Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Weekend etc. -March 18,1993
Mark my ankde, please
by Alison Levy
Ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, which basically, I still am, I've
always wanted atattoo. Iwould go to the Quik-Pik for Cracker Jacks several times
a week. I hated the candy, especially when I got those stupid games with the small
silver balls that have to be navigated into the holes. What a waste of my hard-
earned 10 cents. But then on the days when I was blessed by the gods I would hit
a package containing those magically fun, temporary tattoos. I'd run home, lock
myselfin thebathroom and O.D. on my precious tattoos, applying all three at once.
But soon after, I grew out of it because tattoos weren't for good girls.
It was in high school that I renewed my interest in body art. For spring break,
agaggleofmy bestestfriendsheaded for thesun, fun and sleaze ofDaytona Beach.
After several days of being propositioned by every crum-bumb on the coast,
several friends went and got temporary tattoos of three red cherries on their upper
arms. That way, when any unwanted denizen approached, they pointed to the tiny
pictures and said, "I came with 'em and I'm leaving with 'em." Unfortunately, I
wascaughtin the middleofmy prepsterphase and decided to forgo the trek. Damn.
So, several years passed and I was preoccupied with the whole college thing.
Then, soon after I declared my film major, feeling artsy and rebellious, I decided
to get a real live, honest to goodness tattoo on my 21st birthday. I spent hours
doodling through lecturesin searchof the perfecttattoo. Sadly, afew weeks before
the big day, I broke my left foot in an unfortunate party accident. I considered this
a very large omen. So, once again, no tattoo.
OK. So, this January, for a class project I decided to go through with
permanently marking my body.I went to Creative Tattoo onLiberty. Instead of the
dank hole-in-the-wall littered with beer guzzling sailors that I was expecting to
find, the shop was quite nice. Itremindedme ofabeauty parlor, which in hindsight,
it is. I gotacquainted with Barbara the receptionist and resident body piercing artist
(that's another story). Anyway I told her I wanted to interview a tattoo artist and
finally they agreed, but only if I did it while getting a tattoo. Hey, no problem.
Over the next week I spent half my waking hours picking out a tattoo. The rest
of my time was spent arguing with closed-minded friends. One even tried talking
me out of it by suggesting that I might meet some amazing guy who won't want
to date or marry me because I have a tattoo. Please. Finally, I picked out a tattoo
with two dolphins swimming head to tail in acircle. I also met Tony Andiamo, the
artist who would be applying it.
The night before I didn't sleep at all, but things went really well. Tony is a
personable guy and highly entertaining. He made a copy of the picture I wanted
and then put alcohol on it and then transferred that to my ankle. I looked in the
mirror and thought it was a little too high, so he moved it down a little. I wanted
itlowerstill, butTony toldmehe doesn'tlike togobelow thehairline because those
are on the bone and consequently hurt more.
Next, hetook the needle and did what he calls a "feel test" to let me experience
the pain. My nails were digging into the chair, but it didn't really hurt that much.
It's atotalmyth. Itfeltkindalike mosquito pricks. Tony outlined the tattoo in black
and then colored one green and one blue, using all new needles. Throughout the
process he would wipe it with diluted Vaseline to keep the area moist. When it was
all done I gave him my fifty bucks and he wrapped it up. After a week of gently
washing it and applying Noxema, my tattoo healed and is beautiful.
Otto and Felicity (that's the dolphins' names) are a great conversation piece
and satisfied a small desire for control. A week later I returned so my friend Tricia
could get a flower on her ankle, and in the middle of the entertainment, jealousy
spread. I want another one. Now if I can just figure out where to put it. My mom
will be so excited.
Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson and Rip Torn give Tony-contending performances in Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Christie," directed by David Leveaux.
ive my regetstoBroaway
Continued from page 1
in the mid to late 'SOs.
"'There was a revolutuion in music
coming from R & B and rock 'n' roll in
the 'SOs and '60s that completely
changed what people regard as popular
music," Barnesexplained. "At one time,
people used to wash up their dishes and
drive their cars and even make love to
music that came from Broadway or
Hollywood, and nowadays people
don't." (Hey - some of us still do!)
So what we have today are people
trying to write the musicals of the past
for the present, and failing miserably.
"The people who are trying to write
musicals now are writing pastiche;
they're writing what they think George
Gershwin or Richard Rodgers would
have written nowadays ... (if they)
would have been alive today, they would
probably be rock musicians - they
wouldn't be trying to do Broadway
musicals," Barnes pointed out.
Now that I've completely shattered
your notion of American musical the-
ater by throwing a boulder to the glass
house of Broadway, I feel that I should
present some alternatives. Barnes of-
fered two suggestions (cover your ears;
this might hurt):
1. "Broadway is not the most impor-
tant part of the American theater; it's
certainly not the most important part of
the New York theater." Of the approxi-
mate 250 theaters in New York, only
some 30 of them are on Broadway, 20 of
which are in business at a given mo-
ment.Off-Broadway andoffoff-Broad-
way are the new hot spots for budding
playwrights and blossoming shows.
