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March 05, 1993 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-05

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 5, 1993 - Page 3


Just the
facts: 'U'
team ets
bowl win
by Greg Hoey
Although most teams train by
stretching, lifting weights and run-
bing, members of the University
College Bowl team prepare each
week by reviewing names, dates and
obscure facts.
The practice paid off last weekend
when the College Bowl team won
Yts regional tournament at Kent State
University by .going undefeated in a
field of 19 teams.
The team defeated Case Western
Reserve University in two straight
matches to clinch the finals and its
third straight Region Number Seven
title. The region includes teams from
Michigan, Ohio and Southern
Team Captain Brian Kalt, an
LSA junior, won the regional Most
Valuable Player award for his excel-
lent performance throughout the
tournament. Kalt and team member
Roy Goodman, an LSA junior, are
the co-chairs from the team's spon-
sor, the University Activities Center
With its regional victory, the
team will now advance to the April
23-25 National College Bowl finals
at University of Southern California.
Kalt said the team will face tough
competition from defending cham-
pion Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, as well as the Univer-
sity of Chicago, the University of
Minnesota and Cornell University.
He added that the team has per-
formed well in past national tourna-
ments - finishing in the top 10 the
past two years.
"Between the last two years we
lost four of our five players but we
have definitely got a stronger team
this year. We've got a good shot at
finishing in the top four, and maybe
,- who knows - we can win the
whole thing," Kalt said.
The team has three returning
members - Kalt, Goodman and
LSA junior Brian Schefke - as well
as two new members Steve Knowl-
ton, an LSA junior, and Neil
Scheurich, a School of Medicine
Kalt appeared on Jeopardy in the
teen tournament in 1987 during his
first year of high school.

Tip leads student .
to discovery of

by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reportert
An aspiring Sherlock Holmess
may have stumbled onto a stolen-bi-t
cycle ring involving University
Frustrated by police inaction,
Dennis Hahn, a sophomore andl
member of the University cycling;
team, took the law into his own
hands after having three bicycles
stolen from him on campus and fromi
his home.
Acting on a tip, Hahn sent a
friend - posing as a prospective
tenant - to the house where he be-
lieved the stolen bicycles were being
The friend saw more than a
dozen bicycles in the house, and se-
cretly copied down their registration
numbers. He gave the numbers to
Hahn, who in turn took them to Ann
Arbor; Police Department (AAPD)
Officer Peter Stipe.
Hahn gave Stipe sufficient evi-
dence to allow AAPD to obtain a
search warrant for the house. When
officers investigated the house, in-
habited by five University students,
they found that only one of the bicy-
cles in the house had been reported

ike ring;
Stipe said it appeared that most
of the other bicycles had been aq-
quired legally, and there was not.
enough evidence to determine which
of the five students in the house had
stolen bicycles or to make arrests.
One of the bicycles belonged to
LSA sophomore David Schwartz
Schwartz said he was a little suspi-
cious when Hahn came to his hous4
asking if he had recently had a bicy ,
cle stolen, but after hearing the tale
of Hahn's investigations he quickly
changed his mind.
"Dennis is a real hero," Schwartz
said. "(The bicycle thieves) are
preying on other students and I want
them to get their asses bounced off
However, Stipe said it is unlikely
any arrests will be made in the case,
since the students living in the house
were able to give proof that many of
the bicycles were there legally.
"It's possible there's more activ,
ity going on over there," Stipe said,
"(Hahn) did an outstanding jol"
Stipe said, adding that Hahn had ex.
posed himself and his friend to a
potentially dangerous situation -i
their efforts to bring the alleged
thieves to justice.

Dance fever
Members of the Impact DanceTheatre performed at Mendelssohn Theatre last night. Impact- a dancing
company composed of non-dance majors -will be performing tonight and tomorrow as well.

