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February 16, 1993 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-02-16

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily-- Tuesday, February 16, 1993

Continued from page 1
records since last spring and have
found a disparity of at least $100 -
the minimum amount to necessary
convict someone for a felony pun-
ishable by up to ten years in prison.
But Lt. James Smiley of DPS
said he believes the figure may be
closer to the $1,000-plus range.
Smiley said in these types of
crimes it is often difficult to pinpoint
the exact amount of misused funds,
due to the discrepancy between what
is taken and what is returned when
: the suspects realize an investigation
is in progress. It is therefore simpler
to claim the $100 amount in order to
ensure prosecution of the crime, he
Preliminary examinations of
Buford and McCree are scheduled
for Feb. 24.
Smiley said he believes the
University will fire the two employ-
ees for their activities.
Employees at the School of
Pharmacy and the Medical School
implied that the two women were no
longer working in these departments.

However, neitherBuford nor
McCree were available for
Smiley said the cooperation be-
tween the University Audits
Department and DPS has proven es-
pecially effective in combatting this
type of white-collar crime.
Internal Audit Manager Mike
Thompson of the University Audits
Department said the normal proce-
dure for investigating embezzlement
cases is to examine account records,
based on suspicion or an allegation
of wrongdoing.
"First we look at the accounting
records involved and see if the ap-
parent wrongdoing is supported by
the record. If there is evidence of
such, we contact DPS," Thompson
"Our main focus is to determine
if controls are built into the account-
ing system to prevent these type of
crimes from occurring. We make
recommendations to strengthen
these weaknesses, and DPS prose-
cutes the crime," he added.
Thompson would not comment
on what specific incident prompted
this investigation.

Continued from page 1
"I cannot disagree, but he hasn't
laid down any specifics. I guess I
have to wait until Wednesday. I'm
concerned about the proposed taxes.
Everyone should be concerned about
taxes because it's our own money."
Across campus at South Quad,
Engineering sophomore Antoinette
Ross concurred.
"I like what he said about the
proposed cuts. It sounds good, but I
have to see it in action."
Not all students said they thought

I expected a raise in taxes for the
middle class," she said.
Another student indicated that
people should give Clinton a chance.
Jeff Wright, an LSA senior, said,
"Clinton is making the tough deci-
sions the president has to make. I
support those decisions because I
know I wouldn't want to try making
them myself."
First-year student LSA student
Andrea Vaghy said she thought
Clinton was firmly committed to his
campaign pledge of change.
She said, "It seems like were fi-
nally going to get change. He's got

'Many Americans are still working harder for
less. Nine million are still out of work; that's
more than when the so-called experts said the
recession was at its worst.'
- President Clinton

rK m r ,

I -

Clinton had followed through on
pledges to support students.
Angela Walker, LSA first-year
student, said, "I have nothing to say
because I wasn't really paying atten-
tion. It doesn't concern me because
it doesn't really matter who's in (the
LSA first-year student Arlene
Bagga agreed. "I felt that Clinton
was very vague and his speech was
clich6. I think (Sen. Robert) Dole
had more substantial things to say."
Kim DeSempelaere, an LSA
sophomore, was not surprised by
Clinton's pledge to raise taxes on the
middle class.
"I voted for Clinton even though

actual plans outlining how he's go-
ing to solve our problems."
Dana Liddell, a first-year student,
summed up the people's disen-
chantment and support for the presi-
dent's early performance.
"It's about time we have a presi-
dent that looks out for the people as
a whole instead of the upper class. I
voted for him but I don't think he's
doing close to the best job he could,"
Liddel said. "Whatever happens, we
have to make it work, whether we
agree with him or not."
- Daily Staff Reporters James
Cho, Angela Dansby, Peter
Matthews and Bryn Mickle
contributed to this story.

A backward glance,
aforward look
This is your moment
Ifyou have something to say
to classmates,family, andfriends.
Here is your cpportunity


Student Speakers for the 1993
LS&A Spring Commencement
(Third annual competition)

C~be Atrria 1d
has early deadlines for the following March
publishing dates:

Reading room
LSA first-year student Shannon Cain reads a paper yesterday before her
class in the Natural Science Auditorium.
Tailhook report likely to cause
courts-martial ofNavy officers



All LS&A seniors eligible to graduate by the end
of Winter Term 1993.
Two students will each deliver a 2 minute
commencement speech at the LS&A Spring
Commencement on Saturday, May 1 at 12:00
noon in Michigan Stadium.
The deadline for entries is Monday, March 15 at
5:00 pm. All speeches will be judged by the
LS&A student commencement committee. Final
selections will be made by Monday, March 29.
Send typed texts to:
LS&A Development and External Relations
350 South Thayer, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608

Publication Date:
Monday, March 1
Tuesday, March 2
Wednesday, March 3

Thursday, February 18
Thursday, February 18
Thursday, February 18

There will be no publication during the week of February 22-26.


