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March 08, 1993 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-08

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Monday, March 8,1993

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420 Maynard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed
by students at the
University of Michigan

Josn DUBOw
Editor in Chief
Opinion Editors

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Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board.
All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.

Voter turnout drive coi
TH THE ELECTION approaching, the
Michigan Student Assembly is taking
noteworthy steps to increase voter turn-
out. Because less than 10 percent of students
voted in elections last fall, MSA has initiated a
non-partisan voter tumout drive. Furthermore,
two debates will be held in |||
attempt to present presi-
dential and vice-presiden-
tialcandidates totheircon-u
stituents. The first debate
will be held Wednesday
night on North Campus,
the second laternext week.
Whilevotertumout for
national, state, and local"
elections was very high in
1992, the trend failed to
encompass MSA. In re "
sponse to voter apathy, at
least 1,065 flyers will be distributed to the various
MSA parties to post around campus.
Thankfully, these posters will advocate no
party or platform. Instead, they will encourage
students to vote. The Michigan Party formulated
the plan to distribute non-partisan posters in
response to a similar proposal from the Progres-
sive Party. Both parties have the right idea -
increased voter turnout helps everybody. The
future of student government hinges on this
The new MSA will be forced to deal with the
increasingly anti-student sentiments of the ad-
White House cuts setp
IESIDENT CLINTON HAS not excluded him
self from his call to U.S. citizens to make
sacrifices in order to help the economy.
Last month, Clinton revealed plans to
make the White House more cost-
,effective. In doing so, he set an ex-
sample for the nation.
Clinton's plan, which takes effect
Oct. 1, illustrates a serious effort to
reduce excess bureaucracy in the ex-
ecutive branch. Clinton plans to cut
his White House staff by 25 percent,
eliminating350 unnecessary jobs, and
trim the salaries of his remaining staff
by 6 to l0 percent. Clinton's plan also lto
attacks wasteful perks by ending per-
sonal chauffeur service for all but the most
important White House aides, curtailing sub-
scriptions to magazines and newspapers, and
converting executive dining rooms to staff caf-
eterias. Overall, Clinton's plan will save at least
$10 million a year.
Despite the merits of Clinton's plan, Repub-
licans have criticized his cuts in the Office of
National Drug Control Policy. They complain
that Clinton will hurt the war on drugs by reduc-
ing the office to 25 members, limiting its power.
But Clinton's plan actually increases the office's
power by promoting its director to the Cabinet.
As Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit) has pointed
Congress should follov
E MIGHTY WINDS of change are blowing
once again in Washington. The pow-
erful grassroots techno-movement of in-
dependent candidate Ross Perot, mixed with a
good dose of voter discontent and cynicism, has
catapulted the once-obscured national debate of

far-reaching political reformationto centerstage.
Congress has frequently been charged with in-
tentionally exempting itself from major legisla-
tive acts, such as the 1993 Family and Medical
Leave Act and the 1991 Civil Rights Act.
The illusion that the separation of powers
doctrine allows members of Congress to escape
the long arm of the law allows guilty legislators
to bury public criticism. Congressmembers can,
and are currently, being charged with crimes by
the Justice Department. The ability of law en-
forcement agencies and the court system to hold
elected representatives accountable for their
criminal actions is imperative to maintain an

uld make MSA effective
ministration. Hopefully, MSA, led by its elec-
tions staff, will effectively spread the word to
students that if they want a student government
to represent their concerns, they should seek
information about candidates and cast their bal-
lots March 17 and 18.
MSA has taken another
commendable step by setting
up the non-partisan table in
the fishbowl to inform stu-
dents of its work with the
Diag policy, student group
funding and other campus is-
sues. Hopefully, these one-
on-one discussions with stu-
dents will remain true to their
intended purpose - to in-
form students, not to sway
Wednesday's debate atthe
North Campus Commons, sponsored by Engi-
neering Student Publications, is intended to fo-
cus on North Campus issues. This is another
welcome step toward increasing voter aware-
ness about MSA.
While in recent years MSA has failed to
accomplish anything substantial, it is the only
body representing students on campus. MSA
cannot be effective without being responsive to
students. It is encouraging to see student leaders
taking measures to ensure input from the campus
community. Hopefully, they will continue to
elicit student suggestions even after elections.

