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March 19, 1993 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-19

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 19, 1993 - Page 3

Con artist
to repay
bySll ey Morson
A Detroit woman arrested for
selling false magazine subscriptions
to at least five University students in
1992 has been ordered to grant each
a full refund.
Judge Elizabeth Pollard ruled on
the case early this week.
*Lisa Foster pleaded guilty to
bartered misdemeanor charges of
obtaining less than $100 under false
-'pretenses in 15th District Court
*The original charge for the esti-
mated $160 of stolen funds was
fraudulent activities - considered a
felony. Foster will be sentenced un-
der this felony if she does not pay
restitution by the sentencing date,
MDarteto ubli dSafety
Foster's scam when they received
*similar reports of false magazine
'sales from at least five University
*students. All counts were collabo-
rated by canceled checks in Foster's
DPS Director of Investigations
Lt. James Smiley said similar reports
from other university police depart-
'ments linked Foster to the crimes.'
Foster was arrested in February
*when a joint investigation and a trail
of canceled checks led police to Ford
Community College in Dearborn.

Perel touches audience
with moving life story


by Sarah Gordon
With Solomon Perel's first
word, "Shalom," University stu-
dents were mesmerized by his
melodic voice and slow, gentle
words. The mood of his lecture
hushed the chaotic crowd. Audi-
ence members relied on his mov-
ing tones to understand the mean-
ing of his speech.
Perel delivered his speech en-
tirely in Hebrew. An English inter-
preter translated his words.
Perel - the subject of the
Golden Globe Award-winning
film "Europa, Europa" - gave the
keynote address for the Hillel
Foundation's 14th Annual Confer-
ence on the Holocaust.
He told of his birth to Polish-
Jewish parents on April 20, 1925,
in Peine, Germany. In 1938,, his

family relocated to Lodz, Poland.
Eventually, Perel was separated
from his family and was forced to
pose as a German soldier in order
to save his own life.
Perel said he was sustained by
his mother's parting words to him:
"Shlomo, you must live."
Last night he expressed that he
is still haunted by his childhood.
"I will not describe here the
heart-wrenching separation from
my parents," Perel said.
Perel calmly described the mo-
ment when he decided to deny his
Judaism and claim to be a German
in order to save his life.
"The distance between life and
death was like a hair's breath," he
He went on to explain that at
that second, he created a defense

mechanism within himself so that
even he would believe he was
"These same internal mecha-
nisms that were my defense
showed me that if I wanted to sur-
vive I needed to fully incorporate
myself into the world into which I
was thrown," Perel said.
He later explained the German
theory of race - which he was
forced to study intensely for three
years - to the audience members,
targeting the youth in the crowd.
"I saw that in this system of
education, the path from a man to
a monster is indeed very short -
no longer than the finger that pulls
the trigger of an automatic rifle.
But the path back is longer than
eternity. This is what all youth
around the world need to know."

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Solomon Perel speaks about his life as depicted in the film "Europa,
Europa." This was part of Hillel's weeklong Holocaust commemoration.

Daily photo helps student retrieve stolen bicycle

by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter"
When he picked up a copy of the Daily last
Friday, Engineering sophomore Jeff White ex-
pected to find a little news, a weather forecast,
some movie reviews and a controversial
He did not expect to find his stolen bicycle.
However, White gave the paper a second
glance after his roommate pointed out a bicy-
cle hanging from the South Quad sign in a
front-page photograph. He saw the bicycle had
a loose chain.
"I could clearly tell from the picture that it

was my bike," he said.
He immediately left his apartment and ran
to South Quad, hoping the bicycle would still
be there - suspended in mid-air by a nameless
The bike was still there, and White was able
to retrieve the bike, which was almost un-
harmed. He said the front wheel was a little
bent, but it could easily be fixed. In any case,
he said, it would be cheaper than buying a new
White said the bike was stolen from his
apartment more than two months ago, and he
had almost given up hope of finding it again.

He had originally taken the bike from a junk-
yard, and had never registered it with police,
he said.
Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD)
Community Services Officer Corey Mills said
White is among a very small number of lucky
people whose stolen bikes - registered or un-
registered - are ever recovered.
"There is a severe problem with stolen
bikes in this city," Mills said.
AAPD and the University Department of
Public Safety (DPS) both encourage students
to register their bikes with police - or at least
to keep track of the bike's serial number,

which can also help police recover the missing
DPS Lt. James Smiley said most people
only report stolen bicycles to police in ordetto
be reimbursed by their insurance companies.
Many insurance companies include bicycles in
homeowner insurance policies.
Mills agreed, and said eight out of every 10
stolen bicycle reports filed with AAPD are fbr
insurance purposes.
Smiley said bicycles are often stolen by
homeless people, who then sell them af whet-
ever price they can.

