Last week, Jalen Rose admitted that he received
a ticket for loitering in a house with drugs last
October. Yet somehow the ticket never found its
way from the Detroit police to the courts.
In this weekend's "Big Show," the Comedy
Company struggled with both its timing and
delivery. Melissa Rose Bernado reviews the
The NCAA tournament selection committee told
Michigan to Go West yesterday when it made the
Wolverines the No. 1 seed in that region. Michigan
plays Coastal Carolina Friday in Tucson.
Partly sunny;
High 24, Low 12
Still cold; High 25, Low 13
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
VoCS ,No 5AArb, Mic ia, M nay ac 1,93©19 hichiganS *Daily
areas look
to Clinton
for help
Communities jolted by the latest
round of military base closings are
turning to the new Democratic ad-
ministration for relief, but early indi-
cations are they may not find as
many dollars as they would like.
President Clinton has an ambi-
tious multibillion dollar plan for
converting to a post-Cold War econ-
omy, but so far his top priority is
helping defense companies and
workers make the transition.
Communities will get aid, but
*mostly it will be advice, not money.
The administration's reasoning is
that while some direct subsidies are
justified, the best way to help is to
strengthen the overall health of the
national economy.
"All the community assistance in
the world will do no good if there
are no jobs," Clinton told workers at
a former defense plant in Baltimore.
The Pentagon on Friday proposed
closing 31 major military
installations and realigning or
scaling back 134 others. California,
Florida and South Carolina were
among the hard hit.
Board questions
LSA education
x a 15
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
The productivity of faculty and teaching as-
sistants (TAs), and the degree to which LSA
students are challenged at the University,
framed a four-hour discussion on undergradu-
ate education at Friday's Board of Regent's'
"I hear today the recognition that you can't
look at the undergraduate experience as an en-
capsulated body of skills," said University
President James Duderstadt. "It's one step in a
lifelong road of learning."
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg's presentation
on undergraduate education prompted the dis-
cussion, which partly focused on the impact of
TAs on students.
"In the first two years, in terms of total stu-
dent instruction, what percent is done by fac-
ulty versus teaching assistants?" Regent Nellie
Varner (D-Detroit) asked. "That has been one
major area of criticism and concern because
(students) are taught predominately by teach-
ing assistants."
Goldenberg said University studies show 30
percent of student credit hours in LSA are TA-
generated. Seventeen percent come from lec-
tures and the remaining credit hours are taught
by regularly tenured faculty.
But Mike Martin, associate dean of LSA,
cautioned those in attendance not to view TA
instruction in a negative light.
"I think we want to avoid the perception
that TA teaching is bad," Martin said. "TAs are
extremely effective when they are properly
supported and educated in how to handle sec-
tions. What we must focus on is how to get
TAs to do their job properly."
Martin added that LSA has paid particular
attention to improving the quality of foreign
TAs. Martin said the competency level for
foreign TAs is now equal to domestic TAs.
Goldenberg agreed. "It's never good
enough, but we are doing careful screening of
English language ability," Goldenberg said. "If
they don't reach a certain level they can not be
TAs. We've been very aggressive about that."
Discussion then moved to faculty
"Do we, in a rigorous way, demand enough
of our faculty in terms of productivity in the
teaching component?" asked Regent Larry
Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills). "All our under-
graduates will not naturally gravitate to re-
search projects."
Goldenberg responded that the University is
still working to stress the importance of under-
graduate education to faculty.
"Have we gotten to all of (the faculty)? Ab-
solutely not. Am I satisfied? Absolutely not,"
Goldenberg said. "I intend to keep working on
Duderstadt also expressed concern that the
undergraduate curriculum was not challenging
enough for many students.
"I sense we have a large number of students
who aren't engaged at all but are looking for a
See LSA, Page 2
Westward Ho!
While Chris Webber had little difficulty getting past Northwestern on Saturday ,the
Wolverines' ultimate goal looms directly ahead. For more coverage, see Sports Monday.
Students seek more awareness of fatigue illness
by Saloni Janveja
Daily Feature Writer
It goes by many names -
"Yuppie Flu," Chronic Fatigue Syn-
drome (CFS), Myalgic En-
cephalomyclitis (M.E.), and its
original name when first diagnosed,
the Epstein-Barr virus. While
Chronic Fatigue and Immune
Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) re-
mains a mystery, Gov. John Engler
has dedicated this month to increas-
ing general awareness about this
People who advocate research for
the cause and cure of CFIDS believe
state recognition will help patients
feel hopeful about the possibility of
a cure.
