Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, March 4, 1993 Ipe 3!Ebrgtan aUt 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan now &4 Josii DUBow Editor in Chief YAEL M. CITRO ERIN LIZA EINIIORN Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ~22~ A I ~ K N tf 1 r - i r i Stvde f" i " M CND 6A tJ Xl. . . . . . . . . . . GREEK WEEK Activities increase sexual-assault awareness REEK WEEK, MARCH 14-24, has been a time when fraternity and sorority members frolic, sing, dance, eat spaghetti and jump in Jell-O for a philan- thropic cause. This year, however, Interfrater- nity Council (IFC) and Panhellenic Associa- tion (Panhel) leaders plan to give their mem- bers a chance not only to help various charities but - through mandatory programs aimed at preventing sexual assault, alcohol abuse and AIDS transmission - to help themselves. Although IFC and Panhel have hosted as- sault-awareness programs in the past, they have often reached only a fraction of the mem- bership. By incorporating assault prevention into Greek Week-the event that involves the most Greek men and women - the program will encourage awareness that lasts beyond refreshment time. University Health Services and the University's Sexual Assault Preven- tion and Awareness Center (SAPAC) will give presentations to fraternity and sorority pledges about alcohol and sexual assault and how the two relate. SAPAC has designed a program for the officers of individual chapters addressing the causes and consequences of sexual assault, as well as providing a supportive environment for survivors of assault. Each Greek Week team is required to send participants to all of the programs, many of which will be held at fraternity houses to promote attendance. Greek leaders should be commended for their enthusiasm and commitment to assault and disease prevention. They have recognized the prevalence of these problems within the system and society and have made them a major focus of a previously lighthearted event. However, this is only a start. Greeks can show a real commitment to these issues by making them a year-round focus. SAPAC has appealed to Greeks to get involved by applying for their Sexual Assault Crisis Line and Peer Education Program. In- creasing involvement in these kind of pro- grams, as well as continuing education through- out pledge programs and general house activi- ties will help Greeks to combat these problems within the system and throughout their lives. ' j3 Women born guilty for their own rape y MCC 'U tries to stop MSA om distributing fnds T HE MICHIGAN COLLEGIATE Coalition (MCC), whose members are elected in campus wi along with MSA Rep. Tobias elections. While its abilities to deal with t Zimmerman, in an attempt to force the administration may be suspect, its distributii University to reinstate the 35-cent MCC fee of funds to deserving student groups is u and pay MCC operational fees for the winter doubtedly worthy. term, filed suit against the University. In- The University has wrongly taken the stan cluded in the University's ensuing motion to that because student approval of a certa dismiss the case was a 1982 decision by the group may not be unanimous, it should not1 California Supreme Court which prohibited funded by the student government. More sp the California University-Berkeley student cifically, the University dislikes MCC andi government.from funding organizations with students rights lobbying, and would love any political slant. While no such ruling will see it lose its funding from MSA. If this is n be instituted in the state of Michigan, the fact the reason for the University's submitting that the administration has endorsed it is ap- the 1982 decision, the only other viable expl palling, nation is that the administration wants to d By requesting that the judge review the mantle student government. 1982 decision, the University is advocating a Hopefully the presiding judge will refu policy where MSA would be forbidden to the motion to dismiss the case. MCC, whi support financially any group with the slight- lobbies the state Capitol in the interest est political slant. Student groups, many of students, desperately needs financial help, a which receive funding from MSA, would be MSA provides it. forced to find funding elsewhere because few If unable to support any group with a poli campus groups are completely void of any cal agenda, MSA obviously could not supp political agenda or bias. MCC. Not only would the groups suffer, but stu- By supporting the California court's de dent government on campus would be debili- sion, the administration is expressing its d tated. MSA is a non-partisan organization taste for MCC in a shameful manner. CLINTON Cigarette tax subsidizes health care costs HROUGHoUT THE CAMPAIGN, President ground market for cheap cigarettes. As long Clinton made it clear that reforming cigarette costs remain relatively reasonab America's defunct health care system (ask Canadians who pay around $6 per pa de he ion in- ce ain be pe- its to not of Ala- is- se ch of Lnd ti- ort ci- [is- I find it sickening how people in this society are preconditioned toautomati- cally blame the woman for rape unless there is evidence of brutality by a total stranger. Ct Natosha Morris Although the standard of judgment in our country today is that all people are "innocent until proven guilty," for the female rape victim it's the reverse. She is considered "guilty until proven innocent." Think about the most common questions asked when a woman has been raped. "Where was she and what was she doing there? Was she drunk? What was she wearing, (was she dressed like a slut)? Was she flirting, leading the man on, being a tease?" All these questions are asked with the intent to find an answer to a more important hidden question: "What did the woman - who is already stereo- typed in society as being deceitful, conniving and down right treacherous - do to provoke this man into doing such an awful thing to her?" When a man reports that he has been raped, most people think "Damn that must be a terrible experience for him to live with." When a small child reports that they have been molested we see the accused as a sick pervert who should be pun- ished - no questions asked. In both Morris is an LSA junior. Her column appears every other Thursday. cases we immediately take the side of the victim and their stories are un- doubted from the very beginning. When a woman reports that she has been raped people think about it all together different. Her role is switched within a matter of minutes from the accuser to the accused. Instead of having to prove her offender as being guilty, she is forced to prove her sexual innocence - because she is a woman. This can be extremely difficult for a woman to convince people of in our society unless she is handicapped, a nun or under age 11. Take, for example, the well publi- cized rape case, Tyson vs. Washington, currently back in the news. When Desiree Washington first made her trauma public around this time last year, tance at 2:00 a.m. wearing a sheer low cut blouse and a miniskirt, and he raped me, the majority of the people in our society would immediately place me at fault even if I said "no." This is ridiculous, absurd and I would argue until my face turns blue and black that this way of thinking is biased, ignorant and deep rooted in the famous old phrase, "she wanted it just as much as I did." In other words, because I am a woman I have to constantly monitor the way I dress, act and the time I choose to visit a man because I am held responsible for both his actions and mine. The bottom line is that "no means no." It does not mean, "wait a few minutes and try again." It doesn't mean "maybe." And it definitely does not The bottom line is that "no means no." It does not mean, "wait a few minutes and try again." 