The First Amendment is on the line when the
Ann Arbor Board of Education votes tomorrow on
how much control public school officials should
have over student publications.
Mstislav Rostropovich is a noted cellist, but his
performance Sunday at Hill Auditorium didn't live
up to his reputation. Read Kirk Wetters' review
The Michigan men's basketball team will host Bob
"Mr. Sunshine" Knight tonight, as his No. 5
Indiana Hoosiers visit Crisler Arena.
Snow changing to rain;
High 36, Low 34 -
Rain, then snow; High 36. Low 24
4F 4W
t Ittrt
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Vol CL io.5 An rbr Mihga.Tusa , nar. 2 19*193Te ihgnDily
Panetta: U.S.
citizens must
sacrifice to
reduce deficit
WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Clinton's
choice for budget director all but buried hopes for any
quick middle-class tax cut yesterday and warned that
Americans should be prepared for sacrifice in the fight
against ballooning deficits.
Rep. Leon Panetta - testifying at his Senate con-
firmation hearing - said "everything is on the table,"
including Social Security, in the search for ways to re-
duce a federal deficit that could reach $500 billion
early in the next decade without action.
He said the deficitbattle would also increase tax
Panetta, who has been chair of the House Budget
Committee for the past four years, was treated with re-
spect by the senators and seemed bound for easy
Panetta's hearing began a second week of confir-
mation sessions as the Senate hurries to confirm Clin-
ton's Cabinet. Also appearing yesterday - at a sepa-
rate hearing - was Carol Browner, Clinton's choice
to head the Environmental Protection Agency.
She sought to allay business concerns about her
pollution-fighting zeal. She said that her tenure as di-
rector of Florida's Department of Environmental
Regulation showed "we can ease the regulatory burden
on businesses without compromising the
Panetta declined to say whether Clinton would cut
the deficit in half by 1996 in light of the new, higher
deficit forecasts included in President Bush's farewell
He would say only that such a reduction was "one
of the options" being presented to the incoming
The new forecasts added $236 billion to the deficits
over the next six years and said the red ink would hit
$320 billion in 1998.
Panetta stressed that Clinton has yet to make final
decisions on his economic program.
Panetta said that the deficit problem facing the
country was so great that if nothing were done, the
string of $300 billion deficits expected in coming
years, could top $400 billion before the end of the
decade and climb above $500 billion early in the next
"We need to confront these deficits, to make the
0 tough choices and be prepared for some sacrifice in
order to make our economy more productive and pro-
vide greater opportunity for our children tomorrow,"
Panetta said.
Panetta said further cuts in defense spending and
reductions in popular entitlement programs such as
Social Security and Medicare would all have to be
"The (deficit) problem is too great," Panetta said.
Panetta pledged to the Senate Governmental Af-
fairs Committee that he would strive to present the
budget figures in a clear and truthful manner.
"It is sometimes painful, but the American people
need to be told the truth about the federal budget," said
Panetta, who represented California in Congress for 16
Iraq seizes arms
from naval base
U.N. to meet over border violation
KUWAIT (AP) - Scores of
Iraqis crossed into Kuwait again
yesterday and carted off equipment
from a disputed naval base, the sec-
ond border foray in 24 hours that
underlined Saddam Hussein's defi-
ance of President Bush and his allies.
The U.N. Security Council
scheduled a closed session late in the
day to discuss the incursions. U.N.
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-
Ghali said he hoped the council
would make a tough response, but
diplomats said it was unlikely to do
more than condemn Iraq.
Iraq's U.N. ambassador argued
that U.N. officials gave permission
for yesterday's action as well as one
Sunday in which 200 armed Iraqis
removed weapons - including four
anti-ship missiles - abandoned by
defeated Iraqi troops in the Gulf
A U.N. spokesperson, Abdel
Latif Kabbaj, denied that required
permits were issued and said Iraq
violated an agreement allowing the
removal only of non-military equip-
ment by Friday. He said U.N. ob-
servers warned the Iraqis they were
breaking the Gulf War cease-fire
Asked whether he expected an-
other foray at the base - where 120
Iraqis removed water tanks, electri-
cal wire and other equipment yester-
day - Kabbaj said, "I don't think
so, because there is nothing else to
take from the area."
The forays followed Saddam's
apparent capitulation to a demand to
remove anti-aircraft missiles from
southern Iraq, where U.S. and allied
planes have patrolled since August
to prevent Iraqi air attacks on Shiite
Muslim rebels.
