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March 12, 1993 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-12

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 12, 1993- Page 3

Talk cites
danger of
by Greg Hoey
Senior Advisor to Greenpeace
-arvey Wasserman lectured yester-
day on the detrimental effects of
puclear power in society.
*Wasserman - author of several
books and nuclear activist for more
tlan 20 years - spoke out against the
existence of the 110 nuclear power
plants in America.
"I have been fighting nuclear power
for 20 years. Primarily, I came to
Speak about Palisades, (a nuclear
power plant on Lake Michigan), but
really about all these plants which
produce high-level nuclear waste....
.We want all nuclear power plants shut
Oewn," Wasserman said.
He added that he was most influ-
encedtobegin his fightagainstnuclear
power bythe book "We Almost Lost
. "In October 1966 the Detroit
Edison-owned Fermi power plant in
Monroe, nearly had a meltdown. I
,was a student here at U-M, just 40
miles away at that time. I was the
Time-Life, (United Press Interna-
tional), and (Associated Press) core-
spondentfor TheMichigan Daily, and
Inever heard about it for seven years
until I read the book," he said.
"If they canhave an accidentof the
magnitude to lose Southern Michigan
and one of the largest cities in the
world and never hear about it, what
kind of statement is that about nuclear
power and the irresponsibility of the

Jones to step down
as Flint chancellor

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
Clinton Jones, who has been chan-
cellor of the University's Flint campus
since 1984, will step down from his
position Dec.31 in order to return to the
Following hisresignation, Jones will
take a one-year leave of absence and
then resume his position as a political
science professor on the Flint campus.
"I entered this to be a professor, not
an administrator," Jones said. "I loved
(serving aschancellor).Itwasverygrati-
fying. It's just time to move on. Ten
years is a long time. Now it's time for
me to return to the things I really enjoy
Jones said even when he first as-
sumed the administrative post, he an-
ticipated returning to teaching some-
"It's something I always planned to
do," Jones said. "There are some things
I want to do. Some research, some writ-
ing and I miss closer contact with stu-
dents and the community. As chancellor
you are precluded from doing that."
University President James Duder-
stadt said Jones will be missed.
"All have held his years of leader-
ship in high regard," Duderstadt said. "I
have also valued greatly Chancellor
Jones' input on University-wide issues.
I will miss both his personal counsel
and advice and we will miss greatly the
leadership he has expended to the Flint
Jones served as vice chancellor for
academic affairs and professor ofpoliti-
cal science at the University of Hous-
ton-Downtown in Texas from 1981-84.

Prior to holding that position, Jones
was associate dean and professor of
urban life in the College of Urban Life
at Georgia State University and associ-
ate director of the Institute for Urban
Affairs and Research at Howard Uni-
versity in Washington, D.C.
'There are some things I
want to do. Some
research, some writing
and I miss closer
contact with students
and the community. As
chancellor you are
precluded from doing
- Clinton Jones
He received a bachelor's of science
degree in natural science and secondary
education at Southern University in
1959, a master's degree in government
at California State University in 1968
and a doctorate in government at
Claremont Graduate School in 1971.
Duderstadt said Jones' successor will
have a tough act to follow.
"He will leave shoes that will be
very difficult to fill," Duderstadt said.
"ButifIcankeephim onelectronic mail
I can still get his advice."
But Jones said it is too early to say
"I still have another 10 months to go.
I look forward to working for a smooth
transition on the Flint campus."

Harvey Wasserman speaks about America's experience with atomic radiation at the Michigan Union yesterday

nuclear power industry," hesaid.
In response to the incinerator lo-
cated on North Campus, Wasserman
said, "They move toxic waste out of
sight and out of mind, but into the
body. The idea that the waste is being
destroyed is false. It just goes into the
air. It is especially sinister and psy-
chotic in terms of the radioactive ma-
Wasserman's lecture was preceded
by three short speeches by the event's
sponsors: ENACT (a student-run en-
vironmental _activist group), Don't
Waste Michigan and the Coalition for
a Nuclear Free Great Lakes.

