Women's Swimming Wrestling
at NCAA Championships at NCAA Championships
Today, Tomorrow and Saturday, all day Today, Tomorrow and Saturday, all day
Minneapolis Ames, Iowa
*0 II I ,1' S
Michigan destined for Women netters lasso
New Orleans according W Vestern Michigan,8-1
,- i by Felippe Moncarz posed of Yacqui Peete, 6-1, 6-2, in
The Michigan women's tennis less than a hour.
team served up an 8-1 victory over
by Ken Davidoff in a better position to critique the . Western Michigan last night in a ther winners for the Wolverines
Daily Basketball Writer media coverage of their loss." dual match at the Indoor Track and
When it comes to the NCAA The Communication Department - 3 '4- -fTennis Building. Fielding and Liz Cyganiak, as well
men's basketball tournament, every- seemed to be in agreement on this The Wolverines (1-0 Big Ten, 5- as freshman Tar Graff.
one's an expert. And when it comes issue. "My pick for winner is 3 overall) won their third straight Bronco coach Betsy Kuhle was
to covering your hide, every Michigan, because of (Chris) dual match while playing at home impressed with the talent level of the
Michigan employee faithfully stands Webber, (Jalen) Rose, (Juwan) .---- for the first time in nearly a month. Michigan team.
by the Wolverines. Howard and the supporting cast," " Michigan dominated the Broncos in
"Michigan 82, Indiana 80," Communications Professor Frank every facet of the match. In fact, "They are a very deep team,"
Executive Director of University Beaver wrote. "Michigan has great Western Michigan only managed to Kuhle said. "Any of their top six
Relations Walter Harrison predicted talent." win two sets in nine matches. players are as good as their No. 1
over the Michigan Terminal System. The respondents varied in terms R ' "We played an excellent match," player."
"You read it here first - and guess of their basketball knowledge and Michigan coach Bitsy Ritt said. "I However, Kule was not discour-
which institution pays me every background. Beaver, for example, y:continue to be encouraged about our aged by her team's loss.
month?".admitted to being an addict of sorts team's play in the past three weeks." "We played OK," Kuhle said.
"I, of course, have some bias!" when it came to hoops. /"Our team was focused and up "We didn't play excellent, but we
Vice President for Student Affairs "I am a basketball junkie who for Western," seniorettereKaley,
Maureen Hartford wrote. "Who am I actually saw Coastal Carolina , ,',-" . r Beamon said. "We worked really didnt play poorly. You've got to
Beaongive a lot of credit to that Michigan
picking for the national title: (Michigan's first-round opponent) "'. "'-hard in practice this week to con- team."
Michigan, of course!" play on cable TV this year," Beaver r _ tme our momentum.s
,« As fo tinueoourinmomentum."e
In a random, unscientific survey wrote. "Given the Michigan weather, -, - .' The Wolverines were led by , the o lverisitt se
of both Michigan and national per- I watch anybody and everybody. A............ Beamon who defeated Holly Taylor, the team's confidence level rising as
sonalities, Michigan coach Steve This makes my choices all the harder"6-4, 6-2, in the No.1 singles match.
Fisher and his players came out because there are a great number of Beamon also combined with junior "We are successfully making a
smelling like a rose. Eight of the 10 truly superb teams out there and ex- y j; s" Allison Schlonsky to defeat Jennifer lot more big points than earlier in the
people who responded thought the traordinary talent."/z ', / Fales and Laura Worzniak to win the season," Ritt said. "It seems that our
Fab Five and their teammates would "I go to all the games," Associate ..- ,, -No. 3 doubles match, 6-1, 6-0. players are digging deep down in
go all the way, and all the forecasters Professor and Carillonneur Margo Y .. ."I feel that I played pretty well crucial points to earn the point."
thought the Wolverines would at Halsted said. "I'm nuts about bas- ,4- . today because I was able to start
least make the Final Four. ketball." Halsted, more commonly wellin both matches," Beamon said. Michigan will try to extend its
"I pick Kentucky, Michigan, known as the woman who plays the i .,,.. - x "Usually I am a very slow starter. winning streak to four matches this
Indiana and Cincinnati, with Mich- bells in the Burton Memorial Bell 'Y Ritt was strongly encouraged Friday night when it faces Illinois at
igan winning," Communications Tower, also sees Michigan going all - - with Beamon's effort. the Liberty Sports Complex. The 6
Associate Professor Richard Camp- the way. --- . ,,,,-, "Beamon played excellently to- p.m. match was originally scheduled
bell wrote. "Since much of the team LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg and ELIZABETH uPPMAN/Day day in a very difficult No. 1 match," for February, but the Illini refused to
has taken my Comm. 103 class, they Economics Professor Tom Freshman Angie Popek smashes a backhand in her 6-1, 6-2 No. 2 singles Ritt said. play in the Indoor Track and Tennis
are better prepared intellectually ... Weisskopf joined their fellow victory over Yacqui Peete of Western Michigan. The Wolverines scored an In the No. 2 singles match, Building citing problems with the
and if they lose, they will at least be See PICKS, Page 9 8-1 victory in the match. freshman Angie Popek quickly dis- aging facility.