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Student Affairs Division sets goals for '93

The following is a draft of the mission,
principles and goals of the University's
Division of Student Affairs. Students who
wish to give input or comment can contact
Vice PresidentforStudentAffairsMaureen
Hartford at the Office of Student Affairs.
The Division of Student Affairs was
created for and is dedicated to providing
support for the academic mission of the
University of Michigan.
The staff of the Division is committed to
working in partnership with students, fac-
ulty and staff from all areas of the Univer-
sity to build an open, inclusive intellectual
and multicultural community.
The Division is also engaged in devel-
oping and maintaining external partner-
ships with constituents such as the Ann
Arbor community, employers and alumni.
The Division's primary commitment is
to students and is initiated prior to entrance,
sustained throughout theirprogram of stud-
ies, and continued beyond graduation.
The primary purpose of the division is
to provide programs, services, facilities
and support for all students that:
foster development and well being.
recognize diverse talents and back-
grounds while providing unifying com-
mon experiences.
foster civility in interactions to en-
hance intellectual freedom and scholarly
promote active participation in learn-
ing and discovery.
enhance the preparation of respon-
sible leaders and citizens for the University
and world communities.
build respect for the notion of com-
munity and support the desire for group
Our principles governour work and our
approach to it, including the way we work
with and support our colleagues and those

we serve. In carrying out our mission we are
guided by student development theory and
rely on the following principles:
human dignity and respect for each
integrity, honesty and trust.
personal, timely attention to our con-
service, making a contribution.
E quality, including continuous evalua-
tion, improvement and innovation.
potential and growth in all members
of our community.
GoALS 1992-1997 (no priority intended)
Enhance the living/learning environ-
ment at the University (sample strategies):
focus on improving the freshman year
increase ties to schools and colleges.
. tie co-curricular activities to the cur-
increase health education, with em-
phasis on substance abuse and sexually
transmitted disease.
Maintain fiduciary responsibility to
the University and students (sample strat-
plan for and begin renovation of fa-
increase funding for DSA priorities
through grants and development efforts.
evaluate all services and programs for
need, effectiveness and efficiency.
examine alternate mechanisms for
funding all services and programs
Foster the development of commu-
nity on campus (sample strategies):
develop, institute and communicate
policies that provide structure and redress
improve communication with/to' stu-
dents, faculty, colleges, alumni and com-
develop and improvecommunity cen-
ters on campus.
Assist students in translating univer-

sity learning into future contributions to
society (sample strategies):
increase efforts and focus on
volunteerism and service learning.
improve programs to aid students in
making transitions to work and/or future
Foster staff development and leader-
ship in the Division (sample strategies):
improve internal communication in
the Division.
work to achieve national leadership
role in Student Affairs.
develop strong feedback, reward and
evaluation systems.
Increase diversity, multiculturalism
and internationalization among students
and DSA staff (sample strategies):
prepare students to live and lead in a
global community.
increase access to campus for
underrepresented students and students with
special needs.
increase opportunities for interna-
tional experience.
Enhance student leadership (sample
develop and implement programs and
activities that empower students.
develop a more interactive relation-
ship with Greek systems.
strengthen student government.
provide more support for student
Enhance the University's ability to
respond to student needs (sample strate-
maintain some flexible resources.
increase research and data collection
on students (both need and outcomes).
increase student access to assistance
cut red tape and bureaucracy.
enhance students' ability to make
use technology to better meet stu-
dents' needs.


positive example

out, "Having the president's confidence when
you speak and work with the Cabinet is far more
important than the number of bodies in the of-
fice." More personnel does not always
mean a more effective organization.
Overall, Clinton succeeds where
his Republican predecessors did not.
Despite their rhetoric about limiting
the size of federal government, Presi-
dents Reagan and Bush allowed the
executive branchto balloon. Bush was
particularly reticent tomake sacrifices.
Although Bush called on Congress to
make cuts, he hypocritically refused to
cut his own staff until Congress did
I first. Clinton transcends Bush's juve-
nile "you first" attitude by setting an example, not
pointing fingers.
Clinton has not yet challenged Congress to
match the White House's belt-tightening Given