LSA sophomore and ENACT fa-
cilitator Christa Williams spoke of the
growing concern about the incinera-
tor, which burns low-level nuclear
waste on the University'sNorth Cam-
Williams said the incinerator is a
serious threat topeople's health. "Since
the incinerator was builtin the'60s, its
stack is only 50 feet tall, and it doesn't
meet any of the current regulations."
Audience members expressed
mixed reactions to Wasserman's lec-
"I think the lecture was terrific and
I think that it is great for people to be

informed in order to stop radioactive
waste in our society," said Harold
Stokes, a chemistry teacher at Henry
Ford Community College.
University alumnus Kurt Burkett
said he was disappointed with
Wasserman. "The lecturerdid not seem
too familiar with nuclear power or
nuclear power plant construction. His
numbers were extremelymisleading."
School ofEngineering sophomore
John Kolakowski said, "I think it was
a very important speech even though
there was a lot of debate about certain
facts or numbers."

Chrysler announces natural gas-powered minivan

by Mike Goecke
Automobile fuel alternatives will
ecome a reality in at least one vehicle
in 1994.
Chrysler Corporation recently an-
nounced plans to introduce a natural
gas-powered version of its seven-pas-
senger minivan.
The nation's No. 3 automaker com-
bined with the Gas Research Institute
(GRI) and the Southern California Gas
Company (SC Gas) to create a vehicle
ith the cleanest emissions available.
"A natural gas-powered version of

our largerRam Van has been available
fora few years," said Chris Hosfordof
Chrysler. However, he said the target
market has been businesses that uti-
lize fleets of trucks. "We've been very
encouraged by its results," he added.
Denise King of SC Gas said, "Ini-
tially, our target will be fleet markets,
but passenger markets are just a few
years off."
Automaker representatives said a
majorhurdle for consumeracceptance
is the availability of fueling stations.
"There are over 50 fueling stations

in Southern California and we're add-
ing one about every 10 days," King
"A (natural) gas compressoris avail-
able for consumers, but is very expen-
sive at this point," said Scott Schaedel
of the GRI.
"Ideally, prices will come down in
the future," King said.
Donald Geister, manager of the Au-
tomotive Laboratory said, "What drives
technology is the potentialmarket.Right
now consumers want fuel alternatives."
Dave Cole, director of the

University's Office for the Study of
Auto Transportation, said, "We work
with the auto industry to project figures
for market share. The numbers we have
right now estimate a market share of 2
percent by the year 2000."
Although Ford and General Motors
(GM) are reported to be working on
similar vehicles, they have not an-
nounced plans to begin sales.
Ford representative Ross Ruhle said,
"To my knowledge, Ford is the only
company developing a passenger ve-
hicle. Right now we have a fleet of 50

demonstration 1992 Crown Victorias
traveling through North America.
"We see a need for there to be a
passenger vehicle, and it needs to be a
large car because of the tank size,"
Ruhle said.
GM is focusing its natural gas ef-
forts on the GMC pick-up truck.
"We began production in April1992
and have sold more than 2000 vehicles,"
said Amy Watson, who works in media
relations for GM.
GM also plans to initially focus on
fleet markets.

Some of the positive aspects
of natural gas-powered
Environmental factors.
Studies conclude that natural
gas burns cleaner than
gasoline, with emissions
comparable to those of
electric cars.
Cheaper fuel. Natural gas
receives the same fuel
economy, but is priced about
50 cents less per gallon.
Safer, stronger fuel tanks.
In the rare event that there is
a puncture, the gas merely
rises in the air.

Yeltsin withstands impeachment attempts

U Chinese Christian Fellowship,
meeting, and Charles Lee,
speaker, Mosher-Jordan, Muppy
Lounge, 7:30 p.m.
[3 Colloquium in Philosophy, Can
r Science Understand Conscious-
ness?, Michigan Union,
Pendelton Room, 4 p.m.
Zk DirectImagingofthe Diacetylene
Solid-State Monomer-Polymer
Phase Transformation , Mate-
rials Brown Bag Lunch, Chemis-
tryBuilding, Room 1706,12p.m.
Q Drum Circle, Guild House Cam-
pus Ministry, 802 Monroe St., 8-
10 p.m.
Friday Forum-How to Create
and Optimal Climate for
Learning: A Multicultural Dia-
logue, LS&A TA Training Pro-
gram, LSA Building, Executive
Conference Room, Room 2553,
4 p.m.
Q Hillel, Shabbat Services, Hillel,
6:25 p.m.; Jewish lesbian, Bi-
sexual, and Gay Collective
Shabbat Potluck, call 764-9054
for location, 7 p.m.; Grad and
Young Professional Veggie Pot-
luck: Are Jews a Minority?, Law
Quad, Lawyers' Club, 7:30 p.m.
Q International Tea, Martha Cook,
3-5:30 p.m.
Q Korean Campus Crusade for
Christ, Christian Fellowship,
Campus Chapel, 8 p.m.
Q Music at Espresso Royale Caffe,
Milton Hill, Espresso Royale
Caffe, 9 p.m.
Q Music at Leonardo's, The Raisin
Pickers, 8-10 p.m.
Gl Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship Association, Stations of
the Cross, 7 p.m.; Rosary, 7:30
p.m.; Saint Mary Student Parish,
331 Thompson St.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433,7 p.m.-8
' Plant Fossils and the Cretaceous-

