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March 09, 1993 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-09

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Men's Basketball Hockey
at Illinois vs. Notre Dame
Tomorrow, 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 7 p.m.
Champaign Yost Ice Arena
The ig Daily , a9

fall short
by Scott Burton
Daily Sports Writer
While most Michigan students re-
joiced Sunday night at the men's
basketball victory over Michigan
State, the Michigan men's gymnas-
tics team was left reeling at the
hands of the Spartans.
Michigan State beat Michigan,
277.50-270.75, in Sunday's meet, ef-
fectively ending the Wolverines'
chances for a NCAA Eastern re-
gional bid.
"The team's season will be over
after the Big Ten championships,"
Michigan coach Bob Darden said.
"We have not had the chance to put
a healthy team on the floor to get
0 those three scores we need for re-
gionals, which is unfortunate."
The same two things that have
troubled the Wolverines all year -
injuries and inconsistency ,-
doomed them against the Spartans.
Although top gymnasts Brian
Winkler, Royce Toni and Jorge
Camacho returned for Michigan af-
ter being, out most of the year, Ben
Verrall and Rich Dopp replaced
them on the sidelines. Verrall, a ju-
nior, sat out with a fractured wrist.
Dopp, a sophomore, succumbed to
the flu bug that has hit most of the
team during the last few weeks.
Without the two injured
Wolverines, the team struggled with
hitting their routines all day. Typical
of the inconsistent day was
Michigan's performance on pommel
* horse. Scores ranged from Chris
Onuska's 9.7 to Jason Taft's 6.75.
"We missed 14 routines. If we
made half of those, our team score
would be up another four or five
points," Darden said. "Consistency
is what we need to address and work
The return of Winkler, Toni, and
Camacho provided a positive
moment for the Wolverines. Winkler
and Toni competed on the still rings,
high bar and parallel bars. Camacho
helped out on the vault and produced
the team's second highest score on
the floor exercise with a 9.40.
This year is the first time in tour-
nament history that the Wolverines
will not qualify for the NCAA
Eastern regionals. Part of the reason
for this is that the number of qualify-
ing teams was trimmed down to six.
Additionally, the Wolverines were
hampered by injuries to a number of
"It's really frustrating not being
able to put a concerted effort on the
floor with the talent that we have,"
Darden said. "With the illness, in-
juries, and recovering injuries, it's
real frustrating. It's probably even
more so for the athletes."
However, team members refuse
to blame Michigan's failure to qual-
ify on the team's youth. Although
the Wolverines feature no seniors
and only a handful of juniors, this
excuse does not satisfy the team.

"They're all old now," Darden
said. "The youth thing holds when
you walk in the door, but you can't
hold on to that too long because
they've been here seven months."

Hitters choke late in
games, fall to Sooners

by Antoine Pitts
Daily Baseball Writer
Take an early lead and then
give the opposition one big
inning that blows you right out of
the game.
That certainly is not the way to
play baseball, but it was a plot the
Michigan baseball team followed
to the letter over the weekend in
Norman, Okla. The Wolverines
dropped three of four games, with
all three losses coming at the
hands of Oklahoma (8-4 overall).
In each of the three losses,
Michigan (3-10) got on the score-
board first, but later gave up one
big inning that put the game out
of reach. A lack of solid pitching,
defense and hitting continued to
plague the Wolverines.
In game one Friday, the
Wolverines took an early lead on a
three-run homer by Scott Niemiec.
The Sooners first took the lead for

themselves in the fourth, 4-3, but
a fifth-inning run-scoring double
by Brian Simmons tied the game
at four.
That was all for the
Wolverines, though. Five runs in
the seventh and one in the eighth
gave Oklahoma a 10-4 victory.
Faulty relief pitching and three
errors led to Michigan's downfall.
Saturday, Michigan played
Iowa State (0-1) before continuing
its series against the Sooners.
This time the Wolverines had
trouble right from the beginning.
Michigan starter Ray Ricken
pitched out of a bases-loaded no-
outs situation in the first inning,
allowing just a run.
The Cyclones took a 2-0 lead
into the bottom of the fourth
when the Wolverines came back to
tie the game on a couple of hits.
Scott Weaver tripled following a
See BASEBALL, Page 10

Sophomore shortstop Ryan Van Oeveren is shown in action last season against Siena Heights. Van Oeveren and
senior shortstop Scott Timmerman are the only two Wolverines to appear in all 13 games so far this season.


Channel 7 reports Rose ticketed for
loitering in front of crack house last fall

by Ken Davidoff
Daily Basketball Writer
Reports in today's Detroit Free Press and
on last night's WXYZ-TV news broadcast
allege that Michigan guard Jalen Rose was
ticketed last October for loitering outside a
Detroit crack house. Rose was attending a
party at the house at the time of the citation.
Athletic department officials refused to
comment before seeing the article in today's
"The Free Press contacted us late this after-
noon that they were running the story," said
Bruce Madej, assistant athletic director for
public relations. "I can't comment on anything
until I see the story."
Madej did say that Michigan basketball
players are subject to drug tests throughout the
season and that it is "guaranteed" that Rose has
not failed a test during his time at the
The Wolverines swept the season series

from Michigan State for the first time since
1989, marking the first time Michigan coach
Steve Fisher has accomplished the feat.
TOURNAMENT TALK: With less than one
week remaining until the NCAA announces its
field for the 1993 basketball tournament, spec-
ulation flies high on which Big Ten members
will receive invitations to the big dance. .
"I think we've got Indiana, Michigan, Iowa,
Illinois, Purdue for sure," Fisher said. "I think
Minnesota's almost for sure. Now you've got
Wisconsin and you've got Michigan State. So
we've got six I think for sure.
"Now, I think they would like to take
seven; if, for instance, Wisconsin could win
the next two and go 9-9 (Big Ten), I think
they'll get in. If Michigan State wins the next
two and go 8-10, 16-11 (overall), I don't know,
maybe. So it will be that close, I think."
The Big Ten set its own record when it sent
seven representatives - Michigan State, Pur-
due, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana and
Ohio State - to the 1990 NCAA Tournament.

