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March 10, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-10

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Lana Pollack has reintroduced a bill into the state
Senate that would prohibit companies from
building hazardous waste disposal sites in
Michigan for five years.

Eran Rikks' movie "Cup Final" does not glamorize
war as many Hollywood pictures do. The film
comes to Lorch Hall tomorrow night. Read Camilo
Fontecilla's review.

While most college basketbal teams have already
started their postseasons, Michigan has two more
games before it goes to the Big Dance. Tonight the
Wolverines travel to Champaign to take on Illinois.

2-4 inches of snow;
High 34,Low 24***
Tomorrow H ,w
More snow; High 36, Low 30


One hundred two years of editorial freedom



Vol. CIII, No. 92 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, March 10, 1993 ©1993 The Michigan Daily


no thorns
in Rose
by Ken Davidoff
Daily Basketball Writer
Michigan Athletic Director Jack
Weidenbach announced yesterday
that the University will not conduct
an investigation into an incident in-
volving men's basketball player
Jalen Rose on Oct. 4 of last year.
The Detroit Free Press reported
yesterday that Rose had been issued
a loitering ticket at a Detroit house
during a drug raid.
"Having talked
with Jalen, Coach
(Steve) Fisher and
Deputy Chief
(Tom) Moss (of
s' the Detroit Police
Department), we
are convinced that
Jalen did nothing
wrong and that no
RD s further action is
ose necessary on part
of the University," Weidenbach
said. "I have discussed this matter
with President (James) Duderstadt."
The Ann Arbor News reported
yesterday that the University would
indeed look into the events surround-
ing Rose's citation. However, Wei-
denbach said that from the Universi-
ty's perspective, the issue in effect
was closed.
"We discussed the, entire matter
with Deputy Chief Moss and he as-
sured us that this matter was handled
within the standard procedures of the
Detroit Police Department," Wei-
denbach said. "I can only say on that.
matter that all further questions re-
garding police matters should be ad-
dressed to the Detroit Police De-
After previously denying his
presence at the house, located on
8044 Cloverlawn, during the raid,
Rose confessed that he was indeed
"I was in that house," Rose said.
"But at the same time, what is not
See ROSE, Page 9

King takes stand,
tells of beating by
L.A. police officers

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Rodney King
took the witness stand yesterday for the first
time since his videotaped beating and said he
was "attacked" by police officers, including
one who screamed racial insults and told him,
"We're going to kill you."
King, speaking in a soft voice, said he
never attacked the officers accused of violat-
ing his civil rights.
"I was trying to stay alive," King told the
jury. He said that during the beating he was
coughing blood out of his mouth.
King's testimony was his first detailed
public account of the night the Black mo-
torist's speeding car was pursued by police
officers and he was beaten after finally com-
ing to a stop.
The testimony in the federal trial of four
white policemen came two years after the
March 3, 1991, beating that led to a state trial,
acquittals and three days of deadly rioting.
Under questioning by prosecutor Barry
Kowalski, King insisted he never resisted ar-
rest and suggested that a woman state

Highway Patrol officer who first tracked him
down for speeding could have handcuffed
him if Los Angeles police had not intervened.
Kowalski asked what King heard while
being clubbed and kicked.
"I'm not exactly sure but I heard while
they were hitting me chants of 'killer, nigger,
how do you feel killer?"'
He was asked whether he truly remem-
bered hearing the officers say "nigger" or
"killer." King said he wasn't sure.
Earlier, a defense error allowed prosecu-
tors to bring out damaging testimony.
The defense had set the stage for King's
testimony by asking the judge to let the jury
hear testimony from King and doctors saying
that King tested positive for heroin and
cocaine in the months after the beating.
But when doctors later took the stand, no
drug questions were asked.
And in a disastrous stumble on cross-ex-
amination, defense attorneys opened the door
to damaging testimony by Dr. Charles
See KING, Page 2

Cut it out
First-year LSA student Joe Tirrell smiles yesterday as he receives a traditional Navy ROTC
crew cut from barber Linda Durg an.

AIDS forum dispels dangerous myths

by David Shepardson
Daily Government Reporter
Speakers urged health-care
providers to be compassionate and
non-judgmental of HIV-positive pa-
tients at yesterday's University
School of Social Work conference
entitled "Living with AIDS: The
Patient and Family."
Mary Fisher, a member of the
National Commission on AIDS and
the founder of the Family AIDS
Network, spoke for about 45 minutes
to a capacity crowd at the University
Medical Center.
Wearing a sequin-laced AIDS
ribbon, Fisher focused on the death
of Arthur Ashe and the impact it has
had on the estimated two million
Americans who have acquired the
HIV virus.

