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March 03, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-03-03

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Last month, the regents voted to raise the cost of
residence halls by 4.6 percent. But they did not
discuss this $200 increase, instead focusing on
football games and the move-in experience.

In it's third album, "Play More Music,"
Consolidated trashes everything from racism to
homophobia to the hypocrisy in the music
industry. The band is at St. Andrews Hall tonight.

For the second time this season, Michigan
outrebounded the top rebounding team in the
nation. However, this time the Wolverines, led by
Ray Jackson's 14 boards, beat Iowa, 82-73.

Cloudy, chance of late snow
High 40, Low 25
Snow and rain; High 36, Low 30




One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vol. CIII, No. 87 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, March 3,1993 ©1993 The Michigan Daily

Mayoral candidates answer busness questions
by Christine Young did not attend the debate. shoppers with easier access to stores. with the help of the City Council. She "I want to set up private committees She stressed the successof
" Daily City Reporter The merchants' association ques- She also emphasized cooperation with wants more communication between to set up services and ways we can lishmentofaDowntownMark
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fher estab-
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The mayoral candidates kicked off
their quest for a victory in the April city
elections at a debate
at the Campus Inn
yesterday morning.
Democratic in-
Libertarian Emily
Salvetteand Repub-
lican Ingrid Sheldon
courted members of
theStateStreet Area
Association with Brater
their plans for im-
proving city government and alleviat-
ing Ann Arbor parking problems.
Tisch party candidate Paul Jensen

tioned the candidates about ameliorat-
ing and encouraging business in Ann
The candidates disagreed with each
other about solving the problems of
parking in Ann Arbor.
Salvette, a new activist in the politi-
cal arena, said parking structures should
be privately owned and operated.
"Let private corporations do what
they do best - provide services for the
citizens," Salvette said. "Private firns
can provide the same services as the
government by half the costs."
Sheldon disagreed and said another
parking structure is needed closer to
South University Avenue to provide

the University to address the city'spark-
ing needs.
Brater called for
more efficient man-
agement of the ex-
isting parking,
The mayoral
candidates offeredt
their visions for city
Sheldon said,
"We need effective Salvette
administration that
will be allowed to do the job they are
supposed to do."
She said she hopes to achieve this

counciimembers so that a consensus
will be more than six votes," she said.
Salvette called for a removal of
regulations, taxes and government
"Regulations create headaches and
problems that do not protect the safety
of individuals in the stores. This has to
stop," Salvette said.
She said city government was in-
volved in too many areas and as a result
has wasted resources and tax dollars.
Salvette added thatpoliticians should
concentrate on working with constitu-
ents rather than discussing issues.
"Instead of empowering politics, em-
power the people," she said.

privatize immediately. Its the wave of
the future," Salvette said.
Brater touted her g
experience of the past
two years.
"I stood up here
two years ago to tell
you what my goals
were ... enhancing
the health of citizens
and improving the
environment. I have
kept all my prom Sheldon
ises," Brater said.
"We have been able to take ideas that
have been floating around for years and
have put them in to action."

rorce thathas minimized business ioss,
recruited tenants to vacant areas and has
improved relations between Ann Arbor
merchants and the city.
Brater hopes to continue with her
centralized retail management program,
a marketing plan to consolidate down-
town business to make the area a suc-
cessful marketing district.
Brater added that she hopes to con-
tinue to "work with the administration
to keep the city budget healthy."
The State Street Area Association
will host a debate for Councilmember
candidates at the Campus Inn on Tues-
day, March 12.


LGMPO looks for
lesbian coordinator

Too legit: Blue
hammers Iowa
in 82-73 victory

Office begins
search process to -
replace Billie Edwards
with temporary
employee; students
urge administration to
seek out community
by Jen DiMascio
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
The Lesbian Gay Male Programs
Office and the office of Associate,
Dean of Student Affairs for
Multiculturalism Richard Carter are
searching for a temporary lesbian is-
sues co-coordinator to fill the posi-
tion which has been vacant for one
Jim Toy, LGMPO's lone coordi-
nator, said the recipient of the tem-
porary, part-time position will be re-
stricted from applying for the per-
manent job. The permanent job is
Toy said LGMPO does not want
to give the temporary employee an
advantage when filling the position.
Carter said the office has not set a
timetable for filling either position,
adding that few people even know
the job is availal . He said he dis-
cussed the vacancy with people in
the community, but has not posted
the job officially.
"I would hope we'd get a person
in the next few weeks," he said.
LGMPO personnel said the office
has been running relatively smoothly
since former co-coordinator Billie
Edwards resigned at the beginning
of the semester.
"We're managing since she's
been gone. (Edwards) provided for
the staffing of programming before
she left in terms of the limited pro-
gramming she planned before leav-
ing," Carter said.
PPIH can
admit up to.
.10a students
for Fai '9
e SHIall 17
by Nate Hurley
Daily Administration Reporter
The Department of Population
Planning and International Health
(PPIH) has been granted permission
to allow up to 10 students into the
program next year. But the future of
th , a.. :a y . : n nn.nar . .