by Jennifer Kazul
Tomorrow, students will get to
keep the books they take home from
the library.
For the first time in 30 years, the
University Library system is spon-
soring a book sale. More than
10,000 volumes will be available in
the Reference Room of the Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library. The sale
runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. tomor-
The majority of the sale items are
duplicate volumes and out-of-scope
books that were given to the library
as gifts. Rare and unique books will
not be included in the sale.
Sale books include hardcovers,
paperbacks, and some magazines.
Works will be organized under the
general headings of history, science,
literature, and social science.
Eighty percent of the inventory
will be uniformly priced with $1
hardcovers and 50-cent paperbacks.
The remaining 20 percent of the
books include newer duplicates and
volumes with art plates. They will
be individually priced.
Most of the books are in good

condition and some have never been
used, said Wendy Lougee, head of
the Graduate Library.
She said the libraries are
sponsoring the sale in order to raise
funds for special purchases and
"The University purchases
100,000 volumes per year, which is
the equivalent of two miles of
books," she said. "In addition to
these acquisitions, we also receive
gifts, and books from retiring pro-
She added that space concerns
and frequency of use are not factors
in deciding which books will be
Lougee said other universities
frequently sponsor book sales.
"It is a common practice to man-
age the things you no longer need or
don't want. Berkeley has a store
connected with their library system
that generates revenues of $60,000
annually from book sales. I'm sure
we won't do that well, but if it's
successful the sales will probably
continue," Lougee said.
History Prof. Sidney Fine said he

)ook sale
is pleased to see the renewal of book
"I remember the sales from my
early years with the University.
They were held in the basement of
the Graduate Library, which used to
be a reading room," he said. "They
offered an impressive selection and
great bargains."
Local book sellers' response to
the sale has been positive and en-
"I don't think the sale will affect
us because most of our business
comes from textbook sales for cur-
rent courses," said Don DiVirgilio,
manager of the Michigan Union
Bookstore. "I think the sale is a great
opportunity for students and fac-
Students also expressed excite-
ment about the sale.
LSA senior Eryn Weber said,
"It's about time the University spon-
sored an event like this. However, I
think the sale could have been
planned at a more opportune time,
like at the beginning of the term
when students need books for class."
The Graduate Library will close
at 5 p.m, today, and open tomorrow
at 9 a.m. for the sale.


Watch out for the molasses swamp
LSA senior Jessica Schanberg plays Candyland with Serena and Brittney,
two first graders from Northside Elementary. Schanberg is a volunteer in
Northside's after-school tutoring program.

GEO to vote on ballot to give leaders
authorization to strike against 'U'

Q Bret Lott, reading and book sign-
ing, Borders Book Shop, 303 S.
State St., 7:30 p.m.
Q Developments in Central and
Inner Asia: The View from
Turkey, Lane Hall, CMENAS
Seminar Room, Room 144, 11
Q Dr. Fischelson's Dilemma:
Spinoza on Freedom and
Socialbility, Mason Hall, Room
2440,4 p.m;
Q Drum Circle, Guild House Cam-
pus Ministry, 802 Monroe St., 8-
10 p.m.
:U GEO Rally and March, Diag, 12
Q Graduate Student Symposium,
Colloquium Series, Rackham,
East Lecture Room, 8:30 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.
Q Friday Forum: Inside Separate
Worlds,LS&ATA TrainingPro-
gram, LSA Building, Executive
Conference Room, Room 2553,
4 p.m.
Q Hillel,ShabbatServices,6:15p.m.;
Purim Weekend Extravaganza:
Keynote Address, 9 p.m.; Hillel.
Q Korean Campus Crusade for
Christ, Christian Fellowship,
Campus Chapel, 8 p.m.
Q Music at Leonardo's, The Great
Lakes Percussion Group,
Leonardo's, 8-10 p.m. .
Q On the Origin of the Phyla,Turner
Lecture Series,Chemistry Build-
ing, Room 1640,4 p.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433,7 p.m.-8
Q The Role of Elites in the Con-
struction of National Identity,
CREES Ethnopolitics
Colloquium, Rackham, West
Conference Room, 4 p.m.
Q Ronald McDonald House Dance-
a-thon, Michigan Union,
Pendelton Room,8 p.m.-12 a.m.
nr lawa.n, Cafp Walkn.. .

Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
CCRB, Martial Arts Room, 6-7
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular work-
out, CCRB, Room 2275,7-8:30
Q Tax Workshop for International
Students, International Center,
Room 9,2 p.m.
Q U-M Bridge Club, duplicate
bridge game, Michigan Union,
Tap Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club,practice,I.M.
Building, Wrestling Room, G21,
6:30-8 p.m.
Q Center for Chinese Studies, Pe-
king Opera Blues, Chinese Film
Series, Lorch Hall, Auditorium,
8 p.m.
Q Music at Espresso Royale Caffe,
Jeff Fessler Duo, jazz vibes and
bass, Espresso RoyaleCaffe,214
S. Main St., 9 p.m.
Q Hillel, Purim Weekend Extrava-
ganza: Saturday Afternoon Dis-
cussion Groups, 2 p.m.; Purim
Bash, 8:15 p.m.
Q Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
Trail Tour, Matthaei Botanical
Gardens, 1800 Dixboro Rd., 2
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8-
11:30 p.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433,7 p.m.-8
Q Porvaqqatsi, film and live musi-
cal accompaniment, Michigan
Theater, 8 p.m.
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, UGLi, lobby, 936-1000,8-
11:30 p.m.
Q U-M Shotokan Karate, practice,
CCRB, small gym, 10 a.m.-12
Q Using Your U.S. Experience at
Home: Exploring Professional
P nLnWr.n and rncc.rnuiInal

