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March 19, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-19

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Administrators and faculty at the University don't
seem to communicate with each other. Kenneth
Dancyger looks at the relationship between the
two groups.

The son of famous musician Mel Torme is
making a name for himself. Alison Levy looks at
Tracy Torme, the screenwriter of "Fire in the

Last year, the Michigan hockey team won the
regular season but lost the CCHA championship.
This season, the icers finshed second in the season
but look for the title this weekedn in Detroit.

Partly cloudy; >
Nigh 32,Lw16
Rain and snow; High 42, Low 26

>: >":,
} '' 1


One hundred two years of editorial freedom




Greenberg to
lead assembly

Michigan basketball players Dugan Fife (deft), Juwan Howard (centers and Sean Dobbins {right) read the newspaper at
Detroit Metropolitan Airport Wednesday as they wait for their plane to Tucson, Ariz.
'M' anxious to start tourney, pay Coastal Carolna tonight

by Jennifer Tianen
Daily MSA Reporter
The envelopes have been opened, the bal-
lots have been counted, and the election staff
has gone home to sleep.
The unofficial results are in: Craig
Greenberg and Brian Kight of the Michigan
Party are the new president and vice president
of the Michigan Student Assembly,
The Michigan
Party garnered 40x
percent of theF
vote, with the
Conservative Co-
alition (CC) '
receiving 31 per-
cent. The Pro-
gressives came in
third, gathering ,
29 percent of stu-_
dents' votes. Greenberg
Despite a wide-
spread voter turnout drive, only 7.5 percent of
students voted - down from last winter's
elections when student participation was at
9.4 percent.
"I think this outcome shows that Michigan
students are finally ready for a change in their
student government, one that will make it
more effective and beneficial to them,"
Greenberg said.

Greenberg said he was elated with the
"I'm excited to begin working to accom-
plish the goals I emphasized during the cam-
paign," he said. "Also, I hope that the
Progressives, Conservative Coalition, Kegs
and Weasels will work with us to improve
Kight expressed his pleasure with the
sweet taste of victory.
"I think that it's a real testament to all the
hard work we put in during the campaign," he
Jason Hackner, the Progressive presiden-
tial candidate, accepted defeat gracefully.
"I feel very proud to have worked with
such a dedicated group of people," he said.
He said he hopes the assembly will im-
prove under Greenberg's leadership.
Michelle Toger, the CC vice-presidential
candidate, wished luck to the Michigan Party.
"I hope that they prove to work as hard as
they campaigned and that they'll work with
other parties within the assembly," Toger
Greenberg added that he is anxious to be-
gin making plans for the upcoming assembly
"The first thing I am going to do is start
working to amend and change the Statement
of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the
Diag policy."

by Andy De Korte
Daily Basketball Writer
TUSCON, Ariz, - An extra 60
degrees surrounding the Michigan
basketball team has not melted any of its
NCAA tournament passion. If anything,
the sweltering heat has fanned the

Wolverines' desire to start the
tournament tonight against Coastal
"I think we're like all the teams,
we're anxious to play," Michigan coach
Steve Fisher said. "We're excited, hoping
we can come out and play like a number

one seed. It's an exciting time for us." .
Yesterday's press conference elicited
statements of commitment from Fisher's
club. Chris Webber promised there
would be no parties. Rob Pelinka recalled
former Wolverine standout Glen Rice
See CAGERS, Page 10


.'U' struggles to handle omission of MCAT testing site

by Michele Hatty
Because the University is one of the
largest pre-medical schools in the country,
more than 300 University students scheduled
to take the Medical College Admission Test
(MCAT) April 17 are wondering why the
exam won't be given on campus.
However, there seem to be no definite
* The issue arose when Educational Test-
ing Services (ETS) - the testing company
that distributes the exam - took over the

test from the American College Test Com-
pany earlier this year. In the transaction ETS
inherited the April test date.
However, ETS' Graduate Record Exam
(GRE) was already scheduled for the same
ETS' exams are overseen by test supervi-
sors who organize proctors to monitor the
exams. Having both tests on the same day
presented a problem for the University be-
cause ETS has only one test supervisor on
the Ann Arbor campus.

