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March 18, 1993 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-18

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Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Weekend etc. -March 18,1993

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Clock-wise from the left:
Testing the level of a flat-
leg, Jeff Shubart concen-
trates on a string.
Jennifer Snoeyink, a
graduate assistant in the
Scene Shop, uses an air
compressed staple gun to
attach a new top to a flat.
Warren Lehmkuhle, also
a graduate assistant, ad-
justs a power tool.

Surrounded by falling
sparks Rich Lindsay, the
Scene Shop supervisor,
welds a clothing rack for
the Costume Lab.
Paul Collins sands a sheet
of metal with circular de-
signs for the set of
Connecting the scaffold-
ing are Warren Lehm-
kuhle and Rich Lindsay.

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