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February 19, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-02-19

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GEO is asking the University to give homosexual
employees involved in same-sex relationships the
same benefits as heterosexual couples currently

What do police officers really do when they are
on patrol? Daily Crime Reporter Shelley Morrision
rode around in a squad car with one of Ann
Arbor's finest.

The Michigan men's basketball returns home
tomorrow to face Minnesota. The Wolverines then
will enjoy their longest break of the season - eight
days - before traveling to Ohio State.

Cloudy chance of late snow
High 26, Low 18
Mostly cloudy; High 32, Low 26



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One hundred two years of editorial freedom

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'U' allows
to remain
as dorm
by Bryn Mickle
Daily Staff Reporter
Fletcher Hall has been given a
reprieve after the Housing Division
announced that the dorm will remain
open for the 1993-94 school year.
During this year, Housing had
been considering plans to transfer
the facility to the Athletic Depart-
ment. The Athletic Department is
examining a plan to renovate the hall
and turn it into an academic resource
center for student-athletes.
David Foulke, associate director
for residence operations in the
Housing Division, said the situation
had reached a critical point because
the deadline for re-application to live
in Fletcher Hall was quickly
Housing officials said they hoped
the Athletic Department would make
a decision on the building by Feb.
See FLETCHER, Page 2

may clash
by Kerry Colligan
Daily Staff Reporter
Football fans and students moving in to University
housing may be crossing paths if the University decides
to hold move-in during the weekend of the first
Michigan home football game.
The University Housing Division has decided to
hold -move-in on the original weekend of Sept. 4, in-
stead of moving it to the previous week to avoid con-
flicts with the gridiron contest.
"We decided that the football game date change
shouldn't drive our educational policy," said Walter
Harrison, executive director of University relations.
However, the final move-in date is contingent on a
University Board of Regents vote on residential housing
rate increases this morning.
"What is being proposed (today) to the regents is a
rate increase with the lease starting on Sept. 4, 1993,"
said Alan Levy, public affairs director for the Housing
He added that the University will provide for stu-
See MOVE, Page 2

Cold reality
Ricky, a homeless man, tries to escape from the cold by resting on top of an exhaust vent next to the Dental School.

Students to propose amendments to 'U' Diag policy

by David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporter
Although it's not even two months old,
the University's Diag policy could see
some changes in coming weeks.
A group of students, largely affiliated
with the Michigan Student Assembly, is
drafting an alternative policy with fewer
The group hopes to meet soon with
Maureen Hartford, the University's vice
president for student affairs.
"We're just basically going to present
Maureen with our comments and criti-
cisms about the policy, and hopefully
make some proposals to change parts of
the policy that we have problems with,"

said MSA Rep. Brian Kight.
University officials say they are willing
to meet with students to discuss the policy,
and might consider proposed changes.
The policy, announced last month, sets
guidelines for events - such as rallies and
displays - held on the Diag and North
Campus Common.
A core group of MSA members has led
a movement against the policy, saying it
curbs students' ability to demonstrate.
The group has held rallies every
Wednesday on the Diag, distributed fliers
and posted signs inside campus buildings.
More than 300 students have signed an
ongoing petition drive, said MSA Vice
President Hunter Van Valkenburgh.

One of the next steps will be the
proposal of an alternative policy, which
MSA Rep. Roger DeRoo will draft.
The proposal will ask the University to
eliminate or revise several parts of the pol-
icy, including:
A section that requires people who
hold an event to obtain a permit seven
days in advance. The group says this is too
A section that prohibits people from
writing on the ground with chalk. In the
past, students have chalked their opinions
onto campus byways.
A section that holds event organizers
financially responsible for University ser-
vices such as security and cleanup. The

group contends that this unfairly affects
organizations with less money.
Associate Dean of Students Frank
Cianciola, who oversees the policy, said
he would consider proposed changes if
they do not jeopardize the policy's goal of
a safe environment.
"I think if they are working changes
that can accomplish the same ends, I'm
prepared to submit them for approval," he
Hartford also said she would meet with
concerned students. She emphasized that
most of the policy's restrictions previously
existed - some as long as 19 years - al-
though they were not collectively

But DeRoo said the University has
tucked some crucial changes into its new
"Most of these are old provisions.
However, when it's all put together,- the
sum is greater than its parts," DeRoo said.
"There are a couple of pieces that have
been smoothed together in between. They
have made what was a bunch of awkward
policies into one oppressive policy."
MSA President Ede Fox said she hopes
the group can persuade the University to
loosen some of the policy's restrictions.
"I guess we can't get rid of it because
we've had it for years and years, but we
can amend it so it isn't as bad as it is," she

'U' officials praise
Diag access policy
by Jennifer Silverberg p.m. and requiring that ralliers

Daily Administration Reporter
While campus activists claim
the new Diag access policy re-
stricts student expression,
University administrators say the
policy exists to provide order, not
"It's not meant to prohibit any-
thing. That's not our intent at all,"
said Walter Harrison, executive di-
rector for University relations. "In
part, it's to allow people who want
to organize something to organize
in a reasonable and orderly way."
Members of the National
Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws (NORML) allege
that certain aspects of the policy
specifically target Hash Bash by
prohibiting rallies from noon to 1

stay on the cement portion of the
Diag. NORML is suing the
University for the right to hold its
22nd annual pro-legalization rally.
University President James
Duderstadt said the policy is not
specifically targeted at NORML.
"We're not denying a permit,
we're just insisting they follow
policy," he said.
Duderstadt could not comment
on the pending litigation, but said
Hash Bash does pose problems for
the University.
"It's of great concern to us. Not
from the perspective of our stu-
dents because we don't think our
students participate that much,"
Duderstadt said. "But we don't
See POLICY, Page 2

by David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporter
John O'Keefe says the
University should have consulted
students before releasing its recent
Diag policy.
"One of the more possible as-
pects of this University is the free-
dom of speech and the freedom to
protest," said O'Keefe, an LSA
first-year student. "(The policy)
takes away a big aspect of what
the University stands for."
Still, he has not attended the
See PETITION, Page 2

MSA Reps. Amy Kurlansky and Mark Biersack petition for student signatures to protest the University's new Diag
policy yesterday. LSA first-year student John O'Keefe stops to sign the complaint.

" Administrators admit to problems
with PPIH discontinuance process

Women tankers pound
tourney field on day one

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
Administrators and regents ad-
mitted yesterday that proper proce-
dures have not been followed in the
decision to discontinue the depart-

couple of steps were missed and
Provost Whitaker asked them to go
back," said University President
James Duderstadt.
Administrators said mistakes
have been noted and a review will

sion, unwise, uninformed and has
given rise to a great deal of anger,"
Ness said.
He added, "We do not believe
that the process is now back on track
and we do not believe it can be put

by Charlie Breitrose
Daily Sports Writer

The women's Big Ten swim-
ming championships had the at-
mosphere of the Indianapolis 500.
The teams roared, with their re-
spective cheers, in preparation for

their nearest competitor by two
body lengths.
But the Michigan "Muscle Ma-
chine" quickly put it into top gear
and over took the field, holding a
206 to 171 advantage over second-
place Northwestern at the end of

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