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January 11, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-01-11

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Under the guise of trying to avoid a confrontation,
University President James Duderstadt missed
an opportunity to stand up against government

If you're interested in finding out what's wrong
with American culture, go see "Hoffa." However,
if you're interested in seeing a good movie, look

Last season, Wisonsin gave the Michigan men's
basketball team a wake-up call in the second
game of the conference schedule. This year, the
Wolverines set their alarms early.

Plenty o clouds;
n High 28, Low 22
Chance of snow; High 31, Low 25




One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vol. EIII, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, January 11, 1993 0 1993 The Michigan Daily


feel sting
of snowfall,
by Kerry Colligan
Daily Staff Reporter
An army of angels, fat men and
swarms of flying projectiles invaded
* Ann Arbor yesterday, as 6 inches of
snow buried southeast Michigan.
Employees of local businesses
said they felt the sting of yesterday's
winter weather.
Matthew Demauriac, a driver for
Commuter Transportation, said the
snow prevented him and other
drivers from picking up travelers ar-
riving at Detroit Metropolitan
*- A"With all of the roads being
covered with ice, we had to shut
down for about two hours," he said.
"We couldn't sell any tickets be-
cause all of our drivers were
stranded throughout the area."
Demauriac - a senior at Eastern
Michigan University - said it took
him more than three hours to drive
from Ann Arbor to Birmingham -
usually a one-hour trip.
Demauriac said he picked up a
passenger who had recently arrived
in Michigan from the Tampa Bay
area in Florida.
"He was very miffed about the
weather. He said he read that it was
55 degrees with no snow. Since I
drive in snow for a living, I gave
him some tips about how to deal
with the weather," he said.
"I could only drive 25 miles-per-
hour. The snow really hampered our
business," he added.
As stiff winds picked up the 2-6
inches of snow falling across the
See SNOW, Page 2

LGMPO coordinator
resigns to protest 'U'

by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
Billie Edwards, co-coordinator of the Lesbian Gay
Male Programs Office (LGMPO), surprised U-M ad-
ministrators and students by tendering her resignation to
Student Affairs Friday afternoon. Edwards cited differ-
ences with the administration as her reason for leaving
the position.
"There is a part in me that's very sad to be leaving,"
Edwards said. "But I can't stay and maintain my own
integrity. This is not a humane and humanistic place to
Edwards has worked for LGMPO as Lesbian
Programs Coordinator for five years. Edwards is a
counselor and educator who also programmed social
events for the office which supports members of the
lesbian, gay male, and bisexual community.
"The work that I've done has been wonderful,"
Edwards said. "I love working with the community and
will continue to that but I just won't be here."
LGMPO Co-coordinator Jim Toy said he discussed
the decision to leave with Edwards before she tendered
her resignation. He said he was not surprised she
wanted to leave LGMPO.
"The context of her leaving was pretty apparent,"
Toy said. "The uncertainty (of our positions and our of-
fice) has been long- standing."
Edwards said she believes her job by design is a
rough position and a tough job to do.
"U-M is pretty homophobic in most places," she
said. "It is making my work impossible to do. It is be-
coming abusive so I am standing up and saying, 'No
In response, Richard Carter, associate dean of
Student Affairs, said he felt sorry Edwards chose to
leave and acknowledged the problems within the uni-
versity regarding homophobia.
"We recognize that there is a degree of homophobia
within the administration as in society," Carter said.
"Those are issues that we must resolve."
Carter said he hopes to open the lines of communica-
tion between Student Affairs and the gay and lesbian
community, based on the ideals of multiculturalism.
"I do believe if our gay and lesbian students have
special needs that we ought to be able to sit down with

the community so they can have input," Carter said.
"Multiculturalism is an environment that is tolerant,
respectful for one another," he continued. "An envi-
ronment that enables people to learn about people dif-
ferent than themselves and that is respectful of our indi-
vidual differences."
Edwards criticized the way in which the administra-
See LGMPO, Page 2
Edwards:'U' works
against LOMPO gols
by Jen DiMascio
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
Billie Edwards is a woman who knows it is not easy
to be different from society's norms.
While serving in the U.S. Marines, Edwards - who
is a lesbian - was dismissed from her station in El
Toro, Ca. due to her sexual orientation.
Edwards said this incident prepared her for the work
she does with the gay and lesbian community at the
However, after five-and-one-half-years of working
with the University's lesbian and gay community,
Edwards said she is convinced the University adminis-
tration works against her goals. She added that she is
worried that the program is in jeopardy. She submitted
her resignation to the administration, effective Jan. 31.
"These changes (implemented by the University)
make it impossible for me to do those things that I was
hired to do. I can not stand idly by and watch this go on
without saying and doing something," she said.
Prior to Edwards' 1987 hiring as the coordinator for
women of the Lesbian Gay Male Programs Office
(LGMPO), the position was held by a recent University
graduate or senior. Edwards was hired because she
could work full-time to upgrade the office and counsel
Since she began working at LGMPO, Edwards has
been touted for making some impressive changes in the
office. Her accomplishments include establishing the
Educational Outreach Program, providing extensive
See EDWARDS, Page 2

Shaking and shivering
Despite the winter's worst storm, Shaky Jake jams yesterday.