The syndrome has no age or sex
preference - all segments of th...
population are at risk. However, ac-
cording to current research, women
under the age of 45 are the most
The most common symptoms are
incapacitating fatigue in the forms of
exhaustion and extremely poor
Even though many patients report
neurological problems, recurrent
sore throats, muscle pain and
headaches, Julie Baltrus, an LSA
sophomore with CFIDS, said people
are usually hit with a unique set of
"It really depends on the person
as to what symptoms hit them hard-
est," Baltrus said.
Baltrus was diagnosed with
'(CFIDS) is a real disease, and the more people
that know about it the easier it will be for us
to find out what's causing it.'
-Julie Baltrus
LSA sophomore with CFIDS
CFIDS in the fall of 1990 - her se-
nior year in high school. Her symp-
toms started gradually during ninth
grade, but doctors told Baltrus she
seemed to be getting a cold or flu
virus again and again..
"At times I felt like I had mono
because I felt very fatigued and had
swollen lymph nodes," she said.
"(Doctors) treated it like mono and
said it would go away but it didn't."
Baltrus added that she started de-
veloping many more car infections
than normal in her senior year, and
began to worry about the possibili-
ties of having an illness other than
the common cold.
"What is unique about my situa-
tion was how I was diagnosed," Bal-
trus said. "One day I read a newspa-
per article about CFIDS. Everything
in the article that described the
symptoms sounded like me, so I
took it to my doctor. Then we just
went from there."
CFIDS is a result of a dysfunc-
tion of the immune system, but the
exact nature of the disease it not yet
known. To date, no cure exists, and
treatment is simply on a symptom by
symptom basis.
Doctors say it is difficult for pa-
tients who have been diagnosed with
CFIDS to realize that most can only
perform daily tasks at about 50 per-
cent of their normal capabilities.
Baltrus said she has become ac-
customed to pacing herself.
"I'm only able to take eight cred-
its," she said. "I'm signed up with
Student Disabilities Services be-
cause if I had to walk to class I
wouldn't be able to do much more.
You only have a specific amount of
energy and after that's gone you
have to learn not to push yourself."
Baltrus added that although -in
high school she was very active in
sports, her latest interests have
changed to less physically demand-
ing ones, such as writing.
She said she had to make a lot of
changes in her life to accommodate
her situation, which is often limited
by a common symptom - memory
"One of my scariest experiences
was when I was driving in my car
my senior year and was coming to a
light at an intersection," Baltrus
said. "I couldn't remember if red
meant stop or go. I had to give up
See CFIDS, Page 2
New fetal-tissue research absent at 'U'
University researchers sayfetal-tissue use still notanoption despite liftoffederal ban
by Soma Gupta
Daily Staff Reporter
When President Clinton gave an
executive order to lift the ban on fed-
eral funding of fetal-tissue research, a.
number of doors to potential disease
treatment flew open.
However, this much-debated type
of research has not been pursued at
the University due to a lack of re-
sources and funding.
"The places doing research on fe-
tal tissue generally have access to
big abortion programs. We don't
have that kind of access," said Dr.
John Randolph, director of the repro-
ductive-endocrinology laboratories of
the University Hospitals.
At the University, fetal-tissue re-
search - exploring the possibilities
of fetal tissue to provide a missing
element that is causing a disease -
has been largely dismissed. Instead,
University doctors are continuing to
limit research to gene therapy, which
involves the creation of genes to re-
place missing elements.
University doctors said the ban
- introduced during the Reagan ad-
ministration to eliminate federal
funding of research involving tissue
from elective abortion - made it
difficult to do any kind of research
involving fetal tissue transplants at
"The University of Michigan
sticks pretty closely to the rules.
Every project has to go through the
institute's review board," said Dr.
Robert Hayashi of the hospital's ma-
ternal-fetal division.
Now, five years later, the Clinton
administration attempts to separate
medical research and science from
abortion politics, but most depart-
ments of the hospital said no re-
search plans are underway.
Doctors said the main reason
work in this field has not begun is
because the ban was lifted so re-
cently, and it takes significant time
to receive grants from federal
Representatives of the University
Alzhemier's Disease Center and
Parkinson's disease laboratories said
they have no plans to pursue this
line of research in the near future.
"I'm sure people are talking
about it but there is a lead time of
about a year to get the required fund-
ing," said Dr. Mason Barr of pedi-
atric genetics.
Meanwhile, researchers outside
the University have avoided the time
lag by using private funds to support
fetal-tissue research.
"The ban was extremely narrow.
You could grow (fetal tissue) in tis-
sue cultures and see how it behaved
in rats. You just couldn't put it in
See RESEARCH, Page 2
Second debate is last chance for
students and MSA candidates
Greek Week events
'Hill Day'
Here are the times and
locations of the Greek Week
events that take place today:
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