The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 11, 1993- Page 3
McFee to
serve as a
state AAA
by Nate Hurley
Daily Administration Reporter
University Regent Shirley McFee
(R-Battle Creek) recently added one
more item to her repertoire of responsi-
McFee, who is both a regent and a
business executive with GHS Corpora-
tion, was elected toserveas adirectorof
the American Au-
tomotive Associa-
tion (A AA) of
Michigan at the
auto insurer's an-'
nual membership
meeting last week.
"This, for me to
be on the board, is
new," McFee said.
She said she has
she has not worked MC Fe
closely with the
company previous to the election. "I've
been a policyholder of AAA for about
six years," she said.
McFee said she did not seek out the
position, rather AAA members ap-
proached her asking to serve the three-
year position:
She said her responsibilities will in-
dludepolicy setting, long-term strategic
planning and oversight of the activities
oftheAAAadministration. AAAMichi-
gan serves 1.5 million members.
McFee - who has been a regent
since 1990 and was previously mayor
of Battle Creek, Battle Creek city com-
missioner and Calhoun County com-
missioner - said the new post will
entail responsibilities sinilarto those of
her past positions.
She said she will be closely follow-
ing auto insurance legislation working
its way through Lansing. Tuesday, the
state House approved 65-43 a bill that
would cut auto insurance rates an aver-
age of 16 percent. The bill is similar to
AAA Michigan's Ballot Proposal D,
which was not approved by Michigan
voters in last fall's election.
"I have been sort of following the
proposal that was on the ballot last fall,"
she said, but noted that at the time of the
elections she did not know she would be
a director of the insurance company.
The billmay be one of the first issues
McFee encounters in her new position
on the board, as it is expected to quickly
pass the Republican-controlled state
Senate and move to Gov. John Engler's
Palestinians refuse
to join peace talks
JERUSALEM (AP) - Palestinian
negotiators rejected an invitation yes-
terday to Middle East peace talks but
offered to reconsider if Washington con-
vinces Israel to reverse the expulsion
orders of more than 400 Palestinians.
The Palestinians have been warning
for weeks that they would not return to
the negotiating table unless Israel speeds
up the repatriation of the deportees.
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin ear-
lier accepted a U.S. compromise on the
issue, agreeing to bring back 101 of the
Palestinians immediately and the rest
by year's end.
Israel accepted its invitation but the
Palestinian decision was a setback to
the Clinton administration's hopes of
restarting the peace negotiations on April
20. The talks have been stalled since
Israel expelled 403 suspected Muslim
fundamentalists to Lebanon on Dec. 17.
Itwasnotknown whether other Arab
parties to the talks, including Syria,
Lebanon and Jordan, would stay away
from the talks in support of the Palestin-
But Hanan Ashrawi, spokesperson
for the Palestinian delegation to the
talks, said: "The United States has to
reach out in order to help all parties say
Ashrawi said she told theAmericans
that the Palestinians "are willing to ne-
gotiate, we are willing to continue dis-
cussing with the co-sponsors - and
with the Americans in particular - the
requirements and the means of resolv-
ing these outstanding issues."
"My conviction continues to be that
the Palestinians will want to return to
the negotiations because they see in
those negotiations ... an opportunity to
make real progress," said Secretary of
State Warren Christopher.
Deputy Foreign Minister Yossi
Beilin pledged that Israel would be flex-
ible at the bargaining table.
"Israel, for its part, will undertake
serious and substantive negotiations
with any Arab party that arrives in Wash-
ington on April 20," said Beilin.
Ashrawi said that in addition to de-
portations, other issues hanging up the
talks included Israeli violations of Pal-
estinians' human rights and assurance$
from the United States that it would
intervene to keep the peace talks on
Dr.lHaidarAbdul-Shafi, aGazaphy-
sician who heads the Palestinian nego-
tiation said, "I'm still thinking the Ar,
abs, including the Syrians, willnot go to
a negotiating table without the Palestin-
Rabin holds his first meeting with
President Clinton next week. He leaves
today for the United States and will
meet Clinton on Monday.
Policy protesters use new ammunition
Christa Williams (left) and Dante Stella, both LSA sophomores, speak at the weekly rally protesting the
University's Diag policy. Other protesters revel in the freshly fallen snow, pelting the pair with iceballs.
Congressional panel
pushes for budget cuts
cratic-led congressional panels pushed
ahead yesterday on budgets bearing the
heavy imprint of President Clinton, but1
cutting spending far more than he hasi
asked. A separate House committee
easily rejected a Republican deficit-+
cutting plan.{
"This budget ... is primarily about
getting our economic house in order
and moving our nation forward," said1
House Budget Committee Chair Mar-1
tin Olav Sabo (D-Minn.).
