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March 17, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-17

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Get out and vote. This is a pivotal time for MSA,
and all informed students need to vote to show
that they want MSA to change.

Michael Daugherty's "Lex" will be at the
McIntosh Theater Sunday. Keren Scweitzer takes
a look at the comical composer's work and

Awards all around - hockey players Patrick Neaton
and Steve Shields won CCHA Honors, and
basketball forward Chris Webber received
All-America and All-Big Ten mention recently.

Partly cloudy;
High 28, Low 22
Colder; High 24, Low 16


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One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol CINo 9 An rbrMihia - en say , rc'1,19G© 99 Te ihianDal

report of
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
A physical assault charge is the
newest complaint filed under the
Statement of Student Rights and
A formal charge has been made
by the Department of Public Safety
(DPS) against a male LSA junior for
physically assaulting a female
Mary Lou Antieau, judicial advi-
sor of the policy, said she has met
with the accused, who has chosen to
have an administrative hearing. The
hearing date has not yet been set.
The LSA junior allegedly as-
saulted the female in what is techni-
cally an off-campus area. The inci-
dent allegedly started at the corner of
South University Avenue and South
Forest Avenue and ended in front of
the Brown Jug Restaurant on South
Antieau said the case is still un-
der investigation because the ac-
cused has not admitted to the charge.
Antieau has been unable to contact
the female non-student.
"At this time, I don't know if we
have anything yet," Antieau said. "I
don't know if we have a charge yet.
If (the female) won't speak, there
will be no charge unless a first-hand
witness can testify."
DPS, not the female non-student,
. brought the case to Antieau.
"When DPS, an arm of the
University, becomes aware that a vi-
olation of our policy may have oc-
curred, they are responsible for for-
warding it to our office," Antieau
Students accused of violating the
policy can choose mediation by a
neutral party, an administrative hear-
ing or a hearing by a student panel
0 consisting of six students randomly
chosen from a pool of 50. One fac-
See CASES, Page 2

Engler plan to fund
'U' building repairs

by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
In a bid to create new jobs and
finance critical building repairs,
Gov. John Engler will propose a
major spending program to fund in-
frastructure costs for public universi-
ties and colleges.
The proposed $770-million pack-
age - to be included in the gover-
nor's fiscal 1994 and 1995 budgets
- will finance some 25 projects
throughout the state and create an
estimated 12,000 new construction
A combination of low interest
rates and a good bond rating led the
governor to propose the first capital
outlay programs in nearly a decade,
said John Truscott, Engler's press
The University will receive
nearly $90 million in capital outlay
funds under the plan, which still
must be approved by the state legis-
lature. This amount falls short of the
University's original request. The
projects to be funded include:
The $57-million Integrated
Technology Center, which has been

listed by the University as its top
priority; and,
$32.5 million for renovations
at Angell Hall and C.C. Little. (The
current work at C.C. Little is
However, the plan does not fund
all of the projects for which the
University requested capital outlay
appropriations. The University has
made a $157.5-million dollar request
- nearly half of those requests have
been turned down.
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
tor of University relations, said the
University is thrilled by the an-
nouncement even though it omits
some projects.
"We're delighted. It's the first
capital outlay request we've seen
action on in a decade... I don't think
anyone expected an amount of this
size," he said. "It is a great step to-
ward improving the quality of un-
dergraduate and graduate education
at the University."
Echoing that sentiment, Engler
said in a prepared statement that this
"would vastly improve the education
at public universities."

Truscott said the main reason
more projects weren't funded was
because of the vast number of pro-
jects for which state universities had
requested funding.
Truscott added that projects al-
ready under development by the
University would not be eligible to
receive state funding. Omitted
University projects include renova-
tions at East Engineering, Randall
Lab, the UGLi and the acquisition of
the Wolverine Tower. These projects
are already under development and
were approved by the University
Board of Regents in November.
"If a University had already bud-
geted money for projects, or taken
out a bond issue to fund certain pro-
jects, we would not be in a position
to ask for additional state funding to
pay for those projects," he said.
Harrison said University officials
hope to begin construction of the
new engineering center by the end of
the calendar year.
Renovation of the interior of
Angell Hall will begin after consul-
tations with faculty members.

Happy St. Patrick's Day
A local bar prepares for the large crowds expected on St. Patrick's Day.
Many area pubs will open as early as 7 a.m. This non-Irish bar is
expecting the spill-over crowd from the authentic Irish pub half a block
away. T-shirts and other paraphernalia will be given away to celebrate
the holiday.

