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March 09, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-09

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 9, 1993

Continued from page 1
things are, I hesitate to speak in any
more detail than that," he added.
Although he will assume new
responsibilities in Ann Arbor, Monts
he faces the same issues of
multiculturalism as he did at UCSB.
"We basically face the same
problems on this campus (UCSB) as
at the University of Michigan,"
Monts said. "You really need people
to act in cooperation with faculty,
students and staff to solve these
problems. If this can be done at the
University of Michigan, it can stand
as a model to other institutions."
Monts has been at UCSB for 14
years. He joined that university in
1979 as an assistant professor of
ethnomusicology and Black studies.
He had formerly served as a visit-
ing instructor of Afro-Asnerican
Studies at the University of
Minnesota and as assistant professor
of trumpet at Edinboro State
University in Pennsylvania.
He is the author of a musical lan-
guagehbook, has lectured nationwide
and has written a number of
conference papers and journal

A committee of about 12 faculty
and students evaluated candidates
who applied in the nationwide
search for Moody's successor.
Harold Johnson, special counsel
to University President James
Duderstadt and chair of the search
'I want to assess the
extent to which
multiculturalism has
been incorporated into
the mainstream and
work closely with the
deans of the schools
and colleges in the
area of minority
faculty and student
-- Lester Monts
committee, said Monts was well
received by the University.
"There was positive feedback
from across the community,"
Johnson said. "lie has an outstand-
ing academic record as a scholar and
teacher. He has a deep concern

about students in general and for
minority students in particular.
"All of these qualities showed
through in his interviews with dif-
ferent groups on campus and people
were favorably impressed," Johnson
Moody said he also has faith in
his successor.
"I think he's a fine individual,"
Moody said. "We can't look to one
person to do it all. It's not just his
responsibility. It's all of ours. If we
give him support and cooperation,
he'll do all right."
Monts agreed that community
support will be a necessary
component of his success.
"I recognize the University of
Michigan as having a world-class
faculty. This makes a difference
when you are trying to promote
these kind of progrwns,' Monts said.
"You have people in the know and
on the cutting edge and this comes
in handy when you are trying to in-
novate new ideas into a complex
Monts said he is excited about
working at the University.
"You get to a point in your life
where you want to make a contribu-
tion and with the kind of reputation
University of Michigan has, if I'm
successful in launching a program
there, that makes a difference,"
Monts said.

Haitian refugees risk death seeking asylum

- The five flights of stairs to the
U.S. Embassy's refugee and
migration affairs office were long
ones for Jean-Robert Dortilus.
"I was afraid to come," he said.
"But this was a question of life or
death for me."
Dortilus, a 31-year-old supporter
of exiled President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, said he hopes a decision to
leave his hiding place and come to
the U.S. office will pay off with
political asylum in the United States.
He is not alone. On average, 100
Haitians arrive each business day at
the special office, which opened in
January on the sixth floor of a down-
town bank building to handle
political refugee claims.

Refugee rights organizations
charge that the U.S. State
Department places Haitians in
danger by requiring them to come to
the office to obtain asylum.
The site can easily be monitored
by the anti-Aristide military, they
say, and the process takes too long.
The Port-au-Prince office is
wrestling with a backlog of cases. Of
15,000 applications filed since the
coup, just 2,700 have been decided.
About 350 people were granted po-
litical refugee status, and more than
200 are now in the United States.
But many more of those 35,000
- about one third - were granted
temporary residency in the United
States while their cases were
decided, and none have been

Continued from page 1
tors emphasize the framing of the
situation, the challenge to meet the
group's goals is given priority.
Kovacs said that challenge builds
trust. "People realize it's more satis-
fying to do the highest job they can
for one another."
Yet, while many goals of the
ropes course focus on the inter-per-
sonal dynamics of trust and com-

Ihe Office of Minority Affairs is now
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group of students.
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are available at:
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munication, they also encompass in-
tra-personal goals.
Among the group initiatives is
"The Wall" - a 10-foot high,
smooth, wooden wall. The group is
told to move all of its participants
from one side of the wall to the
The group must work together to
climb over the wall. Thus, the wall
represents a clear physical challenge
requiring group cooperation.
But Kovacs said for some partic-
ipants the obstacle goes much
deeper, saying, "Some think of 'The
Wall' as something difficult they
have had to surpass in their lives,
manifested physically this way."
As the group progresses and de-
velops during the day, ropes course
instructors try to facilitate a transfer
of each person's growth and the
group's trust from the outdoor set-
ting to the group's usual environ-
James Fan, an Engineering se-



