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March 03, 1993 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-03

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: I I i: F,

!Consolidated power punch

Sudden Impact
The only student-run-co-ed-
dance-company-for-non-dance -ma-
jors, UAC's Impact Dance Theatre
presents its annual show this week-
end. Everything from modern to bal-
let to tap dance will be on display
here, with music provided by such
luminaries as EMF and Santana. We
hope it's better than itsounds. Perfor-
mances are Thursday through Satur-
day at 8 p.m. at the Mendelssohn
Theatre; tickets are $4 in advance at
the Union ticket office, or $5 at the
door. Call 763-1107.
eNiro's Back
All is well in Ann Arbor when a
Robert De Niro performance is hit-
ting screens in a local moviehouse.
Granted, De Niro is not the star of
"Mistress," but he does grace this
small, independent feature with both
a supporting role and a co-producer
credit.-"Mistress" tells the story of
Marvin, a down-and-out filmmaker
(RobertWuhl) who is suddenly given
the opportunity to turn an old screen-
play into a movie. The hitch? The
potential backers of the film all want
their mistresses involved in the pro-
cess. But does the plot really matter
when Bobby ("Can I put my arm
around you?") De- Niro makes his
presence known? The cast also fea- ;
tures Martin Landau, Danny Aiello,
'Eli Wallach and Laurie Metcalf, so
you can't go wrong checking this
one out. At the Michigan Theater
tonight at 9:30. Call 668-8397.;
Party at the Shaman
Shaman Drum hosts parties! No,
not the run of the mill kegger that Ann
Arbor is overrun with, but publica-
tion parties, for the avant garde
wannabe in us all. Tomorrow at4:00,
celebrate the coming out of "Dis-
course of Sexuality," edited by the
U's own Professor Domna Stanton. '
The book is a documentation of talks
on the histories of sexuality. And on
Friday, the bash continues, also at
4:00, to laud the publication of "Lives
on the Edge: Single Mothers and
TheirChildren in theOtherAmerica."
Author and Eastern Michigan pro-
fessor Valerie Polakow will be there
to chat and to sign her book.

The Goats: Blunt-eyed hip hop on that estoteric tip

Goats chew over injustice

by Scott Sterling
Since its inception, political expres-
sion has been an integral component of
the hip hop nation. From late '60s-early
'70s (true) rappioneers Gil Scott-Heron
and the Last Poets, through current
ragesters Paris and Ice Cube, societal
The Goats
Tricks Of The Shade
andpolitical analysis are binding threads
through it all.
Like theirpredecessors, Philly-based
tribe the Goats use hip hop as a medium
to express their views on America's ills
and injustices. Combining live grooves
with Bomb Squad-style sampling and
two-turntable terrorism, 'Tricks Of The
Shade" isan in-yo-face, catharthic erup-
tion of fury. They rail against blind
consumerism ("WatchaGotIsWhatcha
Gettin"), tyrannical imperialism("Burn
The Flag") and the unity of oppression
("Not Not Bad").
But the real message on this joint is
found between the songs. This concept
album is bound together with skits that
narrate the saga of Chicken Little and
his little brother Hanger Head (the re-
sult of a botched home abortion at-
tempt) as they wind their way through

"Uncle Scam's Federally-Funded Well
Fair and Freak Show." This twisted and
surreal tale takes us to various "exhib-
its" in the freak show, like "Leonard
Peltier in a Cage," the "Drive-By
Bumper Cars" and "Rovie Wade, The
Sword Swallower."
On the surface, this may seem like
more heavy-handed politicizing. But
scratch a little deeper, and a disturbing
and poignant message is revealed. By
the time you get to the last skit, "Uncle
Scam's Shooting Gallery," the message
is painfully clear. And it ain't pretty.
But let's not forget why we came
here in the first place; Is it hittin'?
For the most part, the subversive
beats casually sneak up on you. These
cats can definitely flip the script, but this
isn't a ghetto BA-BOOM-BOOM gig.
Subtle shadings deep in the mix call for
a little more attention to detail. The
jazzy piano vibe of "Hip-Hopola," the
smooth De La Soul homage on "Aaah D
Yaaa" - An acquired taste, but one well
worth dropping on your palette.

By Andy Dolan_
"WARNING: Jew, Commie,
Homo, Vegetarian sympathizing lyr-
ics contained within," reads the cau-
tion sticker affixed to Consolidated's
third album, "Play More Music," the
newest addition to their agenda ofhard-
edged, in-your-face, politically driven
music. Consolidated pulls no punches
and leave little room for confusion in
their message, mercilessly bashing
everything from racism tohomophobia
to the inherent hypocrisy in the music
industry, and just about any of the
other crap that goes down in our soci-
ety. Combined with everything from
techno / hip-hop beats to Sub-Pop
grunge, the message gets presented in
a format that the band feels that anyone
can relate to. "Everybody gets
music...it's impossible to escape it,"
said vocalist Adam Sherburne. "For
us, it's a very healthy environment to
create, within which you can sing
about what you want, and we happen
to sing about the issues that are impor-
tant to us.
A Consolidated concert is some-
thing that is sure to shatter any music
fan's expectations. Sherburne claimed
that the band tours not so much to
promote their product, but, "to go to
our audience and get with them on an
interactive level." And, believe it or
not, it actually happens. At the end of
every show, the band features an open
discussion in which audience mem-
bers are invited to voice their opinions
and discuss them. "There is a lot of
negative response at our shows and
opposition to our group, and when we
first got into using our audience as a
part of us, that was the way we decided
to balance that out," said Sherburne.
Some of the more interesting (and
hilarious) moments from these discus-
sions are featured on "Play More Mu-
sic" and "Friendly Fascism," such as
on the track, "Dominion," where one
woman stated, "Meat is good and if

you don't like America why don'ty'all
go live in Russia!"
While Consolidated do add more
political meaning to their music than
most groups, Sherburne stressed the
fact that they are musicians first, and
political informers second. "The mu-
A Consolidated
concert is something
that is sure to shatter
any music fan's
sic is essential ... to go to schools and
public forums and 'lecture' is not our
role. We have a better chance to ex-
press the whole scenario with music
accompanying it... It's useful forus to
know that people need their music!"
Despite this, it's really difficult not to
ignore the music to an extent and just
listen to their words, which never fail
to get your mental gears grinding. But

according toSherburne, that'sasfaras
it can go. "We're not trying to induce a
revolution through our music, we're
just making music, and if people are
ready to go out and bring about change
in their own life and the lives of others,
that's up to them ... that's our respon-
sibility as well."
Consolidated have some crazy
ideas to share, and if you check out
their live show, you can throw acouple
of your own crazy ideas into the mix,
and maybe even learn a thing or two
about this messed up society we live
in. Plus, you'll be treated to some
powerful beats along with it. Consoli-
dated have something to say to every-
CONSOLIDATED appear tonight at
St. Andrews Hall In Detroit. with
Tickets are just $7.50 (p.e.s.c.), and
doors open at 9:00 p.m. Call 961-
MELTfor more info.


Consolidated shows their paternal side. Maybe success has made them soft.


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24# stock, 8.5x11
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