Women question validity of 1992 as 'Year of the Woman'

by Karen Talaski
Daily Gender Issues Reporter
Although the media called 1992
the "Year of the Woman" due to the
number of women running for pub-
lic office, election results still leave
some female politicians and
University students with doubts
about the catchy maxim.
"It is a nice slogan. But this is a
long-term issue involving attitudes,"
said Ann Arbor Mayor Liz Brater.
"It is not enough to elect or hire
women. You have to accept them.
"It was a year in which more

women got activated to run for
higher office," she added. "In this
way, we definitely took a step
State Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann
Arbor) said she also felt 1992 was
the "Year of the Woman" to the ex-
tent that people began seriously con-
sidering women for office.
"Women were not elected to any
office based on gender. You had to
have a strong package. Women ran
strong campaigns and were strong
candidates as well," Rivers said.
Rackham student Mary Meyer

'Women were not elected to any office based
on gender ... Women ran strong campaigns and
were strong candidates as well.'
- Lynn Rivers
State Rep. (D-Ann Arbor)

elected female candidates because
they agreed with their viewpoints on
significant issues. "The national is-
sues - child care, family, Roe v.
Wade - made people look at
women and want to elect them," she
Anne Hermann, acting director of
the University Women's Studies
Program, said she thinks the slogan
"Year of the Woman" was popular-
ized due to the election and did not
necessarily reflect the status of all
"We call it the 'Year of the

Woman' and think one year will do
it, but not after 2,000 years of patri-
archy," Hermann said. "It was the
'Year of the Woman' only in as
much as there were more women
running for elected office."
Hermann said she believes the in-
creased number of women in
Congress was an improvement, but
added that some women's issues
also suffered setbacks.
"More women in executive posi-
tions makes it appear that women are
making progress," Hermann said.
See YEAR, Page 2

said she thinks women made signifi-
cant advances in politics during
1992. She added that she hopes
women will keep the momentum
"It got that label ("Year of the
Woman") solely from women in

government running for office, not
because of any jumps for women -
especially not in business," Meyer
said. "The focus is now that women
are as good as men so we need more
women on the bottom to move up."
Rivers said she thinks voters

Task force to look at
forced retirement law
Committ wil eplore 'U'rdirentpartens

Christopher's papers show

by Kenneth Dancyger
Daily Faculty Reporter
For History Prof. Sidney Fine,
life after the age of 70 may not in-
clude relaxing on the beaches of
In May 1991, the University was
planning to force Fine - a highly-
respected professor - to retire be-
cause of his age.
However, the Michigan legisla-
ture passed a law earlier that year
prohibiting forced retirement of
tenured professors.
The University has initiated a
task force to explore faculty reac-
0tions to the' law.

terns at the (University)," Darwall
He added that the University will
not have to change its policies re-
garding the dismissal of professors
due to poor performance or incom-
petence as a result of the law.
"Procedure permits the
University to dismiss anyone be-
cause of (incompetence) ... and
courts have recognized incompe-
tence as grounds for dismissal - no
new provisions will be made,"
Darwall said.
Policies concerning retirement
benefits are also expected to remain
the same. Darwall said.

Warren Christopher, President-elect
Clinton's choice for Secretary of State,
may have known about alleged Army
surveillance of civilians during the late
_... 1960s when he was
deputy attorney
general in the Johnson
Christopher's personal
files, from the LBJ
Library, show he was
informed in memos
that "agents" were
spying on civil rights
groups and anti-war
AL A activists. Here's what
Christopher people said about the
Christopher to the Senate Foreign
Relations Committe in 1977: "I did not
authorize it and I did not know about it. If
I had heard it discussed, I would have
been strongly and firmly opposed to it."
A national security spokesperson for
the Clinton transition: "Christopher's

knowledge of I
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of
State-designate Warren Christopher's per-
sonal papers indicate he was informed in
1968 that Army "operatives" were gathering
intelligence on civil rights and anti-war ac-
tivists. But he later told Congress that as
deputy attorney general, "I did not authorize
it and I did not know about it."
His 1977 remarks came before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, the same
panel that beginning Wednesday will con-
sider president-elect Clinton's nomination of
Christopher to become Secretary of State.
Christopher's files at the Lyndon B.
Johnson archives, reviewed by The
Associated Press, are dotted with intelli-
gence reports from the Army about Vietnam
war protesters and followers of the late
Martin Luther King.

rmy spying
Christopher "had no knowledge that the U.S.
Army was engaged in the surveillance of
civilians or other covert activity."
The military's surveillance of civilians at
the height of Vietnam-era unrest was ex-
posed and stopped in 1970. It was later criti-
cized in Congress as an unconstitutional in-
fringement of free speech and assembly.
Christopher, like other Johnson adminis-
tration officials, has insisted that he did not
know Army intelligence agents were spying
on civilian organizations and assembling
computerized databanks on thousands of
"I did not authorize it and I did not know
about it," Christopher told the Foreign
Relations Committee at his confirmation
hearing. "If I had heard it discussed, I would
have been strongly opposed to it."
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