0 after hearing the scenario, the main questions people wanted answered were, "What was she doing in his hotel room at two in the morning? Why did she take off her panty shield if she wasn't planning on having sex?" Both of these questions immediately place the blame on Washington, by focusing solely on her actions and implying that she provoked the attack. How in the hell does visiting a man's room, when you were invited, at 2:00 a.m., justify rape? And how does removing a panty shield signal consent to rape? Is there some 'Safe to Rape' handbook for the rapists in our society that states it is OK to attack a woman if she does either of these things? I seriously doubt it. It both scares and upsets me to think that if I were visiting a male acquain- mean "yes," in female secret code. The word "no," does not have two parts, but when used where rape is concerned it also means "stop" and "I don't want to." It does not matter how short or tight my skirt is, how many drinks I've had, and what time I am alone with a man in his bedroom. I think it's high time we all wake up and stop treating men as if they are incompetent when it comes right and wrong. We women should not be held accountable for our actions and theirs simply because of our gender. If men can run our country as president, head our country's top corporations and defend our lives as soldiers in the military, surely they can handle the minute task of controlling their own sexual behavior. Regent Baker demands apology from Daily as ble ck would be a top pri- ority. Members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, recognize thatf solving the health- care crisis and trimming the gar- gantuan deficit go hand in hand. According to Clinton's cam- paign figures, funding the solu-< tion would be simple. Supposedly, eliminating sub- 0 stantial waste, fraud and abuse from the current = health-caresystem ThBA CCO wouldcreatemore Ft IME 1R than enough rev-te enue to fund an ef- fective system that would serve all Americans. But those crazy campaign numbers seem to have a mind of their own. Last week, White House officials announced that it would cost $30 billion to $90 billion to finance a revamped system. But all is not lost. Clinton and Budget Director Leon Panetta have endorsed an ciga- , IMMEN'T IX BREAK ['NIL! P R 15 w cs+a M GRN An Y q3 COm'stiman i what reasonable means), it is not unfair to ask smokers to pay their fair share. U n fort u - nately, cigarette taxes, as they have been in the past, will be met by ardent opposi- tion from the vo- ciferous tobacco lobby, strongly backed by many powerful south- ern senators. But the to- bacco industry doesn't have much reason to gripe. Tobacco growers' interests are represented far beyond their n u m b e r s. To the Daily: When The Michigan Daily, in its editorial "Homophobic regent: ignorant comment lends dignity to bigotry," (3/3/93) calls the employees of the University "intolerant heterosexual bigots," it demeans, insults and injures those working people and their supervisors who labor each day and night to keep the buildings clean, the cafeterias operating and the dormitories safe. The Daily calls the deep concern registered by seven supervisory dormitory employees of nude, life-size photographs of homosexual and lesbian couples displayed in many of the student dorms for a month during Gay Awareness Week a "minor complaint," which it obviously is not. The Daily neglects to say that if photographs of heterosexual couples were similarly displayed the rules of the dormitories would require their immediate removal. That the Daily insists its opinion on these matters is the only acceptable opinion is folly enough, but attempting to silence honest differing opinions is not only bad journalism, but contemptuous conduct in a university where freedom of expression ought to prevail. My patience is worn thin with The Michigan Daily's record of seeming libelous comments about my person. I ask that you formally apologize to both the working people of the University and to me and, in the future, confine your criticism of my and other peoples' comments Daily policy To the Daily: In your coverage of the infamous "Pussie Rd." scandal, you have scrupu- lously avoided using the last names of Charles and Dan, the residents of West Quad who own the sign. Yet when Dan submitted a letter to the editor ("W. Quad sign will not be taken down, matter of principle," 2/18/93) to tell his side of the story, you felt free to print his last name, even though a page one article in the same issue ("Students relate with 'Penis P1.' sign," 2/ 18/93) did not use his last name. Perhaps your editorial staff and news staff need to talk with each other so that you enforce your policies on privacy consistently. Jim Huggins Radkham student Baker to the content of those comments and not to the personalities of those who offer them. Deane Baker Regent (R-Ann Arbor) Protests regarding 'Pussie Rd.' sign embarrassment to University Clinton's own secretary of commerce, Ron Brown, came to government straight from a tenure on the board of tobacco company Philip Morris. Additionally, the farmers who grow to- bacco would not really be affected by the increased cigarette tax. They would continue To the Daily: The theme is all too familiar. A boorish student expresses an insensitive idea that is interpreted by some to be an egregiously offensive case of sexual harassment. Legal action is threatened. The tional modes of persuasion. But apparently Ms. Mechele de Avila ("Offensive sign in dorm must go," 2/9/93) and inspiration for the related front page article ("W.Quad sign 'offensive' to female stu- dents," 2/9/93) is eager to could outlaw any speech the majority finds distasteful, the free-speech clause loses all effective meaning. It is not an exaggeration to say that Ms de Avila's. crusade inherently encom- passes all forms of speech sign offensive, then the precedent created by Ms. de Avila's action demands its immediate removal. Ms. de Avila asks what we are teaching the future leaders of tomorrow when the University does not take I