The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 3, 1993 - Page 3
Cult leader fails to
surrender; police
Look down below!
Andy Shaft washes the windows of a 301 East Liberty building while Steven Tash lowers him.
WACO, Texas (AP) - Ani
armed religious cult's leader said he1
would surrender yesterday and end a;
siege that has killed at least six, but
the standoff dragged on well into its
third day.
A newspaper reported yesterday
that the death toll from Sunday
night's raid at the Branch Davidian
compound may be at least 11.
Authorities have said four federal
agents and at least two people inside+
the compound were killed.
The Houston Chronicle, quoting;
unidentified sources, reported that
children released from the com-
pound said at least seven people in-
side were killed in the firefight. The1
newspaper, in its afternoon editions,
also said agents believed they had1
killed as many as 15 people.1
A state source, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, told The+
Associated Press he had heard that+
seven cult members had died and up
to 40 people had been wounded.
Officials have said about 75 people1
were in the compound, but cult
leader David Koresh has claimed7
In a 58-minute taped statement
broadcast yesterday on Texas radio
stations at the FBI's request, the cult1
leader said: "I, David Koresh, agree
upon the broadcasting of this tape to+
come out peacefully with all the
people immediately."
"Even a man like Christ has to
meet with unbelief," said Koresh1
who thinks he's Jesus.+
"I'm sure you're all aware of1
how I'm involved in a very serious
thing right now," Koresh said. "I am;
really concerned about the lives of
my brethren here and also really1
concerned even greater about the+
lives of all those in this world."
Buses and other military vehicles;
trea siege
moved nearer within minutes of the
broadcast's start. About two hours
after the broadcast ended, there was
no sign Koresh had surrendered.
The Federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms abruptly can-
celed a midafternoon news confer-
ence with a one-sentence statement
saying the standoff wasn't over.
The siege began Sunday morning
as about 100 ATF agents raided the
compound, seeking to serve firearms
violations warrants on Koresh, and
gun battles erupted. Among those
reportedly killed in the raid was
Koresh's 2-year-old daughter.
Koresh told a radio station he had
been gravely wounded Sunday.
Koresh began letting children out
late Sunday after a station agreed to
broadcast a statement by him. Before
Koresh's radio statement, eight more
children left the compound yester-
day, bringing the number of children
released to 16. Two women also left,
the first adults to leave the com-
pound voluntarily.
Sunday's assault had been
planned for months but failed when
the agents encountered overwhelm-
ing firepower, including at least one
.50-caliber machine gun. In addition
to the four dead, 16 agents were
wounded; all were out of the hospital
or reported in stable condition.
"I wish he'd give up, I wish he'd
give up," his grandmother, Jean
Holub, said in Houston. "And I wish
he'd get out of that place and start
over and not get killed, take care of
his family."
Members of the Branch Davidian
sect believe Koresh is the Lamb
mentioned in the Book of
Revelations and can bring about the
end of the world. The sect split from
the Seventh-day Adventists years
Student hopes multicultural show
by Kelly B
LSA sop
Andrews wa
last year at H
show, she ha
ward creatin
tion at the L
increasing av
tural diversity
"It was ve
to see things
tures that I'd
That is what
she said.
took was to f
to bring mul
tions - suc
Student Ass
American S
and the Helle
"A lot o
we're always
unite campus minority
ates up into different groups," she nual show.
)homore Elizabeth said. "I think that we (also) need "I want
s truly inspired by a to celebrate our cultural diversity Rhythmsc
talent show she saw together, because we're all living multicultu
arvard. in the United States together." produce th
said, ever since the Andrews aims to bring differ- Andrews sa
as been working to- ent racial and ethnic groups to- Helleni
g -a similar produc- gether this term with the forma- Chapekiss
Jniversity aimed at tion of Cultural Rhythms, a mul- got invol'
wareness about cul- ticulturalfstudent organization spoke at on
Y. ~named after the Harvard show. "er
ry interesting for me Andrews said Cultural Rhythms "We're
about different cul- is waiting for official MSA on campus,
[never seen before. recognition. that the gri
intrigued me most," "The organization's goal is to with "Refle
facilitate better relations between to increase
said the first step she the different organizations ... I Andrew
orm a student group want to bridge the gap between add eight t
ticultural organiza- multicultural groups on the performan
h as the Taiwanese University's campus," she said. tions can1
Xciation, the Native The organization will produce Campus In
tudent Association its first talent show - to be in the Mic
enic Association - called "Reflections of the World" due back to
- this April. In the future, the
f times I feel like group hopes to host forums and - Dai
dividing each other conferences, in addition to an an- Colligan coi
to set up a Cultural
council with all the
ral organizations to
ese kinds of events,"
c President Jennifer
said her organization
ved when Andrews
e of its meetings.
not really well-known
," she said, explaining
oup became involved
ections of the World"
its exposure.
s said she is hoping to
o 10 more acts to the
ce. She said applica-
be picked up at the
formation Center desk
higan Union and are
her by March 5.
ly Staff Reporter Kerry
ntributed to this report
Cultural Rhythms is a
cooperative effort of several
campus organizations: the
Taiwanese Student
Organization, the Native
American Student
Association and the Hellenic
The organization - which
is waiting for official MSA
recognition - will produce
its first annual talent show
on April 2.
The show will be called
"Reflections of the World."
It will include 10 acts
representing an array of
The organization hopes to
add eight to 10 more
performances to the show.
In the future, the
organization plans to host
forums and conferences, in
addition to continuing the
annual talent show.