That's where you'llfind the witty Gerard
Alessandrini ("Forbidden Broadway"),
the confrontational Larry Kramer ("The
Normal Heart," "The Destiny of Me")
and the famous New York Shakespeare
Festival (established by the late theater
impresario Joseph Papp).
2. "You can't run the theater on a
commercial basis."(Cameron Mackin-
tosh, this one's for you.) Barnes empha-
sized that the theater needs much better
funding. In London, for example, the
Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC)
and the National Theater are the major
theatrical venues. "You see a different
dimension of theater than anything we
can do (in the U.S.) because there's
more funding and therefore more possi-
bility," Barnes explained. The different
dimension to which Barnes alluded re-
fers toclassical theater- Shakespeare,
Ibsen and the like. "We don't have a
decentregard for classical theater in this
country," Barnes declared.
If you're all out of shock, I'll con-
tinue. Broadway has turned into a busi-
ness, andit'scollapsing.See, if aprivate
investorlike, oh say, Cameron Mackin-
tosh funds a show, he wants to get his
money back plus make more of it -
hence the over-priced tickets and outra-
geous production costs. The shows that
stay around - the so-called "good
shows" - are those that make money,
and will make money for a long time;
original music and engaging storylines
are not factors.
Where does that leave us faithful
lovers ofthe Broadwaymusical?Barnes
feels that Broadway will always existas
atouristattraction, butnotasmuch else.
"I say 'Broadway the showcase.' It's
not a laboratory - it hasn't been a
laboratory for the theater for a very long
time. It does and can do very, very little
new stuff; it can only afford to do the
showcase musical," he insisted. There
are a lot of great playwrights and com-
posers out there, but for monetary rea-
sons, most will never appear on Broad-
way. But buck up, American
theatergoers! "People are too fond of
imagining that Broadway is the Ameri-
can theater," Barnes stated, "It ain't!"
Look beyond the gaudy glimmer of the
Great (ahem, mediocre) White Way -
you'l be amazed at what you'll find.
14e e veytoshde
Featurirng Over 30 New
1. Pork Lo Mein in ...............3.50
Chinese noodles with roast pork and vegetables. Comes with cabbage soup.
3.* Broccoli w. Garlic Sauce .*, ' M ........3.90
Comes with pork fried rice, cabbage soup.
4.*Singapore Style Rice Noodles 4 A > 4.50
Rice noodles stir fried in curry with baby shrimp, julienne strips of pork,
green and red pepper and egg. Comes with cabbage soup.
5. Noodles with Cream Sauced ; . ...". ..3.20
Comes with cabbage soup.
6. Chicken with Broccoli 4$- $t.. ........ 4.70
Comes with fried rice, cabbage soup.
7. Beef with Broccoi 1 - 4- I................4.70
Comes with fried rice, cabbage soup.
(with Crispy Noodle) Pint Quart
21. Wonton Soup 4 . ............1.30 2.30
22. Cabbage Soup e. ' .............,20 2.20
23.* Hot and Sour Soup IA . # 5.. ......1.80 3.00
24. Vegetable Tofu Soup it. .. - .... ...2.00 3.20
25. House Special Seafood Soup (for 2) 4-4 ( M}5.90
Shrimp, scallops, and fish cake.
NEW 26. Smoked Veg. w. Duck Soup k A 4 . .2.50 3.90
NEW 27. Julienne Pickled Veg. & Pork Soup ( M r .i 2.00 3.70
Pint Quar
31. Roast'Pork Fried Rice)( *L W ' ......3.30 5.50
32. Chicken Fried Rice4 ) &..........3.40 5.70
33. Shrimp Fried Rice # . .........3.90 6.90
34. Young Chow Fried Rice 4 % f i ......4.00 6.90
Thai rice stir-fried with shrimp, pork and vegetables.A famous dish from the
city of Young Chow.
35. Vegetarian Fried Rice ) f& ....,.3.20 5.50
36. Beef Fried Rice 4 l] & k ............3.60 5.90
8. Boneless B.B.Q. Ribs 4 ........... 5.20
Comes with cucumber salad, fried rice, cabbage soup.
9. Hainan Chicken w. Rice r $........4.90
Poached in wine and herbs. Served with cucumber salad and ThIlai rice
cooked in chicken broth. Chicken served cold.
10. Sweet and Sour Chicken A. $D.......4.90
Comes with fried rice. cabbae
f 1r e-*l s Chicke ' , ... ....5.90
Chunks of chicken ightly fried with hot garlic sauce. A favorite dish of
Szechuan General Tso. Comes with fried rice, cabbage soup.
