The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 3,1993- Page 7 eeL ASSIFJED ADS 764- 0557 I .................. ............................... FURNISHED ROOMS NEAR CCRB and CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY INTER-EUROPE '93 the lowest fares with Student CHILDHOOD CANCER SURVIVORS main bus stop. Kitchen privledges included. NSHIP at the U. of Chicago. Gen. info mtg. Travel Breaks-Stamos Travel, Kerrytown If you are interested in participating in an Immediate Occupancy. 668-6906. Tues., Mar. 9. Interviews Wed., Mar. 10. Call Mall. 663-4400 or 483-5695. informal discussion group for childhood GREAT LOCATION! THOMPSON ST. CP&P for more info. 764-7460. LOW FARES - Europe fr. $448, Eurorail cancer survivors, please contact Jenna 1ST YR. LAW STUDENT looking for non- smoking housemate(s) in newly furnished house: big-screen TV, pkng., ldry., piano, alarm sys. No pets. Sept-Sept. $190 double, $350 single. J.P. 930-0354. LOOKING FOR ONE non-smoking female roommate to share one room of 2 bdrm. apt. on Church. Call Lisa 930-0575. Also furnished efficiency 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments all within 4 blocks of Diag. Campus Management 337 E. Huron 663-4101 APARTMENTS FOR RENT *1&2 Bedroom, *Houses * Rooms * Efficiencies Apartments 625-Church 668-6906/663-3641 Hassle-free renting! Monday-Saturday: 9AM-5PM Sunday: By appointment CHURCH STREET 2 WONDERFUL PLACES TO LIVE FOR 5-6 PEOPLE EACH 1024 Church - 5 Bedrooms 1121 Church- 6 Bedrooms Each includes parking and laundry. September or May leases Call Copi Properties 663-5609 Bdrm. in house avail. May 1- Aug. 26. Fall lse. option. n-smkg. Prefer Grad. Clean. Furn. Lndry. $250/mo.+utils. Neg. Hardwood firs. Call Sarah after 5 @ 996-1461. NEED PLACE TO STAY UNTIL SPRING? Share big I bdrm. apt. $288/mo. 994-3952. RM. IN BIG HSE. Clean & quiet. Prkg., Ldry. $285/mo. 741-5079. 506 Catherine. SUMMER SUBLET! May-Aug. Own room in spacious, furnished bi-level apt. A/C in room, nmn. from Kerrytown, Med. School and Freeze Bldg. $200/mo. Marked down from $320. Call Marc 998-1807. PREGNANT? Please help us start our family. Happily mar- ried 10 yrs., financially secure, active foster parents with religious background. Call col- lect eves. 313-946-9555. A FINE PHARMACY DEPARTMENT. The Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. ADOPTION: HAPPILY MARRIED PROFESSIONAL couple want to share our love and home with your infant. Let us help you through this difficult time. Call collect (517) 676-0409. DISCOVER MOSHIACH TODAY. Dial 1- 800-4-moshiach. Dial-a-Jewish story 995- 5959. EARN AVG. OF $6310.00 work out west. Call 677-4769. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS- Team uniforms & shoes for all indoor sports. 2 blocks off State Street. Call 663-6771. FREE FREE FREE hot sauce and salsa taste testing at Tios. Come in and try some of the worlds best and hottest sauces. Sunday March 7 noon until 4 p.m. 333 E. Huron 761- 6650. HAVE HEALTHY HAIR! All the supplies you need at the Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP Let us help you choose life. 769-7283. STU.ENT SERU' CS.; ***SANIDI'S WORDPROCESSING*** Reports, resumes, dissertations. 426-5217. LSAT GMAT, MCAT GRE Classes now forming for these and other standardized exams. We Offer: 50 years of experience Expert instructors The most current and extensive materials available Call KAPLAN at 662-3149 to arrange a FREE preview of courses. MAC'S WORD PROCESSING & Resume Services. Days, eves, wknds, urgent also done. Pick up/drop off. 482-5000. TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, & applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515. Small Classes. Big Scores. Score More With The Pnceton Review. Call [3133663-2163 for more information. THE PRINCETON REVIEW - 1tPnn mRe, i m r , i .iralna t w ht, hem Sm~no.o:. mU 1 IE < WANT -x "PUNCH HOLES IN BAGELS." Flexible, weekday hrs. Earn up to $5.75/hr. Apply in person at 1306 S. University. A MOTHER'S HELPER Responsible, en- thusiastic non-smoker. 10-20 hrs./wk. Flex. hrs., some a.m. needed. Must have car and be avail. thru Spr. & Sum. 663-3223. ALL STUDENTS INTERESTED in Busi- ness 'TASP' INTERNATIONAL will hire students to fill management positions in Monroe, Bloomfield, Gross Pt., Flint, and Toledo. Earn $8000 this summer while gain- ing crucial experience and business knowledge. Accepting calls this week only! Call 1-800-543-3792. BUSINESS MAJORS! Sales mktng. and mgmt. experience available. Call 677-4769. CAMP COUNSELORS M/F Outstanding Slim down camps: Tennis, dance, Slimnastics, WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietics. Age 20+ 7 weeks. Camp Camelot on College Campuses at MA, PA, CA. Contact: Michele Friedman 947 Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581 1-800-421-4321. CAMP STAFF - M/F - Residential summer camp near Port Sanilac, Michigan. Openings for Group Counselors, Lifeguards, Activity Specialists, Camp Nurse. Paid positions, room and board provided. June 22 - August 7. Contact: CYO Camps, 305 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mi. 48226 or call 1-800- 547-CAMP. 