DPS positively identifies
dead man found in Arb
*Greeks to tighten alcohol policy enforcement
by Soma Gupta
Daily Staff Reporter
Kegs and glass containers at
Greek parties may be a thing of the
past if proposed stricter alcohol en-
forcement prevails.
At a meeting before Spring Break
the presidents of each campus fra-
ternity and sorority agreed that the
alcohol policy needs to be more
strongly enforced.
"Basically, the big thing we
talked about was if there was a need
for a new policy," said Engineering
junior Liam Caffrey, Delta Kappa
Epsilon fraternity president.
"We decided to enforce it a little
better and reduce the number of vio-
lations that are slipping through the
cracks now so that people adhere to
it more strictly."
The alcohol policy states that
fraternities and sororities cannot
serve bulk alcohol at parties, glass
containers cannot be used at parties
and all parties must be registered
with the Social Responsibility
Committee (SRC).
The SRC is responsible for en-
forcing the alcohol policy. Members
of the Greek community had criti-
cized the SRC for lax policy
LSA junior Don Sweeny, SRC
co-chair, said there would be no
point in making a stricter policy.
"We're pretty much in agreement
about concentrating on trying to
follow the policy before we change
it," Sweeny said.
Interfraternity Council President
Polk Wagner, an Engineering junior,
called for stricter enforcement.
"No one wants to change the
policy, just follow what's actually
written down a little more vigor-
ously," he said.
Greek presidents are more con-
cerned about the alcohol policy be-
cause of recent publicity, Wagner
"If the presidents of each house
are trying to enforce this policy, the
rest of the house will take it seri-
ously," he added.
Houses with alcohol policy
waivers are also concerned, Wagner
said. If this policy does not work, the
Greek system may have to imple-
ment a stricter policy that could af-
fect all houses.
The Greek leadership will stress
the importance of responsible alco-
hol consumption.
"We are going to deal with train-
ing - impressing the importance of
the job upon SRC people so they
don't just blow it off. They have to
take the initiative to be stronger and
deal with the policy the way it's ac-
tually written down," Wagner said.
Sweeny added, "Several people
volunteered to be part of a possible
committee that will go from chapter
to chapter informing the houses of
what's going on with the policy."
Greek system officials are opti-
mistic about strengthening the
"We can work together as a sys-
tem to follow the policy," said LSA
junior Joey Faust, Panhellenic
Association president.
by Will McCahill
Daily Crime Reporter
The University Department of
Public Safety (DPS) has identified
the man found dead Monday -in
Nichols Arboretum as Robert Foster.
Foster was 39 years old and born
in Texas, said DPS Lt. James
Smiley. Police did not release his
identity until last night, after they
had notified his brother.
Preliminary results of yesterday's
autopsy revealed Foster died from a
combination of hypothermia and
acute alcoholism, which was indi-
cated by a high level of alcohol in
his blood.
Empty liquor bottles were found
near Foster's body in the Arboretum.
Smiley said Foster has an apart-
ment in Ypsilanti, although police
are not certain how much time he
spent there.
"He may just hang out there,"
Smiley said.
DPS sent officers to Ypsilanti
yesterday to find more clues about
Foster's identity and locate his
Ypsilanti police are familiar with
Foster and helped with the identifi-
cation process, he added.
Police have classified Foster as a
"non-affiliate," a term often used to
describe the homeless population.
Smiley said the autopsy findings
are the result of a cursory blood test,
adding that complete tests and anal-
yses should prove more conclusive.
DPS checked Foster's finger-
prints through Michigan State Police
records. This gave them a tentative
identification of him. The search
also revealed that Foster had been
previously arrested in Michigan.
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Student groups
Q AIESEC, International Business
Organization, meeting, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p.m.
Q Hillel, Hill Street Forum Meeting,
7:30p.m.; National PZC Meeting
with Noam Laden, 7:30 p.m.
Q Social Group for Lesbians, Gay
Men, and Bisexuals, meeting,
East Quad, check room at front
desk, 9 p.m.
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice, CCRB, Martial Arts
Room, 8:30-9:30 p.m.
Q Students Concerned About Ani-
mal Rights, meeting, Michigan
Union, MUG, 7:30 p.m.
Q TaeKwonDo Club, regular work-
out, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30
Q Time and Relative Dimensions in
Q U-M Engineering Council, meet-
ing, EECS Building, 7 p.m.
Q U-M Ninjitsu Club, practice, I.M.
Building, Wrestling Room G21,
7:30-9 p.m.
Q U-M Students of Objectivism,
video lecture: Ayn Rand and the
History of Individual Rights,
MLB, Room B119,7 p.m.
U Art Auction, sponsored by Kalei-
doscope, Tappan Hall, basement,
8:15 p.m.
Q ArtVideo, Oriental Brush Work,
and Masterpieces of Chinese Art,
Art Museum, AV Room, 12:10
Q Consistent Estimation of Errors
- in Variables Models with
Validation Information, Mason
House, 802 Monroe St.,6-8 p.m.
Q Romances of the Eastern Slavs':
Expression of Urban Subcul-
ture in the Works of Ludmila
Petrushevskaya,CREES Brown
Bag Lecture, Lane Hall, Com-
mons Room, 12 p.m.
Student services
Q ECB Student Writing Center,
Angell Hall Computing Center,
7-11 p.m.
Q Northwalk Safety Walking Ser-
vice, Bursley Hall, 763-9255, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Peer Counseling, U-M Counsel-
ing Services, 764-8433,7 p.m.-8
U Psychology Undergraduate Peer
Advising, Department of Psy-
chology, West Quad, Room
tran f1A - - A -_
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