Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, February 17, 1993
Continued from page 1
company is also proposing to charge
more for calls over that limit.
The two requests were filed yes-
terday with the Michigan Public
Service Commission, which has 90
days to respond.
"These types of services have
been subsidized by other services.
That's the way it has worked tradi-
tionally. Now in the new market
place, which is much more competi-
tive, we simply can't afford to do
that anymore," Michigan Bell
spokesperson Dave Ellis said
The request to increase pay
phone charges is the second in three
years for Michigan Bell. Attorney
General Frank Kelley opposed the
first one, saying it was unwarranted.
Michigan Bell subsequently with-
drew its request because it was part
of a package of other rate reduction
requests that were rendered moot
with the passage of the Michigan
Telecommunications Act.
"Attorney General Kelley, in the
past, has opposed requests by
Michigan Bell, so it is certainly a
possibility he will oppose this in-
crease," said Kelley spokesperson
Chris DeWitt. "Whether that will be
the case in this situation is premature
to say."
Nationwide, customers in 37
states already pay a quarter for local-
coin telephone calls, and two states
charge 35 cents.
Phone company officials said the
service's annual losses of $38
million necessitated the increase.
Week stirs interest in Haitian refugees
by Tanisha Harris
Daily Staff Reporter
Although Haiti Solidarity Week
activities gave students insight into
the problems facing native Haitians
and Haitian refugees in the United
States, organizers said the struggle is
far from over.
"Our intent for Haiti Solidarity
Week was to encourage other groups
to take up the refugee issue, but it
doesn't end there. We intend to con-
tinue activities past the week," said
Cecilia Green, Eastern Michigan
University (EMU) professor and
president of the Haiti Solidarity
In her poem "Concepts of
Home," Gina Ulysse, a University
Ph.D. student in Anthropology and
founder of the Haiti Solidarity
Group, uses memories and experi-
ences to describe problems faced by
Although Ulysse now lives in the
United States, her Haitian roots are
very important to her and she said
she feels compelled to do all she can
to help her native country.
"At some point in my adult life, I
hope to return to Haiti. I want to
raise my family there and I want to
be buried in my land," she said.
"I'm here now, but the (United
States) is not my home. I'm re-
minded of that all the time ... I used
to say that I wanted to return to Haiti
when things get better, but there is
no such thing as getting better. I'm
going to have to go back when
things are not safe because I just
can't keep staying away."
One of the goals of last week's
activities was to raise money to send
a Haiti Solidarity Group-sponsored
delegation to Haiti. Participants in
the group will spend one week in
"We used the week for a kick-off
of a fund-raiser for a delegation to
actually go to Haiti and bring atten-
tion to the issue of Haitian refugees.
The people who gave were quite
generous," said Pamela Bogart,
campus coordinator of the Haiti
Solidarity Group.
Delegates will have the oppor-
tunity to be unofficial civilian ob-
servers and monitors of democracy.
They will have the chance to exam-
ine the Haitian government for pos-
sible human rights violations.
Participants hope to use the delega-
tion to foster solidarity with the
Haitian people.
Other activities include a Haitian
dinner of rice and beans followed by
a discussion of the Haitian refugee
issue to be held every Wednesday in
Continued from page 1
"I enjoyed working with him. I
think he realizes he had an error in
his judgment. Kirk made the appro-
priate decision and I think that was
the honorable ... thing to do."
Republican mayoral candidate
Ingrid Sheldon said Dodge's deci-
sion was a personal matter between
him and his family.
Schwartz said it is up to the
mayor to appoint someone to fill a
vacant council seat and up to the en-
tire council to confirm that appoint-
ment. By law, an empty seat must be
filled within 30 days of resignation.
Mayor Liz Brater said she has
asked for help in compiling a list of
potential councilmembers.
"I asked some of the coun-
cilmembers to get together some 2nd
Ward citizens but that will not hap-
pen until the weekend," she said.
