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March 16, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-16

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 16, 1993

William Street.

o The city will
make State Street
one-way from PIPES
South University .
to William



The University will
repair the steam tunnel,
which has a decaying

Continued from page 1
Schlaff said the University
plans to fully reconstruct all of the
utilities while it is working in the
tunnel. More than six miles of
University tunnels deliver heating
and cooling steam, compressed
air, hot water, telephone lines,
fiberoptic cables and clock signals
to University buildings.
A new high-voltage electricity
line will be installed to replace one
that has been abandoned.
"We have confidence that the
lane can be maintained and attain
our final completion date. We'd
like to know earlier about an un-
known hidden condition. I think
we're going to be all right,"
Schlaff said.
Alan Levy, University Housing
director, said he doesn't anticipate
any problems during the end of
Winter Term move-out period.

Ey .,en unlvasclo
Daily Gender Issues Reporter


Campus homosexual community
voices concerns to 'U' administrators
bu Ja D'iMsa-i Mn in Tr-fnr ir ~niin thot ni r i _hAminIan~t


Members of the campus homo-
sexual and bisexual communities
vented their concerns to University
administrators last night, citing inad-
equate resources and a lack of com-
munication as fundamental
At the meeting, officials from the
Office of Student Affairs fielded
complaints about Counseling
Services, event programming and
the composition of the Lesbian Gay
Male Programs Office (LGMPO).
Rusty Brock, an LGMPO work-
study student said Counseling
Services lacks staffmembers who are
sensitive to lesbian, gay male and bi-
sexual concerns.

Maureen Harora, vice president
for student affairs, said Counseling
Services recently hired one lesbian
and one gay man as counselors. She
said students can request to be
specifically referred to homosexual
Hartford suggested a meeting
involving the University Board of
Regents, the Office of Student
Affairs and the homosexual
Participants also expressed con-
cern over the lack of programming
and low visibility of the homosexual
community at the University, and
asked for increased University
"I think the facilities here are pa-

m euc, sad aarah-Mariet Becastro,
a second-year Rackham student.
Ken Blochowski, member of
University Activities Center, said
University policies make programs
such as Club Fabulous - a monthly
dance for lesbians, gay men and bi-
sexuals - difficult to organize.
"To have to show your ID and
show yourself at the door makes it
hard to have campus activities,"
Blochowski said, adding that most
events are held off campus.
Richard Carter, associate dean for
student affairs, multiculturalism,
said a student task force has been
studying programs for homosexuals
at other universities and wants to
hear student input.



South University Avenue
When the renovations are complete
June 25, the gray portion of State Street
will be reopened to two-way traffic.




Continued from page 1
House said two years ago when
CC last had a president in office,
regular meetings were held with the
administration. He added that CC
also approves of a reduction in the
mandatory student fee that supports
"MSA has a problem because it
is too serious and Weasels are here
to correct it," said Weasel candidate
Chris Bzdok. "This whole student
government thing has gotten a little
Representatives of the Keg Party
said it is focusing on getting as many
students involved in MSA as
"We feel MSA is not now a rep-
resentation of the student body," said
Taryn Merkl, Keg Party candidate.

"All parties were against the Diag
policy and Code, yet nothing got
done. Everyone is running on
(correcting) problems with MSA
now, but they have been in power
for many years."
Party platforms exhibited differ-
ences of opinion concerning com-
munication with the administration
and student participation in the Uni-
versity's decision-making process.
The Conservative Coalition plans
to increase effectiveness of MSA by
encouraging the assembly's different
committees and coalitions to work
with the administration, and discuss
issues rather than fight them.
Hackner expressed the
Progressive viewpoint.
"We need from the start to be in-
volved in the decision-making pro-
cess of policies from the beginning."