Q The Slaughterhouse, Residential
College Players, East Quad, RC
Auditorium, 8 pa..
Q Symphony Band/Concert Band,
Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular work-
out, CCRB, Room 2275, 7:00-
8:30 p.m.
Q Travel Europe on the Cheap, In-
ternational Center, Room 9, 3-
4:30 p.m.
Q U-M Bridge Club, duplicate
bridge game, Michigan Union,
Tap Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I.M.
Building, Wrestling Room, G21,
6:30-8 p.m.
Q Women of Summer, Labor Film
Series, Angell Hall, Auditorium
A,8 p.m.
Q Women's Poetry Reading, East
Quad, Halfway Inn, 7 p.m.
U Building a ransnational Com-
munity: Armenians and Their
Diaspora, Angell Hall, Audito-
rium D, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
U Colloquium in Philosophy, Defi-
cit Studies and the Function of
Phenomenal Consciousness, 9:30
a.m.; What Makes Mental States
Conscious?, 11:30 a.m.;
Rackham, West Conference
U The Esther Concert, ArtMuseum,
8 p.m.
Q Hillel, Grads and Young Profes-
sionals and Jewish Law Students
Union Post Purim Bash, Hillel, 9
U Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
Basic Photography, 9-10:30aam.;
Trail Tour, Matthaei Botanical
Gardens, 1800 Dixboro Rd., 2
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8-
11:30 p.m.
U Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-

CCRB, small gym, 10 a.m.-12
Q Alpha Phi Omega, chapter meet-
ing, Michigan Union, Kuenzel
Room, 7 p.m.
Q Art Museum, Guercino's "Esther
Before Ahasuerus," Sunday Tour,
Art Museum, Information Desk,
2 p.m.
Q Ballroom Dance Club, CCRB,
Dance Room, 7-9 p.m.
U Christian Life Church, church
service, School of Education,
Schorling Auditorium, 11 a.m.
Q The Esther Story, Art Museum, 1
Q Hillel, IsraeliDancing, Hillel, 8-10
Q Jazz Combos, Michigan League,
Buffet Room, 5:30 p.m.
Q Jean Dielman, film, Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Q Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
Conservatory Tour, Matthaei
Rd., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Q Music at Espresso Royale Cafe,
Nina Perlove, classical flute, 11
Q Native American Spirituality and
Christianity, ATalk by the Rev.
Tom Trimmer, Canterbury
House, 518E. Washington St., 2
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice-Angell Hall, Angell Hall
Computing Center, 763-4246,
1:30-3 a.m.
Q Tutoring/Peer Mentoring in a
Detroit PublicHigh School, Stu-
dent Education Peer Program,
AX, 5 -- ITT_:- 1__A ._ '

MOSCOW (AP) - Hard-line law-;
makers opened a new assault on Boris
Yeltsin's dwindling powers at an emer-
gency parliament session Wednesday,
but the besieged president survived an
impeachment effort.
Parliament speaker Ruslan
Khasbulatov, Yeltsin's main rival,
opened the Congress of People's Depu-
ties by accusing the president of trying
to undermine the constitution and drag
the armed forces into the political crisis.
He also rejected proposals by Yeltsin
for sharing power.
An early attempt to start impeach-
ment proceedings againstYeltsin failed
to gain enough votes. But the pro-Com-
munists who predominate in the Con-
gress appeared ready to try to strip Yeltsin
of more powers and further hamstring
his economic reforms.
"A well-planned and purposeful
execution of the president by the Con-
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gress leadership is under way," Yeltsin
spokesperson Vyacheslav Kostikov said
just before lawmakers adjourned until
Still, the impeachment vote reflected
the stalemate between hard-liners and
the less numerous reformers, both of
which must campaign for support from
a large group of unpredictable, swing

Most of the lawmakers were elected
before the Soviet collapse, and many
former Communists adamantly oppose
Yeltsin's rapid push to a free market,
which has brought soaring inflation
and plunging industrial production.
Yeltsin supporters blame the easy credit
policies of the parliament-controlled
Central Bank.

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