championships await Blue athletes
aim for
" "
ll . 1 'eS
by Michael Rosenberg
Daily Sports Writer
The tournament that determines
the state of wrestling returns this
weekend to the wrestling state as
Iowa State hosts the NCAA
Locals favorites Iowa and Iowa
State are two of just a handful of
teams expected to contend for the
national title.
"I think Iowa, Iowa State, Penn
State, and Ohio State are all in that
top .group of teams that could win
it," Iowa coach Dan Gable said.
The Wolverines, who finished
fifth at the Big Ten championships
in Columbus two weeks ago, will
have six wrestlers competing in
Ames. James Rawls (142 pounds),
who finished a disappointing eighth
at the Big Tens, made the
tournament as an alternate at the last
"James is a great kid," Michigan
coach Dale Bahr said. "He's worked
hard all year so that he wouldn't
have another situation like last year."
In 1992, Rawls was expected to
Experience best teacher
for women swimmers
by Charlie Breitrose
Daily Sports Writer
Growing up, everyone goes
through it. Even swimmers have to
grow up eventually. The Michigan
women's swimming and diving team
has grown a lot over the past year.
Going into the NCAA Cham-
pionships - which begin today and
continues through Saturday night at
the University Aquatic Center on the
campus of the University of
Minnesota - the Wolverines are
more mature than a year ago. Six of
eight swimmers will have competed
in at least one NCAA meet
previously in their careers.
Last season was the first NCAA
tournament for a couple of Michigan
standouts. Sophomore backstroker
Alecia Humphrey went into the 1992
NCAAs with no experience in meets
of that caliber.
"Last year I think I went into
NCAAs not knowing what to expect,
and not really necessarily having
goals," Humphrey said. "I had al-
ready achieved all my goals at Big
Tens. So I went in and ended up
swimming for experience.
"This year I think I know more of
what I'm doing, and my main focus
of the year has been NCAAs. More
experience has changed my atti-
The adjustment was two-fold for
breaststroker Lara Hooiveld. The
sophomore, who hails from
Brisbane, Australia, not only had to
adjust to the rigors of the NCAA
meet, but also to swimming in a 25-
yard pool.
"I'd never swum short course,
until my freshman year here."
Hooiveld said. "First year out here,
the American turns and their starts
were much faster than what mine
"NCAAs is a very fast meet and
you really have to swim fast in the
heats to solidify.your place in the fi-
nal. So, I didn't expect, didn't antic-
ipate for all those sort of things."
This season should be different.
Along with Humphrey and
Hooiveld, Michigan will bring sea-
soned veterans in seniors Mindy
Gehrs and Kirsten Silvester and ju-
niors Kathy Deibler and Tara.2
Higgins to Minneapolis.
Gehrs, who contributed 53.5
points in last season's seventh-place
finish, should once again lead the
team. Michigan coach Jim Richard-
son feels this squad could be the
most talented one he has taken to
See SWIMMERS, Page 10
mm.: .
Wolverine junior Brian Harper grapples his way to Ames. Harper will wrestle in the 150 pound weight division at the
NCAA championships this weekend. Michigan will have to face favorites Iowa, Iowa State and Penn State.
qualify but finished seventh at Big
Tens, and thus was not chosen for
the NCAA tournament.
Heavyweight Steve King is also
looking to improve upon past per-
formances. In 1991, King was one
victory away from earning All-
American status for Notre Dame.
"I think that all of us are capable
of being All-Americans," King said.
"All it takes is one win you're not
supposed to get."
Sean Bormet (158), the lone
Wolverine to win a Big Ten title this
year, has raised his performances a
notch in recent weeks. He is
wrestling at 100 percent for the first
time in 15 months.
Fourth-ranked Lanny Green
(177) will make his final NCAA
appearance this weekend. Green
made All-American two years ago
but fell short last year.
At 150 pounds, junior Brian
Harper will try to continue his hot
streak. Harper placed fourth at Big
Tens, and suffered a one-point loss
to Iowa's Terry Steiner, the top-
ranked wrestler at 150.
Senior Jason Cluff (126) will also
compete for Michigan. Cluff
finished fourth at Big Tens for the
second straight year.
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