12. Baby Shrimp w. Cashew Nuts JI* P f.. 5.20
Comes with fried nce, cabbage soup.
13.* Curry Chicken (w. White Rice) 94'-i ic .........4.50
Egg Roll (with pork) 4. . ............1.00
Shrimp Roll ..... ................. ....1.10
Spring Roil L 4 # ..................... 1.00
Light, thin crunchy skin
Pork Dumplings (7) M O.. *. ............. 4.40
Pan-fried or steamed.
jellyFish 4 .................5.80
Julienne strips of jelly fish, carrots, daikan, cucumber, served cold.
Sm. Lg.
Boneless B.B.Q Spare Ribs A 4 4 .5.00 8.50
Chicken in SoySauce c e ..r .....5.20 8.50
Poach fresh chicken inherb soy sauce, chicken serve col.
Vegetarian Roill .1. ....................... .1.00
Pled Qurt
11 .*General Tso Chicken ....5.70 8.80
Chunks of chicken lightly fried with hot garlic sauce. A favorite dish of the
Szechuan General Tao.
112. HainanChcken A( n* ) . ..4.90 8.20
Chicken poached in wine and herbs. Chicken served cold.
113. Chicken with Broccoli A ......4.50 7.50
114.* Chicken w. Garlic Sauce *, r . ... 4.60 7.70
115. Chicken w. Snow Peas .- $ $r.,.. . 5.20 8.70
1 16. Moo Goo GaiPan 4. A 'Y........4.70 7.60
Stir-fried mushrooms and chicken breast in white wine sauce.
117. Chickenvw. Sfring Beans A * . ...4.70 7.60
118. Chicken w. Cashew Nuts t Al, T .... 4.70 7.60
NEW 119.*Curry Chicken & ° $...........4.20 6.10
NEW 120. Lemon Chicken >7 4- A...........4.80 6.60
Pint Quart
131. Beef w. Broccoli.4 # + iA ..........4.90 7.90
132. Pepper Steak * 4 4- . .. ......4.50 7.60
133. Beef w. Sfring Beansans+ - . ......4.70 7.80
Julienne of beef teerlorin sauteed w. string beans.
134.* Beef w. Garlic Sauce .A 4 '- i . ........5.10 8.50
Tender sliced beef sauteed in garlic sauce w. green pepper, iaby corn,
stewed mushrooms, bamboo shoots, carrots & water chestnuts.
135. Beef w. a Seasonal Veg., l4 -(....4.90 8.20
136. Beef w.Snow Peas A 4- . ......5.40 8.80
NEW 137. Steak Hong Kong Style 4' + M#4I'.....5.80 9.20-
141. Pan-fried String Beans ;P *A. . . ..3.70 6.40
142. Sring Beans Sauteed with
Ground Shrimp M e * # i........ ..3.90 6.90
143.* Broccoli w. Garlic Sauce...........3.80 6.50
144. Sauteed Broccoli '* $ . .........3.60 6.30
145. Mixed Vegetables with
Pan-fried Tofu 4 .i ........4.30 7.20
146. Sauteed Chi nsai i* Nr' l ....... 3.80 6.70
Chingensai is "baby bok choy'.
NEW 147. Black Mushrooms w. Veg. Ni N $ . .. 4.80 7.20.
NEW 148. Sauteed Zuchini IJI i..............3.80 6.10.
NEW 149. Sauteed Spinach ;: ........3.50 5.80.
NEW 15Q. SauteedChineseBroccoli 4' WJ ,.3.50 5.80.
- ., m - bx oc 0. -t-
r A r!1l1r nr_ !' i A i TiCC
I V L I1 1 <J V L V i L "v 1 n L i i L V'
181. Shrimp w. Lobster Sauce E t ......5.20 9.20
182. Shrimp w. Broccoli 4 . ..5.50 9.30
183.* Shrimp w. Garlic Sauce .& 4 .. .5.80 9.50
184.* Scallops w. Garlic Sauce A* f { l. . .5.90 9.50
185. Scallops w. Vegetables t i ....5.70 9.30
186.* Sauteed Spicy Baby Shrimp f 4'. FL=..4.90 8.90
187. Shrimp w. Snow Peas I... . .....5.50 9.30
NEW 188. Shrimp w. Tofu ' (=.. . ........5.50 7.80
Beef Sofi Wide Noodle fY 4 f . . ..4.50
Seafood Soft Wide Noodle 4 ;T .5.50
Chicken Soft Wide Noodle 4 .r " T .4.30
Shredded Pork Soft Wide Noodle lJ xi 4.30
Deluxe Soft Wide Noodle -ft A$ f. .4.80
Shrimp Soft Wide Noodle 't = 7. .5.50
191. Poached Whole Shrimp 4 4' .........9.80
Fresh whole shrimp poached in lemon juice and white wine. Served with
ight ginger soy sauce.