his recent battles with Congress over improving Safe sex cannot
the economy, allowing homosexuals in the mili- S
tary, and ending the ban on immigrants with exist today, not
AIDS, this is understandable. He need not furthere
anger an already hostile Congress. But this does enough research
not exempt Congress from making sacrifices on has been done
its own. As White House Director of Communi- To the Daily
cations George Stephanopoulos has said, "The This letter is regarding your
president's leading byexample." Now is the time four-part AIDS awareness re-
for Congressional reform. port that ran the week of2/8/93.
I'd really like to think that it
v suit, adhere to law would be considered "safe sex"
to be able to have sex with only
over the House and Senate. The fiction of sover- aovernmentr tetion. tht
eign congressional exemption is a "mythical condoms are 90-97 percent ef-
creation of the media," said Steve Ross, the fective as a form of birth con-
General Counsel to the House. trol. But how many tests have
It is conceivable that a member of Congress, been done to show us that we
suspected of physical or sexual assault, could be are safe from the HIV?
subject to arrest and prosecution by executive 'Does anyone realize that
departments, individual states or municipalities an HIV cell is 1/57th the size
in which the alleged crime occurred. of a sperm cell? This is quite a
It seems clear that House Representatives and difference in size, especially
senators must obey the law and cannot under- not it can actua go through
mine established standards of federal acts with- or around latex.
out threat of prosecution. In particluar, the state Would anyone knowingly
of Oregon and Washington should be well aware have sex with an HIV-infected
of the real legal powers they possess -- and person, with only the protec-
should consider indicting newly-elected Senator tion of a condom? Would
Bob Packwood of sexual harassment and sexual anyone want the HIV virus,
assault. being aware of the fact that no
Even if the separation of powers argument cure is in sight until the turn of
were legitimate, procedures exist in Congress to the century? The government
r .._ gt ate,_ procedures exis. __n Congress toand media are wrong in

'U' urged to increase AIDS educational efforts

To the Daily:
I would like to applaud
your editorial of Tuesday (2/
2/93) "A2 Schools: School
board should actively stop
AIDS ...", which rightly
criticized the Ann Arbor
School Board for unnecessar-
ily delaying the commence-
ment of AIDS education and
preventing the availability of
condoms in the schools.
Fortunately, in Ann
Arbor, the school board is
currently in the process of
reviewing its AIDS curricu-
lum; however, most high
schools across the nation
have not responded to the fact
that teenagers are the fastest
growing group of people with

This means that every
year, Ann Arbor is inundated
with several thousand
sexually active high school
graduates who have insuffi-
cient AIDS prevention
education as they begin their
college careers.
Although the University
Health Services has compre-
hensive services and some
programs to educate students
about sexually transmitted
diseases, including AIDS, the
University has thus far not
permitted the inclusion of the
UHS AIDS/STD workshop in
first-year student orientation.
The Ann Arbor Aids Task
Force has recently responded

to this public health threat by
urging Vice President for
Student Affairs Maureen
Hartford to act on this matter.
Since prevention and
education are the only
vaccines we have for AIDS,
the University has the unique
opportunity to take a large
step towards protecting Ann
Arbor from the spread of this
disease by agreeing to include
the UHS AIDS/STD work-
shop in first-year student
All of us stand to benefit
from such an action.
Jared Rosenthal
School of Public Health


Presidents' Day holiday goes unnoticed at 'U'

To the Daily:
When I was growing up in
Toronto and the third Monday
in February rolled around, I
thought I was missing the
party. I wondered what
proclamations, patriotic
dedications, and pageantry
Americans were wrapping
themselves in just across Lake
0nvrio. It was, after all,

know these guys were special.
We knew what the Lincoln
Memorial looked like, and
that Washington Street cut
though any town that had a
stoplight (and even some that
didn't). We saw their faces on
the cent, the quarter, the one
and five-dollar bills - even
the country's earliest stamps.

major American university,
which pulls out the stops for
Martin Luther King's
Birthday, Presidents' Day
goes unnoticed. No parade, no
seminars, not even a protest.
No politically correct histori-
cal revisionism debunking the
myths learned in grade school.
These humble men would


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