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March 18, 1993 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-18

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Page 10-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, March 18,1993

Continued from page 8
"As individuals we're better
(than last year)," Richardson said. "I
mean with respect to individual
points we have more individual
points in the meet, based on
seedings, than we ever have before."
The Wolverines are very well
represented in several events.
"Our strengths are the 500 free,
the 200 IM (the first day of competi-
tion)," Richardson said. "The second
day the 400 IM, the 100 backstroke,
the 100 breaststroke, and then the
last day the 200 back, the 200 breast
and maybe the 200 fly."
The breaststroke events should be
one of Michigan's fortes in
Minneapolis, with both Hooiveld
and Higgins qualified in the 100-
and 200-yard breaststrokes.
Hooiveld is the highest-seeded Wol-
verine at the meet, with the fastest
time entering the meet in the 100
breast, as well as being the second
seed in the 200.
Humphrey leads the Michigan
backstrokers, with her two fourth
seeds in the 100 and 200 back-
strokes. She will also lead-off both
of the Wolverines medley relays and
compete in the 200 individual
Only the Michigan divers head to
Minneapolis lacking NCAA experi-
ence. However, Michigan diving
coach Dick Kimball feels that
Cinnamon Woods and Carrie Zarse
should be up for the task.
"There's only 30 divers in the na-
tion that get to go to nationals,"
Kimball said. "So, getting through a
zone meet with only six people com-
ing out of the regionals was a great
job for both of them."
Michigan should be well repre-
sented in all three diving events, the
one-meter and three-meter spring-
boards and the 10-meter tower.
"Cinnamon, she's a better tower
diver than she is springboard,"
Kimball said. "But, she did an abso-
lutely great job on the three-meter
(at the Zone C qualifying meet) to
put herself in a great position to
make it on the tower.

M' swimmers look to
climb the class ladder

Lara Hooiveld races in the 200-meter breastroke earlier this season. Hooiveld and the rest of the swimming squad
heads to Minneapolis this weekend to compete in the NCAA championships at the University of Minnesota.

by Charlie Breitrose
Daily Sports Writer
There is a class system in the
world of swimming. The top three
teams occupy the elite class, the next
group of ten or so squads make up
the middle class and then the rest
make up the bottom rung of the
swimming world.
Stanford, Texas and Florida have
rotated in the top three spots, though
not always in that order, in the wom-
en's NCAA swimming champi-
onship for what seems like an eter-
nity. Last year, Stanford came away
with the title, with an 84.5 point
margin of victory over the second-
place Longhorns.
The Cardinal looks like the fa-
vorite to repeat as champion this
year. Michigan coach Jim Richard-
son has his own prediction.
"I think Stanford, Florida and
Texas in that order," Richardson
said. "We haven't seen them but
they're pretty much the same people
who were there last year."
Stanford must try and win the ti-
tle without its star from last season
- 1992 Olympian Summer Sanders.
However, the Cardinal still has
sprint freestyler Jenny Thompson,
another Olympian, along with Lea
Loveless and Janel Jorgenson, two
standouts from a year ago. Stanford
also brings with them Eileen
Richetelli, a diving national cham-
pion from 1992.
"Stanford has an excellent girl
(Richetelli) who won two titles last
year," Michigan diving coach Dick
Kimball said. "She's got to be a fa-
vorite again this year."
Florida has a chance to dethrone
Stanford, with some Olympians of
its own. Gold-medalist backstroker
Janie Wagstaff and freestyler Nicole
Haislett will score a load of points
for the Gators.
"I think Florida can give them a
run," Richardson said. "Stanford

doesn't swim well all the way across
the line. I think Florida could be
there. But I think overall Stanford's
got a little bit too much depth."
In the third spot should be Texas,
which took second last year. The
Longhorns return 200-yard back-
stroke champion Whitney Hedge-
peth. Unfortunately for UT fans,
former coach Mark Schubert, who
led Texas to two NCAA titles in his
four years in Austin, left for
Southern Cal.
The middle class is split into an
upper and lower division. Michigan
has been in the lower middle class
for the last several years, but hopes
to ascend the swimming class ladder.
Richardson expects to compete
with Arizona State, Auburn,
Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia
for the top of the lower-middle class.
Michigan backstroker Alecia
Humphrey sees potential for im-
provement in this year's team, which
finished in seventh-place finish last
"I think that we have more people
that can score if they swim well,"
Humphrey said. "Four of us weren't
really tapered for Big Tens, so I
think we can all swim a lot faster. I
think all of us can final in our
Southern Methodist, Arizona and
UCLA are currently in the upper-
middle class. SMU has a strong in-
ternational contribution from Dane
Gitta Jensen and Belgian Bent
Puggaard. The Bruins are a balanced
team, with potential scorers in all
events, but they don't have a star to
rack up points like the elite teams
have. Arizona is a young, but tal-
ented team, with no seniors and only
three juniors.
Northwestern is one of several
teams that have a chance to get into
the top-ten finishers.


Zarse has a good chance of scor-
ing at the NCAAs in Kimball's
opinion, thanks to her previous ex-
"I would think that she'd have an
excellent chance to make the finals."
he said. "She's been an age group
national champion in both one- and
three-meter events. She went to the
World age group meet, So she's a
pretty seasoned diver."
The only thing that stands in the
way of the Wolverines' attempt to
improve their best-ever finish of
sixth place in 1989 will be the weak
sprint freestyle relays.
"I think looking at the individu-
als, and everything, we look much
better (than last year)," Silvester
said. "But team-wise its going to
really be tough, because we don't
have any of our freestyle relays

(qualified automatically)."
For the two first-time qualifiers
this meet is an achievement of
lifelong goals.
"I'm nervous, and I'm excited
(about the meet)," sophomore
Jennifer Almeida said. "I mean all
the tension, this is the big meet at the
end of the year that everyone has
been waiting for to go fast."
"Well, I almost thought my
chances to go were gone," freshman
Beth Jackson said. "I slipped
Monday morning on the ice and
thought I broke my wrist.
"So, right now I'm just really
happy to go and swim and I'm
starting to get excited again. I was
really worried there for a long time
that I wasn't going to go."

Fortunately for Jackson, it wasn't
broken. In the past, she has excelled
in swimming with injured wrists -
she won the Ohio state high school
meet as a junior despite a broken
Richardson said that if his
swimmers can swim up to their po-
tential, the Wolverines should have a
chance to finish in the top five.
"I like where we are right now,"
he said. "I like the way we look, and
I think the potential is there for us to
do very, very well."
"What usually happens is about
one-third of the swimmers at the
meet swim faster, one-third swim
about the same and one-third swim
slower. So, you hope that your eight
are in the third that swims faster.
"We'll just do our swims and see
what happens."

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