Lester Monts has been appointed to take over the Office of Minority Affairs starting in July. Monts will have a long, hard road ahead of him when he begins his tenure this summer. Students don't care, representatives work hard, and the administration doesn't listen. Daily MSA Reporters Jennifer Tianen and Adam Anger take a look at the upcoming.MSA elections. There will be no surprises when Michigan and Notre Dame take the ice this weekend in the first round of the CCHA playoffs. The Wolverines won all four games against the Irish this season. Today Sunny and cold; High 28, Low16 Tomorrow Blustery; High 28, Low 16 Jr 4F 41v t Yi One hundred two years of editorial freedom Vol. Cltl, No. 94 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, March 12,1993 ©1993 The Michigan Daily I MSU may prohibit smoking on campus by Megan Lardner Daily Higher Education Reporter Smokers at Michigan State *University (MSU) may find them- selves extinguishing their cigarettes in a hurry if a new tobacco policy - prohibiting smoking in all campus buildings and residence halls - is approved. The main reason for the initiation of the policy is to protect the rights of non-smokers, said Larry Fischer, chair of an MSU committee studying the use of tobacco. "The goal of the whole exercise .. is to eliminate exposure of non- smokers to environmental tobacco smoke if they wish to be free of it," Fischer said. He added that a recent pole at MSU revealed that 14 percent of the campus community smokes regularly. "The committee has been work- ng for about two years to examine tobacco use and ways by which we might improve the health of the campus community," he added. Fischer said the administration supports the policy. "(MSU) President (Gordon) Guyer said that he highly supported our efforts and that we should go forward even faster than we were going and make MSU a smoke-free campus within six months," he said. Fischer said enforcing the policy will be difficult. "We aren't going to have the police cruising the campus making arrests." Some MSU students do not ap- pear to be concerned by what many say is an infringement on smokers' rights. MSU graduate student Carlos Fuentes, a smoker, said he thinks a non-smoking campus will benefit students. "I do like a smoke-free environment and it will be an added influence for those who want to quit," he said. But junior Eric Polvi, also a smoker, said any smoking policy will probably be ineffective. "For people who smoke infrequently, it will help them stop, but the real smokers will just find other places." While the plan is still in its pre- liminary stages, the MSU student government said it could become in- volved in any controversy. Brad Thaler, vice chair of the academic assembly, said the students are still trying to understand how the policy will work. "In a way, it is a good idea, but I'm not sure how much it infringes on students' rights," Thaler said. "I don't know if (the administration) will be able to do it legally." Forum explores role of women in government by Jen DiMascio Daily Gender Issues Reporter DOUGLAS KANTER/Daily No parking A University student has apparently found a new parking space at South Quad. The bicycle was placed atop the residence hall sign despite the fact that additional, more traditional, parking spaces were available. mployees ask U to look at treatment of homosexuals Three months after the conclu- sion of "The Year of the Woman," the term is already outdated. When candidates and experts at yesterday's Women in Politics and Policy conference debated the role of women in today's society, they could only agree on that one point. The group consensus called last year a "Kickoff for the Era of the Woman." The conference opened with an all-female panel discussion featuring female politicians and academics. They discussed how the roles of women and men are defined in society. Michael Traugott, a research sci- entist at the Institute for Social Research, and Frederick Steeper, a senior polling consultant for the Bush/Quayle '92 campaign, dis- cussed their theories behind the "gender gap." "The reason that this got interest- ing to political scientists was be- cause women became a more power- ful compelling force in the elec- torate," Traugott said. Steeper said fewer women iden- tify with the Republican party be- cause of the "gender gap." Steeper added that women often work helping needy people, and were therefore threatened by Reagan's cuts in social service aid. Women, reacting to the cut in funds began, "to see the Republican party as anti-people-in-need, and the Democrats as a helping-people-in- need party," he said. The audience buzzed when Steeper presented what he termed the "risk-aversion theory." Steeper said men support risky policies - such as voting for third- party candidates or supporting mili- tary action - more readily than women. Audience member Jane Michener tried to explain the disparity between men and women with respect to Steeper's theory. "Women are less credulous than men," she said. "Men don't have built-in skepticism." Purdue University Political Science Prof. Lyn Kathlene said: women do not consider risk when voting, but focus on practical