" Page 4--The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 10, 1993 be £idbijgan ai1Q \f 1 1.f'n /.ti 1 n / t --T - - - .--. =----- NA e-*; 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ±i. b "I "L U~qF JOsII DUBOW Editor in Chief YAEL M. CITRO ERIN LIZA EINIIORN Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of/the Daily. eeeY KNOW, IT . >±zt"I S I tC tVtzI > PA/Y HFSEKIDS " THA7 rA rJ -~FOR VIOLEJCF--ARC C-(rrt'TIN YOUNGER AND YO UN6 Et'o a .t1VAiL7- D o 'YO ') b:C.;;... ; OCK- I ^ _ /_ 4 a y" I } , p .. ..t _ .¢ '" A a v_ ., //,J . + 'J 01 WASTE NOT, WANT NOT I Sen. Pollack urges environmental protections STATE SENATOR LANA Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) is reintroducing a bill to the state legislature that could mean a breath of fresh air for the state. The ambitious bill would prohibit companies, such as the sinister Envotech, from build- ing hazardous waste disposal sites in Michigan for the next five years. The bill, which died in committee last year, also sets H. a goal of reducing hazardous waste production by 50 percent and forces hazardous waste dis- posal companies to make more information public. This bill is not only environ- mentally sound, but justified. Michigan has the capacity to handle all hazardous waste cre- ated locally. New sites would only enable companies to add Pollack excess waste to the millions of pounds already imported from other states. This bill is ofparticular importance for Michigan, the state where Envotech may build the second largest waste disposal site in the country. Envotech-- a hazardous waste disposal com- pany responsible for illegally dumping 20,000 barrels of hazardous waste into a site licensed only for non-hazardous waste - is currently revising its May proposal to build an 1,800 acre landfill, an incinerator and two deep injection wells in the Augusta Township, just 12 miles north of Ann Arbor. This bill would further the efforts of Augusta residents' groups to campaign against Envotech's site. The reduction in hazardous waste production mandated by the bill would also set an example for other states that may create excessive waste and reduce the need for large amounts of disposal. Pollack claims the EPA has confirmed that a 50 percent reduction is pos- sible. The bill's right to information clause is also a positive compo- nent. This clause will help citi- zens' groups fight Envotech, a corporation that undoubtedly has armies of skeletons waiting to be freed from its closet. The company'shistory of de- ception is exemplified by its at- tempt to duck responsibility for -- its illegal dumping. Envotech cre- ated a complicated maze of re- lated companies and deed changes aimed at leading environmental organizations to a dead end. The passage of this bill is imperative for the state's well-being. It also joins the nationwide trend toward environmentalism encouraged by the Clinton administration. Officials see clean- ing up the environment as a way to create jobs- a sharp break from the Reagan-Bush era when environmentalism was treated as a pesky drag on business. The Federal government is willing to commit $17.5 billion dollars to the environment and energy. The Michigan Senate must do its part in the move to create an environmentally respon- sible government. 11 NV;. I , . , ; i :q 1* 1 ..; iy (A,,' 1 ' Editors' note: Unfortunately, sexual assault has become an issue of statistics. We often see so many numbers, we forget human beings are involved. It is for this reason that the Daily dedicates this space every Wednesday to sexual assault survivors. Some pieces will be signed. Others will not. All of them present real situations from survivors who respond in their own way to assault. 'In the Greek atmosphere, rape frequently goes unnoticed' BUDGET CUTS A young woman sits nervously in her seat as the scenery blurs by - looking the same after four hours. She tries to study for biology, but instead she stares out the win- dow watching the world pass by second by second, frame by frame. She is thinking, "Why am I doing this? I haven't talked to him in months. Why does he want to see me sobadly?" She rationalizes toherself,"Give him another chance,heisagood person... he just has a hard time showing it. It will be fun...what do you have to lose. It is only for three days." Staring out the window, she trembles a bit. She is apprehensive. The train slowly comes to a stop. It is dark outside and the train station is softly lit, gently welcoming her. She is not intimi- dated at all, the outline of the station com- forts her in her anticipation. Now she is excited. She cannot wait to feel his hug. Stepping out off the train she begins to scan the array of people, looking for his friendly face. Their eyes meet and he waves. Her face lights up as she briskly walks toward him carrying her big blue bag. "I can't believe I'm here," she thinks. Her thoughts run wild as she steps into his beer-stinking, dilapidated fraternity house. "Great, I have to sleep in a hell hole for three days, and I get to worry about a large hairy insect or scaly