'COMPUTER CONSULTANT 10-15 hours per week. Assist systems manager in troubleshooting Macintosh hardware, software and network problems. Excellent understanding of Macintosh computer. Desire experience with Word 5.0 and basic programming skills. Some experience with d base programming helpful. $9.00-$9.70/r. General Clinical Research Center. Contact Dan at 936-8081. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn $2000+/ month + world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holiday, sum- mer and Career employment opportunities available. No experience necessary. For employment program information Call 1- 206-634-0468. DANCERS WANTED excellent pay, flexible hrs. Suits students scheldule. Call 769-1399 for interview. EARN EASY MONEY, Students, Greeks, Clubs. NO selling or assembling. $300 wkly. one hour a week. 800-998-8147. 24 Hrs. EMERSON 'SCHOOL NEEDS people to work in afterschool childcare program. Hours are M-F 3-6pm. Please send letter of ap- plication & resume to Emerson school 5425 Scio Church Rd., Ann Arbor 48103. Atten- tion Childcare Director. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN- STRUCTORS A northern Minnesota sum- mer camp seeks qualified environment + out- door education instrtrs. to teach from May 1 to June 1 with option to work the entire summer. Contact Camp Foley 160 Windsor Ct. New Brighton, MN 55112 612-633-4881. EXCEPTIONAL SUMMER opportunity - Camp Wayne for Boys & Girls. N.E. PA (3 hr/N.Y.C.) - Sports oriented. Counselors/ Specialists for all land/water sports, camping, computers, A&C, video, radio. Campus in- terviews on Weds. March 10. Write 55 chan- nel drive, Port Washington NY. 11050-2216. or call 1-800-456-7946. FUTURE GRADS: Build resume, gain exper. Must be confident, outgoing. Earn 5000. Call 677-4769. GYMNASTICS SUPERVISOR NEEDED for summer gymnastics program. $8.50 & up depending on experience. Apply Immediate- ly in wriring to S. Adams Community Educa- tion & Recreation, 2765 Boardwalk, Ann Ar- bor 48104 or call 994-2300. EOE. HOUSE CLEANING & LAUNDRY. 4 afternoons per week, 3-6pm. Nice Family! Will need own car. $7/hr. 998-0878. INSTRUCTORS NEEDED FOR Track, gymnastics, Tennis, & Swim(WSI). Programs for Spring & Summer. $6-8/hr. depending on experience. Apply immediately at Community Education & Recreation, 2765 Boardwalk or call 994-2300. EOE. INSTRUCTOR/NATURALIST - Nature's Classroom, K-8 residential program. Prefer BS in ENV/Outdoor Ed. Camp Prog. Exp. Necessary. Resume and cover letter to N.C. P.O. Box 1006, E. Lansing MI 48826. Aff. Action, EOE. LAB ATTENDANT NEEDED for active lab at U of M Medical Center area. Must be dependable. 15 hrs./wk. $5.30/hr. start. Call Laura at 747-4002. LIGHT MAINTENANCE Building grounds & errands, Part-time flexible day. Apply at American Red Cross, 2729 Packard, Ann Arbor, 48108. MACKINAC ISLAND resort hotel seeking staff-front desk, night audit, kitchen, dining room, maintenance, bike mechanic. Contact Iroquois Hotel, 2488 Village Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI. 49506. (616)247-5675 or (313)663-5971. MAKE A DIFFERENCE ON CAMPUS! Become an intergroup dialogue facilitator. Opportunities are available to facilitate dialogues dealing with issues of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and more. You will receive academic credit or a stipend. Application deadline - March 19. Call the program on Intergroup Relations and Con- flict at 936-1875 for information and application. NANNY POSITION- A NORTHERN Min- nesota summer camp seeks a qualified in- dividual to work as a nanny from May 1 to June 1, with option to work entire summer. Contact Camp Foley 160 Windsor Ct. New Brighton, MN 55112. 612-633-4881. NOW HIRING for Spring/Summer and Fall terms. Account Executives needed to sell ad- vertising for the Michigan Daily. Job descrip- tions & applications available in the senior staff office, 420 Maynard. Application dead- line is March 12. PRESSPERSON: FULL OR PART TIME, experience required on AB Dick Style Press. No phone calls. Apply in person only at Great Copy Co. 1247 Rosewood. PUNCTUAL, CONSCIENTIOUS work- study preferred student wanted for food retail sales in a 6th floor penthouse location at 426 S. Thompson, ISR. This student manager position pays $5.50/hr. to start for 12-15 hrs. per week through finals of all terms. Call Charles Nelson at 764-8512 btwn. 7am & 3pm M-F. No Weekend Hrs. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well-es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male between 21 - 40 years of age and a graduate student or a professional 5'9" or taller we need you. Donors will be paid $55 per ac- ceptable specimen. For further information please write P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SUMMER JOBS! North. Minn. private girls camp needs female counselors/instructors; male or female wilderness canoe trip leaders, kitchen, office, & maintenance workers. June - August. Salary plus room, board, and transportation. Call Susan 769-6425 or Mike 800-752-6254. TIMBER LAKE/TYLER HILL CAMPS 3 top New York area resident camps. General counselors for our boys' campus, WSI, ath- letic specialist...On-campus interviews (3/10 at Union). Top salaries/travel allowance. (800) 828-CAMP (9-5 weekdays - EST). TIRED OF JOBS you can't put on a resume? Don't waste another summer. Call 971-8007 for details on a challenging sum- mer work program. SW. Flexipass from $298, Orient fr. $769 Call Claudia or Dan @ Regency Travel, 209 S. State, 665-6122. STUDENTS ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. on Continental fr. $129/$199. Bring your Continental voucher and AMEX Card. Anywhere in the U.S.A. on US Air ft. $ 129/ $189. Bring your US Air Voucher and Chase Visa/Mastercard. Call Wanda ataRegency Travel 209 S. State 665-6122. SUNNY SPRING GETWAY! Cuddly log cabins on lake. $49-69 nightly. Incl. hottub, boats, canoes, and more. Travere City area Ellis Lake Resort 616-276-9502. . .. .. .. .. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BREW QUALITY BEER at home-$2/6- pack! Free catalog. 301-540-3877. N. Am. Brewlords P.O Box 1321 Germantown, MD 20875. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001. Lessons, repair, music. Tune up & lesson specials. What's free? :::::T~ :.-:: 2 MSU B-BALL TICKETS needed for March 7th. Call 769-7245. GRATEFUL DEAD! I have extra Rosemonts, need Richfield. Let's trade. 663- 0205. BLACK CROWE TIX FOR SALE! Floor and balcony seats available. Call 665-9972. CONTACTS - 50% SAVINGS Call 1-800-543-LENS! IT'S TIME TO MAKE SENSE! The Washtenaw Libertarians remind you Register to vote by March 8 for City Elections April 5 at City Hall or Public Libraries paid for by Salvette for Mayor Committee 747-8129. MEDITATION COURSE: Starts Mar. 4 for 5 Thurs. eves. YOGA COURSE: 5 Tues. eves. starts Mar. 2 at Zen Buddhist Temple. 761-6520. RAISE A COOL IN JUST ONE WEEKI PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost. And a FREE IGLOO COOLER if you qualify. Call 1-800-932-0528, Ext..65 I _ Glazer:668-2496 and E-mail. GS I Sell it in the Classifieds J Stop by and see a Jostens representative March 3-5 911a.m. to4p.m. to select from a complete line of gold rings, only $39 per month. A $25 BOOK & $UPPLY deposit is required. 317 South State (at North University) Ann Arbor, MI 665-4990 .... .ISA 5 AND 6 BEDROOM FURNISHED hOUSES COPT PROPERTIES 663-5609 FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT 818 Henry #2 (i mile south of campus) $700 COPI PROPERTIES 663-5609 SUBLET 2 BEDROOM APT. 520 PACKARD Furnished, parking. Price negot. 995-5205. ACROSS FROM BUS. SCHOOL Furn. room avail. now until Aug. $275/mo. Incl. util., parking, laundry. 820 .Hill. 665-5620. BRIGHT 2 BDRM. FURN. apt. Lots o pkng. Huge kitchen, May-Aug. $500. 663- 1172. CHARMING 5 BDRM. HOUSE at State & Kingsley. May-Sept. $1000/mo. Call 994- 5043. COZY 2 ROOM APT. on 2nd floor of Vic- torian house. Avail. May-Aug. Off-street pkng, balcony, 2 mn walk to Union, furn, cats welcome. $375/mo. 747-8394. EFFICIENCY ACROSS from CCRB: Indry., Pkng., Mdrn. Kit. & Bathroom. Op- tion to renew $340 or B.O. 994-5043. Furn. 3 Bdrm. Apt. Bi-level next to CCRB and bus stop. Free Pkng. and Ldry. May - Aug. Call 995-5587. THINKING OF SUBLETTING YOUR PLACE THIS SUMMER? Place an ad in our Summer Sublet Supplement today! ON LY$3 I VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS for the In- tramural Sports Program. Training and orien- tation sessions to be held beginning Monday March 8, 1993 at 7:00pm in the IMSB. Work hours on Monday - Thursday evenings and on Sunday afternoons. $5.00 per game. Con- I amilupti:Ii8mo«,ri': ifd :Ix:I: UP1111UPLIL lttliUUIUR i1LLlM nnrtnnoTtni f .UPAIW1iI#tMIlI frifti