"Arthur was larger than life, but
not larger than death," she said.
"And in the wake of his dying, I
have spent nearly a month-:.
ing in the 'valley of the shadow of
death,' feeling - in ways I've never
felt before - alone."
Fisher stressed the importance of
See interview with
Mary Fisher, Page 8
supporting women who are HIV-
"I wish in (social work), you
would pay special attention to the
women who are HIV-positive," she
said. "We must not let it destroy
women early by taking away their
own sense of themselves as beauti-
ful, worthy and desirable."

In urging compassion, Fisher
tried to eliminate the public percep-
tion that HIV is a "gay disease" by
noting that it is deadly to people of
any sexual orientation.
"No one in the AIDS/HIV com-
munity is exempt. No one. No matter
who you are, no matter how nicely
folk describe you, this virus asks
only one thing of you: 'Are you hu-
man?"' she said.
Dr. June Osborn, chair of the
National Commission on AIDS and
the dean of the University's School
of Public Health, introduced Fisher
by describing their personal relation-
ship and shedding light on the pri-
vate person she knows.
Eric Rofes, the executive director
of Shanti Project, a non-profit orga-
nization serving people with AIDS

and their loved ones in San
Francisco, spoke passionately about
the spiraling pandemic of AIDS -
especially for the gay community.
"We haven't been as sensitive as
we could have been. It is my hope
that we can learn from this experi-
ence," he said, referring to a similar
AIDS conference held two years
"Unfortunately, that program
probably did not do enough to re-
move stereotypes and false judg-
ments," he said.
Rofes said he will return to the
trenches, supporting those with HIV-
positive day in and day out.
Fisher will balance trying to be a
mother to two young children, while
maintaining efforts to keep public
perception of AIDS high through a

Stalemate: 'U' extends TA
contracts for second time

series of nationwide public
"At first there was stark terror,"
Rofes said, outlining the history -of
the disease while noting that he had
been HIV-negative for 12 years.
"Later, it turned to denial," he said.
"What I remember most is people
with lesions. Men my own age, my
own friends, my own contempo-
raries, having these dark-purplish le-
sions on their face, hands or arms,"
Rofes said. "It felt like what I had
read about the medieval plague."
Enumerating a list of statistics, he
moved many members of the audi-
ence to tears, and left others shaking
their heads in disbelief. Among the
U 35 percent of gay college stu-
See AIDS, Page 8
see easy
Reno promised yesterday to blend
tough law enforcement with respect
for people's rights at a smooth
hearing that both
Democrats and
Republicans pre-
dicted would lead
to her approval as f'
America's first
female attorney
Miami's chief
local prosecutor Reno
for 15 years,,
Reno described herself as a no-non-
sense person who lived by the credo:
"Don't pussyfoot, don't equivocate,
don't talk out of both sides of your
For members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, an especially
welcome quality seemed to be that
sewas non-controversial. "Youi

by Kenneth Dancyger
Daily Faculty Reporter
Bargaining teams from the
University and the Graduate
Employee Organization (GEO)
agreed to extend the teaching assis-
tant (TA) contract after more than
five-hours of negotiations Monday
The University and GEO have
been negotiating since Nov. 20.
Discussion came to a virtual stand-
still in mid-January after the bargain-
ing committees disagreed on several
economic plans.
The stagnant talks forced the
University to extend the TA contract
from Feb. 1 until March 7.
At the meeting Monday, the
teams agreed to extend the contract

for another week, after they failed to
sign any new proposals.
The decision marks the second
extension in five weeks.
GEO Bargaining Committee
Chair Jon Curtiss said TA health
benefits, a proposed wage increase
and elimination of the University's
$80 registration fee were some of the
issues discussed at the bargaining
Other issues such as domestic
partner benefits, elimination of the
10-term rule and child cuts were not
evaluated Monday night, Curtiss
"There was a lot of movement at
the table," Curtiss said. "(Health)
benefits are still under discussion
and we hope that we're close to a

University officials would not
comment on any of the proposals
discussed at the meeting.
The prolonged negotiations have
sparked some talk of strike among
TAs throughout the University -
following GEO's decision to dis-
tribute strike ballots to union
"No one is eager to strike,"
Curtiss said. "I hope we get a con-
tract very soon and (have) a strong
show of support from the
Mathematics TA Samuel
Fergeson said although he hopes
threats will be sufficient, he would
support a, strike if the union
See GEO, Page 2

Report: Madonna was 'A-' student at 'U'

by David Shepardson
Daily Staff Writer
A famous University student's
grades have been "touched for the

singer's scholastic record, and what
is the registrar's office doing to en-
sure the security of famous alumni's

But yesterday, after conducting a
search of Madonna's file to ascertain
whether it was still in the correct lo-
cation, Loyer insisted, "I cannot

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