information. Michener said it will be neces- sary for Republicans to change their outmoded, socially conservative policies. "The group of older, less-edu- cated Southerners (Steeper) talked about have a life span of about 20 more years," she said. The "gender gap" was evident in the afternoon session, Women in Electoral Politics. Michigan's newly elected female representatives and lobbyists talked about their role in last year's election. Lynn Shapiro, executive director of WISH List said campaigning women often face roadblocks in fundraising. "If nothing else good came of 1992, women are starting to realize the importance of writing checks and giving money to campaigns," she added. The panel members nodded, laughing in agreement. Michigan state Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) said first-year repre- sentatives have little clout in the House. "It has to do with seniority. I don't think it has to do with gender," she said. "It's very frustrating to be told, 'You're just going to have to wait."' Jessie Dalman (R-Holland) added, "The good ol' boy network is still there, and it will be until we change the numbers (of women in office)." by Karen Talaski Daily Gender Issues Reporter Claiming that the University "has allowed and maintained a hostile environment to gay men, lesbians and bisexuals," a group of University employees called for an investigation of how homosexuals are treated in the workplace. Local 1538 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) - a national labor union - met with University representatives yesterday morning to discuss the grievance filed March 5. Two AFSCME representatives - Union Bargaining Chair Judy Levy and another union member - answered questions from a four- person review board about the grievance and suggested possible remedies to what the union is calling "a clear case of discrimination." "The union's contract says the University-cannot discriminate against people on the basis of race, color, creed, or sexual orientation," Levy said. "We contend that the University violated the contract by allowing a hostile work environment." The 2,400-member union filed the grievance in response to a letter written last month by seven members of the Housing managerial staff who were angered by homosexual posters and books displayed in residence halls. Because no formal action was taken against the employees who wrote the letter, the union claims the administration is condoning discriminatory behavior toward homosexuals who work at tht University. "The letter is terribly hostile to gay people, (claiming) their lifestyle is unnatural," Levy said. "You cannot be guaranteed fair treatment on the job if you're treated in this way." As part of the grievance, the union suggested that the University: work with the union to conduct an independent investigation of discrimination in the workplace; admit there is hostility toward gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals who work at the University; and, suspend the seven people who wrote the discriminatory letter until the matter is decided and require their participation in a sensitivity training course. See GRIEVANCE, Page 2 Duderstadt says he is not considering Yale presidency by Jennifer Silverberg Daily Administration Reporter Rumors have been running ram- pant that University President James Duderstadt has, is or will accept the position of president of Yale University. They are all untrue, he said. "I must say I find the speculation amusing," said Duderstadt, who at- tended Yale University as an under- graduate. "I have not talked to any- body on the Yale search committee. I'm deeply committed to the University of Michigan and it's that simple." Rumors began early this year that Duderstadt had been approached by the Yale presidential search commit- tee. Since then, newspapers in Connecticut, Detroit, Ann Arbor and Boston have printed stories saying Duderstadt is in various stages of negotiations with Yale. Some ru- mors have even placed Duderstadt on a final list of three candidates for the position. Duderstadt said he can only look at the rumors with a humorous perspective. "If Yale announces I'm going to be their president without talking to me first, I'm in a good bargaining position," Duderstadt said laughing. Walter Harrison, executive direc- tor of University relations, said he does not know where the rumors be- gan. But Harrison said he decided to check out the rumors' origin when he visited Yale to discuss public re- lations and affairs strategies with its administration last month. "While I was there I had lunch with Howard Lamar (the interim president of Yale University)," Harrison said. "I took the opportu- nity to say, 'What's all this with Jim (Duderstadt)?' "(Lamar) said when they started looking at candidates, Jim was one of the people they looked at. And Jim said he wasn't interested," Harrison continued. "So they went on to look for other people." Harrison said that event ended Duderstadt's interaction with the Yale search committee. "(Duderstadt is) not under con- sideration anymore because he told See YALE, Page 2 .: ; 1 ; . .: : £:. . P >_ _,.n .R c m ""- . Tk4 " ; . < ', eF 'fi t , s : I