reptile might run over my feet." They eat dinner, and talk about their lives and where they might be going. They talk about the past, their families and about school. They sleep that night cuddling in bed. The next night they went to a fraternity party. She did.not know a soul, and felt awkward around the drunk people. He did not hold her hand or introduce her to any- body. In fact, he barely talked to her. She followed him like a puppy dog into room after room filled with hundreds of strange faces. She knew that he was drink- ing, but she was unaware that he was stoned and tripping. She was oblivious to his con- dition because he was barely with her that evening. He wanted to go home. She fol- lowed. They stepped foot into his room and he was all over her ... at first, it was intimate. Something changed in him...he took off her clothes and forced himself upon her. She had told him "No!" many times before, but this time he blocked her out, it was like she wasn'teven there. He insisted on asking over and over, maybe 10 times. She re- lented, "okay, fine." They started to have sex. She told him to stop. He was hurting her. His reply was, "Since this is your first time it is supposed to hurt." She again asked him to stop. He continued. She didn'thavea face, she didn't have a name, she was scared. It was over ... "thank God," she thought. Suddenly, all these emotions swirl around her like on the train, but this time she feels like she is underneath the train trapped, watching it speed over her. The train never stopped that evening to let her off. The sounds of the train filled her mind. "What just happened?" She thought to herself, "what did I do?" He rolled over without a word and went to bed. She did not sleep. She left that weekend and went back to school knowing that something was wrong. She didn't know what. He never called to see if she got back to school safely, or thanked her for coming to visit. He knew what he had done was wrong. He never called, a word was never said again to him from her. She was left with all the questions and no answers. What she did know was that she had been violated. Anger, fear and confusion swept over her as she felt repulsed by a man's touch or caress. The thought of it made her feel queasy. Months went by without telling anyone, she didn't want to explain herself. She didn't want to defend herself, and she shouldn't have to. Why didn't she scream? Why didn't she call for help? She did not have the answers. There was no solutions manual, like in calculus. There was no encyclopedia to confirm her emotions. The world was spinning around her. She was not alone, in fact, there were many other women like her. She is left with many questions unanswered, unresolved guilt and constant anger. She is me and this is my story. She could be you. I am left with one question, like many other women, running constantly through my mind. Was it an act of rape or was it the act of sex? The train never stops to let me off, itkeeps on moving....keeps on going. Rape has no social boundaries, no class limitations and can happen anywhere to anyone. In the Greek atmosphere, rape frequently goes unnoticed, and is protected under the label of "brotherhood." Often times the truth gets buried in upholding the "standards" and "reputation" of a frater- nity. As individuals, we all need to respect our bodies and believe in each other. SEXUAL ASSAULTS REPORTED TO SAPAC IN 1993:25 Involving penetration: 14 No penetration: 5 Acquaintance: 19 Stranger: 0 On Campus: 1 Reported to police: 6 No additional information available for some reports Pres. holds up his end ESIDENT CLINTON, IN his economic policy speech three weeks ago, called for unprecedented fiscal sacrifice from the American people. Disregarding 12 years of conservative propaganda praising supply-side (read: voodoo) economics, the American tax- payers made it clear that they are willing to accept sacrifice if the President would reduce the burgeoning federal deficit. But congressional conservatives quickly cried wolf, noting that the number of tax increases dwarfed spending cuts. Fortunately, President Clinton responded to this criticism on Monday by agreeing to $56 billion in spending cuts. But don't give any credit to the Republicans. While Clinton and Budget Director Leon Panetta tried to find pork-barrel projects to eliminate, Republicans, instead of making use- ful suggestions, used the opportunity to trumpet their own cause. In several meetings with Congress, Trent Lott (R-Mississippi), Phil Gramm (R-Texas) and Bob Dole (R-Kansas) joined in a chorus of dissentagainstClinton'splan. Gramm exclaimed of "sacrifice" bargain that immunizing children constituted spending, but wasteful jobs projects like the SuperCollider (located, of course, in Gramm's state) were in- vestments in our future. Dole couldn't say any- thing except that he hates taxes. But Lott was the most entertaining. After Panetta told him that he would be glad to look at any proposals for new cuts, Lott said he had a long list of cuts in his pocket. Of course, given the opportunity in front of