Councilmember Kurt Zimmer
(D-4th Ward) said he thinks Brater
will appoint a Democrat who is
planning to run in April's city elec-
tion in the 2nd Ward.
"She would put Democrat Bar-
bara Bach in the seat to give her an
unfair advantage in the election,"
Zimmer said. "It is not appropriate
but a lot of things the mayor does
are inappropriate."
Dodge said he has no plans to run
for the City Council in the future.
-Daily City Reporter Jonathan
Berndt contributed to this report
Continued from page 1
University. "All I found were a
bunch of skulls and a stack of
pornographic magazines."
He said they entered through the
basement of the Chemistry Building
while it was still under construction.
His travels took him through tun-
nel entrances to the basements of
Angell Hall, the Natural Science
Building, the Harlan Hatcher
Continued from page 1
he said.
City Attorney Elizabeth Schwartz
said she was not told to investigate,
but rather to interpret the rules.
"My role has not been to make
that judgment. My role has been to
tell council what the law says," she
She emphasized the cars may not
be used for personal reasons.
Other councilmembers said
Hunter acted inappropriately, even if
he was on city business.
Councilmember Kurt Zimmer
(D-4th Ward) called for Hunter to
give up his council seat, like Kirk
Dodge (R-2nd Ward) did after it was
discovered he no longer lived in the
2nd Ward.
"(Hunter) is avoiding responsi-
Graduate Library and Hill
Joe said the skulls he found were
part of a fossil collection in the
basement of Angell Hall and he be-
lieves the magazines belonged to a
"We were tempted to take (a
skull), but felt that the scientific
value was too great," he said.
He said the tunnels range from
three to eight feet in width, and are
obstructed by various ladders and
extremely hot pipes.
bility, and Liz Brater is helping him
out," Zimmer said.
Councilmember Peter Nicolas
(D-4th Ward) agreed that Hunter
"I don't think (inaugurations and
fundraisers) are functions the city
should be subsidizing," he said.
But Brater said Hunter did the
right thing.
"Mr. Hunter has determined that
he would reimburse the city for use
of the car," she said. "I think it's
Councilmember Peter Fink (R-
2nd Ward) said he disagreed with
the treatment of the incident.
"Frankly, in my opinion, the car
is not the issue ... the problem as I
see it, from what I have read in the
paper, is with the way this has been
-Daily City Reporter Christine
Young contributed to this report
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Continued from page 1
ridiculous to remove him."
The board - consisting of Police
Chief Douglas Smith; Bill Wheeler,
director of public services for the
city; and Paul Glendon, an area at-
torney - took Benson's appeal after
City Administrator Alfred Gatta
passed it on with no comment.
Glendon said the unanimous de-
cision was issued in a report that was
mailed to the respective attorneys
and Gatta.
Glendon summarized the deci-
sion, saying the board found that the
cost-of-living increase Benson is-
sued himself was improper and will
be deducted from back pay. The
board suspended him for five days,
starting the day of the firing, and that
pay will also be deducted.
Benson said he had been out of
town and had not spoken with his
attorney, although he knew a letter
had been received.
"I haven't been contacted offi-
cially yet," Benson said. "If this is
correct, we'll have a discussion with
the Housing Commission to straight-
en out some of (our) differences and
begin moving forward."
After Benson was fired, public
housing tenants asked for his rein-
statement and demanded more re-
spect from the commission and in-
creased tenant management of
housing sites.
At that time Brater issued a
statement, saying, in part: "I support
the Ann Arbor Housing Commission
and its decision to remove its direc-
tor, Conrad Benson, for cause."
Yesterday, she did not comment
on Benson's reinstatement - saying
his case was still a personnel issue
- but focused on the city's
approach to housing.
"The council, the commission
and the housing tenants share com-
mon objectives," Brater said. "I hope
we can foster a cooperative approach
that will benefit the tenants."
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