Even while it was backing down
on the missiles, Iraq made the border
crossings and banned U.N. flights to
and over Iraq - a restriction that
hampers U.N. efforts to dismantle
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
"It's clear from this raid into
Kuwait that Saddam Hussein is con-
tinuing his pattern of trying to cheat
wherever possible, continuing to
challenge the U.N. resolutions," said
Marlin Fitzwater, chief White House
He repeated that the United
States was ready to act "without
warning" to force Baghdad back into
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SNRE graduate Michelle Gage (background) and RC sophomore Kate Gardner post
"Guerrilla Art" messages on a kiosk near the Chemistry Building yesterday.
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Fitzwater said the incursions
were "clearly an infringement of the
cease-fire regulations." The
spokesperson for President-elect
Clinton, George Stephanopoulos,
said Clinton "stands four-square
with President Bush."
Boutros-Ghali, who was in Ger-
many, said he hoped the Security
Council "will have a very stiff an-
swer," saying the United Nations
could not allow such threats to
member states like Kuwait.
Diplomats, who spoke on condi-
tion of anonymity, said the council
probably would only condemn the
incursions and demand the return of
the armaments seized Sunday.
Nizar Hamdoon, Iraq's ambas-
sador to the United Nations, said his
government had received permission
for the border crossings from the
chief of the U.N. observer force in
the demilitarized zone along the
Kuwait-Iraq border. He blamed the
dispute on a "misunderstanding" by
U.N. officials of Iraq's plans.
He said the Iraqis who crossed
were civilian workers hired by a
contractor and also argued that Iraq
could repossess the four Silkworm
anti-ship missiles because the cease-
fire accord did bar it from having
such weapons.
'It's clear from this
raid into Kuwait that
Saddam Hussein is
continuing his pattern
of trying to cheat
wherever possible,
continuing to
challenge the U.N.
- Marlin Fitzwater
chief White House
The Security Council has barred
Iraq from retrieving armaments from
Kuwait. It also ordered the destruc-
tion of the arms left at the naval
base, which is on land that was part
of Iraq but became Kuwaiti territory
when a U.N. commission formally
set the border in November.
Iraq has refused to recognize the
new border and still claims
sovereignty over all of Kuwait.
to speak
at forum
by Kerry Colligan
Daily Staff Reporter
The University will get a first-
hand look at a member of President-
elect Bill Clinton's administration
Saturday when the Surgeon General
designate speaks on issues such as
access to health care, primary edu-
cation, and gang and family
Dr. Joycelyn Elder will be the
keynote speaker at the first annual
Medstart conference called,
Art addressi
by Jon DiMascio
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
"Guerrilla art" was waged on the Univer-
sity yesterday morning.
Students passing by Jeanette Bradley's
art exhibit in the Fishbowl took a second
look at what first appeared to be
Bradley, an RC junior in the School of
Art, said she uses guerrilla art - art that ad-
dresses controversial social issues in a subtle
way - to open observers' eyes to the reality
of date rape.
Her work consists of quotes - such as
es mate rape
"Did you come?" and "You're so sexy" -
superimposed over a picture of her face. She
said she is performing guerrilla art by past-
ing photocopies of her work on University
"I'm sure it's going to be something peo-
ple will have mixed reactions to," Bradley
said, adding that it is a way to get people to
consider incidents like rape - which has
almost become accepted - as serious
Bradley said she uses advertising as a
medium to express herself because it is more
See ART, Page 2
'U' to install cable
in res. halls, may
broadcast lectures
by Nate Hurley
Daily Administration Reporter
A University student listens at-
0 tentively as the professor explains
how a shift of the supply curve af-
fects the equilibrium price. The stu-
dent then copies down the graph
onto a sheet of paper.
Then the student uses the remote
control to see what's on Oprah.
This scenario may become reality
for University students as early as
next year, when residence hall
rooms are set to be equiped with
* cable television.
Columbia Cable have not formally
signed a contract, Columbia Cable
Vice President Ron Harmon predicts
that an agreement may be reached
within 30 or 40 days.
Levy agreed, noting that both
sides are being cautious because of
the large amounts of money
The University will probably be
unable to meet its goal of installing
cable in the residence halls by fall.
Harmon said his company is
ready for the challenge of installing
cable in the residence halls.
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