Congress, on CNN and several other occa- sions, Lott never revealed the "alleged" cuts. But when all was said and done, Clinton rose to the occasion and held up his end of the "sacri- fice" bargain. He passed the necessary spending increases, and concurrently agreed to cutting wasteful programs. NASA, which had received countless governmentfunding thatnever seemed to produce anything meaningful, will be cut. Nuclear development, which seems rather point- less considering America has the nuclear tech- nology to blow up the world several times over, will also be cut. Finally a President is showing that sacrifice is a two-way street. CONGRESSIONAL REFORM Perot goes to Washington, demands change FOSS PEROT IS a continuing political phe- W nomenonthatonly could have grown out of the television age. His presidential candidacy grew out of talk-show appearances that created a public perception of Perot as the business-smart billionaire who could rescue the economy and the United States from disaster. Perceptions, however, must give way to hard reality, and the powerful influence the govern- ment-made billionaire is exerting on the politi- cal system must be reckoned with, or the coun- try will surely suffer the consequences. With the barrage of infomercials urging people to cough up $15 to joinhis group, United We Stand America, Perot has tapped into the vein of America's skepticism toward the gov- emment. He has continuedto pushhis role asthe chief critic of "government as usual." In his latest round of public appearances, Perot clamored before Congress for Congres- "the way business is done in Washington." With the changing of the guard, however, bureaucratic structures remain intact. Govern- ment mechanisms for dealing with cutting the deficit and the shabby way candidates finance campaigns are still in place. Using its collective political will, Congress must reform itself and slash the deficit. Already, voters are fuming because the Clinton administration has turned Perot down for ahigh-profile role in handling the economy. If Congress abandons the broad goals Perot advocates, he will surely insert himself in the 1996 presidential race. This prospectis truly frightening. Perot, aman who made his fortune by collecting government largess - computer contracts from the govern- ment-demonstrated little knowledge of issues beyond the sound bites during the campaign. He spoke with racial insensitivity, calling Blacks "you people" during the campaign. He . A nzAt1v t1Y ,.rn:f hnYr :.:n-f C Baker should apologize for homophobia To the Daily: Regent Deane Baker should be formulating apologies rather than req uest- ing them ("Regent Baker demands apology from Daily," 3/4/93 ) He fails to realize that as he accuses the Daily of demeaning, insulting and injuring University workers and himself, his comments andthose of the University workers in question demean, insult and injure lesbian, gay and bisexual students on this campus. This is nothing short of hypocrisy! Lesbian, gay and bisexual students struggle each day with the ugly reality of intolerance and homophobia. Our concerns are consistently ignored and our needs Intolerance toward gays persists Baker University employees are essential aspects of making the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities more visible. We have been tucked away for too long. The alleged pornographic photos in a recent residence hall display were nothing more than mild displays of homosexual sexuality. The same sort of photos that one could see in any Calvin Klein ad (except that they depict members of the same sex.) It is time for Regent Baker and his followers to realize that lesbians, gay men and To the Daily: I am responding to the letter written by Michael Wheaton ("Lifting the ban could cause conflict," 2/10/ 93). It is "biased logic" on his part to assume that upon lifting the ban that "all of a sudden" homosexuals would be integrated into the military. Homosexuals are already there, eating, working, bathing, and sleeping with heterosexual military person- nel. The issue at hand is whether or not gays and lesbians can openly acknowl- edge their sexual orientation and be discharged for doing so. The reason gays and lesbians join the military is the same as anyone else who would join - to serve their country. They do not join to pick up or "recruit" others. statement - "a situation that we citizens can easily avoid" implies that homosexuals are not equal citizens. Gays and lesbians contribute just as much to society as heterosexu- als do. Another statement which also reinforces his position is "it took 20 years to get American citizens to put up with gays." Homosexuals have been around just as long as heterosexuals. Ignorance is the breeder of intolerance and discrimination. Discrimination should not be condoned in any form, and Michael Wheaton's response is evidence that intolerance is well and alive in 1993. This university advo- cates multiculturalism and diversity. Mr. Wheaton's letter suggests that these ideals have not yet reached him in their original context. 6 0 I as A "1