Q African American and the Mov-
ies,final day of exhibitMichigan
Union Art Lounge.
Q Between Ideology and Spiritual-
ity: MalcolmXandthe Struggle
for Human Dignity, lecture,
1923 Geddes Ave., 8 p.m.
Q Canterbury FridayMusicNight,
New Canterbury House, 518 E.
Washington St., 9 p.m.
U Caribbean People's Association,
meeting, Mosher-Jordan, Nikki
Giovanni Lounge, 6:30 p.m.
Q Daddy's Seashore Blues and Do
You Want to Be Free, Frieze
Building, Basement Arts Room,
5 p.m.
Q Design, Synthesis, and Control
of Conducting Polymer Archi-
tectures: Regioregular Head-
to-Tail coupled Poly(3-
alkylthiophene)s, materials
brown bag lunch, Chemistry
Building, Room 1706, 12 p.m.
U Drum Circle, Guild House Cam-
pus Ministry, 802 Monroe St., 8-
10 p.m.
Q Esther Before Ahasuerus: A Po-
etry Reading, Art Museum, 4
Q Expanding the concept of Global
Security: Gender and Human
Development, Law School,
Hutchins Hall, Honigman Audi-
torium, 4 p.m.
U Friday Forum-Examining the
Learning Experiences of Asian
Americans on the U-M Cam-
pus, LS&A TA Training Pro-
gram, LSA Building, Executive
Conference Room, Room 2553,
4 p.m.
Q Hillel, Medicine and the Construc-
tion of Genocide: Brown Bag
Presentation and discussion with
Shabbat Serices, 6:30 p.m.
Q Korean Campus Crusade for
Christ, Christian Fellowship,
Campus Chapel, 8 p.m.
Q Music at Espresso Royale Caffe,
Ragtime Charlie and Sister Kate,
9 p.m.
U Music at Leonardo's, Continen-
tal Brass Quartet, Leonardo's, 8-
10 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship Association, Stations of
the Cross, 7 p.m.; Rosary, 7:30
p.m.; St. Mary Student Parish,
331 Thompson St.
U Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433, 7 p.m.-8
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8-
11:30 p.m.
Q SafewalkSafety Walking Service,
UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8-11:30
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
laanrrw lrnrni t3I/f~~r' TRR fMar-

Q Student Awards Presetation and
Reception, School of Music,
Slusser Gallery, 7 p.m.
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular work-
out, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30
U Tectonic Plates, movie, Angell
Hall, Auditorium B, 7 p.m.
U Theofilos, movie, Contemporary
Greek Cinema Festival, Natural
Science Building, Auditorium,
7:30 p.m.
Q U-MBridgeClub,duplicatebridge
game, Michigan Union, Tap
Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I.M.
Building, Wrestling Room, G21,
6:30-8 p.m.
Q Women's Glee Club, Rackham
Amphitheatre, 8 p.m.
Q A City of Sadness, movie, Tai-
wanese American Students for
Awareness, Medical Science
Building II, South Lecture Hall, 2
Q Daddy's Seashore Blues and Do
You Want to Be Free, Frieze
Building, Basement Arts Room,
5 p.m.
Q Faculty Chamber Music Con-
cert, School of Music, Recital
Ilall, 8 p.m.
Q Hillel, Havdalah Service, 7:30p.m.
Q Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
Conservatory Tour, Matthaei
Rd., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 2p.m., & 3
Q Memorial Service for Radcliffe
Squires, Michigan League, 3rd
Floor, Koessler Library, 2 p.m.
Q Music at Espresso Royale Caffe,
M.E. Johnson, folk guitarist and
singer, 9 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship Association, Mass, 7:30
a.m.; Into Light, 8 a.m.; Easter
ChoirRehearsal,l0a.m.; St.Mary
Student Parish, 331 Thompson
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8-
11:30 p.m.
U Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433, 7 pm.-8
Q The Quiet Revolution of 1917: A
History of Rudolf Steiner's So-
cialOrder, lecture,1923Geddes
Ave., 10 a.m.
Q SafewalkSafety WalkingService,
UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8-11:30
Q Stone Years, movie, Contempo-
raryGreek CinemaFestival, Natu-
ral ScienceBuilding,Auditorium,
7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate, practice,
CCRB, small gym, 10 a.m.-12
Sl Tinor VnirI.S.Exneriene a~t

Ave., 4-6 p.m.
Q Women in Science, Engineering
and Mathematics Regional
Conference: Creating an Aca-
demic Community, Chemistry
Building, Room 1400, 8:30a.m.-
2 p.m.