192. Conch,Sea Scallopsf f l * ,t..... ...11.50
Thinly sliced conch, Long sland Monitor sea scallops sauteed in white
wine sauce.
193. Sliced Conch w. Veg.A4 .. * .......... .11.50
194. Seafood Delight 4 . A . ......... ....12.50
A combination of shrimp, scallops and lobster meat, squid, sliced fish cake
in a special wine sauce.
195. Sauteed uid # . M ....... .8.70
Sauteed with sc and .nger
196.* Jalapeno Squid Saute . . ...........8.90
spicy and delicious.
197. Squid w. Black Bean Sauce 2 t . R .... 8.70
Black bean sauce is made of smokced soy beans and is one of the most
essential ingredients in Chinese cooking.
198. Jumbo Shrimpw. Veg.4 A m . . ......9.90
199. Mussels w. Black Bean Sauce . it . .... 7.20
Black bean sauce is make of smoked soy beans and is one of the most
essential ingredients in Chinese cooking.
200. Mussels . Scallions&Ginger i . 4 *L..., 7.90
201. Steamed Seasonal Fish ;* # t1 ,..........12.90
Whole, fresh fish steamed with green onions and Chinese seasoning the
bast technique to bring out the taste of fish.
202. Crispy Pan-fried Fish . 4: & *...........12.90
whole, fresh fish.
203. Live Lobster Cantonese Style . .. . .... 13.90
tonthe shell. Ui Y b.
204. Live Lobster w. Scallion Sauce # .% IL % .... 13.90
In the shell i V lb.
205.* Live Lobster Hunan Style L m .... .13.90
Hot and Spicv. in the she. 1y. lb.
211.* Triple Szechuan Delight )l -l . . ....... 8.80
Beef, chicken and shrimp sauteed with assorted vegetables in spicy
sechuan sauce.
212. Beef w. Scallops -. ................7.90
Fresh scallops sauteed w. sliced beef and assorted veg.
213. HappFamil^ *Z. ..... 9.90
Aco flieeorofljumb shrip, scallops, chicken anrd roast pork with
assorted vegetables. pi. j (
NEW 214. Pork Chop Peking5tle : ' ...5.80 8.00
Chunks of pork chop I9hdy fedh sweet sauce.
NEW 215. Celery Sauteed with Boneless
DuckFeet i ...............6.50 8.80
Ntmt 4tiQ C nr6.s. s...- s.....nli a "Z-i e " Q .. . .
(Thin Soft Noodle) Pint Quar
Roast Pork Lo Mein A '4. 4* ........3.40 5.70
Chicken Lo Mein A 4* ..........3.80 6.60
Beef Lo Mein- rJ 4*. ...........4.00 6.80
Shrimp Lo Mein 'L 4 ........4.30 7.60
Deluxe Lo Mein 4t #4 4 * .........4.70 7.70
Julienne slices of beef, chicken, shrimp and roast pork.
Seafood Lo Mein 4 '44* ..........4.90 8.20
Vegetable Lo Mein - 4* I .........3.40 5.70
(Entree, Choice of Wide or Thin Soft Noodles or Rice Noodle) Pint Qumrt
NEW 81. Beef Noodle Soup + t . , . . ...3.80 5.10
NEW 82. Seafood Noodle Soup -& IT ...4.10 5.50
NEW 83. Chicken Noodle'Soup., M , - s ? . 3.60 4.80
NEW 84. Malaysia Shrimp Noodle Soup , ; - . .4.00 5.10
Shrimp, fish cake,& vegetables. i ,g
NEW 85. Julienne Pickled Veg. & Pork
Noodle Soup Wr M.' , T ' 3T ...3.50 4.90
NEW 86. Chinatown Wonton Noodle Soup M . . 3.50 4.90
NEW 87 Steamed Chicken Noodle SoupAnI,.% T "A3.50 4.90
NEW 88. Soy Sauce Chicken Noodle Soup ; ' AM , N . 43.50 4.90
NEW 89.* Curry Noodle Soup -°# ; .,.....,3.50 4.90
Pint Quart
51. Chicken Rice Noodle , $ 3t* ......3.80 6.70
52. BeefRiceNoodle4- A ..........3.90 6.90
53. Baw Shrimp Rice Noodle i 4- A ...4.40 7.80
Pork, chicken, beef, or shrimp sauteed withvegetables and
Hoisan sauce, served with 4 pancakes for wrapping.
MooShiPork * si l ]...................7.50
Moo Shi Chicken * * sRi J............7.50
Moo Shi Beef. l 4.......................7.70
MooShiShrimp * %f .............8.20
MLoShG'e otahltes A s1i -- - -e
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