Student suing landlord for alleged age discrimination

by Greg Hoey
Daily Staff Reporter
A University student is suing an
Ypsilanti property owner for alleged
age discrimination.
Engineering sophomore Ashaki
Robinson filed a lawsuit yesterday
against Russell Anderson - owner
of Anderson Apartments in Ypsilanti
- because she claimed she was re-
fused the opportunity to rent an
apartment on the basis of her age.
Robinson filed the lawsuit in the
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
yesterday because last April, when
she went to Anderson Apartments
inquiring about a two-bedroom
lease, she claims she was denied the
opportunity to rent because of a "no
students" policy at the establishment.
Robinson's attorney, Douglas
Mullkoff, said yesterday, "Ashaki
was not even given the opportunity
to fill out an application. First she
contacted them by phone and then
she went in person, but she was still
not even given the opportunity to fill

out an application."
Anderson was out of town and
unavailable for comment.
After being denied the opportu-
nity to rent, Robinson contacted the
Fair Housing Center of Washtenaw
County for advice about housing
Robinson expressed her feelings
about the matter by saying, "I was
personally offended by the act. I felt
cheated because I was refused for
reasons that I couldn't control. It
wasn't for financial reasons, but just
my age. That is unfair and I think
they should pay for it."
Pam Kisch, spokesperson for the
Fair Housing Center confirmed
Robinson's complaints.
"Ashaki Robinson came to us last
April with a complaint against
Russell Anderson Apartments saying
that they turned her away because of
the fact that she was a student. We
had testers posed as students - both
in their 20s and over 40 - try to
rent from Anderson Apartments.

While they refused the testers in
their 20s, they did not refuse the
older testers."
Mullkoff said Robinson's right to
a full and equal opportunity to rent
housing without discrimination
'It wasn't for finan_,I
reasons, but just my
age Ashaki Robinson
Engineering sophomore
based upon age is protected under
the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act.
In addition, Mullkoff said, "Our
intent of the Elliot-Larsen Civil
Rights Act is that when the legisla-
ture prohibited the discrimination on
basis of age they were prohibiting
discrimination on basis of student
status as well. Most students are
young and the age factor caused this
landlord and other landlords to
refuse students the opportunity to

"We think a no-student policy is
a form of age discrimination,"
Mullkoff added.
Kisch said, "We believe that this
is the first lawsuit ever filed chal-
lenging a 'no-student' policy under
the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act."
Judge William Ager will hear the
suit, Mullkoff said, adding that be-
cause of the backlog in the court
system, he does not believe the
lawsuit will come to trial any sooner
than one year from now.
Mullkoff said he is optimistic in
his feeling about the chances of
winning the lawsuit. "We think that
the chances of winning the case are
excellent. We have the law and
justice on our side."
According to the complaint filed
in court, Robinson is seeking
compensation in excess of $10,000.
Mullkoff also said Anderson
owns several properties in Ypsilanti
in addition to Anderson Apartments,
which is comprised of a few hundred

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Continued from page 1
Students have had mixed reac-
tions to the conflicting dates.
"It would be a big problem for
me because I am observant and I
don't intend on attending classes on
my holiday. That would include
CRISPing," said LSA junior
Rebecca Stern, who is Jewish. "I
think it's ridiculous."
Another Jewish student, LSA ju-
nior Aron Bornstein, said, "I was
going to leave that Monday night
and I wasn't going to be back until

that Wednesday morning. But if I
can have a friend CRISP for me it
seem like that big of a deal."
Catholic student Carolyn Bacon,
an LSA sophomore, said, "The
Easter weekend starts on Friday and
it's important for me to be home
with my family. Although there's the
alternative of a later CRISP date,
that's not fair to me because I might
not get the classes I want."
LSA junior Carol Miller, who is
also Catholic, said, "I'm not that re-
ligious, so going to church isn't a
priority to me. If I had a CRISP date,
I'd definitely CRISP."


Under 21 & Looking for
Fun? Come to the show on
March 17th wearing
something GREEN and pay
Only $2.00!!! Show starts at
10 pm in the U-Club.

Continued from page 1
were involved in constructing the
shanty, it was not an
MSA-sanctioned effort.
MSA Rep. Jon VannCamp, who
was involved in setting up the
shanty, said the structure was specif-
ically erected on the Diag without a
permit as a challenge to the Diag

Van Camp said he was upset but
not surprised that theeUniversity tore
down the shanty.
"We consider this a restriction of
free speech," he said, adding that he
is uncertain if another shanty would
be erected before the end of this
"I think it's symbolic that they're
taking down the Statue of Liberty,"
Van Camp said. A picture of the
statue - with a red gag in her mouth
- was painted on the structure.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for winter term, starting in January, via U.S. mail are $120.
Winter term (January through April) is $90. On-campus subscriptions for winter term are $35. Subscriptions
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