Q Alpha Phi Omega, chapter meet-
ing, Michigan Union, Kucnzel
Room, 7 p.m.
U Art Museum, Guercino's "Esther
Before Ahasuerus," Sunday Tour,
Art Museum, Information Desk,
2 p.m.
Q Ballroom Dance Club, CCRB,
Dance Room, 7-9 p.m.
Q Christian Life Church, Sunday
church service, School of Educa-
tion, Schorling Auditorium, 11
Q Dance Benefit for March on
Washington for Lesbian/ Gay/
Bisexual Rights, NectarineBall-
room, 9 p.m.
U Faculty/ Guest Recital, Rackham
Amphitheatre, 4:30 p.m.
Q Hillel, A Traveling jewish Theatre
Presents "Crossing the Broken
Bridge", 7:30p.m.; Israeli Danc-
ing, 8-10 p.m.
Q Jazz Combos, Michigan League,
Buffet Room, 5:30 p.m.
Q Korean Cultural Arts Festival,
Michigan Union, Pendelton
Room and Ballroom, 3-10 p.m.
Q Lord of Light Lutheran Church,
service of holy communion, 10
a.m.; Faith as a Public Phenom-
enon,11a.m.; 801 S. Forest Ave.
Q Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
Conservatory Tour, Matthaei
Botanical Gardens,1800Dixboro
Rd., 2 p.m. & 3 pm.
Q Music at Espresso Royale Caffe,
Nina Perlove, classical flute,
Espresso Royale Caffe, 11 a.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship Association, Pancake
Breakfast, St. Mary Student Par-
ish, 331 ThompsonSt., 9 a.m.-12
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433
Q Percussion Ensemble, School of
Music, McIntosh Theatre, 4 p.m.
Q Religion in Public Life: An
American Dilemma, 11th An-
nualKauperLectu-e,Law School,
Honigman Hall, 3:30 p.m.
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Service,
UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8 p.m.-
1:30 a.m.
U Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice-Angell Hall, Angell 1Hlall
Computing Center, 763-4246,
1-30-3 a.m.
Q The Tree We Hurt, movie, Con-
temnnrmrv Greek Cine~ma Festi-

Serbs halt
U.N. relief
convoys to
Herzegovina (AP) - Serbs
blocked vital U.N. convoys to des-
perate Srebrenica and two other
Muslim enclaves yesterday, and
subjected Sarajevo to one of the
worst assaults of the Bosnian war.
Intense artillery fire hit central
Sarajevo and continued for a
second day in suburbs around the
airport, providing a grim welcome
for Gen. Lars Erik Wahlgren, the
new U.N. commander in former
Under U.N. pressure, Bosnian
Serbs allowed three blocked aid
convoys into Bosnia Wednesday
and yesterday. They then stopped
all three, signaling they were
determined to cement their hold
over much of eastern Bosnia
regardless of international
criticism and peace talks in New
"The main message from here
is that someone has to stop the
Serbs from advancing," said Larry
Hollingworth, a U.N. refugee
official, by ham radio from
Srebrenica. "Like some evil
Jabberwocky, they must be

Heavily armed Serbian soldiers head for the front lines from Matic
Polje yesterday. Heavy fighting for the narrow land corridors linking
Serbian-held territory and Yugoslavia intensified in the area of Broko.

In a French TV interview re-
layed to Zagreb by ham radio
operators, Gen. Philippe Morillon,
the U.N. commander in Bosnia,
said the stalled Srebrenica convoy
should arrive today.
"It has been agreed for the con-
voy to be tomorrow at 8 a.m. on
the demarcation line and at 8:30 it
should enter Srebrenica," Morillon
was quoted as saying.
No aid has reached Srebrenica
by land since Dec. 10. Many of

the refugees are living in the opens
without warm clothing, and guir
and knife fights that have erupted
in scrambles for airdropped U.S.
food reportedly killed four people
Bosnia's U.N. ambassador
accused four Serbian planes of
bombing villages near Srebrenica
on Wednesday night, even as the
U.N. Security Council was con-4
demning a bombing raid four days

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Sunday, March 21
Michigan Union

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