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Clinton said his administration's
repatriation measures keep Haitians
from drowning. And he has boosted
immigrations staff in Port-au-Prince.
A flood of refugees took to the
seas after the, military ousted
Aristide in a bloody September 1991
coup. The military has harshly
repressed pro-Aristide groups, but
many asylum-seekers have been
rejected as economic refugees from
the Western Hemisphere's most
impoverished nation.
The criteria for political asylum
requires applicants to prove they are
targetted for persecution. Anti-
government activity or membership
in an anti-government organization
is not enough.
nior, said he benefited from his ex-
perience at the ropes course, specifi-
cally at "The Wall."
"The Wall required reliance on
other people. A big part of what we
learned was risk-taking. Many were
afraid of heights and going over the
wall needed other people," he said.
Fan, who is presently co-oping at
Intel Corporation in California, said
his personal success at the firm is
very much dependent on the success
of the group.
"I'm here in Applications Sup-
port helping customers de-bug their
computer systems. Obviously, I
don't know everything, I need to
communicate with the other
Participants said one of the major
obstacles the group faced in com-
pleting the course was attempting
new challenges and overcoming ini-
tial fears.
"I am very grateful (the ropes
course) exists," Kovacs said.
peractive and committed (high
school) juniors and seniors,"
McRoberts said. "Our troop is
highly unusual because there aren't
many senior troops around ... ours
being a specialty troop makes it even
more different.
"It's a unique group, they all like
to meet on Friday nights."
As a special project, members of
the senior troop attempt to earn a
Gold Award to reflect what they
have done through their senior year.
Heidi Roloff, a Girl Scout mem-
ber for ten years and a senior at
Greenhills school in Ann Arbor, said
she is the chair of a project to inform
others about scouting at upper
"I chose to do a promotional
video to promote the older girl pro-
gram," Roloff said. "It will be avail-
able through (the Girl Scout)
Council and we'll hopefully be able
to air it through community access."
Older troops generally have
fewer members - Roloff's troop is
comprised of only five girls. She
said scouts usually decide to drop
out due to peer pressure.
"The classic excuse is 'it's not
cool,' that and 'there's no time,"'
she said. "I'm basically battling
both. I've learned to make time for
"We're not the little goody-two-
shoes that we used to be," Roloff

Continued from page 1

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successful sales.
While door-to-door selling for
the troop's major fundraiser is still
common, Assistant Advisor Christy
Wheeler said the process becomes
more difficult as the troop members
grow older.
"The Brownies sell cookies the
na- best door-to-door because no one
1 Stcan really say no to them," Wheeler
said. "Once the girls start to look
fan like women, they're not as cute
anymore so door-to-door selling
the doesn't work as well."
rth Wheeler added that booth sales
ns; seem to work better than door-to-
ni- door sales because of the effective-
ent ness of dealing directly with
:hi- customers.
"The difference between (door-
to-door sales) and booth sales is that
when you do it, you have to first get
n the orders, then box them, and then
by go back to deliver them," she said.
While most troop members drop
out of Girl Scouts when they be-
come Juniors (fourth grade),
McRoberts described the girls re-
maining with the organization as
ge of dedicated members.
ent Troop 2672 participates in a vari-
,skj- ety of activities each year, ranging
ant from volunteering at hospitals to
fMairs camping out at the Freedom Festival
ment in Canada.
"Most of the girls are fairly hy-

S a t u r d a y, M a r c h 2 0
at the Michigan League





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NEWS Melissa Peerless, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Hope Calati, Lauren Dormer, Karen Sabgir, Purvi Shah
STAFF: Adam Anger, Jonathan Berndt, James Cho, Kerry Coigan. Kenneth Dancyger, Angela Dansby, Jen DiMascio, Michelle
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GRAPHICS STAFF: David Acton, Jonathan Bemdt
OPINION Yael Citro, Erin Einhorn, Editors
STAFF: Jute Becker. Oliver Giancola. Sam Goodstein. Judith Kaka (Editorial Assistant), Jason Uchtstein (Editorial Assistant).
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SPORTS Ryan Herrington, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Ken Davidof, Andrew Levy, Adam Miller, Ken Sugiura
STAFF: Bob Abram son, Rachel Bachman, Paul Barger. Tom Bausano, Charlie Breitrose, Tonya Broad. Jesse 8rcuhard. Scott Burton,
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Mitvalsky, John Niyo, Antoine Pitts. Mike Rancilio. Tim Rardin. Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld, Chad Safran, Tim Spolar,
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ARTS Jessie Halladay, Aaron Hamburger, Editors
EDITORS: Megan Abbott(Filn), Carina A. Bacon (Theater), Melissa Rose Bemardo (Weekend et).Nima Hodaeel(Weekendetc.),
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STAFF: Laura Alantas. Jon Alshul, Greg Baise Alexandra Beler, Andrew Cahn Jason Carro, Rich Choi, Andy Dolan, Geoff Earle,
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PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Michelle Guy, Editors
STAFF: Erik Angermeier, Anastasia Banicki, Josh Delh, Susan Isaak. Douglas Kanter, Elizabeth Uppman. Heather Lawman,
Rebecca Margolis, Peter Matthews, Sharon Musher. Evan Petrie, Molly Stevens.

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