braces for the release of the
Pentagon inspector general's report
on the Tailhook sex abuse scandal,
the Navy and Marine Corps have
quietly laid the groundwork for
dealing with the report's complex
legal fallout.
The report is expected to be so
explosive in nature - and detailed
in its findings of sexual misbehavior
and other misconduct - that scores
of officers are likely to be referred to
courts martial or recommended for a
Continued from page 1
Tenants Union;
opposition to "all codes, poli-
cies and statements that violate stu-
dent rights in any way," as well as
the preservation of First Amendment
0 reorganization of the Student
Leader Board and the founding of a
"strong network of student groups;"
, establishment of open forums
to promote student involvement in
re-prioritizing of the assem-
bly's budget to make funds more ac-

series of lesser disciplinary
The report, by PentagonW
Inspector General Dereck Vander
Schaaf, will deal with the Tailhook
convention in Las Vegas in 1991,
where several dozen women
complained they were groped and
fondled by Navy and Marine Corps
aviators. The report, expected to be
released by the end of this month, is
also supposed to take up any
attempts to cover up misconduct that
might have taken place.
cessible to student groups;
"fairer and more balanced ap-
proach to distributing student
money" to smaller schools and
North Campus activities;
push for increased funding of
higher education at both state and
local levels; and,
belief that "the bottom line
should be measured in educational
excellence rather than dollars."
Greenberg stressed the impor-
tance of student involvement to a
healthy administration.
"If we are successful, it will send
a message that students are sick of
MSA and are ready for a more effec-
tive student government," Greenber4

in association with
University of Michigan
Student Organization
Development Center
Rewards Your
Volunteer Spirit!
General Motors will proudly present an award to
three students from your campus who have
served as volunteers within the campus and the.
community. Each award recipient will receive:
" A plaque signed by the college/university
president or chancellor and the Chairman
of General Motors
" Five shares of General Motors Corporation
Common stock
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GM Volunteer Spirit Award!
Deadline for applications is:
Friday, February 19, 1993
Applications available at:

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dial 763-1107

Dave Dayen
and student comedians
Dan Abrams
Vito Curcuru
Rob Green


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for winter term, starting in January, via U.S. mail are $120.
Winter term (January through April) is $90. On-campus subscriptions for winter term are $35. Subscriptions
must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379; Sports 747-3336; Opinion 764-0552
Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550.
EDITORIAL STAFF Josh Dubow, Editor in Chief
NEWS Melissa Peerless, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Hope Ceali, Lauren Dorere, Karen Sabgir, Purvi Shah
STAFF: Adam Anger, Jonathan Bermdt, James Cho, KerryColigan, Kenneth Dancyger, Angela Dansby, Jon DiMascio, Tim Greimel,
Nate Hurley, Saloni Janveja, Megan Lardner, Robin Ltwin, Peter Mathews, Will McCahill Bryn Mickle. Shelley Mornson, Marc
Olender, David Powers, Mona Ouresi, David Rheingold, Gwen Shaffer. David Shepardson, Jennifer Silverberg, Johnny Su, Karen
Talasi. Andrew Taylor, Jennifer Tianen. Christine Young.
GRAPHICS STAFF David Acton, Jonathan Bemdt, Johnny Su
OPINION Yael Citro, Erin Einhorn, Editors
STAFF: Rich Choi, Oliver Giancola, Sam Goodstein, Judith Kaka (Editorial Assistant), Dave Leilner ,Jason Lchtstein(Editorial
Assistant), Katherine Metres, Dave Rowe, Terry Rudd, Lindsay Sobel, Jordan Stencil, Greg Slump, Flint Wainees.
SPORTS Ryan Herrington, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Ken Davidofif, Andrew Levy, Adam Mile, Ken Sugiura
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Bachman, Paul Barger.Tom Bausano, Charlie Breitrose, Tonya Broad, Jesse Brouhard, Scott Burton,
Andy De Korte. Brett Forrest, Brian Hillbm. Mike Hill, Erin Himstedt, Thor Holden, Brett Johnson, Wendy Law, Rich Mitvalsky, John
Nyo, Antoine Pitts, Mike Randhjo, Tim Rardin, Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld, Chad Safran, Tim Spolar, Jeremy Strachan.
ARTS Jessie Halladay, Aaron Hamburger, Editors
EDITORS: Megan Abbott (Fik ), Carna A. Bacon (Theater), Melissa Rose Bemardo (Weekend etc.),Nima Hodael (Weekend etc.),
Darcy Lockmnan (Books), Scoff Sterling (Music), Michael John Wilson (Fine Arts).
STAFF: Laura Alantas, Jon Altshul, Greg Baise, Alexandra Beller, Andrew Cahn. Jason Carroll, Rich Choi, Andy Dolan, Geoff Earle,
Torn Erlowine, Camilo Fontecilla, Chailotte Gerry, Steve Knowlton, Kristen Knudsen, Alison Levy, John R. Ryboc, Karen Schweitzer,
Elizabeth Shaw, Michael Thompson, Jason Vigna, Michelle Wager. Sarah Weidmen, Kirk Wetters, Josh Worth. Kim Yaged.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Michelle Guy, Editors
STAFF: Erik Angermeier, Douglas Kanter. Heather Lowman, Sharon Musier, Evan Petrie, Molly Stevens.


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