DPS oversight board seeks power, reps.

by Shelley Morrison
Daily Crime Reporter
More than six months after it was first
formed, a committee intended to represent
campus concerns with the University police
force, is still waiting to make its voice heard.
The collective body - known as the
Police Grievance Committee or Department
of Public Safety (DPS) Oversight Board - is
a result of Michigan Public Act 120 of the
Colleges and Universities Public Safety
Officers Act of 1990.
The act, which became effective when au-
thority over the police force was transferred
from the Washtenaw County Sheriff to the
University Board of Regents in 1992, man-

dates that a governing board, consisting of
two students and four non-police affiliated
staff members, exists at all four-year institu-
tions with deputized police forces.
Since its implementation this fall, the
committee has heard only four or five com-
plaints - two of which were dismissed, and
approximately three are still pending.
School of Natural Resources and
Environment senior Michael Dorsey, a mem-
ber of the board, said that the complaint pro-
cess is relatively complicated and this seem-
ingly low number of complaints is not
"Within (DPS), processing time is a func-
tion of the legal severity of the complaint -

the more severe a complaint the longer it
takes to process," Dorsey said.
Dorsey said the most severe complaint
would be a lawsuit, and the least severe
would simply be filling out the complaint
"This number of complaints doesn't sur-
prise me," Dorsey said, "but more than 10
In the complaint process, the committee
receives grievances by persons against indi-
vidual police officers and/or DPS. The board
then investigates the claim by interviewing
witnesses and the officer(s) involved.
If a complaint is found valid, the board
can refer it to Farris Womack, vice president

and chief financial officer, for disciplinary
actions - and if necessary - discharge.
But Dorsey said the power of the commit-
tee is still limited. And though DPS officers
said they are satisfied with the committee as it
exists, Dorsey said he hopes the election of
new student representatives will bring the
body more power.
"One problem with the board is that we
possess no legislative power. We only pos-
sess the power to make non-binding recom-
mendations," Dorsey said. "And if someone
files a complaint with DPS directly, they have
no obligation to pass the complaint on to us.
"It's strange that you file a complaint with
See DPS, Page 2

Council candidates
introduce platforms

by Christine Young
Daily City Reporter
City Council candidates vocal-
ized their platforms during a panel
discussion at the Campus Inn yester-
day morning.
Ten of the 16 candidates running
for seats on the council attended the
meeting, which was sponsored by
the State Street Area Association -
an organization made up of mer-
chants located on State Street. The
council candidates were asked to
speak about their plans for improv-
ing Ann Arbor.
Democratic Councilmember Tobi
Hanna-Davies, who is running for
re-election in the 1st Ward, dis-
cussed her plans to increase the
vitality of downtown Ann Arbor.
"I'm willing to work with you
(State Street merchants) to maintain
the special charm and vibrance of
the city," Davies said.
She said she supports providing
more affordable housing in the
downtown area in order to prevent
citizens from moving out of the city.
David Raaflaub, 1st Ward
Libertarian candidate, said change
on the council is needed.
"T .rni.Aw a~ T i.h,.tnrin minr

Ann Arbor's appearance, enhancing
citizens' safety, providing incentives
to encourage business in the down-
town area and improving the main-
tenance of the current parking
Bach said her involvement in the
community - especially in eco-
nomic development and job training
- has provided her with the experi-
ence to work under tight budgets.
While other candidates discussed
primarily business issues,
Democratic 3rd Ward candidate
Ulrich Stoll discussed his plans to
encourage more citizens to live
"Unless you have people living in
the downtown, ... you lose a con-
cerned populace," Stoll said.
Stoll's opponent, LSA first-year
student and Libertarian Samuel Copi
said government intervention should
be limited.
Copi said, "If a Libertarian gets
elected to council, the government
will instantly become more
Stephen Hartwell, 4th Ward
Democratic candidate, said he plans
to improve interaction between busi-
neqc coAmmulnity. and the local and

by Bryn Mickle
Daily Staff Reporter
The continuing saga of dead-
locked negotiations between the
Graduate Employee Organization
(GEO) and the University appears to
be coming to an end.
At its Monday bargaining session
with GEO, the University agreed to
withdraw the GradCare stipulation
from its current contract offer to
teaching assistants (TAs). GEO has
argued that the GradCare package
would limit TA options on health
The move came hours after GEO
members authorized their steering
See CONTRACT, Page 2

Walk on
Kelly Andrick walks on the treadmill at a local gym yesterday. The bad weather has postponed many people's
outdoor workouts.
Conntv delavs decision on Union arrests

Greek Week events
'Diag Day'
Here are the times and
locations of the Greek Week


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