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March 05, 1993 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-05

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Wrestling Men's Basketball
at Big Ten Championships vs. Michigan State
Today and Tomorrow Sunday, 2 p.m.
Columbus Crisler Arena
The Michiga i, P 10

Continued from page 1
Frshman Royce Sharp captured victory
with a time of 1:46.82. In the process,
Sharp qualified for the NCAAs and set a
new Big Ten Championship meet record.
Senior Eric Wunderlich placed second
also meeting the NCAA standard with a
time of 1:47.04. Minnesota's Matt Brown
brought in a third-place finish while
Michigan's Eric Namesnik placed fourth.
"Probably the best time was Royce
Sharp in the 200 IM and Marcel's 500,"
Urbanchek said.
In the 50 free, Michigan only qualified
. one swimmer. But that was sophomore
Gustavo Borges. Just as Sharp and Wouda
had done earlier, Borges was atop the
medal presentation stand with a victory
and an NCAA qualification time under his
The final swimming event of the night
was the 400 medley relay. This event is a
key 'one due to the fact that relays are
worth double-points. The Wolverines did
not disappoint. The team of Sharp,
Wunderlich, Tom Hay, and Borges came
in at a record pace of 3:13.30. This time
also qualified the relay for the NCAAs.
"Our medley relay was just out-
standing," Urbanchek said. "An out-
standing lead-off with Royce Sharp and all
the rest of the splits were very solid."
In diving, Michigan's Eric Lesser
placed eighth. The only other event the
Wolverines did not win was earlier in the
day. In the 200 free relay, Iowa's team set
a new Big Ten record win. Michigan
placed sixth:

Cagers continue stretch run vs. MSU

by Andy De Korte
Daily Basketball Writer
Sunday, both Michigan and
Michigan State will battle for position in
postseason basketball tournaments. A
Wolverine victory would be the
Spartans' best chance to be a tourna-
ment favorite - in the NIT.
For the Spartans to entertain any
thoughts of joining the other top 63
teams in the NCAA tournament, they
must win their last three games, includ-
ing a road contest against Indiana.
Michigan State coach Jud Heathcote
will certainly have desperation as
Although No. 4 Michigan locked up
a tournament berth weeks ago, it still
has incentive. The team knows it must
continue its four-game winning streak if
it wishes to gain a top seed in the
NCAA tournament.
"If this game can be to get them in
the tournament or send them to the NIT,
I hope we send them to the NIT,"
Michigan forward Chris Webber said.
"I want to win every game. I want a No.
1 seed because we deserve it."
Webber's facial expression showed
how badly he wants the respect that
comes with the top spot. Michigan
coach Steve Fisher wants a top spot for
another reason.
"You want a number one seed be-
cause, above all else, on paper it should
help with who you play and winning
games," Fisher said. "If it happens, it
will mean we have won our last three
games. We're not going to get a No. 1
seed if we don't win these last three
games and we might not anyway."
Last season, the Spartans came to
Ann Arbor and left with a 70-59 victory.

After the game, Heathcote said he felt
lucky to win, and that if they didn't win
that game, they might never win as long
as the Fab Five were around.
The teams have met once since then.
Feb. 2, the Wolverines took a 73-69 vic-
tory away from the Breslin Center in a
game that was never really as close as
the final score would indicate. In fact,
the final shot by Daimon Beathea
counted courtesy of sympathetic refer-
ees who ruled a basket good despite
coming after the buzzer sounded.
In that game, Michigan held one of
the Big Ten's leading scorers, Shawn
Respert, to seven points on two of 14
shooting. However, Eric Snow, who
was averaging less than four points a
game, exploded for 18. The Wolverines
did not take special pride in shutting
down Respert, nor did they get too
disgusted with Snow's perfomance.
"I would take exactly what hap-
pended last time - him (Snow) get a
career high and us win," Fisher said.
"We've got to hang in with old staples
- defending and rebounding."
Respert and Mike Peplowski should
pose the biggest problems for the
Wolverines' offense. The Spartans will
be looking for Peplowski and Anthony
Miller to neutralize the Wolverine inside
Forwards Juwan Howard and Web-
ber worked around whomever defended
them and scored 22 and 15 points, re-
spectively. While Webber has been crit-
icized for his low point output recently,
he refused to use the term "slump."
"Great basketball players don't have
slumps, they just play bad games,"
Webber said. "I'm a on two-game bad
game streak if you want to call it that."

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The point totals after the first
day of the Big Ten men's
swimming championships in
Pos. Team Points
1. MICHIGAN 250.0
2. Minnesota 170.5
3. Iowa 161.0
4. Ohio State 128.0
5. Indiana 85.0
6. Michigan State 71.0
7. Northwestern 68.C
8. Wisconsin 67.0
Penn State 58.5
.10. Illinois 55.C
11. Purdue 41.C


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Ray Jackson tore down a career-high 14 caroms in Michigan's home triumph over Iowa. The
Wolverines battle Michigan State Sunday, hoping to increase their NCAA No. 1 bid chances.

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Big Ten first-timers hold the key for men's


by Tonya Broad
Daily Sports Writer
March Madness starts early for
the Michigan men's track and field
team as it travels to Madison for the
Big Ten Conference meet held today
and tomorrow.
Illinois and Ohio State are fa-
vored to take the meet, but
Wisconsin will hold the home-field
advantage. Wisconsin track coach
Ed Nuttycomb said he feels that ad-

vantage may help his team if it is a
close contest.
"It won't affect our entries or
training," he said. "The fact that we
don't have to travel, have the home
crowd and know the track will help.
It will be a scramble for the top four
or five places."
Michigan track coach Jack
Harvey said he hopes to finish in
one of those four or Five places.
Harvey stated the considerable

amount of freshmen on the roster
keeps the outcomes uncertain.
"We're definitely deficient in ex-
perience," he said. "We have more
freshmen than anyone and they can
perform either way."
Michigan's outside chance to
place well rests on freshman shoul-
ders. The rookies will-need to avoid
errors from inexperience, and the
upperclassmen must show them the
necessary poise and how to capital-
ize on opponent's mental slip-ups.
Toby VanPelt, ranked fourth in
the pole vault, and Shawn Clancy,
ranked third in the pentathlon, high-
light the Wolverine roster. Freshman
teammates Andy Schoelch and Todd
Burnham are also ranked in the top

eight at Big Tens in the 200 and 400
meters, respectively.
Distance runner Scott
MacDonald, who posted the fastest
mile time in the Big Ten at 4 min-
utes, 2.03 seconds, is another fresh-
man Michigan will need a strong
performance from.
Freshman Trinity Townsend
holds the honor of fastest Big Ten
time posted in the 600 meters.
Classmate Jon Royce is ranked sec-
ond in the high jump and feels that
tapered practices this week, which
emphasized technique and visualiza-
tion, are helping his team prepare.
"We're confident in ourselves
and each other," Royce said. "We're
good and we can only get better."


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Catalogues along with the application form are avail-

A backward glance,
aforward look
This isyour moment
Ifyou have something to say
to classmates,family, andfriends:
Here is your opportunity
Student Speakers for the 1993
LS&A Spring Commencement
(Third annual competition)

Shawn Clancy and his teammates will look to hurdle favorites Illinois and
Ohio State as a dark horse att he Big Ten Championships in Madison.
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All LS&A seniors eligible to graduate by the end
of Winter Term 1993.
Two students will each deliver a 2 minute
commencement speech at the LS&A Spring
Commencement on Saturday, May 1 at 12:00

TLhbis Sinday!
Mi Wa vs.


.... _ .


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