PULLING RANK: At different junctures
this season, eight Big Ten teams have played
their way into the nation's top 25. The last few
weeks, however, this list has stabilized to in-
clude just four Big Ten participants.
In the latest USA Today/CNN poll, Indiana
and Michigan hold the second and third spots,
while Purdue and Iowa also reside next to each
other at Nos. 17 and 18. Illinois and Minnesota
reached the close-but-no-cigar, "Others Re-
ceiving Votes".group.
THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS?: Crisler Arena
crowd's recently initiated tradition of squeal-
ing "C-Ya!" after an opposing player fouls out
took a beating Sunday from Weshinskey. After
fouling out in overtime, the Michigan State
junior refused to sit down, thus forcing the fans
to moan in anticipation of Weshinskey's
placing his rear end on his seat.

This proved especially awkward when
Michigan players had to shoot free throws, re-
sulting in an ebb and flow of noise depending
on which side had the ball. Only when
Weshinskey exited the arena floor did the fans
get the satisfaction of releasing their chant.
"I saw something like that at Duke, and I
guess they picked it up from there,"
Weshinskey said. "They (the fans) had been all
over us the whole game, and I decided to have
a little fun with them."
Reportedly, Weshinskey also mooned a
couple of Wolverine fans during his stand-up
CELEBRITY ROW: As would be expected,
big names came to Crisler to view the intra-
state rivalry as if it were the premiere of the
latest Arnold Schwarzenegger film.
In addition to usual suspects Bo Schem-
bechler and University President James Dud-
erstadt, Michigan Governor John Engler and
1991 Heisman Trophy winner Desmond
Howard attended.

Women gymnasts succumb to
Florida, Alabama; defeat MSU

Final results of Indoor Championships held March
5-6 in Bloomington.

by Thom Holden
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan women's gymnas-
tics team traveled to Gainesville,
Fla. on Friday and was welcomed to
the "big time."
The eighth-ranked Wolverines
(16-3 overall, 3-1 Big Ten) took on
third-ranked Alabama, 11th-ranked
Florida and Michigan State.
Despite a respectable perfor-
mance, Michigan finished third out
of the four teams as both Alabama
(195.05 points) and Florida (192.40)
bested the Wolverines (191.55) and
Michigan State (189.25).
"We knew it was going to be ex-
tremely tough to beat Florida at
Florida - even though we were
ranked ahead of them at the time (of
the meet)." Michigan coach Bev
Plocki said. "We didn't have our
best meet."

Even though the Wolverines fin-
ished third, they did have some out-
standing performances. Sophomore
All-American Beth Wymer won the
all-around competition with a score
of 39.20. Teammate Kelly Carfora
finished second with 38.65 points.
Individual performances aside,
Michigan's team effort in the meet
caused concern for Plocki.
"When you start to have so many
good meets in a row, you start to
think things are going to come au-
tomatically. And you quit putting the
effort into making (consistently
strong performances)," Plocki said.
"We had the confidence, but I think
we've got to remember to keep the
eye of the tiger, so to speak."
"We have all of the skills, we just
need to work on our consistency,"
Wymer said.
The Florida meet marked the re-

turn of Wymer, who had been sitting
out of the floor exercises with a
strained and possibly torn achilles
tendon. She will be ready for the Big
Ten and NCAA tournaments later
this month.
The Wolverines are trying to pre-
pare for the Big Ten championship
without looking past the final home
"I think we were looking toward
the Big Tens and looking past the
other meets," senior co-captain Julie
Hofmeister said. "We just have to
take one meet at a time."
Rookie Wendy Marshall was
named the Big Ten women's gym-
nast of the month for February. She
posted all of her season-high scores
during the team's spring break
meets, breaking Wymer's school
record of 9.80 on the vault with a


Team P
Penn State



Team Points
Ohio State 39
Iowa 33
Purdue 32
Michigan St. 10





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Ticket Lottery Information for
Student/Faculty/Staff Basketball Season Ticket Holders
1993 NCAA Regionals & Final Four
(Regionals) Location Date Price
East Meadowlands Arena, E. Rutherford, NJ March 26 & 28 $58.00
Southeast Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC March 25 & 27 $51.00
Midwest St. Louis Arena, St., Louis, MO March 25 & 27 $61.00
West Kingdome, Seattle, WA March 26 & 28 $65.00
Final Four Superdome, New Orleans, LA April 3 & 5 $65.00
Applications for Regional tickets will be accepted March 15 - 17.
Results posted at M Union Box Office & Athletic Ticket Office Monday, March 22.
Applications for Final Four tickets will be accepted March 15 -24.
Results posted at M Union Box Office & Athletic Ticket Office Monday, March 29.

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