The House and Senate budget com-
mittees were working on similar plans
to retain the essence of Clinton's month-
old economic initiative: tax increases+
on therich, defense cuts and more money
for road-building and other projects.
Each package promises to leave the
budget shortfall at $254 billion next+
year - more than $40 billion lower
than would occur without action.
However, at both meetings, Repub-
licans complained that the Democratic
measures were tax-heavy and vague.
"The only real spending cuts are in
defense," added Sen. Don Nickles (R-
Okla.). "This is a comprehensive as-
sault on the taxpayer."
Like Clinton, the HouseDemocratic
package would raise taxes by $246 bil-
lion over the nextidve years.
In addition, the package contains
about $264 billion in spending cuts to
reach its total of $510 billion in deficit
reduction -including Clinton's plan to
cut Medicare spending by $48 billion
and veterans' services by $8 billion.
It would also add $62 billion in
further reductions from defense and
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Grade school kids
manufacture bomb
State and local emergency depar-t-
ments were summoned to an Ann Arbor
middle school yesterday when small
bombs made of metal piping were found
in the possession of several grade school
Teachers discovered four to five sev-
enth traders with bombs at Slawson
Middle School on West Washington
Street yesterday afternoon.
Following the arrival of officers from
the Michigan State Police, the Ann Ar-
bor Police Department(AAPD) and the
Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD),
than a prank, adding, "The students
probably weren't aware of the dangers
Marital dispute
results in knife
Ann Arbor Police Department
(AAPD) officers responded to a report
of felonious assault between a wife and
a husband at an Ann Arbor residence
Monday morning.
At 11 a.m. on the 2100 block of
1lemlock, a wife and a husband alleg-
edly became embroiled in a heated ar-
gument that ended when the wife
charged her spouse with a large kitchen
knife. The husband grabbed his wife's
hand until she released the weapon.
AAPD reports said the woman
claims the incident was the culmination
of a history of verbal abuse and resulted
from an argument about her daughter
from a previous marriage.
The woman suffered minor non-
knife-related injuries. No medical at-
tention was required for either of the
parties involved.
Police officers said the family has a
history of domestic discordance.
The husband is seeking prosecu-
tion, and Ann Arbor detectives are in-
vestigating the case.
Former patient
threatens clinic with
bazooka gun
A former patient at a chemical de-
pendency clinic allegedly threatened
employees Tuesday when they termi-
nated his treatment for violations of
patient agreements.
Employees of the Child Family Ser-
vices (CFS) clinic on the 700 block of
Spring reported the information to the
AAPD at noon Tuesday, just after the
former patient allegedly threatened to
use a powerful bazooka gun unless his
treatment program was restored.
AAPD Lt. Alan Hartwig said many
patients in clinics such as CFS are there
on acourt-ordered basis, and individual
restrictions are imposed based on past
criminal conduct.
AAPD officers are investigating the
incident, and prosecution may ensue.
Alleged dope
smokers found in
LSA Building
A campus guard reported three sub-
jects believed to be smoking marijuana
on the third floor of the Literature Sci-
ence and Arts building to the University
Department of Public Safety (DPS) early
Monday morning.
Unit officers arrived on the scene
shortly after the 1:45 a.m. call was re-
ceived and located the three subjects -T
believed to be students - allegedly
using the illegal drug in a room on th
third floor.
Police officers searched the area for
evidence of the drug without success.
Warrant checks were run on all three
of the individuals, but they all came up
negative. DPS officers escorted the three
from the building.
The nature of the charges against the
subjects have not yet been determined.
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Engineering TA Robert Lepler's name was misspelled in yesterday's Daily.
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Student groups
Q AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power, meeting, East Engineer-
ing Building, Baker-Mandela
Center, 7:30 p.m.
Q The American Movement for Is-
rael, Hillel, upstairs, 7 p.m.
Q Amnesty International, meeting,
East Quad, Room 122, 7 p.m.
U Ann Arbor Coalition Against
Rape, Take Back the Night Plan-
ning meeting, Michigan League,
check room at front desk, 7 p.m.
U Baha'i Student Association of U-
M, Michigan Union, Michigan
Room, 2-5 p.m.
Q Graduate Employees Orgamza-.
tion, meeting for TAs, Rackharn
Amphitheatre, 8-10 p.m.
Q Haiti Solidarity Group, meeting,
First United Methodist Church,
120 S. State St., Pine Room, 7:30
Q Hillel, Brown Bag with David
Olesker on Anti-Israel Propa-
ganda, Hillel, 12 p.m.; "Cup Fi-
nal," Lorch Hall, 7:30 p.m.
U Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers, technical lun-
cheon, EECS Building, Room
1311, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Q Intervarsity Christian Fellow-
ship, meeting, South Quad, West
Lounge, 7 p.m.
Q Islamic Circle, meeting and Iftar
dinner, Stockwell, Blue Room, 5
Q Korean Student Association,
meeting, Michigan Union,
Welker Room, 7 p.m.
Q Newman Catholic Student Fel-
lowship Association,God'sOne
Earth, 7 p.m.; Leaven Group, 7
p.m.; Peer Ministry Info Night, 7
p.m.; Saint Mary Student Parish,
31 Thnmnsn St.
Q U-M Investment Club, meeting,
MLB, Room 2002,7 p.m.
Q U-M Sailing Club, meeting, West
EngineeringBuilding,Room 311,
7:45 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate, practice,
CCRB, small gym, 8-10 p.m.
Q U-M Snowboard Club,The Cube,
5 p.m.
Q Women's Issues Commission,
meeting, Michigan Union, Room
3909,8 p.m.
Q Work in Britain or Ireland, pre-
sentation, International Center,
Room 9, 4-5:30 p.m.; informa-
tion table, MichiganUnion, lobby,
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Q 1, 3-Dihalotetra-n-butyl
Distannoxanes: Halogen Redis-
tribution as Studied by NMR,
physical seminar, Chemistry
Building, Room 1640,4 p.m.
Q ArtTalk, Guercino's "Esther be-
fore Ahasuerus," Art Museum,
AV Room, 12:10-1 p.m.
Q Breaking Barriers for Women in
Politics, Michigan League,
Hussey Room, 4 p.m.
Q Internationalism and National
Identity in Pre-War Japanese
Modernist Architechture, Cen-
ter for Japanese Studies Brown
Bag Lecture Series, Lane Hall,
Commons, 12 p.m.
Q Lynn Yeakel Speaks on Women
in Politics,Rackham Auditorium,
7:30 p.m.
Q Medical Ethics Panel Discus-
sion-Health Care, Michigan
League, Henderson Room, 7:30
Q Music at Espresso Royale Cafe,
"Classic Thursday," Lee and
Nance.clasical violin andniano.
Q The Role Mechanical Phenom-
ena and Defects Formation in
Composites During Cure, semi-
nar,G.G. Brown Building,Room
1504,4 p.m.
Q Ron Ayers--Sound Techniques,
sponsored by In Focus, Frieze
Building, Room 1008,6 p.m.
Q Russian Tea & Conversation
Practice, MLB, 3rd Floor Con-
ference Room, 4-5 p.m.
Q Stop the Nazis, planning meeting,
MLB, Room 122,8 p.m.
Q Textual Spaces and Discursive
Territories: The Emergence of
Armenain Nationalism,CREES
Ethnopolitics Colloquium,
Angell Hall, Room 2231,4 p.m.
Q Thomas Lynch and Matthew
Sweeney, reading, Rackham
Amphitheatre, 5 p.m.
Q Too Much Tuna and Other Plea-
sures of Fieldwork in Oman,
Museum of Natural History,
Room 2009,12-1 p.m.
Q Women in Politics and Policy,
Rackham, 4th Floor, 9:15 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.
Student services
Q ECB Student Writing Center,
Angell Hall, Computing Center,
7-11 p.m.
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Peer Counseling, Counseling Ser-
vices, 764-8433, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Professional Development for
International Spouses, Interna-
tional Center, Room 7, 1-3 p.m.
Q Psychology Undergraduate Peer
Advising, Department of Psy-
chology, West Quad, Room
K210, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Q Safewalk S4'-v Walking Service,
at least one of the bombs was detonated
outside the school by a bomb squad
robot equipped with a modified shot-
No injuries were reported, but am-
bulances were on the scene in case
fragmentation from the detonation of
the bombs caused injury to bomb squad
members or other bystanders.
AAFD Battalion Chief John Schnur
described the bombs as four-inch pieces
of piping made to be explosive by a gun
powder filling, possibly derived from
common firecrackers.
The piping, Schnur said, is believed
to have come from a three-foot section
of piping found missing from the
school's industrial workshop.
AAID and AAPD officers discov-
ered more of the bombs in the homes of
students, and plan to continue searching
until all bombs are retrieved and de-
Students involved will be disciplined
under juvenile criminal laws, but au-
thorities said they do not believe the
manufacturing of the bombs was mali-
Schnur commented that the bomb
manufacture was probably nothing more
- by Shelley Morrison
Daily Crime Reporter
Roundtrip One Way
$450 $225
Guatemala City
$530 $265
Costa Rica
$550 $275
$590 $299
$658 $329
$729 $584
$869 $680