
in the Synthesis of Alkaloids,
Organic Chemistry Seminar,
Chemistry Building, Room 1640'
Q Volunteer Oversees, sponsored
by U-M International Center and
Ecumenical Campus Center,
Michigan Union, Pendleton
Room, 7:30-9 p.m.
Student services

Towsley Center
Presented by
The University of Michigan
Medical School
Saturday, January 16, 1993
8:30 a.m.

Clementine Barfield
Save Our Sons And Daughters
Darlene Blair, MSW, RN, CHES
Children's Hospital of Michigan
Alexa I. Canady, M.D.
Wayne State University
Mary Carpenter, RN
National Commission to Prevent
Infant Mortal ity
Gay Chisum, RN
Perinatal Addiction Consultants
Beverly Coleman-Miller, M.D.
BCM Group
Donald Duquette, J.D.
Child Advocacy Law Clinic
Jan Krohn
Michigan's Citizeris for
America's Children
Elizabeth Gath, M.D.
Cook County Hospital, Chicago

Valariea Lovelace, Ph.D.
Sesame Sheet
Clyde Owings, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Michigan
Steve Parker, M.D.
Boston Children's Hospital
lrwin Redlener, M.D.
New York Children's HealthI


Mark Riley, iD.
Child Welfare League of America
Patricia Savage
Children's Defense Fund
Jim Sherry, M.D., Ph.D.
The Honorable Cynthia D. Stephens
Wayne County Circuit Court Judge
David P. Weikart, Ph.D.
National Commission on Children
Betsy Wel
Michinan Council on Maternal



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