Natural Science Building, Room
2003, 8 p.m.
Q Alpha Phi Omega, chapter meet-
ing, Michigan Union, Kuenzel
Room, 7 p.m.
Q Ballroom Dance Club, CCRB,
Dance Room, 7-9 p.m.
Q Black & Latino Dialogue,
Mosher-Jordan, Nikki Giovanni
Lounge, 5-7 p.m.
Q Christian Life Church, Sunday
church service, School of Educa-
tion, Schorling Auditorium, 11
Q College Comedy Jam Tour: A
Salute to Robin Harris, Power
Center, 7 p.m.
Q ECB Student Writing Center,
Angell Hall, Computing Center,
12-5 p.m.; UGLi, Room 120,5-
10 P.M.
Q Esther in Art and Belief, Sympo-
sium and Opening Reception,
Angell Hall, Auditorium B, 2
Q Four Treasures of the Chinese
Scholar's Studio, final day of
exhibition, Art Museum.
Q Hillel, Purim Weekend Extrava-
ganza: Wrap-up, 8:30 a.m.; Is-
raeli Dancing, 8-10 p.m..
Q Japan Cultural Festival, Michi-
gan Union, Ballroom, 12-4 p.m.
Q Jazz Combos, Michigan League,
Buffet Room, 5:30 p.m.
Q Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
Trail Tour, Matthaei Botanical
Gardens, 1800 Dixboro Rd., 2
Q The Michigan Chamber Play-
ers, concert, School of Music,
Rectial Hall, 8 p.m.
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
U Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433
Q Safewalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, UGLi, lobby, 936-1000, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q- SafewaIk : fetv Walking Ser-


by James Cho
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the Graduate
Employees Organization (GEO) will
vote in the next two weeks on a bal-
lot asking members whether or not
to give their steering committee the
authority to call a strike.
By giving the GEO steering
committee the power to call a strike,
GEO president David Toland, said
he hopes to enhance the bargaining
power of the 1,000-member teacher
assistants (TAs) union.
"A strike is all-encompassing.
The goal is to effectively shut down
the University, but it is only a last
resort," Toland said.
Negotiations between the
University and GEO began in late
November but no agreement has
been reached. Two of the primary

areas of disagreement are health
benefits and salary increases.
University officials criticized the
possibility of a GEO strike, citing
state labor laws and the general
ineffectiveness of strikes.
"It is illegal for any public em-
ployee to strike," said Coleen Dolan-
Greene, the University bargaining
team chair.
"When TAs stopped working in
the past, this had only a small im-
pact," she added. "Some TAs chose
to hold classes at different
But most GEO members -
voicing complaints about health
benefits - said a strike would be an
effective method of asserting their

Kristin Seymour, a French 'A
stressed that GEO is trying to benefit
the larger University community..
"We don't want to screw our
classes. We love our students, bit
we have to make a living," she sai4.
A majority vote by respondei'ts
to the ballot is required to authorze
GEO leaders to call a strike if they
feel it is necessary.
The present GEO contract allov's
for mediation and fact-finding
through a third-party. But the union,
which has not requested third-party
mediation, will lose these benefits
when the contract expires Sunday,
Dolan-Greene said.

Call for Comments
Undergraduate Admissions
The members of the Search Advisory Committee for a Director of
Undergraduate Admissions invite all interested students, faculty
and staff to communicate their thoughts in regard to the search,
What's going well in the Office that should be continued? Where
are improvements needed? What skills and traits does the nexI
Director need to possess? Send E-Mail messages to Adsearch oA
UM or send written comments to John Chamberlin, Search
Advisory Committee Chair, 2550 LSA, zip1 382. To talk with }a
member of the Search Committee, contact Glenda Haskell at

One Rockerfeller Plaza
New York, NY 10020
Phone (212)581-3040
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