Celeste Tsuji, program administrator for
ETS, said, "It's ETS policy that a supervisor
cannot administer more than one test on one
day. It's because of the GRE/MCAT conflict
that the MCAT won't be offered. It wasn't a
question of us not wanting Michigan, it's
just that (Marlene Dyer, the ETS test super-
visor at the University) could only offer one
Tsuji said she did not know how it was
decided that the GRE would be held rather
than the MCAT at the University, but said

she thinks the decision had to have been
made by someone at the University.
Tsuji acknowledged, however, that an-
other test supervisor could have been con-
tracted - thus allowing both exams to be
offered - but for some reason, that option
was not taken.
Some University students, upon learning
that they would have to find transportation to
other test sites - the closest being Washte-
naw Community College (WCC) - began
to express their frustration. And, as the Uni-

versity lacks a unified pre-medical advising
program, students were not even sure who to
Lan Bui, an LSA junior who is taking the
MCAT, expressed her dissatisfaction with
the situation. "Michigan is one of the top
producers of pre-meds in the country, and I
just think that it's ridiculous."
Simone Taylor, interim director of Career
Planning & Placement (CP&P), said CP&P
first became aware of the University's
See MCAT, Page 2

House to ratify plan
to stimulate economy
by David Shepardson work in which legislators will fi-
Daily Government Reporter nalize budgetary details - that
Congressional Democrats outlines $510 billion in deficit cuts
moved quickly on a host of bills over the next five years, to come
this week to assuage criticisms equally from tax increases and
that Congress has been slow in spending cuts.
passing the Clinton domestic The House passed the Budget
package. But, at the same time, the Resolution 243 to 183. Members
legislature asserted its indepen- appeared ready to pass the stimu-
dence from the executive branch. lus package after 20 hours of
Foremost on the House's debate.
agenda is the Fiscal 1993 Stimulus Earlier, the House turned away
and Investment Supplemental Ap- a Republican alternative that
propriation bill, commonly re- would have cut the deficit by $429
ferred to as the Clinton economic billion over the next five years -
stimulus package. primarily through spending cuts
Along with the stimulus pack- - by a vote of 295 to 135.
age, the House considered the Rep. William Ford (D-Ypsi-
Budget Resolution - the frame- lanti Township), Education and

Congress took action on
many issues this week,
considering President
Clinton's economic stimulus
package to reduce the deficit;
upholding the current ban
on immigration of individuals
with the H IV-virus; and,
weakening the Moter-Voter
bill to allow states to exclude
welfare offices from
providing voter registration.
Labor chair, spoke in favor of the
Clinton proposal.
"The dollars expended in this
bill will multiply quickly in the
communities that receive them,"
Ford said. "Unlike tax giveaways
to the rich - the kind of
'stimulus' proposed by Republi-
cans - these funds are unlikely to
end up in Swiss bank accounts."
Republicans charged that the
See ECONOMY, Page 2

Caucus plans political agenda

Group hopes to
rally students around
causes affecting
students of color

by James Cho
Daily Staff Reporter

The caucus held an organiza-
tional meeting last night to decide
what issues it will address. Repre-
sentatives from a number of political
groups came to the meeting, which
was organized by the Ella
Baker/Nelson Mandela Center for
Anti-Racist Education (BMC). They
expressed their views concerning
controversial political issues includ-
ing police brutality, political prison-
ers, sexual assault and deputization.
The caucus plans to support
Haitian Solidarity Week March 24-

31 by participating in a hunger strike
organized by the Law School's
Haitian Refugee Project and the
Black Law Students' Alliance.
Lesley Miller, Rackham student
and hunger strike organizer, said the
group is protesting the U.S. illegal
refugee policy and hopes to raise
awareness of the injustices occurring
in Haiti.
Tracye Matthews, BMC board
member and Rackham graduate stu-
dent, said the caucus aims "to help
See CAUCUS, Page 2

The Baker/Mandela Political
Caucus is making plans to combat
oppression and other issues affecting
people of color at local, state and
national levels through political edu-
cation and activism.


Greek Week events

Cornell may institute gay living unit

Here are the times and
locations of the Greek Week
events that take place this
AA4/XK Volleyball; 10
a.m.; Sports Coliseum
BUfIKAG} Pie Eating;
noon; 6i04 S. State St.
AF' Anchor Splash; 7 p.m.;
IM Building Natatorium
Blood Drive; 1 p.m.-6:30
p.m.; Michigan, League
Greek Games; 10 a.m.;
Palmer Field
[IKA Obstacle Course; 11
a.m.; Palmer Field
TKE Monsterball Rugby;
11:30 a.m.; Palmer Field

by Megan Lardner
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Cornell University may become
an Ivy League pioneer if a contro-
versial proposal to designate one
wing of a campus residence hall for
gay, lesbian and bisexual students is
approved by the university president.
University President Frank

will also be accessible to heterosex-
ual students.
"Homosexuals do exist on this
campus and sensitivity is needed,"
said sophomore Michael Gorman,
one of the proposal's creators.
The proposal was approved by
Cornell's Student Assembly last De-
cember and issued to Rhodes, who

"There is no time that an idea like
this is going to be introduced on a
campus and work perfectly," said
first-year student Alison Conlin. "I
honestly don't think (the proposal)
will ever go through because there
are too many people with weight
who are not going to let it go

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