Queer Action - a lesbian, gay
male, and bisexual discussion group
- plans to meet with Carter on
March 15 to discuss the future of
Members of the group said they
sent a three-page proposal calling for
improved counseling; a 24-hour hot-
line; and a Board of Directors com-
prised of students, staff and faculty
to deal with lesbian, gay male and
bisexual issues with Carter.
"Right now I'm just listening to
what the community should do to
decide the future direction (of
LGMPO). I'd like to hear what the
community would like to do," said
"We want to have the kind of of-
fice that fills the needs of our stu-
dents," he added.
Toy said Heidi Smith, a 1992
University graduate, has taken over
much of the office's programming.
She also facilitates coming-out
"The women's student groups
still continue to have events," Toy
Smith said the office was defi-
nitely lacking since the lesbian coor-
dinator left.
"People would definitely say they
need a new counselor. That way ev-
erybody can feel comfortable,"
Smith said.
Carter said students in need of
counseling have been referred to
Counseling Services "to take advan-
tage of the services offered them."
But Smith said they feel
Counseling Services lacks sensitivity
and is too understaffed to accommo-
date lesbian and bisexual women
Smith added that she would like
to see a search committee - includ-
ing the input of both Edwards and
Toy - established to find the new

by Ken Sugiura
Daily Basketball Writer
The stars came out last night,
and ever the showmen, the Wol-
verines responded with a four-star
"It was an experience," guard
Jalen Rose said. "It was like Las
Vegas, with all the superstars at
the game."
With rhythm and blues star
Hammer, basketball legend Julius
Erving and ESPN commentator
Dick Vitale in attendance, the
Wolverines (12-3 Big Ten, 23-4
overall) showed visiting Iowa
flash and dash - and a good mea-
sure of elbow grease to boot.
Avenging their 88-80 loss in Iowa
City just over a month ago, the
Wolverines downed the
Hawkeyes, 82-73.
Down, 15-14, early on,
Michigan ripped off a 19-4 run, to
give itself a lead that would never
be challenged. Rose scored seven
of the 19 on his way to a 16-point,
six-assist effort. After shooting

five-for-15 against Ohio State
Sunday, Rose went seven-for-13
from the field.
"I think tonight we were more
focused," Rose said. "Not that we
weren't focused in Iowa City, but
that was their first home game af-
ter Chris Street's death. They were
playing on an emotional, high and
caught us off-guard."
In that game, the Hawkeyes (8-
6, 19-7) harassed the Maize and
Blue into 20 turnovers, many of
which were forced by their
vaunted full-court press. Last
night, Michigan had 16 turnovers,
but many of those came in the
second half with the game's out-
come no longer in doubt.
In the first half, when
Michigan sprung to a 40-28 half-
time lead, the Wolverines turned
the ball over five times.
"I think tonight we did a pretty
good job of staying with it and not
losing our composure," Michigan
coach Steve Fisher said. "We did
See HOOPS, Page 8

Hammer presides over the basketball proceedings last night at Crisler
Arena. The Wolverines defeated Iowa, 82-73, in the Big Ten contest.

MSA to post nutritional displays in MUG

by Jennifer Tianen
Daily MSA Reporter
Junk-food eaters will be given in-
formation about healthier alterna-
tives when they make food runs to
the Michigan Union.
Due to pressure from Michigan
Student Assembly Rep. Meg Whit-
taker, Health Issues Committee
chair, nutritional displays will soon
be placed in the MUG Eateries and

"I was reading the University
Record which said that 13,800 peo-
ple on this campus have Entree Plus.
And where do they spend it? The
MUG," Whittaker said.
She said Associate Dean of
Students Frank Cianciola expressed
an interest in lending a helping hand
with the project when she contacted
him over MTS.
"He's financing a lot of the ex-
penses," Whittaker said. "He's very

health conscious."
One mobile nutritional display
board will show information from
Little Caesar's, Wendy's, Subway
and the Wok Express.
"We want to keep students inter-
ested, so the board will not be static.
We don't want people to revert back
to their old habits," Whittaker said.
Wallet-sized information cards
about each restaurant will be pro-
vided in addition to cards listing

low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods for
students to snack on during stressful
"Hopefully, the board will be up
by April 5, before finals, so that stu-
dents don't binge," Whittaker said.
Cafd Fino will join the health
trend by selling low-fat muffins as
an alternative to their current high-
fat counterparts.
Whittaker said, "Students are us-
See HEALTH, Page 2

State Supreme Court to resolve

legality of sobri
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A legal battle
stemming from the one-hour use of a sobriety
checklane nearly seven years ago moved into
its final stage yesterday with oral arguments
before the Michigan Supreme Court.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in 1990
that Michigan police didn't violate the U.S.
Constitution when they set up roadblocks and
stopped all motorists to check for signs of
The question now facing the seven justices
of the state Supreme Court is if the Michigan
Constitution offers broader protection.
The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled 2-1

ety checklanes
(stopping the cars), and it clearly is done with-
out any cause whatsoever," Granzotto said.
State Solicitor General Thomas Casey
countered that the goal of reducing drunken
driving plus the minimal privacy intrusion
made the checklanes a reasonable step.
Casey pointed out that in the sole checklane
done in Michigan, two motorists out of some
126 stopped were arrested for drunken driving.
That checklane was done on May 17, 1986, in
Saginaw County.
The justices peppered Casey with questions
about specifics of checklane operations, then
got into deeper issues.

.: ~ ~

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